Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 19: The Great Journey of Slipping the World

Xiao Lang flew up but didn't stop at the opposite side of Dragon Cavalry. Instead, he shot up all the way up, and the man shouted in mid-air: "Dragon Cavalry, go to Chaos Space, don't hurt the innocent."

"it is good!"

Longqi flew up and saw the ten ancestors following him, his eyes were cold: "Don't follow, do you think I will lose?"

Ten people look at me and I look at you, but in the end they didn't dare to disobey him. The ten of them did not follow, and Xuanyuan Tiangang and others dared not follow, otherwise that would weaken Xiao Lang's momentum.

After the last Tianzhou incident, Xiao Lang has become a lot calmer, and he must have been deliberate at this moment. Although the two of them didn't have the slightest confidence in Xiao Lang, they thought that Longqi was not an idiot, so they wouldn't kill Xiao Lang. Otherwise, let alone Xuanyuan Tianzun, even if the two of Wan Yan Ruoshui would definitely not marry him.

"call out!"

Above the chaotic space, the two figures exploded and shot up, Xiao Lang's speed seemed to have reached the extreme, but Longqi lazily kept up, very relaxed.

Flying high in the sky, Xiao Lang's speed suddenly increased by one point, and the corner of Longqi's mouth flashed with a joke, his speed also increased by one point, and he easily caught up.


At this moment, a huge love word suddenly appeared behind Xiao Lang, disappearing without a trace, and suddenly appeared on the dragon's head in the next second. And Xiao Lang's body turned into a wandering dragon, and he turned upside down and shot back in the air.

"Small bugs!"

There was not a trace of panic on Longqi's face, his body shield lit up, and a dark war sword appeared in his hand.


The moment the magic weapon appeared, the entire space swayed, and the turbulent ripples turned into ripples rippling in all directions. Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly shrank, and he exclaimed, "The Supreme Soldier?"

"call out!"

With a random stroke of the pitch-black sword, a pitch-black blade appeared, slashing at the love character.


The space shook, cracks appeared, and the terrifying air wave rolled in the air, shaking Xiao Lang and Dragon Cavalry away.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang was also surrounded by a shield, and his body shot backwards from a distance. The black light in his eyes was shining, and he was released from a slaying killing. At the same time, a small colorful palm was condensed from both hands, and he slammed towards Longqi.

"Huh? Interesting!"

Dragon Cavalry still didn't show the slightest panic on his face, but more solemnly, he once again shot a black sword light, shooting at the slaying black light, and at the same time, his body moved to the left like a lightning, avoiding the attack of a thousand hands.


Another burst of sky and waves turned, Xiao Lang was shaken back thousands of meters, but immediately rushed towards this side with a powerful wave of air, the slaying in his eyes was constantly released, and the thousands of possibilities were crazy, making Dragon Knight overwhelmed.

"If you just use this trick, can go down!"

Dragon Knight is very calm and easy to deal with, the Supreme God Soldier makes his every energy attack powerful. Although he suppressed the energy so that his strength was only in the late stage of the **** ancestor, but tightly relying on that supreme **** soldier, he was invincible.

This battle sword is at the same level as Xuanyuan Tianzun's Shura Axe.

With every random attack, he could disperse Xiao Lang's attack. And his energy is a hundred times deeper than Xiao Lang. If he continues to fight, Xiao Lang will definitely lose terribly...

"Boom bang bang!"

The sky continued to explode, the space was torn apart one by one, revealing ugly cracks, the explosion sound like the thunder of rainy night roared constantly, and the terrifying breath spread to the Qingshan City below, making all low-level warriors feel suffocated.

"call out!"

Longqi took the initiative to move for the first time. His body cut through the sky and floated in an arc in the air. Then he smiled strangely and disappeared into the air abruptly. The next second he appeared by Xiao Lang's side for 500 meters, his dark sword suddenly After slashing, a black knife gas burst into the air.

"Great move? No...It's Xingtian's kind of small move, similar to teleport."

Xiao Lang was extremely shocked, his complexion changed drastically. The space of God's Domain is very stable, unless the Celestial Martial Artist can't move it, let alone such short-distance small movement, is this the supernatural power passed to him by the Supreme God of the Long Family?

