Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 10: Bloodbath City

"Xiao Lang! This matter can't just be forgotten, it must be done by Moteng. Let's go to God's Domain to destroy his clan..."

Xiao Moshen exploded and snarled at Xiao Lang. Xuanyuan Tianzun raised his brows, and immediately became angry and transmitted his voice: "Don't speak, don't interrupt him! He is a blessing in disguise at this moment, and the acupuncture points are evolving."

Demon God Xiao was startled, and he dared not speak quickly, for fear of disturbing Xiao Lang.

Xuanyuan Tianzun's gaze swept coldly: "Before you find the evidence, don't talk nonsense, and don't mess around! Lord Shura said, the last time is over, if there is evidence that the pirates were instigated by the magic, then There is no doubt that Moteng will die without us. If there is no evidence, if you dare to continue to provoke the devil family, the Supreme God will definitely be angry, and I can't keep you."

Xiao Lang has not been in God's Domain for a long time, and he is also low-key. Except for the Midnight Tianzun of the Fengying Family, the only enemy is Master Moteng. And the incident with the Fengying family had passed so long, they would have retaliated long ago. Xiao Lang's prestige in God's Domain at this moment gave Midye Tianzun 10,000 courageously, so it is very likely that Moteng did this matter.

Woe to the family!

The powerhouses of God's Domain are very particular about it. Unless the families go to war, they will not destroy their clan, let alone kill ordinary people in these small domains. The pirates also pay attention to the rules, looting domains often happen, but they will not kill them like this. Because it's easy to offend big people and get killed by the strong.

This time, it was obvious that someone was instigating from behind and gave great benefits. So many pirates have never gathered together to rob before, let alone Tianzhou fart, looting a hairy...

The matter is very clear, Xuanyuan Tianzun can understand at a glance. The problem requires evidence in everything. It is impossible for the Supreme God to destroy Moteng because of one-sided words, otherwise it will chill the hearts of the Xiu family...

Xuanyuan Tianzun's words were still very deterrent, and the Demon God and others really stopped making trouble. Seeing that Xuanyuan Tianzun didn't plan to leave, the two of them took leave and flew towards Xiao Emperor City. The two of them naturally wanted to see when they came back. Many of Wuhen's clansmen were killed.

Xuanyuan Tianzun stood next to Xiao Lang, watching him groaning. After a long time, he actually took out a small tower from the space ring. The small tower fought against the wind and turned into a huge pavilion. He walked in and drank tea leisurely inside. stand up.

One day later, Cha Mu brought the powerhouse of Tianzhou to visit Xuanyuan Tianzun, but he let Xuanyuan Tianzun leave without getting close. At the same time Xuanyuan Tianzun also ordered that no one should come near here until Xiao Lang wakes up.

After learning from Wuhen that this is a fierce man who can explode Tianzhou with a random move, everyone dare not approach. They can only go back to work on their own. Tianzhou was hurt so badly this time, I'm afraid it won't be able to recover in tens of thousands of years.

"call out!"

Half a month later, several flying clouds in the sky burst into the sky, and the poisonous dragon and the small knife got up, thinking that Xuanyuan Tianxin and others had returned.

However, the flying cloud disk disappeared in the air, and a suffocatingly beautiful woman brought people to fly over. The group of people in the back were very familiar with the poisonous dragons, and they were the mountains and the rivers.

After Wan Yan Ruoshui flew out of the flying cloud disk, she paused in the air. Looking at the figure who was kneeling on the ground, she felt an inexplicable pain in her heart and tears poured out.

It's been so long? Has he been kneeling here all the time?

The Wanyan family only received the news a few days later than the Xuanyuan family. The reason why they came so late was because a descendant of the Supreme God came to the Wanyan family and entangled for a long time. The most important thing is that the person's talent is more than that of Wan Yan Ruyu, and he is humble and personable, and he is superb in all aspects. The ancestors of the Wanyan family left the customs on purpose and were very satisfied with him. Wanyan Ruoshui was entangled for half a month before finding an excuse to come out.

Xuanyuan Tianzun walked out of the pavilion, glanced at Wanyan Ruoshui lightly, and said through the voice: "Wanyan's female doll, take someone down quietly, don't disturb Xiao Lang! At this moment, something is happening in his body. Change is a good thing."

"call out!"

Wanyan Ruoshui took the people down and glanced at Tianzhou all silently. Then Wanyan Ruoshui actually knelt behind Xiao Lang, and bowed to the south for three times, causing Gaoshan and others to kneel and worship.

"Come in, wait until Xiao Lang wakes up."

Xuanyuan Tianzun looked at Yan Ruoshui with admiration and walked straight into the pavilion. Wan Yan Ruoshui waved his hand and said, "You all go in, don't disturb Big Brother Xiao, I will accompany him."

Xiao Lang closed his eyes at this moment, but there was still a trace of hideous pain on his face, how uncomfortable he was at that time? Wan Yan Ruoshui felt the same way, sitting on the ground regardless of her identity, holding her knees and looking at the south, her eyes were ethereal and she didn't know what she was thinking...

"call out!"

Three days later, Xuanyuan Tianxin and others finally returned. When Xiaodao and Dulong saw the gloomy people, they secretly said something was wrong.


Xuanyuan Tianyu murmured before he even approached: "Father, this group of thousands of swordsmen killed all the pirates. At this moment, there is no pirate in the east. We can't find any evidence."


Xuanyuan Tianzun shook his head, in fact, he really ended this way a long time ago. Lord Moteng was born into a big family, how could he leave a tail after doing this? Besides, even if there is a tail, the ancestor of the demon will definitely help him make it seamless.

"Don't forget it?"

The knife became anxious, and immediately his eyes burst and roared, and his murderous aura began to surge again. If Xuanyuan Tianzun didn't help with this matter, they could only kill it by themselves.

"To shut up!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun suddenly said in a deep voice, his eyes swept towards Xiao Lang, but he saw his eyes suddenly open. He glared at Xiaodao and Tianyu angrily, and sighed helplessly: "Xiao Lang’s Xiao Dantian has a chance to evolve successfully. Yes, it was ruined by you two idiots! What a pity..."


Xiaodao and Xuanyuan Tianyu were immediately full of guilt when they heard that, they scratched their heads and looked at Xiao Lang. After Xiao Lang opened his eyes, he did not move, and there was a dead silence in his eyes. It seemed that he did not notice the arrival of Xuanyuan Tianzun Wanyan Ruoshui and others.

He slowly raised his head and stared at the south in a daze. There was no pain on his face, no guilt, only a piece of cold, so cold that Wan Yan Ruoshui's Qiushui eyes were full of pity and distress.

All eyes were fixed on Xiao Lang, the knife scratched his head, and said guiltily, "Brother, I'm sorry..."

Xiao Lang raised a hand and interrupted the words of the knife. He turned around and looked at Wan Yan Ruoshui, then at Xuanyuan Tianzun and the others, and said, "It's none of your business, it's my own cause. It has stopped evolving, so I woke up."


The knife breathed a sigh of relief, and soon said murderously on his face: "Then...Brother! How does this matter? Don't we take revenge?"

"How to do?"

Xiao Lang cast his gaze in the direction of the High Altitude Divine Realm, and the corner of his mouth was awe-inspiring, and he said: "What else can I do? Kill! Of course... not now, when my strength is achieved, I will wash the Devil City with blood, even the Supreme God of Asura cannot stop."

Xiao Lang's words were very calm, but everyone present felt a chill behind their backs, and the chill was in the bone.

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