Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 7: Pirate invasion

Xiao Lang and Xiaodao sat next to Xiao Budie's grave and drank all night. When they got there, Xiao Lang had forgotten about Xiao Kuang and the others. Just thinking that Xiao Budie was good to him when he was young, and slowly both of them became drunk. At dawn, they sat back to back on the ground and fell asleep.

Chamu came over at noon on the second day and announced the results of the investigation and handling.

The investigation made it clear that Qianxun's strength was abolished and his abdication was entirely planned by Xiao Kuang alone. That one was not a fierce beast but a captive spirit beast of the Tianzhou family. At this moment Cha Mu has ordered people to arrest all the people involved in this matter. Cha Mu meant that Xiao Kuang must be killed. Xiao Jin and Xiao Ye abolished their strength, and the Xiao family left the Soul Continent and went to a small area...

Before Chamu finished listening, Xiao Lang waved his hand, just asked, "Is Chihiro satisfied? If you are not satisfied, kill a few more!"

Cha Mu beckoned, Dongfang Bai immediately let Qianxun come in, and Cha Mu asked: "Chihiro, are the results I gave you satisfied? Not satisfied, Xiao Lang said that he could kill more."

Qianxun glanced at Xiao Lang, his eyes turned red, and he nodded quickly, "Satisfied, satisfied! But... prince, can you let Qianxun follow you? Even if you serve tea and water."

Xiao Lang glanced at it, Qianxun immediately walked over, Xiao Lang patted his head and said: "Yes, if you don't follow me, I will really kill you, I don't know, you move to Emperor Xiao Live in the backyard! Let your children play with Xiao Ping and Xiao An!"

"Hey, the son still loves me."

Qianxun Li's face immediately bloomed with joy, and his children could grow up with Xiao Ping Xiao An, fearing that their achievements in this life would be very high, at least better than being a soil emperor in the Divine Soul Continent. Not everyone can live in Xiaodicheng Divine Soul Pavilion.

Xiao Lang got up and waved his hand and said, "Okay, go down. I will stay here for a few days. You can arrange the rest of Chamu. I don't want to be disturbed."

Chamu nodded, leading Dongfang Bai and Qianxun against the current. It was not a problem to have him arrange everything. Cha Mu's identity at the moment was very important, let alone Xiao Lang, even if he wasn't there, it wouldn't be a big deal for him to kill several people in the Xiao family.

Everyone walked out, looking at Xiao Buluo, who was looking at them eagerly, Cha Mu said coldly: "Just do what I said before. If I say more, I am afraid that the Xiao family's foundation in Tianzhou will not be preserved. Okay, go on, don’t bother the emperor. Xiao Kuang, I won’t let anyone do it. You can let him decide on his own. What a fool! The emperor has let him go several times and doesn’t know how to repent. They killed..."

When it comes to the foundation of the Xiao family, Xiao Buhuo seems to be a few years old, and he dare not say anything anymore. A ruthless look appeared in his eyes, and he went down silently. When everyone saw his staggering pace, their lonely back shook their heads, and they couldn’t live their own lives...

In the next few days, Xiao Lang lived in the courtyard, and the people of the Xiao family left quietly, leaving no one behind. Xiao Kuang committed suicide. It is said that he was executed by Xiao Buhuo himself, asking someone like him to commit suicide? how is this possible? Xiao Jin and Xiao Ye had their strengths abolished, and there would never be a chance to dominate in this life.

Shenhun Damu Chamu let Dongfang Bai take over, Chihiro and his wife and children went to Xiaodicheng, and Hongdou would naturally arrange it there. The family members who had colluded with Xiao Kuang had been executed, and all the guards of the palace had been executed.

Chihiro wanted to say not to kill so many people, but Chamu didn't say anything. He knew that Xiao Lang was killing chickens and monkeys. Whoever dared to mess around in Tianzhou would end up with death.

The murder of Xiao Lang in the Soul Continent quickly spread throughout Tianzhou, and it really caused an uproar. Xiao Lang, a member of the Xiao family, could kill him, indicating that he was no longer the soft-hearted Xiao Lang he used to be. Who dares to mess around, the end will only be wiped out.

