Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 11: Will you marry Ruoshui?

Xiaodicheng was destroyed, and many guests came and couldn't settle them. Fortunately, Chamu had already built many wooden houses in Xiaodicheng, and also took out the palaces of the Great God Tianyu.

Xiao Lang flew people over, Cha Mu gave the highest standard of reception, Mu Xiaoyao Hongdou also suppressed the grief, came forward to greet the distinguished guests, and greeted Wan Yan Ruoshui in.

Xiao Lang arranged it casually, and he hid in the room alone, but he still couldn't let go. As soon as he closed his eyes, countless faces appeared in his mind. Oriental white, counter current, tea and more!

He killed them and killed hundreds of millions of people in Tianzhou. If it weren't for his recklessness, if he used those tokens from the beginning, it would be possible to rescue Demon God Xiao and them peacefully. It is precisely because of his bravery and bravery that Moteng bears such a hatred, which will lead to the death of everyone.

Going to God's Domain has been very smooth, won the appreciation of many people, and forged many good destinies. Although he didn't think he was bullish, he didn't think too much about many things.

Sometimes a mistake may put him in danger. And sometimes a mistake can make him pay for the death of tens of thousands of Tianzhou citizens.

He sat in a room in the Tianyu Hall, somewhat dull, and felt that he was sitting neither standing nor standing. He didn't want to practice, even if there was any strength development this time, he didn't want to pay attention to the changes in the acupuncture points in his body.

He took out a few jars of wine in the space ring, maybe getting drunk at the moment is the best ending.

One altar, two altars...ten altars!

He didn't seem to be drinking at all, he just wanted to get himself drunk, so that he would not think too much about too many things, and no faces would appear in his mind when he closed his eyes.

He drank more than twenty jars of wine and drank so drunk that he fell asleep. Until lying on the icy ground, the corners of his mouth were still bitter and self-blaming, his brows furrowed, and his face full of pain.

The room restriction is open. Hongdou and the others want to come in, and they can control the restriction to open the door, but they dare not enter. They all know Xiao Lang very well. He is like a lone wolf. Maybe he will share happiness with you, but he never wants to let people see his fragility. He likes to be alone with the wound quietly, either healed it out or sinks completely.

Xuanyuan Tianzun stayed safely in Tianyu Pavilion, and gave an order not to disturb Xiao Lang. Some things must be experienced before they can grow. This time he would rather make Xiao Lang hurt once, because this will have a profound effect on his future development.

Xuanyuan Tianxin and others went out to help stabilize Tianzhou's army, heal the wounded, and rebuild the city.

Here comes a big beauty who claims to be Xiao Lang's sister? Hongdou and others are not too wary of hostility. Xiao Lang was very frank and told a few people about God's Domain. Everyone sincerely accepted this beautiful Lan Xinhui. When they become sisters, they are in harmony.

It's just that Xiao Lang locked himself in the room for half a month and didn't come out, causing everyone to worry. His relatives have already died. If Xiao Lang continues to be decadent, who will lead Tianzhou to go on?

Xiao Moshen and Wuhen didn't go to help after they came back, and they went into seclusion after spending two days with their family! The knife was also closed, and they buried their hatred in their hearts, and waited for Xiao Lang to say that they were going to use the butcher knife, and then revealed their hideous fangs.

Xuanyuan Tianzun moved when he waited for twenty days. He walked out of Xiao Lang's room alone and stopped everyone from following. A wave of energy was released, and the restrictions in the room were opened!

Entering Xuanyuan Tianzun frowned, the inside was full of alcohol, the whole room was filled with wine jars, and many of them were broken, obviously broken under Xiao Lang's rage.

He watched drunk fall to the ground, Xiao Lang like a dead dog, with a trace of pity in his eyes. He first closed the ban on the room, which is really the same as nothing for him.

The energy in his hand slowly flowed out, and a burst of energy hit Xiao Lang and woke him up. Then he was able to sit on the chair next to him, slanting his eyes and looking at Xiao Lang who was sitting up and said: "What? Can't bear the blow Up?"

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly and shook his head but did not speak, the sadness in his eyebrows was still very obvious.

"I have encountered your situation before!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun sighed and said: "I used to be the same as you, who created the God Realm by myself, and I was the first person in my realm. I was very arrogant and unbelievable. This time, I learned about the cruelty of God’s Domain. I began to forbear and practice slowly, but the arrogance in my heart still existed. So in the end I killed hundreds of clansmen, and Xiaoyu was also deprived of his strength this time. Destined to be in the Great God Realm, that time it hit me the most!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun didn't say a big deal. Xiao Lang was so smart he knew many things, but he couldn't let go of it. Therefore, Xuanyuan Tianzun's recounting of his past attracted him instead.

Seeing Xiao Lang's head lifted up again, Xuanyuan Tianzun nodded slightly and continued: "That time, there were only dozens of people in my clan left. I kept myself locked up for seven or eight years. After that, I realized that. Now, the state of mind came up, and the strength improved quickly, and I broke through Tianzun and laid down the Xuanyuan Mountain collar. But unfortunately, Xiaoyu disappeared. I killed countless people in my rage. I gained reputation and was valued by Master Shura. I went to Chaos Xinghai."


Xiao Lang was still silent in the story, Xuanyuan Tianzun spoke again, and said with great pity: "After returning from Chaos Xinghai, my strength has been further improved and I have become the top ten person in the land of destruction. The arrogance in my bones has come up again. It turned out that the lesson was very painful. When I went to Chaos Xinghai with you last time, the family died of ten peaks of the ancestors. You know everything after that, so I won’t talk about it. Having said so much, I just want to tell you words!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun stood up and walked outside. He turned around at the door and said, "There is no absolute security in this world, and no one can really help you for the rest of your life. You want to protect your tribe and your family! Avoid! In the future, similar tragedies will happen, and you can only rely on yourself! If you want to be truly free, then you must walk upward step by step, set foot on the top and become the Supreme God!

Xuanyuan Tianzun left. This time he did not go outside, but took people back to God's Domain, but left Tianyu and Tianming Tiangang.

Xiao Lang stood silent for a long time in the room full of wine jars, but the sadness on his face had faded a lot.


The restraint in the room lighted up again. Xiao Lang looked back, but saw a bright yellow figure and a flawless face.

Wan Yan Ruoshui walked in and saw that Xiao Lang's expression was pretty good, and he smiled lightly: "Brother Xiao, I am going back. My ancestor has sent someone to take me back by force. A descendant of the Supreme God has come from the family. He is very good in all aspects. Our ancestor is going to let our sister marry him."

Xiao Lang's eyes sharpened at once, but he didn't say anything, just felt a bit bitter at the corner of his mouth.

Wan Yan Ruoshui smiled when he saw Xiao Lang's eyes, it was extremely brilliant!

She also turned and left, leaving the same sentence: "Brother Xiao, in fact...If you have to marry someone, our sister hopes to marry you. But you obviously can't meet the requirements of our ancestors now. We only wait for you. Years, if you don’t come to us within five years, we can only marry that son! Brother Xiao, will you come to marry Ruoshui one day?"

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