Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 56: mob

Ultimate magic!

The shock of these words is big enough, what is the ultimate magical skill? That is the most powerful magical skill, why is Flowing Fire powerful? It was the integration of an ultimate divine skill that was invincible under the supreme god. Strictly speaking, Xuanyuan Tianzun and him were not at the same level, because Xuanyuan Tianzun relied on the supreme divine weapon to sweep the realm of the heavens. He did not realize the ultimate divine skill.

Ultimate magic skills are very rare, and there are only five people in this world who can feel the ultimate magic skills. And three of them are still Supreme Gods, and Shura Supreme God is one of them. In addition to Liuhuo, only Xing Tian realized an ultimate magical skill, and Xing Tian also became the first person in the chaotic star sea with the ultimate magical skill.

Xiao Lang was a divine abandoned body, and he didn't have any future in the first place, but his strength has soared recently, and he also possessed the weird migrating supernatural power. This has shocked countless people. After all, being so young can leave calmly after killing people in Wanyan City and Heavenly Devil City, even if most Tianzun in the Land of Destruction cannot do it.

Xiao Lang's strength improved so quickly, everyone thought of that scorpion beast.

Long Ao directly soared from the early stage of Tianzun to the peak of Tianzun because of the strength of a sacred beast, and then quickly broke through the Supreme God. The strength and miracle of the Beast was beyond doubt, so it was not surprising that Xiao Lang's strength improved so quickly at this moment.

At this moment Xiao Lang roared and said that he would release the ultimate combat technique, which scared a group of people! When Shura Tianzun destroyed the twenty-eight late stage of Tianzun with a single ultimate magical skill, Tianzun fell directly as soon as the ultimate magical skill of Flowing Fire was released.

So... after Xiao Lang roared and his body turned into hundreds, the Tianzun of the Xiu family was instinctively frightened. The swordsmanship was the worst, and he rushed to the distance for the first time.

This escape immediately broke everyone's continuous defense!

And when Xiao Lang’s many shadows rushed from all directions, each of his shadows began to release black mist, and they were still surrounded by golden divine clouds. The momentum was terrifying. Xiuyuan and others were also afraid, and all began to flee in all directions. go with.


Xiao Lang's God Splitting hands locked the ties and grabbed them fiercely. Two black lights flashed in his eyes. Will he have the ultimate magic skills? He will fart!

He only knows a lot of magic skills, a lot of flashy magic skills. When Mrs. Mei gave him a hundred magic skills, he realized all of them. Many magic skills are useless for birds, and they look really scary...


When Xiu Yuan suppressed Xiao Lang in Chilong City, it was only the peak of the **** ancestor. Over the years, he had broken through the Heavenly Sovereign by refining the Supreme Divine Blood Strength, but this Heavenly Sovereign Realm was too late to be consolidated. At this moment, panicked, coupled with the continuous horizontal defense being broken, the body energy was fuzzed, so with a slaying blow, the cracker's hand grabbed, and the shield burst easily. The thunder shining, full of destruction, the dark golden claws easily submerged into the lower abdomen of Xiu Yuan, and they were heavily grasped in his dantian.

The shadow dissipated, the black mist disappeared, and the colorful light on Xiao Lang's body also disappeared. The appalling aura disappeared with his actions, without any heaven-shaking magical skills.

Seeing Xiao Lang's body flashing and holding one hand tightly inside Xiu Yuan's body, all the Tianzun of the Xiu family woke up and shouted in rage, "Xiao Lang, die!"


The five attacks were about to be launched, Xiao Lang was very close to them, and the cultivation of fate would be abolished, and he couldn't avoid it at all.


Xiao Lang forcibly moved Xiuyuan's body to the left. The three people on the left quickly retracted their attack in horror, but the attack from the two on the right hit Xiao Lang's back shield severely, bringing his body together. Xiuyuan hit and flew out.

Although the attacks of the two Heavenly Venerables suppressed some of their fate, their power should not be underestimated. Xiao Lang's shield burst instantly. Fortunately, the two attacks also weakened a lot. His body was strong enough to cause no fatal damage. .


