Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 32: Siege


The ground is shaking, the mountains are shaking, the rubble is flying around, the ground is cracking, the sky is violent, and it is a doomsday scene.

The surrounding crowd retreated farther, and all felt a little trembling in their footsteps. The desolate beast's apparent strength had reached Tianzun. Moreover, the coercion of this desolate beast was so great that everyone felt breathless.


The leaders of the various forces kept shouting and retreating, which had already retreated to tens of thousands of miles, and they were still retreating. Many of the innumerable ancestors who joined later were in the early stage of the ancestors. At this moment, they didn't dare to spit out the atmosphere. They looked at the black hole in the distance with horror, waiting for the appearance of that terrifying beast.


Finally, a huge black head appeared in the abyss. The speed was really slow. A head slowly emerged like a ghost, with four eyes and fleshy bumps on his face. It looked a bit like a human and a bit like a ghost.

Below is the body of a black dragon, with eight claws, and the cold light reflected by the black scales. Although the warrior in the distance can't see it clearly or detect it, he feels inexplicably chilling.

"Long Meng, you lead a team to attack and lead the Beast Beast here."

Longqi burst into a drink, and the sharp glow in his eyes scratched everyone's faces like a knife. A **** ancestor pinned his teeth and nodded, waved his hand, and the nearly thousand **** ancestors behind him immediately followed and rushed forward.

"Shoo!" "Drink!" "Boom!"

This group of warriors did not dare to approach, and they started to bombard indiscriminately after thousands of miles away. Nearly a thousand warriors attacked together, and the scene was very magnificent. Various energy attacks poured out without money, and the space was constantly torn apart and recovered like lightning in the night sky. The sky of this wicked realm was originally a little dim, but now it was brightly illuminated.

"Boom boom boom!"


Thunder-like explosions, accompanied by the grotesque screams of the Monstrous Beast, are not particularly huge. The total length of Monstrous Beast is only a few hundred meters, and the body width is more than 30 meters, mainly because of its huge breath. In addition, there was an explosion at this moment, making the breath even more depressed, and it seemed that the sky was about to collapse.


As soon as the sacred beast came up and was attacked, it was suddenly furious. Its defense was really terrifying. It was attacked by so many people, and there was no scale on its body! The white light in its four eyes gleamed like thunder and lightning, constantly shooting out white light, wherever the white light passed, a piece of warrior... disappeared!

That's right!

It has disappeared, and even the powder is not left behind! Long Meng took nearly a thousand people and was swept by dozens of white lights. In the end, only less than three hundred people were left. Those who survived are still at the pinnacle of the ancestor, and they dodge quickly.

"Continue to attack and retreat!"

With a sweep of Long Meng, he probably judged that the attack range of the Beast had reached tens of thousands of miles. He couldn't help but secretly stunned, slashed a blade of light, and immediately retreated.

Nearly 300 people who survived attacked again and immediately retreated! Obviously, the Beast was completely enraged, and the four feet on the ground moved and moved quickly toward the dragon and fierce side.

Dragon Knight said that the slow speed of the Beast was the only weakness, but that was relative to the beast of its level. In fact, its speed is not slow at all, at least it is the speed of the middle stage of the ancestors. Except for the peak of the dragon and fierce group of ancestors, the speed of the others is not comparable to him.

"Okay! Prepare to attack, besieged and killed the sacred beast."

The spies around reported the situation to the sons of the Supreme God, and many people immediately opened their eyes. The speed of the sacred beast is really unpleasant, this time millions of people came, how could it be crushed to death.

At the moment, there was no need for Dragon Knight to give orders, people from all directions gathered around, divided into groups from far away, and started guerrillas constantly.

The tactics are very simple. Just attack from your side. If the Beast Beast comes to attack, all run away, and then start to attack in another direction, continuously angering the Beast Beast, making it farther and farther away from the abyss.

The battle began to interweave, and the defensive of the beast became too tai. Although it was attacked almost all the time, there was still no superficial damage. And the death toll on the martial arts side of the gods began to rise sharply, especially those martial artists in the early and mid-term of the **** ancestors, there was no time to escape from the white light sweep, and the middle must die.

The energy of this white light is still very strong, often after killing a warrior, it continues to shoot forward, and the warrior that is hit also has a dead end, and even dozens of warriors in a straight line can be killed in a flash.


It was just an hour, and the beast was dragged away from the bottomless abyss for hundreds of thousands of miles, but the warrior died more than 100,000.

"Attack, disperse! Keep attacking."

Dragon Knight and others were not on the front line of the battle, but kept roaring behind. If you get too close, the **** ancestor peak can be killed in seconds, they are not stupid. Anyway, the Supreme God ordered, who would dare not fight with all this group of warriors? Would their family want to get together in the future?

But at the back, the warriors learned to be smart and all spread out into a fan shape, without standing in a straight line, so even if someone was shot by white light, it would not cause the warriors behind to be killed.


The hills and peaks were razed, the passages were destroyed, and the giant trees collapsed.

Thick smoke, dust, stone chips, various energy attacks, and the blood of warriors swayed in the air.

After half a day, the body of the Jujubeast still did not fall off half of its scales, but fortunately, the casualty rate of the warrior continued to decrease. However, many ancestors in the middle and early stages were secretly surprised and scolded their mothers. The strength of this sacred beast is comparable to that of Tianzun, how can it enter this domain? Can other Tianzun Martial Artists or Monster Races not come in? Can they kill with such a strong defense?

Killing can naturally kill!

Longqi and the others insisted on this, and after the situation was spread outside and then returned to God's Domain, Long Ao Supreme God gave a positive answer. Continue to consume it. After the energy of the sacred beast is exhausted, its defense is greatly reduced, it is the death of the sacred beast.

After the news came, the morale of the princes was greatly boosted. There are a million ancestors here. How can it be impossible to consume more than one hundred thousand and over eight hundred thousand? Even if they fight for more than half of the death and injury, these young men will not blink.

They are all determined to obtain the inner alchemy of the sacred beast.

"Long Ai, you arrange for a group of people to secretly search around. I suspect Xiao Lang is still lurking around. At this moment, they will definitely come out with such a big movement. If they find out, they will notify me immediately."

The battle situation was stabilized, and Longqi's mind became active, and he began to arrange people to explore. Xiao Lang defeated him in public in Qingshan City last time, making him feel shameless to see Sister Wanyan. At this moment, he robbed his Ling Meng Bird again, months have passed, I am afraid that he has already refined it.

Thinking of this, he was even more furious, Xiao Lang became a thorn in his heart, his devil! Without killing Xiao Lang now, when Xiao Lang returned to the Land of Destruction, there would be no chance for Xuanyuan Tianzun to cover him.

So if Xiao Lang is there, he must be killed.


[Author's digression]: Five chapters, silently paying off debts in the middle of the night...

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