Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 12: Anger

Brother Xiao, will you come to marry Ruoshui one day?

This sentence hovered in Xiao Lang's mind like a curse for a long time. Xiao Lang hadn't thought about this before. He had never expected to marry the two godly daughters of the gods, although there are countless in the gods. People are hoping all day long.

Having no idea doesn't mean that you feel sad after learning that someone is going to marry their sisters. People are selfish. What they don't want is always uncomfortable once they are acquired by others. Moreover, Wan Yan Ruoshui said affectionately that if they must marry someone, they want to marry him.

He shook his head and told himself not to think too much, and it is not suitable for him to think about those romantic things at this moment. As for the future? Let's talk about it later!

Xuanyuan Tianzun left a sentence, which made him regain his fighting spirit. So many people died this time, and it hurt him a lot. Xuanyuan Tianzun had said it very clearly before, and no one could help him without evidence. Whoever dared to disturb the Supreme God of Asura would not sit idly by. So if you want revenge, if you want to lead the family members and relatives to live well in the future, you must become stronger! Depend on yourself.

He cleaned all the wine jars in the room, and then sat cross-legged on the ground. He began to examine his body, and after some exploration, he was shocked!

Because all his acupuncture points have changed, the acupuncture points that were originally a nutshell have become oval, but now they have changed again! It became like a mussel, and it looked thicker.

He looked inside several times and was sure that all acupuncture points had changed, and he couldn't help but wonder. He was silent in pain. In that inexplicable state, he felt the seventh state of the emotional path. This has already surprised him extremely. At this moment, the acupuncture path has changed again?

That's right!

During the time he was kneeling, his soul entered an inexplicable state because of self-blame, guilt, regret, grief, anger, etc., and because of a blessing in disguise, he actually realized the seventh state of emotion-anger.

The sentimental sentiment has been accompanied by his emotions, a certain thing, a certain state of sudden epiphany. This Xiao Lang is not surprising. He was shocked, why would acupuncture points change again? Or did it change unconsciously?

The human body is very mysterious, and the general situation will never change suddenly. Even if it is changed by external forces, such as a bone break by a heavy blow, the body will slowly return to its original state.

Now his body changed inexplicably, although there was nothing strange, Xiao Lang was still very worried. Who knows whether it is good or bad? He now counts on this little dantian with all his heart, if he can't condense the little dantian, he will never have a chance to become a heavenly sovereign in his life, and there will be no chance for revenge.

His acupuncture points are strong and generous at the moment, but he believes that they should not be compressed into a sea of ​​stars. Without enough energy, even if Qing Dao's sentiment reaches the eleventh stage, his strength is at most the peak of the **** ancestor.

"Emotional anger? I don't know what type of attack?"

Xiao Lang looked inside several times, and Xuanyuan Tianzun must have known it too. He didn't say anything that he didn't understand, and Xiao Lang didn't care about it, and began to delve into his emotions.

At first he wanted to release his anger, but finally held back it. The prohibition of Tianyu Palace was too weak for him at this moment, and he was afraid it would be shattered.

He opened his eyes, opened the restraint in the room and walked out. After going out, regardless of the surprised gazes of many people, he flew high into the air alone, and when he flew into the air, he suddenly shouted, "Love and anger!"

There are countless red love words shining out from his body, and I can't count how many of them. All of these love words are ten meters high, and they all come together to form a fiery red fist.

As soon as the fist was successfully condensed, the surrounding space was slightly trembling, with an aura like countless mountains pressing down, so that the poisonous dragon that followed and rushed into the air was too strong to lean over.

"call out!"

A huge flaming fist with a diameter of more than one kilometer shot forward with the momentum of breaking the world. Wherever the fist passes, the air curls, the space bursts and the cracks in the debut, that kind of aura, that kind of scene, that kind of domineering and killing power, the face of the poisonous dragon is full of shock!

" this powerful than Xuanyuan Tianxin's attack?"

The poisonous dragon opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to say such a sentence, but the next second he couldn't care about it. Because he saw Xiao Lang's face pale, and his body actually slowly fell downward. But the huge fist in front suddenly disappeared into the air...

"the host!"

The poisonous dragon shot away and hugged Xiao Lang. Seeing the pain on his face, his eyes were half-closed and half-open, as if he had been severely injured. He hurriedly asked, "Master, what's wrong with you?" But someone attacked you?"

Xiao Lang did not speak, closed his eyes and rested for a while, then opened his eyes and said exhaustedly, "No, it's my own reason. My soul is not strong enough, but forcibly released my anger, which caused my soul to be eaten away. Go! Hold me down and rest..."

After talking, Xiao Lang fell into a deep drowsiness, Dulong's face was puzzled, but he was relieved to think of the powerful attacking power of his fist just now. It's like a child holding a sword and getting scratched instead of trying to kill the enemy. Xiao Lang's soul is not enough to control such a fast and powerful attack method at this moment.

After Dulong returned with Xiao Lang, everyone was shocked. Just now, Xiao Lang rushed out like a mad and scared everyone. At this moment, you thought something big happened? Even Xiao Moshen and others came out and asked.

And the poisonous dragon born Xing Muna didn’t know how to speak, only that Xiao Lang released an attack and then hurt himself...

The eyes of Mu Xiaoyao and others were all red, but as wives, they couldn't help Xiao Lang a little, and couldn't even help him share a little pressure when he was most painful and sad! Devil Xiao and the others also felt uncomfortable. After a few glances to make sure Xiao Lang was not in danger, they all went back to retreat.

"Go back, Xiao Yao Hongdou, take care of Xiao Lang."

With a big wave from Duguxing, he drove a group of people out. He and Xiao Qingyi also took Xiao An away, allowing Xiao Lang to rest well.

Xiao Lang woke up a day later and saw that the four pairs were concerned and worried, all with bloodshot eyes. Seeing their visibly haggard and thin faces, they sat up with a grudging smile.


The four people shouted in unison, and they gathered around and did not speak. Xiao Lang did not speak, but just grabbed the hands of the four, and said very solemnly: "It's me, Xiao Lang is incapable, so you have to suffer. I hope you believe me. , I will work harder in the future, and I will never make you suffer a little bit. I will definitely retaliate this hatred."

The four of them didn't say anything, nor did they persuade them. They just leaned over, and they couldn't change what Xiao Lang decided. They can only use their tenderness and love to give Xiao Lang a moment of peace and comfort.

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