Xiao Lang opened his mouth and spit out a bruise. The blood rushed from behind. He suddenly threw Xiu Yuan towards the five people, but when the five people were about to shoot at him, he suddenly shot out a burst of anger and the target was fainted unexpectedly. The repair.

Four of the five people had chased Xiao Lang, but they didn't dare to chase him immediately. They flew to the vicinity of Xiuyuan and joined hands to protect him. And Xiao Lang's figure immediately disappeared in the air, and in the next second he appeared near the sword repairing in the distance.

"What a mob..."

Liuhuo Tianzun shook his head and sighed again and again. The descendants of the Supreme God were pampered, and had never participated in the battle of life and death. His heart was even more afraid of death and did not dare to work hard. With such a mentality, how could it be that Xiao Lang's opponent has been crawling out of the pile of corpses many times since he was a child, after hundreds of battles?

He watched Xiao Lang's God Splitting hand grabbing towards Xiu Jian. He forgot to resist at this moment, but he kept backing in horror and quickly shook his head and said, "Xiao Lang, it's almost done."

"Xiao Lang, don't abandon the sword repair!"

At the same time, Xuanyuan Tianzun's voice sounded in Xiao Lang's mind. Xiao Lang cracked his hand and grabbed the sword repairer's right hand, relaxed the black axe in his hand, and kicked him away with one leg.


The five Heavenly Sovereigns joined hands to block Xiao Lang's anger. Although he was not injured and protected his fate, he was also embarrassed. They saw Xiao Lang standing in the air holding the Supreme God Soldier coldly, his back was still bleeding, and even the blood on the corner of his mouth was still dripping. But his expression was calm and his white hair danced wildly, just like an invincible God of War.

"Xiao Lang, you deceive, you are despicable and shameless..."

A Tianzun of the Xiu family was stabbed by Xiao Lang's mocking eyes and roared furiously. As soon as he spoke the words, he knew that he had said the wrong thing, and when his eyes were swept away, he found that many Tianzun's eyes were shameless.

Life and death fight! By all means, whoever can survive is the winner!

There is nothing shameless in the battle, and there is no sneak attack. It can be said that as long as they can win, they are all their own means and their own abilities. If this sentence were spoken by ordinary people, there was nothing wrong, but today the seven strongest members of the Xiu family besieged Xiao Lang, and one person was deposed, and the Supreme God Soldier was taken away. If you speak this way, you are slapped yourself in the face.

Xiao Lang didn't say a word, but his gaze swept around, paused on Liu Huo and Xuanyuan Tianzun's face, paused on Wanyan Lore Mu Long's body, and finally landed on the faces of the two sisters Wanyan Ruoshui.

He smiled reluctantly, flicked his right hand, and threw the Supreme Divine Weapon towards Xiuluo Mountain. Finally, he looked at the Wanyan Family Tianzun and the ancestor of the Tianma: "I am going to Qinglong Mountain now. If you want revenge, you can hunt down, of course. ...Anyone who wants to kill me Xiao Lang must be prepared to be killed by me!"

Xiao Lang's figure quickly disappeared into the air. At the last moment, a doubt flashed in his mind. Why didn't Mrs. Mei come here today? Did something happen to their family?


The Supreme Divine Soldier smashed heavily on Mount Xiuluo, the axe blade completely plunged into the soil, leaving a section of the axe shank trembling slightly, making a whisper, as if silently mocking everyone.

"Xiao Lang, where to escape?"

The ancestor of the sky demon tore the space forcefully with both hands, and moved away, no matter whether he could kill Xiao Lang or not, he had to make a gesture, otherwise his old face would be completely unbearable when he stayed in place.


The ancestors of the Wanyan family also hummed heavily and were about to move and chase away. However, a sound transmission suddenly sounded in his mind that made him pause. The sound transmission came from Huo Tianzun, and the meaning was simple: "Xiao Lang hasn't fully realized the things left by the monstrous beast, you are not afraid of death... you can chase it! "

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