Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 35: Jade

Xiao Lang and the others had good luck, because no one swept away their consciousness, all of them were attracted by the beasts.

This ferocious beast has finally fallen, and its inner alchemy will be waiting for everyone to dig it up. An inner alchemy that can shoot Tianzun directly to the peak of Tianzun, how precious is this thing? Look at the scary eyes of Longqi and Qingli and others at this moment.

However, no one dared to approach, and Dragon Knight suddenly ordered that people could not attack indiscriminately, and all the warriors in the early and middle stages of the ancestor retreated thousands of miles.

This order was inexplicable, but it was unanimously approved by Qingli and others.

Who among the seven big families can get the Yuan Dan of the sacred beast depends on luck and ability. They naturally should not allow outsiders to get involved, otherwise a small family warrior suddenly succeeded, and then escaped with weird supernatural powers, then Mahler Gobi. Although the feasible xing in that situation is very low, they decided to be careful.

This commanded everyone to be secretly angry. After so many people died, they didn't even have a chance to see the Beast Pill? It's just that no one dared to resist explicitly and could only retreat secretly.

The children of the seven major families stood around with nearly a hundred people at their core, and everyone's eyes were bright. The seven supreme gods have negotiated, and whoever succeeds first counts. No one can **** them, otherwise they will be attacked by the other six families.

No one moves, and no one wants to rush to the end of exhaustion and be picked up by others. Dragon Cavalry's eyes did not leave the Beast for a while, but unexpectedly did not order an attack.

After waiting for a while, Fu Shu couldn't help but said, "Dragon Cavalry, what do you mean? Continue to consume it? Let this monstrous beast regain its vitality?"

Long Qi smiled faintly: "Are you impatient? You can do it first! Don't worry... If you succeed, I will never **** it."

Fu Shu rolled his eyes and finally did not give an order, and everyone looked at each other in surprise. Why isn't Dragon Knight moving? Let this scorpion beast regain its vitality, and then more people will die.

After waiting for a while, Qingli finally couldn't help it. He and Fu Shu Liandong looked at each other, and the three waved their hands, and sent dozens of ancestor peaks to rush towards the distant sacred beasts.

"A group of idiots, the beasts can only die after transforming, they actually let people go to die?"

Longqi mocked and laughed a few times in a low voice. He glanced at the dragon eagle behind him, and suddenly confessed: "Send someone to sneak in from the ground, remember to hide, hide on the ground and don't move, waiting for my order."

Dragon Eagle nodded, and immediately arranged for four or five **** ancestors to quietly retreat, and then entered the underground cave in the mountain below, quietly began to dig a underground cave from the underground to lurking under the sacred beast, preparing for the last-minute snatch.

Dragon Cavalry would think of this, the rest of the family are naturally not stupid, of course they only sent a few people, or the top speed and strength warriors, secretly lurking in the past.


Xiao Lang, Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others secretly cursed at the same time. They were all buried in the ground. Naturally, they knew that the ground below was shaking, and they also knew that someone had come here, and they were many people.

"Xiao Lang! We will definitely be discovered later! Once the war starts, you will run away immediately. Our identity still has a way to survive. You are afraid that you will be killed in the first place."

Xuanyuan Tianxin came over, and the corners of Xiao Lang's mouth were bitter.

escape? Where can I escape? How many warriors are there around here? Once Longqi ordered, he could not escape.

He turned his eyes and said cruelly: "Don't panic first, I guess they are all coming to this wild beast Yuandan, and when they start to snatch, we will break through in silence."

Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others nodded, their spirits had quietly detected many people from the Xiu Family, and the Seven Great Clans were also there. Dragon Cavalry only dared to injure them severely, but did not dare to kill them. Why did he have to look at Xuanyuan Tianzun's face, but Xiao Lang was suspended, after all, the hatred was too deep.


The above-mentioned families continued to attack, and the injuries suffered by the sacred beasts became more serious, but the strong men of the several families died, and more than a dozen people were severely injured, and half of their bodies were lost. …


The Beast Beast couldn't release the white light anymore, it was full of dark red blood night, and there was sadness in its eyes. It seemed that it also understood that it was about to die and was about to say goodbye to this world forever.

"Everyone is ready to attack together. Remember to attack the scorpion beast's neck and separate its head from its body! Send the message to the underground people, ready to listen to my orders and grab things!"

The dragon rushed away, and people began to communicate with the dragon eagle in the air. Qingli and the others moved in the other direction. At this moment, the Beasts were about to die, and even if they could attack, they would be able to escape naturally without fear, all sharpening their swords and preparing to **** Yuandan.

The warriors of the various families all started to attack, but the people of the Long Family were very strange, and they all attacked on the neck of the sacred beast. Everyone did not care, thinking that the neck was the weakness of the sacred beast.


The dragon eagle suddenly received a sound transmission, and his body trembled in exclamation. The dragon knight shot a sword gas and glanced back. If it's critical, what the **** is this dragon eagle doing?

"Xiao Lang, I found Xiao Lang! He is hiding underneath!" The people below finally found Xiao Lang and others lurking in the black blood stone, and the information came over immediately.

"Xiao Lang?"

Long Qi's eyes suddenly shrank, and the first thought in his mind was that Xiao Lang had come to grab his treasure again. Immediately yelled in anger: "Let the people below bring Xiao Lang out! I want him to die!"

Longqi gave an order, and the people below immediately moved their hands. The ground trembled and Xuanyuan Tianxin Xiao Lang and others burst out from the ground.


At the same time, the monster beast was finally bombarded and killed, and its huge head was also divided into two. The head rolled hundreds of meters away, and the eyes on the ghost's face were still wide open, as if it couldn't be stunned. The body was also exploded, revealing the internal organs, and there was a dark red inner alchemy flashing, releasing endless temptation.

"Dragon Eagle! Take someone to kill Xiao Lang!"

The dragon knight roared and rushed towards the Beast. The people of the other families also rushed towards the Beast. More than a dozen warriors shot up on the ground, and everyone's eyes fixed on the dark red inner alchemy. No one cares about Xiao Lang and the others. Although Xiao Lang may still have Ling Meng Bird on his body, the value of the Scourge Beast is a hundred times higher than the Ling Meng Bird.

Of course, there are more than a dozen people. Dragon Eagle took more than a dozen **** ancestors and whizzed towards Xiao Lang. They didn’t know why Dragon Knight didn’t let them go to grab the Beast Pill, but instead wanted them to kill Xiao Lang. ? They just knew that Young Master Longqi was very smart, and his decision must be right.

The faces of Xiao Lang and the others were extremely gloomy. They thought they could take the opportunity to escape when these people robbed them. But I didn't expect Dragon Knight at the last moment, but he didn't forget to let people intercept them?

Looking at the menacing Dragon Eagle and the others, Xiao Lang showed a ruthless look in his eyes. He suddenly released his anger and hit the Dragon Eagle and the others, but his body shot towards Longqi.

The man was killed and released in mid-air, and the God Splitting Hand also transformed hundreds of claw shadows. He roared: "Dragon Cavalry, since you don't give me a way to survive, then you don't want to get this desolate beast Yuandan today."

Xiao Lang was ready to burn all the jade and stones, even if he died, he would have to drag Dragon Knight, making him sick for a lifetime.

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