Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 34: At stake

Purgatory on earth!

The beast was furious, and surrounded by countless warriors, the ending can be imagined. Pieces of warriors were shot into nothingness by the white light, leaving no trace of powder.

But everyone didn't dare to retreat, otherwise the beasts would enter the bottomless abyss, and they would give up their previous work and lose more people.

The eyes of all the warriors were red, and they started to attack regardless of life and death. As the scales of the scorpion beast fell off, they also saw hope.

The sacred beast was injured, which showed that the energy in its body had been consumed too much, and its defensive power began to decrease. If it continued, victory was ahead.

"Shoot!" "Boom!" "Boom boom boom!"

The monster roared, the energy burst out, and the explosion sounded endlessly. The monstrous beast went crazy, and a group of people were beheaded. In just two days, the number of casualties reached more than 100,000. However, more than half of the scales of the Beast's body fell, and dark black blood began to flow out of its body, and its attack speed began to slow down, and its power was significantly weakened.


The Beast was finally scared. A group of weak humans made it so weak. It seemed to know that it was going to die if it continued, and began to run desperately towards the bottomless abyss.

"Can you escape? Attack with all strength! In addition, arrange for someone to go to the bottomless abyss, level the nearby mountain peaks, and find a way to fill the invincible abyss for me."

Dragon Knight made a sneak attack, and his body retreated quickly and began to drink. Qingli Liandong and the others woke up, and quickly began arranging people to go nearby, even if they leveled the nearby super mountains, they would have to fill in the bottomless abyss, so that the sacred beast would have no escape.

Hundreds of thousands of people continue to pester the sacred beast, slowing its escape speed, and tens of thousands of others rush away. Going near the bottomless abyss, there was a burst of indiscriminate bombardment on the nearby ground, and then going to the nearby mountains, using powerful energy to bombard the mountains and shooting countless gravel and mud towards the bottomless abyss. .

The entire Evil Territory began to shake, and so many warriors attacked with all their strength. If it weren't for the weirdness in this Territory, it might have been blasted to pieces.

Five days!

With a scar on his body, the Beast finally escaped back to the vicinity of the Bottomless Abyss, but the Bottomless Abyss no longer existed, and it didn't even recognize it. The neighborhood has become a basin, more than a dozen nearby mountains have been razed, the neighborhood has become a pot bottom, and the huge bottomless abyss disappeared...

"Good job! Haha, where do you want to escape? Kill, kill all for me."

Longqi's pleasant voice rang across the fields, and all the warriors were shocked. Looking at the dim-eyed monstrous beast, it seemed that they were already thinking about the scene where its huge body fell.


Suddenly, the beast looked up to the sky and roared continuously, and its body unexpectedly began to change, doubled its size, and its eyes changed from four to eight. Instead of running away, it rushed towards the crowd.


Eight white lights shot out, taking away the lives of hundreds of warriors. The power of the white light was restored to its original level, and the fierce might on the body was a little more vigorous. The powerful pressure suppressed the speed of many warriors in the early stage of the ancestor.

"Don't panic, everyone, this scorpion beast is dying and struggling, and soon it will die. Everyone step up their attack."

Longqi shouted, but his body retreated like lightning. He hadn't lied, Long Ao had long been sent for information, and the moment the Jujube beast transformed itself was about to die. As long as it resisted for a day or two, it would definitely die.

Qingli Fushou and the others are not fools either. They learnt that Dragon Knight screamed while making the warriors rush up and retreat. Some warriors believed it to be true, and all attacked frantically, and the result...naturally died.

After half a day!

The blood on this sacred beast was flowing more and more, but the momentum was getting stronger and stronger, and the attacks were getting more and more frequent. It seemed that the time had come to return. But the warrior has died more than 100,000. There were a million warriors, but now there are less than half a million.

The warriors began to be afraid and finally woke up and began to retreat. Everyone firmly believed that this ferocious beast would die. The question is, what good is it for everyone? If it dies before it dies, I am afraid that it will only get millions of purple sacred stones for the tribesmen, right? What's the point of that?


The ferocious beast was chasing the warriors frantically, where there were many people chasing it, the dragon knight and others were hanging from a distance, waiting for the ferocious beast to exhaust the last bit of energy and completely die.

Two days, three days!

The fierce beast chased and killed the warrior across half of the area, and the warrior killed by it again increased by tens of thousands. Its momentum finally weakened, its speed became slower, and the white light power of its attack was more than half weak. .


Its huge tail swept nearby, razing a group of forests to the ground, and crushing countless coyotes inside to pieces. There was a mountain range in front, and countless warriors entered the mountain to avoid it. The red light in its eyes flashed, and it went crazy again.


Its body suddenly accelerated towards the mountain range!


The mountain range was literally knocked out of a huge canyon, and many of the warriors who escaped into the passage were trampled on to pieces. Many people were buried alive. Many people burst into the mud and shot out in horror, but were hit by white light in the air, turning them into nothingness.


The huge body of the sacred beast has finally reached the ground, but its huge tail is still constantly sweeping, sweeping the nearby trees, sweeping the devastated mountain range so that the rocks are cracked and scattered, and it almost gave a small lake not far away. Filled up.


There was a cave at the bottom of the small lake, which was crushed under the chaos of the beast, and a secret room in the cave also collapsed.

"What monster is this?"

The secret room suddenly collapsed, and Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others immediately fired their consciousness everywhere. They thought they were being attacked and wanted to work hard, but at this moment they did not dare to move.

Because the monster that exuded powerful pressure was 10,000 meters above the cave, and they also detected many warriors shooting out of the mountains, and they were turned into nothingness by the white light in the monster's eyes.

"Don't move everyone! Don't let out a breath. It's best not to explore with the consciousness, otherwise we will definitely die."

Xiao Lang opened his eyes and suddenly transmitted a voice to everyone. He had investigated the situation a long time ago, and there were two coyotes outside who were lucky not to die at this moment. When the Beast Beast hit the mountain, he had already stopped his cultivation. He wanted to tell everyone to flee immediately, but he calmed down forcibly. Now anyone who dares to appear will die.

"A lot of warriors rushed here, at least hundreds of thousands."

Xuanyuan Tianxin sensed it quietly, and immediately took back his divine consciousness. He didn't know what was going on outside, but he knew that if one was not good, everyone would die.

Xiao Lang built all his thoughts on the spiritual connection with the coyote, watching the situation outside through the coyote. When he explored the countless warriors above the mountain range and discovered that Longqi was running with a group of warriors, his heart suddenly sank.

Although the secret room collapsed, the bodies of several of them were still covered by black bloodstone and brown bloodstone. If Dragon Knight and others had their spirits on the monster, they would still have a chance to avoid it.

But this kind of possibility is really not big. After all, there are too many warriors. Xiao Lang can only tell Xuanyuan Tianxin and others not to move. In addition, he secretly prayed, hoping to escape the catastrophe.

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