Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 31: Induce

"I don't know what's going on outside?"

In the cave at the bottom of the lake, Xiao Lang and the others had a good time. Two months have passed, and the Ling Meng Bird has been completely refined.

During this period of time, countless warriors have explored from above. There are warriors in the three domains. This black bloodstone and brown bloodstone has made great achievements, and the sea snake outside is the finishing touch. All the martial arts have swept nearby. At most, he stopped on the sea snake for a second, and then proceeded to explore other places.

Almost all the coyotes above were killed, only the three coyotes lurking in the crevices were not killed. Xiao Lang did not dare to go out and control more coyotes to come over, and stayed honestly to stabilize the soul purple. House.

The pure soul energy contained in Ling Meng Bird is very large. After the formation of the Purple Mansion of his soul, it has grown twice as large in the back, and the soul can sing better than Xuanyuan Tian, ​​and it is still worse than Xuanyuan Tianxin.

"Big Brother Tianxin!"

He suddenly yelled, Xuanyuan Tianxin and others opened their eyes, and Tianxin asked suspiciously, "What's the matter? Xiao Lang!"

Xiao Lang frowned and said, "No one has passed by here in the past six or seven days. There is not even a warrior in the Demon Realm or Demon Realm. Have everyone evacuated? How about we go out and have a look?"

"Six or seven days?"

Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others were taken aback, it was too weird for such a long time, could it really be that they all left? Xuanyuan Tiangang stood up abruptly and said, "Wait, let's go out and go around. Anyway, we are not afraid of being discovered if there are coyotes."

Xuanyuan Tianxin shook his head and said: "No, if it is the enemy's plan to slow down and bury spies around, we will send the sheep to the tiger's mouth. Anyway, we are fine. It is better to practice here for another three months, safety first. If it is true After leaving, Xiao Lang doesn't need to waste a favor from the Queen of the Night. This kind of favor is the most important, and it can only be used once."

When Xiao Lang heard this, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​going out. With Xuanyuan Tianzun, there was no problem in Tianzhou City. He was cultivating here for three to five months, or even three to five years.

"Okay! We will be practicing here for three to five months."

Xiao Lang calmly went down to practice, and began to fully understand the human body's vein map, and occasionally he could feel the way of heaven. A few months would pass easily.

Xuanyuan Tianxin and others often retreat, and it is a small problem to retreat for a few years, and all of them immediately sit cross-legged and practice.

The ground near Xiao Lang and the others is indeed extremely safe, but the rest of the place is very lively. The seven lords of God's Domain ordered that hundreds of Tianzun brought countless divine ancestors and warriors to move directly, and soon they were outside the evil domain. After being controlled, the demon domain and the demon domain's heavenly veterans can kill with all their strength as long as they don't leave. More divine ancestors entered the domain and began to clear the field.

A few days later, Dragon Knight sent the message to the queen and the prince of the Demon Realm, and either left the evil realm immediately or died!

The warriors of Demon Region and Demon Region were naturally dissatisfied when they heard it, and they were extremely surprised. Such unexpected behavior of the warriors of God's Domain must contain profound meaning. And when their people discovered that the warriors of God's Domain gathered in the bottomless abyss, they could naturally guess that they must have found the treasure in the bottomless abyss.


There have been too many warriors in God's Domain, and in just a few days, when the queen and the prince of Demons were just preparing to form an alliance, the number of warriors who were reinforced by God's Domain reached a million!

Absolute control!

After the Yaozu and Demon Martial Artist were killed more than half of them, they finally understood a **** fact, and this time they were gone. And they found out that the **** went outside, and the **** Tianzun was killed without running away...

The situation is stronger than that of people. Are they fools? Dragon Knight and the others didn't dare to kill them, and finally reached an agreement and they withdrew from the evil realm.

When everyone went to the chaotic space from the exit, they saw that there were all the gods outside, at least nearly a thousand people, and immediately determined that there must be a treasure in the bottomless abyss, but they had no chance to compete.

After the clearing of the field was completed, it was ready to carve up this wild beast.

This time the seven supreme gods have all sent people, and they have already set a strategy. First use the human sea tactics to try if you can take the Beast Beast, if you can't take it, then find a way to lure it out of the field.

As for who belongs to this stubborn beast? It depends on the respective means and luck of the seven major forces. As mentioned above, as long as whoever wins, the rest cannot compete or scramble.

"Well, now I am the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, and everyone is waiting for my orders."

Dragon Cavalry is full of spirits, and the people of the Long Family understand the beasts, so it is decided to let Dragon Cavalry become the commander of all the warriors in the evil realm, and command everyone to fight fiercely.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Longqi glanced over the faces of a group of people, and said: "Fu Shou, Liandong, Xiujian, Qingli...we send a hundred people on each side, how about going down at the same time?"

Several people nodded at the same time, Qing Li, a descendant of Qing Ting, asked in a puzzled manner: "What's the use of just sending a hundred people down? Can you kill that stubborn beast?"

Dragon Cavalry explained: "These seven hundred people will definitely not be able to kill. In fact, the ancestors of a million can't kill the sacred beast at the same time. What we want to attract the sacred beast. The attack of the sacred beast is very powerful. , The defense is super tai, the only weakness is the slow speed! As long as it comes out, we can kill it."

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded one after another, as long as they came out and died when the time came, whoever could obtain the inner alchemy of the beast, wouldn't it be luck? The seven parties have similar strengths and equal opportunities, which is very fair.

Soon seven hundred people were selected. These were the dead members of the various families, and they did not hesitate about the master's order. Seven hundred dragon vines were taken out, and seven hundred people were **** and flew downwards quickly.

This bottomless hole is at least tens of thousands of miles deep, and I don't know how wide the hole below is. If you don't go down, the attack effect is almost zero.


Soon the ground trembled slightly, and Dragon Knight burst into a burst of shouts for the first time: "Pull the man up."


A strange scream came from under the bottomless pit, and everyone's heart jumped rapidly with the scream. And the hundreds of people who grabbed the rope soon felt the rope light in their hands, and the warriors were constantly being killed.

When all the people were pulled up, less than half of the 700 people remained. The dragon rider's face didn't change his face, his consciousness explored in the endless abyss. After waiting for a moment, there was no movement below, and he waved indifferently: "Continue to send people down to anger the ferocious beast."

Seven hundred people went down again, and there was another wave of indiscriminate bombing. As a result, the number of people waiting to be pulled up was half less. Dragon Knight still waved his face unchanged and said, "Go on!"

The descendants of the seven supreme gods did not change their faces, anyway, it was not the direct line of their family that went down, and they didn't feel distressed how much they died. As long as they can get the Bibi beast out, they will not hesitate. However, they offered a high price, one **** ancestor died, 10 million purple sacred stones, and 30 million **** ancestor peaks.


The cry of the monster below is getting more and more frequent, and it's getting more and more angry!

The eyes of Longqi and the others were getting brighter and brighter, and they began to retreat from the bottomless abyss as far as possible. Naturally, they would not charge at the front line because of their delicate bodies.


Finally, after thousands of ancestors died, the sacred beast below was completely furious, and the nearby ground was shaking constantly, cracking the gaps between the roads, and a breath that made Dragon Qi Qingli and the others suffocated throughout half of the area.

All the powerful people around retreated. The ancestors of the million gods had their eyes shining, holding their breath, and the low roar of the dragon rider resounded through the fields: "When the meeting comes out, no one should attack indiscriminately and lead it away from the bottomless abyss. Everything is waiting for my order! This time you must take down the sacred beast."

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