Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 5: Fart your mother!

"Emperor, please protect my grandson from growing up safely..."

"Great Emperor, I wish you immortality and health forever, and bless our prosperous race!"

"Emperor, please bend me to life, let me have your strength..."

Xiao Lang and others listened to the chattering words of the commoners who worshipped nearby, and all the black lines on their foreheads, Xiao Lang was not even called an old man before his thirty?


Isn't this something the dead can do?

At that moment, Xiao Lang's eyes turned and strode towards the palace. There were guards outside the palace, and the strength was actually reasonable. The guard captain who led the team reached the realm of kings.

"Stop, the imperial palace is heavy, and no one can rush in!"

Seeing the three of Xiao Lang walking straight towards the palace, the guards showed off their weapons. If Xiao Lang and the others had enough aura, they were afraid that the guards would take it down.


Xiao Lang didn't speak but was dissatisfied with the knife. He went to God's Domain to see the great world, and Tianzhou's pattern knife was a bit insignificant, let alone the Soul of God Continent.

Xiao Lang didn't say a word, and the little knife's aura released a little. Even though the breath of the Great God's pinnacle was a little bit, it pressed all the guards to kneel on the ground immediately. Countless people on the square looked towards this side in shock, Xiao Lang walked straight inside without even looking at everyone.

"call out!"

The breath of the knife caused countless people to riot. Dozens of figures in the palace flew out, all of them flew toward here aggressively. Xiao Lang glanced away, and suddenly fell cold.

Because among the many Dao figures, there was Xiao Kuang, Xiao Jin, and Xiao Ye, but Qianxun didn't show up?

He obviously bestowed Spiritual Soul Continent to Qianxun, something happened at this moment, but Qianxun didn't show up? He vaguely had a bad feeling. Because dozens of experts in the realm of kings in the palace are all following Xiao Kuang's three people...

"Who are you? How dare to break into the imperial palace? Do you know this is the home of the emperor? These three are the emperor's cousins?"

The strength of Xiao Kuang's trio was still improvised and reached the realm of kings. Obviously Xiao Qinglong gave a lot of resources to cultivate. The three stood proudly in the sky, a warrior at the pinnacle of the kings, could not feel the realm of the three Xiao Langs, and the three of them could not see through their strength, and naturally lifted Xiao Lang behind the Xiao family.

Xiao Lang's expression worsened, he still didn't speak, and the knife was almost about to kill. Still caught by Chamu. Chamu faintly smiled and said: "We are from Tianzhou, and we are going to visit the former residence of the emperor. By the way...Isn't Spirit Continent Qianxun being the emperor? Why don't we see him?"

I heard that it was the people from Tianzhou who secretly passed away in doubt, but the guard leader still said proudly: "Chihiro is not in the palace. These three are the cousins ​​of the emperor. Are they not more honorable than Chihiro? If you have something, please ask them. That's it."

Xiao Kuang swept everyone away, and said calmly, "You are from Tianzhou? What family do you belong to? Who is your patriarch? Why didn't you come to visit the former residence of the emperor without telling you in advance? So aggressive, but look down on our Xiao family?"

Xiao Lang smiled and patted the knife on the shoulder, telling him not to do anything, and then glanced at Cha Mu.

Cha Mu also laughed. He knew that Xiao Lang had reached the extreme point of anger, and he said, "So the three are the cousins ​​of the emperor. They have been admiring for a long time. We are from the Crescent Moon Palace. Emperor Qianxun."

When Xiao Kuang heard that Cha Mu hadn't even reported the name of his family, it was obviously not a big family. And so ignorant? Knowing their identities without any indication? Still keep asking Chihiro? Now I was a little impatient and said: "Chihiro is not in the palace, I am in charge of everything here. If you want to visit the former residence of the emperor, you can pay a million profound stones for one person, and I will let you take you to see it. By the way... don't make trouble, otherwise you crescent The Emperor of Heaven cannot keep you."

Cha Mu wanted to say something, Xiao Lang waved his hand to stop him, his spiritual consciousness was suddenly released and explored the entire Divine Soul Continent, and soon he found Qianxun!

