Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 6: Don't stop me

Xiao Lang didn't need to think about it, he could figure out a general idea just by guessing.

Xiao Kuang and the others were driven back to the Soul Continent by him, and they were not allowed to go to Tianzhou for the rest of their lives, and the Emperor of Soul Continent was Qianxun, so naturally he had to use his brain to pull Qianxun down.

Qianxun's IQ was far worse than Xiao Kuang and the others, who had been conspiring since childhood. It is estimated that a beast would be arranged randomly, and Qianxun would be destroyed in secret. The high-sounding person asked people to come forward and said that Chihiro was not suitable to be an emperor, and secretly controlled the political situation of the Soul Continent with Xiao Lang's might.

The Xiao family has developed well in Tianzhou. Even if Xiao Lang does not admit that he is a member of the Xiao family, the fact that he came from the Xiao family cannot be erased. Naturally, there will be some big families to please the hookup, otherwise, how to explain so many powerful kings in the palace at this moment?

As for why Dongfang Bai and Nishui Liu did not communicate with Chamu, this is a better explanation. Both of them knew that Xiao Lang had affection for the Xiao family, and Qianxun himself was kept in the dark because of the fact that Qianxun's strength was being abolished. The two of them didn't have much to say, mainly because Xiao Lang was not in God's Domain a few years ago? Looking for Chamu for this matter, I am afraid that Chamu is not easy to handle, but it offends Xiao Buhuo...

Of course, Xiao Kuang and the others were not so stupid that they didn't kill Qianxun, otherwise this matter would definitely stab Chamu. Based on Chamu's knowledge of Xiao Lang and his justice in the world, Xiao Kuang and others were put to death long ago!

Qianxun was stunned by Xiao Lang's scolding. After pondering for a moment, he found that something was wrong. He touched his head and murmured: "When the son said about this, it seemed that something was wrong. That fierce beast didn't chase the rest. People, have been chasing me down. I was only as strong as the battle saint, and several guards were all beings..."

Chamu shook his head, his brain was very easy to use, he naturally figured out what happened, he walked over and patted Chihiro on the shoulder and said: "You should go to live in Xiaodicheng in the future. Your brains have been sold. Also help others count the profound stones."


The teleportation array outside the palace lit up, Xiao Lang swept away his spiritual consciousness, turned and walked outside: "Go out, Chihiro! I'll help you get justice."

"My son, forget it..." Qianxun's eyes reddened, Xiao Lang swept away what he wanted to say, and didn't dare to say anything.

Chamu smiled, and said to a group of bewildered women and children behind Qianxun: "Don't worry, Xiao Lang is back. You don't have to worry about anything in the future."

The knife didn't bother to say anything. He pulled Qianxun towards the outside, and said as he walked, "Chihiro, don't worry, don't you know the character of Brother? This time Xiao Kuang and others are dead. Anyone who dares to murder? Your people are going to die. This group of dare to murder your brother when you fought a knife? Lawless!"

The teleportation array has been lit up many times, and the big figures of the Soul Continent have basically come. These big families have been very moisturized because of Xiao Lang, but they don't like to go to Tianzhou. For example, Dongfangbai, the old man of Chamu, etc., all come back for retirement. Up.

A group of people were all shocked after receiving Xiao Lang's voice transmission, because Xiao Lang's voice was so indifferent, and he said nothing but let them come to the palace. Thinking of Chihiro's affairs, the three people, Dongfang Bai and Old Tea Mu, who walked out of the teleportation formation, showed a bit of bitterness at the corners of their mouths. It seems that this time the Xiao family is going to be bad.

The most anxious one is Xiao Buluo. Xiao Kuang did something very concealed, but he still knew exactly what he did. In addition, Xiao Lang was not in Tianzhou, so he didn't say anything. After all, they were all in the Soul Continent, but the emperor was once a subordinate of the Xiao family, and he was always unable to survive in face.

He took the two elders of the Xiao family and sent it a step later. When he saw the upstream current and Dongfang Baicha, he was about to walk towards the palace. He quickly pleaded with a voice transmission: "Three, please help me in the next step. Don't be confused, please!"

Dongfang Baihe turned the tea leaves against the current, smiled bitterly, shook his head and walked inside without saying anything.

Xiao Kuang and the others inside were still kneeling on the ground, their bodies trembling, Xiao Lang almost killed them the last time, and it was even more so furious at this moment. The three people's minds were completely vacuumed and at a loss.


There was a sound of footsteps at the gate of the imperial palace. The three of Xiao Kuang looked up and saw Dongfang Bai and Xiao Buhuo behind the tea leaves against the current. They quickly crawled over, grabbing Xiao Buhuo's feet, Xiao Kuang crying and crying, and said urgently: "Grandpa , Grandpa! You want to save us, Xiao Lang wants to kill us."

Xiao Buhuo didn't look at the three of them, but instead glanced at Xiao Lang, who was slowly walking down the road on the left. He kicked the three of them out in a hurry, and yelled: "Help? I wish I could kill you all. Why did the Xiao family get out of you white-eyed wolves? Don’t persuade me today, don’t stop me! I want to clear the door, it is not a pity for the three of you to die."

There was silence all around, no one persuaded Xiao Buhuo, and no one tried to hold Xiao Buhuo. Seeing Xiao Lang's expression, Dongfang Bai and Backwater Liuchao knew that he was blaming all three of them. How could they still go to help Xiao Buhuo intercede?

Xiao Buluo took a look, gritted his teeth and rushed forward murderously, the energy poured into his legs, and he stomped on Xiao Kuang's chest. This foot is full of strength, and if no one stops it, even if Xiao Kuang does not die, he will have half his life.


A voice sounded, and the joy in Xiao Buhuo's eyes flashed away. It seems that Xiao Lang still values ​​sentiment very much!

On the surface, he pretended to be filled with righteous indignation, and shouted angrily: "Xiao Lang, don't persuade me, these three beasts have annoyed you again? If I don't kill them today, I won't be called Xiao Buhuo. "

Xiao Buhuo kicked a few more kicks, kicking the three people with full force and screaming. Xiao Lang shook his head, and shouted coldly again: "I said yes, can't you hear me? Patriarch Xiao Buhuo!"

Xiao Buhuo's body trembled when he heard the last few words, and immediately stopped, Xiao Kuang and the others dared not scream.

And then Chamu walked out with Qianxun and the knife. Xiao Lang glanced at Chamu indifferently and said, "Chamu, you have to investigate the matter, don't let go of who caused Qianxun. Also...the Xiao family is not in the Soul Land. Staying, I'm afraid grandpa will jump out of the grave with anger! Knife, come with me to Tsing Yi Pavilion, let's pay respects to grandpa. Chamu, before coming back tomorrow, I need a result."

After that, Xiao Lang's countless people like Xiao Buhuo and Xiao Kuang, who had no blood on their faces, soared into the sky with knives and flew towards Emperor Du. He didn't want to stay at this place any more. If you look at Xiao Kuang more, he will Feel sick.

The two moved very fast and arrived at the Xiao family compound in just a few moments. Under his emphasis, the tombs of Xiao Budie and Xiao Qingdi and his wife had not been moved, but the exterior of the tomb was decorated more beautifully and solemnly.

Xiao Lang and the knife knelt down in front of Xiao Budie’s grave. Xiao Lang bowed deeply at the grave before he sighed: "Grandpa, you have guarded the Xiao family for a lifetime. It seems that you will be disappointed... "

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