"call out!"

While he burst into the side, he shot a thousand chances like a palm.


The palm of the Prajna palm hit the Dao Qi as soon as it hit a hundred meters. As a result, Xiao Lang was very tragic. His body was directly blown up, and the shield was blown apart, leaving his body completely bloody.

"you lose…"

There was a trace of contempt in Longqi's eyes, and he closed his sword and stood in the air with a cold voice: "I don't know what Ruo Shui is interested in? God's abandonment is God's abandonment, even if there are some small supernatural powers."

"Who said I lost? I can still fight, Dragon Knight will die!"

Blood was sprinkled across the sky, and Xiao Lang's furious voice came from a distance. It seemed that he couldn't afford to lose? It seemed that he wanted to continue the fight to the death, and rushed up again with a sigh of relief. The black light burst out from his eyes, and the slaying was released again.

"Hmph, I don't know how to promote, then just get out of here!"

A trace of disdain appeared at the corner of Young Master Longqi's mouth, and he released a blade of light, and his body disappeared into the air again. He was ready to give Xiao Lang another fatal blow from the other directions, causing him to be hit hard and rolled down.

"call out!"

At that moment, Xiao Lang suddenly stood in the air, his eyes closed, and he entered the state of soul travel for the first time. The moment Longqi appeared 500 meters behind him, his eyes suddenly opened and grinned, because The smile with blood on his face looked very hideous.



"Thousand Chances are like palms!"

"Emotion-anger -"

At the moment when Dragon Knight appeared, before he had time to attack, he had already issued four attacks. And he actually...forcibly urged, an emotional attack that could not be urged at all.

"Mad, crazy! Xiao Lang, this is a crazy!"

Xiao Lang was able to judge his position in an instant, which frightened Longqi. And when he saw a huge fist that was blood-red condensed by countless love words, Longqi's face suddenly became pale as snow.

He knew very well how powerful this fist contained, and the power of that fist absolutely reached the peak of the **** ancestor's offensive power. When he saw Xiao Lang's attack, blood spurted wildly in his mouth and his eyes turned white like a ghost. I immediately understood--Xiao Lang obviously couldn't spur this powerful attack, he clearly wanted to hurt both of him...

But what can he do?

He could only split a few attacks, and then a jade charm appeared in his hand, squeezing it forcefully!


A pitch-black shield appeared in the air and enveloped him. This shield was not strong in defense, and could only defend against the full blow of the **** ancestor peak.


The explosion was even more violent. A big hole was punched in the sky. Pieces of space were shattered. The Dragon Knight who was in the center of the explosion was naturally uncomfortable. Both shields burst, and his delicate body was also bloody, but good. He didn't die, but suffered a serious injury.

"Dragon Knight, admit defeat? Don't admit defeat... die!"

In the tumbling air wave, Longqi heard a voice that was cold to the bone, and hundreds of claws with electric arcs whizzed in the sky. The horror in the claws convinced him that if he dared to say no, he would definitely die today.

"Mad, crazy!"

Smelling the breath of death, Dragon Knight's elegant temperament was destroyed, and he shouted in horror: "I admit defeat, Xiao Lang stop, otherwise my ancestors will kill your clan!"


The God Splitting Hand disappeared in the air, and Xiao Lang's body also fell into the air like a torn sack. The man passed out in the air, and his breath was weak, and he seemed to be dying at any time.

"Xiao Lang!"

When Xiao Lang fell to Qingshan City below, the two of Xuanyuan Tiangang immediately shot up and hugged Xiao Lang, fed an elixir, and ran energy to help him heal his injuries.


In the high altitude, Young Master Longqi flew down, his luxurious clothes in tatters and blood. He stared at Xiao Lang with incomparably complicated eyes and looked at the ten ancestors flying up. His expression was very ugly, and he sighed: "Go Right, I am defeated!"

Long Qi's words caused an uproar in the whole city. When they saw Xiao Lang crashing down, they thought Xiao Lang had lost, but they didn't expect Long Qi to lose?

The first son of God's Domain actually lost to a God's abandoned body? It's a great thing to slip the world.

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