After finding out, he became completely angry and stared at Xiao Kuang with a sneer: "That's right, Xiao Kuang! You dare to abolish Qianxun and become emperor? Who gave you the courage? Xiao Buhuo is here today, and you will undoubtedly die. ."


Xiao Lang's words were extremely domineering, causing all the strong in the palace to rage. If it weren't for the knife's aura, he would have done it long ago.

How dare this person be so abusive and threatening? Still directly calling Xiao Buhuo's name? You must know that even the great figures of Xiaodicheng, seeing Xiao Buhuo, must respectfully call them an adult!

Xiao Kuang and the three people felt wrong when they heard their voices. Why are these voices so familiar? Looking at Xiao Lang's expression again, with the eye-catching white hair, the three of them trembled a little. Xiao Jin blinked, swallowed, and pointed at Xiao Lang and said, "You? Are you Xiao Lang?"

Xiao Lang didn't bother to conceal it either. The muscles on his face slowly twisted and restored to their original appearance, as did the knife and Chamu. When the three of them changed their appearance, everyone was dumbfounded. Many people fell directly from the air and immediately crawled to the ground. They didn't dare to say a word or spit out the atmosphere.

Xiao Lang didn't speak, his face was gloomy. Cha Mu confronted a guard leader, and coldly said: "Immediately send a message to Xiao Buhuo, and Grandpa Dongfang, let them come over!"

"No, I have already transmitted the voice, they will come over immediately."

Xiao Lang shook his head, and then, regardless of the people who were kneeling, flew straight to the north of the palace, Xiaodao Chamu hurriedly followed, and the expression of anger appeared on Xiaodao's face as soon as he swept away.

The three of them flew out to a remote yard. There were more than a dozen guards near the yard. Seeing Xiao Lang and others flying in, Xiao Lang glanced coldly, and everyone was afraid to move.

There was no maid in the yard, only five women in simple dresses. They were taking a group of children. There was a middle-aged man sitting beside him drinking tea with a sloppy beard. He didn't seem to be living in a palace. people.


Xiao Lang stood standing in the air, and he let out a deep cry from a distance, but he paused in the distance, a little afraid to pass.

The sloppy middle-aged man suddenly raised his head, and when he saw Xiao Lang in the air, he immediately trembled, and then suddenly turned around, but tears poured out in despair.

Several women next to the middle-aged man became confused when they heard the sound. One thought of something, and immediately exclaimed, with trembling voices calling out, "This...this is the emperor?"


The five women all knelt down immediately, and hurriedly pulled the children to their knees. Xiao Lang could no longer stand and shoot away. He lifted up the crowd with his hands and said sincerely, "A few sisters-in-laws don’t want to give I salute, it was not Qianxun back then, I Xiao Lang is dead. I really want to kneel...It was me, Xiao Lang kneeled for you, it was me who was not good, and caused you to suffer such a serious crime."

Chamu and the knife flew over, and Chamu said with a guilty expression: "It's really guilty, that's me! I have never paid attention to this side, so that Brother Chihiro suffered such a grievance, Brother Chihiro, I apologize to you ."

Xiao Dao cursed with murderous expression on his face: "Xiao Kuang, the one who killed Qiandao, dare to abolish your cultivation base? Abolished your emperor position? Chihiro, why don't you find someone to inform Chamu?"

Qianxun wiped the tears from his face, slowly turned his head, looked at Xiao Lang for a few times, and then choked up: "My son, I'm fine! You, don't get angry. It's Qianxun who was unbelievable. The fierce beast has abolished his cultivation base, and it is indeed not suitable to continue to be an emperor. This matter is not about Kuang Shao and others. It is useless for Qianxun. I let you down..."

"Fart your mother!"

Xiao Lang's eyes widened and he burst into flames. He pointed to Qianxun's head and yelled, "You pig brain, it's only a matter of minutes for others to cheat you. He became an emperor and thought I was protecting you. It’s okay? I don’t usually contact Chamu more? Now the cultivation base has been abolished, and my wife and children have also suffered crimes. How did I bring a fool like you back then."

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