Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 20: Soul treasure

After Longqi left, Herring's attitude immediately changed. Not only did he promise to let go of Emperor Xian and others, but even the family where Emperor Xian belonged to. Although the lady of the Meng family is beautiful, she is just a concubine. There are too many women in this world, and for the superior, a beautiful woman is no different from a new dress. To offend Xiao Lang for a piece of clothing that can be thrown away at will, that's something a fool would do.

Xiao Lang stayed in the Castle Peak, he couldn't help but his soul was deeply damaged. In order to win this battle, he not only forcibly urged sentimental anger, but even after releasing sentimental anger, he desperately released God Splitting Hand again, just to completely let the Dragon Cavalry admit defeat.

In fact, Xiao Lang's combat power was too far away from Dragon Knight. If Dragon Knight went all out, he could kill Xiao Lang in one shot. The Supreme God Weapon was the God Weapon used by the Supreme God, enough to raise the Dragon Cavalry's combat power to the Heavenly Sovereign Realm. Xiao Lang's victory was entirely based on luck, because the soul swim state had judged the position of the dragon knight's small shift in advance, and then struggled to damage his soul and released his anger.

Despite this, Dragon Cavalry still has the power to fight after being wounded by emotional fury, if Xiao Lang hadn't used God Splitting Hand to intimidate. If Longqi didn't dare to fight for his life, Xiao Lang would definitely not be able to win.

But to win is to win!

In the eyes of the world, they don't care about the inside story, just know that Xiao Lang and Longqi won the battle. The news soon spread throughout the Land of Destruction, and it spread towards God's Domain.

The Land of Destruction was like a pan in an instant, and there was a lot of discussion. Many low-level warriors were elated and all blushed. It seemed that the Land of Destruction and the Dragon Region had won the battle.

The sister flower of the Wanyan family is the pride of the land of destruction, the goddess of countless people. Although these two goddesses are going to marry sooner or later, many sons dare not expect it, but son Longqi suddenly appeared, so powerful! It still makes many people feel sour and unhappy. The fat water was about to flow into the field of outsiders. At this moment, Xiao Lang, who was considered a celebrity in the Land of Destruction, actually singled out and beat him. This undoubtedly made the entire Land of Destruction feel bright.

After Xuanyuan Tianzun and Mrs. Mulong Tianzunmei learned the news, they were all happy! Although they all doubt how Xiao Lang won? But if you win, you win. The three have a lot of face.

The Wanyan family was a little embarrassed. Actually, even if the Wanyan lore was not optimistic about Xiao Lang without talking about the ancestors of the Wanyan family. Although the Wanyan family is very grateful to Xiao Lang, it does not mean that they want to give him their two daughters. He is the abandoned body of the gods, so what if the combat power is strong at this moment? He is destined to have no future in the future.

Dragon Knight is different. Dragon Knight has reached the peak of God Ancestor at this moment. It is appropriate to break through Tianzun. If the Supreme God can continuously break through to reach the peak of Tianzun and become the first person under the Supreme God in the Dragon Realm, then Wanyan Family There is a strong back mountain.

Therefore, Xiao Lang won the battle, but the Wanyan family's senior management felt a little dissatisfied. Their ancestors have already received the dowry, which almost means a marriage ceremony. When Xiao Lang came out like this, he beat the Wanyan family in the face...

Xiao Lang didn't know these things. He passed out completely and slept in the Castle of Qingshan for several days and nights, and both of Xuanyuan Tianming were anxiously killed.

Xiao Lang only woke up on the eighth day, but he was so weak that he could barely open his eyes. He opened his eyes after a long rest, and saw the miserable Larch surrounded by the bed. The four of Xuanyuan Tianming grinned and said, "What are you doing? I'm not going to die, do you want me to go soon with your expressions and feelings?"

Emperor Xian and Larch were startled. Emperor Xian hurriedly smiled bitterly: "The Great, how dare we curse you to death? We hope you get better soon. This time it is we who have caused you to suffer. If it weren't for you, we were afraid that we would all die Up..."

"Don't talk about this, you can withdraw! I'll take a rest for two days, and I won't see anyone before that. Tianming, don't let this happen back to Tianzhou City, don't worry Hongdou and the others."

Xiao Lang reluctantly smiled and waved his hand. After everyone retreated, he sat up cross-legged with difficulty and began to look inside!

The damage to the soul was more serious than he had imagined. Now he hardly dared to use the power of the soul, and the soul would be torn apart as soon as he moved. The damage to this soul is the most difficult to handle, and it can only slowly recover on its own.

"Soul, if there is a soul treasure, you must take it at all costs, otherwise the next time you desperately, you will be angry again, I am afraid that the soul will collapse!"

Xiao Lang thought secretly. After a while, he realized that he was thinking too much, and his soul was in pain, and he hurriedly lay down to rest.

After resting in the Castle Peak for half a month, Xiao Lang's soul was almost restored, but he still did not dare to use the power of his soul. He summoned Emperor Xian, asked about it, and after making sure that he would not go to Tianzhou City, he took Xuanyuan Tianming and the two and sent them back to Tianzhou.

With Xiao Lang's troubles, Emperor Xian's family was saved. Young Master Herring will definitely not be embarrassed in the future, but will take care of one or two. Emperor Xian can be said to be a big show in their family, and he will definitely reuse Emperor Xian in the future. Therefore, it is understandable that Emperor Xian and the others refuse to come to Tianzhou to develop Xiaolang. Emperor Xian is good at mixing there. In the future, the people of Tianzhou will be able to go to another place, right?

Back in Tianzhou City, Xiao Lang's face was still very ugly, making Hong Dou and the others very distressed, Xuanyuan Tianzun sent some soul tonic elixir. It's a pity that none of these elixir is too strong and has little effect.

Soul tonic elixir is the most precious in God's Domain, once it appears, it is immediately robbed by a big family. If there is a treasure of soul, the big family still has no chance to compete, and in the end it will basically be divided up by the Supreme God family...

After Xiao Lang returned to the city, he closed for a few days after resting. Ask Chamu to arrange people to explore the soul tonic, and inform him as soon as he can, as long as the soul can be compressed into a purple house, then he can release his anger at will, and his combat power will be greatly improved.

Time flies quickly, Xiao Lang closed for March, Cha Mu searched for March but still had no gain. For a warrior of Xiao Lang's level, if he wants to replenish his soul, he must need extremely precious treasures of heaven and earth. It is not like the unicorn of the Haechi beast in Tianzhou. At this moment, there is no such tonic.

Xiao Lang didn’t gain much either. He just refined some purple sacred stones. Although Qing Dao realized the seventh realm, he still couldn’t understand the human vein map. Although the acupuncture points had changed a little last time, Xiao Lang didn’t know at this moment. Is it good or bad.

Another month passed, Xiao Lang suddenly heard a sound transmission in his head, awakening him: "Xiao Lang, the soul is the treasure, it depends on whether you dare to grab it!"

Xiao Lang's eyes opened abruptly, but he was not too excited, but his expression became serious. Xuanyuan Tianzun from the sound transmission, people who are so arrogant with him said that they would dare not to **** it. I am afraid that there are many people snatching this treasure, and it is estimated that many of them are children of the Supreme God.

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