Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 8: Sinner in Tianzhou

There are hundreds of Feiyun Disks, and there are hundreds of thousands of people in each Feiyun Disk. These are tens of thousands of pirates. Those who can become pirates must be above the Great Divine Realm. This is not a chaotic sea of ​​stars. The average pirate army has at most hundreds of people. Once it gathers too many people, it will be suppressed by the big family. For example, the army of Bai Mazi will add up to thousands of people, but at this moment, there are tens of thousands of people?

"The poisonous dragon releases poisonous mist, the bigger the better!"

Xiao Lang and Dulong shot high above the sky, and he shouted loudly at Dulong. Then the divine sense locked more than ten strong ancestors in the Feiyun disk and roared: "In Xia Xiaolang, this is my private domain. Xia Xia has a very good relationship with Xuanyuan family, Wanyan family, and Xingtian Xingjun. You have already entered. I’m in private territory, I’ll retreat quickly, or I’ll take the consequences."

Even though he knew that the other party would not retreat, Xiao Lang still shouted, and he did not hesitate to carry out a few large families in an attempt to make the other party feel a little jealous. But after the call, the other party has no limit to the slightest pause. Xiao Lang knows that today's affairs are irreversible, and he yelled again furiously: "Go ahead and kill it!"

"call out!"

A black light flashed in his eyes, and the release of Suicide Killing shot at a flying cloud disk, and at the same time, Thousand Chance Prajna palm hit another flying cloud disk, and Qingjue was also released, but it hit another flying cloud disk.

"Boom boom!"

The three flying cloud discs burst, and three attacks at the same time hit many people. Some of the gods and martial artists could not withstand Xiao Lang's attack at all, and they touched and died immediately! The great martial artist is like killing a chicken and a dog. A thousand chances like palms and love will crush dozens of people...


All the flying cloud disks disappeared in the air, and tens of thousands of people burst out. A dozen **** ancestors all flew towards Xiao Lang, but the rest were all scattered!

Xiao Lang was even more angry when he saw it, because the tens of thousands of people rushed downwards like lightning, all kinds of energy attacks poured out from his body, and he hit Tianzhou indiscriminately!

"Boom boom boom!"

It is conceivable that Tianzhou is such a small place that it will be smashed by tens of thousands of great gods. Suddenly... the entire Tianzhou land was shaken, countless mountains collapsed, countless cities were razed to the ground, countless mountains and rivers burst, and even most of the entire Beiming area was sunk...


"Help, the emperor help!"

"Ah, ah! Is it going to be annihilated? Is the extraterritorial demon coming?"

"Where is the emperor? Isn't the emperor coming back? Why doesn't he protect us?"

"Flee, everyone, run away, Tianzhou will be annihilated..."

The entire Tianzhou rioted, and all the warriors and civilians fled in panic, but they didn't know where to escape? Because there are broken mountains and rivers everywhere, there are energy attacks everywhere, and there is a breath of despair everywhere!

"Kill, kill, kill! There is no doubt that everyone will die today. I, Xiao Lang, vowed not to kill all of you or to be human!"

Xiao Lang went crazy, looking at the broken mountains and rivers below, countless razed cities, and he didn't know how many people died. His eyes became blood-red, and his face became extremely hideous.

He frantically poured out his attacks, smashing at the dozen or so **** ancestors in a violent mind. Sudden killing continued to shoot, thousands of chances like palms continued to hit, and Qing Jue continued to slam down abruptly in the void. At the same time, his speed reached the limit, rushing into the pirate group, the unicorn Phantom Claw was released, and he madly killed the pirates.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Dulong was also crazy. He was born in Tianzhou and grew up in Tianzhou, and he also has deep feelings for this land. His poisonous mist expanded to hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and countless poisonous mists turned into Qi swords and shot everywhere. He is still sensible just to attack the great martial artist, and his venom is very powerful, the great martial artist will die if touched.

Xiao Lang's sharp attack and the speed at which the poisonous dragon killed people shocked all the pirates. According to the information they received, Xiao Lang was a divine abandoned body, and his strength was barely in the realm of God Sovereign. There was no strong man in Tianzhou, and the above also explained that Xiao Lang could not be killed, so the more than ten ancestors did not dare to attack randomly.


After giving Xiao Lang this chaotic killing, he was killed by seven or eight ancestors in an instant. Xiao Lang's slaying power is huge, and the ancestors directly killed in the early stage...

"Attack, keep attacking! Destroy Tianzhou to me!"

A **** ancestor suddenly smashed a powerful attack at Xiao Lang, but saw that Xiao Lang's body was blown out like a Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten, but he immediately reflected back and began to slaughter again. He felt the whole body cold and immediately shouted. All the warriors no longer wanted to severely inflict Xiao Lang and kill the poisonous dragon. Instead, they bombarded the lower part and then began to flee...

Anyway, the above instructions only caused Tianzhou to suffer heavy losses, and did not allow Xiao Lang to be killed. If you continue, I'm afraid everyone will be killed by Xiao Lang, and they won't be so stupid that they want to hit Xiao Lang severely.

"Boom boom boom!"

This time when the ancestors participated in the attack, Tianzhou was even more miserable. Beiming was completely sunk. Even Qingcheng Mountain was considered to be flat, and the northern part of Tianzhou was terrible. A good piece of the continent was beaten to pieces, almost three-quarters of the countless cities in Tianzhou were razed, and more than half of the people were killed or injured...

"call out!"

The pirates died and wounded more than 10,000. The ancestors were killed by Xiao Lang again. The pirates were really scared. They all shot and fled. Many flying clouds appeared and fled in all directions.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Xiao Lang was completely mad, chasing him everywhere, one by one flying cloud disk was blown by him, one by one pirate was broken into pieces by him, poisonous dragon followed him, the speed of the two people made do, the pirate's flying cloud disk is not fast, two People can barely catch up.

The minds of the two of them were in chaos, they only knew to kill everyone, and to kill all these conscientious pirates.

The two chased and killed for half a month, until there was no more living person within a radius of one million miles, and the two came to wake up. Looking at the blood-covered poisonous dragon, Xiao Lang's eyes were blank and angry. He swept around and saw a barren star field next to him, and he hit out with a furious palm.


A small Thousand Chance Prajna palm burst out, hitting the small star field hard, and Xiao Lang shot it out in a rage, which was full. The whole star field trembled in an instant, and then burst open.

"Master, go back first, don't kill a carbine for those gangsters!"

Dulong thought of something and suddenly started drinking, Xiao Lang's eyes shrank, and his body quickly shot backwards. Although Hongdou and the others are hiding in the void, they can easily be found if the pirates are killed again.

It took seven or eight days to fly back in a straight line, and the two arrived in Tianzhou.

When they saw that the pirate hadn't returned the carbine, both of them were relieved. But there were devastations everywhere, broken walls, corpses with broken limbs and arms, crying children, and displaced people.

Looking at Tianzhou, which was stained red with blood and broken into dozens of pieces, Xiao Lang closed his eyes. Then he flew to the ground, knelt down heavily, and buried his head deeply on the ground!

His Xiao Lang is not the pride of Tianzhou, nor the patron saint of Tianzhou, but... the sinner of Tianzhou!

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