Xiao Lang stayed in the Xiao family compound for three or four days and felt very comfortable staying here, so he asked Chamu to send the message back, and he stayed here for a while. Comprehend the map, Hongdou and the others don't mind when they get the news. As long as Xiao Lang is in Tianzhou, even if he always shuts down, everyone's hearts are extremely stable.

The knife didn't go back and followed Xiao Lang to retreat, but Chamu had something to deal with, and he left for a few days to arrange things and went back.

"The context map, why can't I comprehend it? Is it really that my understanding is too low?"

Xiao Lang entered the state of soul-traveling, and two pictures appeared in his mind automatically. One was the sentiment in the avenue tree, and the other was the trajectory of the human body. He kept comparing and deducing and confirming, and then uniting his own body. All kinds of feasible xing, all kinds of inferences.

There were no years of cultivation, and the retreat lasted for three months, and Xiao Lang still found nothing. Instead, on this day, the knife suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, brother, I broke through! I have become a god, and my knife can become a god? Now Demon God Wuhen will never look down on me anymore, right?"

Xiao Lang was awakened, his soul returned to his place, opened his eyes, and said with a sincere smile: "Congratulations, Knife! Speaking of my aptitude, I can't compare to you, Wuhen and Demon God have broken through the gods, and I have only a sense of heaven. Divine Sovereign Realm, is it that this sentiment is too difficult to understand?"

The knife grinned and said: "Brother, your love is more powerful than ours. Could the demon god's attack power be comparable to your love?"

Xiao Lang was startled, thinking that Qing Jue is indeed very powerful, far stronger than ordinary gods, is it that Qing Dao is more advanced than other people's heavenly ways? Is it hard to comprehend?

"Brother, I'm going back first, I have to pass the good news to my grandpa and father, hehe, don't you go back?"

The knife scratched his head. Although the strength is much stronger, the knife is really indistinguishable from a child. I always want to tell the parents...

"You go back first, I will continue to comprehend for a while, I'm afraid I won't have time to practice when I go back!"

Xiao Lang waved his hand, and the knife flew up without saying much. Tianzhou is too small, and it takes only half a day for the knife to go back and forth. You can come back anytime you want after you go back.

Xiao Lang watched the knife leave and smiled slightly. Madam Mei was really good to them. She gave a lot of elixir and fruit, and also gave some of the secret skills of predecessors to enlighten the way of heaven, making the little sword demon **** Wuhen Tiandao's perception progress fast.


Just as he was about to continue to retreat, he suddenly felt an inexplicable discomfort in his heart. His eyes suddenly gleamed brightly, suddenly swept towards the sky, and burst into a burst of shouts: "The knife is back."

At the same time, Xiao Lang's spiritual consciousness radiated out, and the tea wood that had been locked on Xiao Dicheng burst into a drink: "Chamu, entering a state of wartime emergency, everyone enters the void, immediately!"

When Chami rushed to the backyard and teleported an individual into the Celestial Demon's space, Xiao Lang's body had already shot high into the sky, and his loud voice resounded throughout the Tianzhou: "There is a chaotic pirate attack, all warriors immediately arrange for people Escape into the void."

"call out!"

The poison dragon and Ouyang Cuimu Shangui immediately burst into the air and flew into the air. Xiao Lang swept away his consciousness, and the voice passed: "Except for the poison dragon, everyone else should not come up. There is a strong ancestor in this group of pirates. Sorry, the knife rolls into the space of the heavenly devil and protects them."

The poisonous dragon flew up and looked at the hundreds of flying cloud disks that broke through the air in the distance. His complexion was very ugly. With so many pirates, is it possible that all the pirates of the East of Gods Realm have gathered?


When Xiao Lang's eyes turned, he knew very well whether these people had come to plunder, but instead rushed at him. There is a good thing in Tianzhou, why do you need so many pirates to plunder? There is nothing to talk about about this, only relying on strong strength to behead the opponent.

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