Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 57: Supreme God Statue

Xiao Lang kept moving, although his soul was a little weak, but for safety reasons, he kept moving until he left the land of destruction and arrived at the place of Wangchen in the southeast of God's Domain.

The supreme **** of Wangchen has not been born for many years. The people in his territory are very peaceful. If it hadn’t been for the last time there was an accident in the Evil Realm, many people would have forgotten that there is such a supreme **** as Wangchen. .

Xiao Lang found a place to hide, dug a hole 100,000 miles under a forest, and at the same time tame a few low-level barren beasts, built a secret room with brown bloodstone, and slept comfortably.

There is still more than half a month to leave the three-month period agreed by the Tiger Blade Legion, Xiao Lang is not in a hurry, he made such a big disturbance in the Land of Destruction, must Longqi have known it? Naturally, his immortal dragon rider did not dare to move his family. He had to restore his body to his best condition so that he could rescue his family members with more confidence.

He slept comfortably for four or five days, and his injuries recovered. Only then did he teleport away leisurely. He has a full set of maps of God's Domain, and the route of his teleportation is also floating, and he is not afraid of the enemy blocking him in the city ahead.

Qinglong Mountain is in the Qinglong collar, next to Qinghuangfeng, where the Qingsting Supreme God lives.

On the surface of Longqi, he was expelled from the Long Family, and the arrested person was placed in Qinglong Mountain. Even if the matter spread all over the world, it would not affect the reputation of Long Family. Moreover, this would also prevent Xuanyuan Tianzun and others from helping him in the past. After all, not far away was the place where the Supreme God lived, and the outside Tianzun would not give the Qingtiao Supreme God face anymore if he came to kill the Supreme God.

Xiao Lang teleported all the way, thinking about all the possibilities he encountered in Qinglong Mountain. His face was very calm, but his heart was already very heavy. Saving people is not the same as killing people. One is not afraid to stay in Qinglong Mountain.


He randomly teleported to a major city, anyway, there was still plenty of time, in order to prevent the enemy from determining his route, he teleported randomly. He flashed out of the teleportation formation, and when he was about to enter a teleportation formation at will, his body was stunned.

He saw a statue, a huge purple and gold statue.

He saw a few of these statues. He saw one when he entered the realm of God, and one in Love Song City. This is a statue of the Supreme God. A statue that is 100 meters high and exudes terror and coercion.

The statue is an elegant and handsome middle-aged man, wearing a Taoist robe, long and fluttering, carrying a bamboo basket and holding a book in his hand. It does not look like a powerful warrior, but like a scholar. A scholar who is devoted to reading.

The statue was okay. Many people worshipped the statue, and the statue exuded a faint coercion, but Xiao Lang felt a little different. He saw those bright and pure eyes, as if he saw a sea of ​​stars, saw the reincarnation of heaven and earth, and saw the lonely banished immortal...

He stood in front of the statue in a daze, just like when he looked at the three characters written by the Purple Meihuang outside the Purple Emperor Palace, he also felt a trace of the supreme god's understanding and sentiment of the heavens within this statue.

Last time at the Purple Charm Emperor, if he had realized something, he saw the statue go in completely silent at the moment, forgetting where he was, and forgetting what he was going to do. It was just inexplicably silent in the vast world in those eyes. Inside!

Slowly, Xiao Lang unexpectedly released a faint white light on his body, and there was also a trace of dusty temperament on his body. Just like that statue, he didn't ask about world affairs, but only asked for the gods, and misty and banished.


Xiao Lang's vision immediately alarmed countless guards on the square, and soon those guards sent the information to the big figures in the Tubao in the city. There were also many people in the square looking at Xiao Lang suspiciously. Seeing him with white hair, it was not a divine body that naturally thought of a young man who had recently become known as the God Domain, Xiao Lang!


Suddenly, countless ancestors and five celestial ancestors flew out from the Tubao group in the city. One of the ancestors uttered a deep cry in the later stage, and those ancestors immediately flew away and surrounded Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang didn't move, his eyes were still confused, and the dusty temperament on his body grew stronger. He had forgotten everything, naturally he didn't know that he had been surrounded by countless ancestors.

Of course... this has something to do with the fact that those ancestors did not have the slightest killing intent on them.

These ancestors surrounded Xiao Lang and looked around nervously. The four or five celestial ancestors stood in one position, and the same gazes shot around. All the guards on the square moved and drove everyone on the square. He also ordered that the square was under martial law, and anyone dared to approach and kill without mercy.

There was an uproar in the city, and all the powerful members of the Wangchen family were dispatched to protect Xiao Lang?

Countless people think of a legend that has been circulating for many years. It is said that the statue of the Supreme God Wangchen contains the ultimate sense of heaven. Anyone who has the opportunity to understand it can understand it.

This legend has been circulating since the statue was successfully built, saying that it was the Supreme God Wangchen who took care of his people. However, for so many years, no one could perceive a trace of heaven in the statue. Gradually everyone forgot about it. At this moment, it was only remembered after Xiao Lang arrived.

This statue couldn't even understand the Wangchen family's own people. Xiao Lang had an epiphany as soon as he arrived. It naturally attracted the attention of the Wangchen family, and it was normal for all the powerful to protect the law for him. After all, being able to perceive the way of heaven contained in the statue can be regarded as having a relationship with the Supreme God Wangchen.

Xiao Lang's station lasted for two days, and the strongman of Wangchen family also guarded for two days, no one was allowed to approach. Anyone who transmitted it was immediately driven out by the Wangchen family.


On the third day, a huge teleportation array lit up again, and the guards next to the teleportation array immediately became nervous. When the teleportation array's light weakened, the captain of the guard screamed: "Don't move, or kill it!"

"call out!"

Unexpectedly, more than a dozen people in the teleportation formation released the attack at the first time. Most of these more than ten people are the peak of gods, and there are three or four **** ancestors who are professional killers with their heads and faces covered.

"court death!"

The Tianzun of the Wangchen family became furious, and the two shot away. The huge coercion enveloped everyone in the teleportation formation. They attacked at the same time, and they did not hesitate to smash the teleportation formation.


When the two heavenly veterans were just moving, the other two teleportation formations also lit up. There were also more than a dozen people on each side, and there were ancestors inside, and they immediately attacked Xiao Lang's side as soon as they appeared.


The remaining three Tianzuns of the Wangchen family also moved, and the three condensed a huge energy attack at the same time, shaking all the opponents' attacks apart. Xiao Lang was in the process of comprehension, not to mention that being killed was interrupted by an attack.


"Xiao Lang, die!"

At the moment when all the heavenly masters moved, the sky above Xiao Lang trembled, an old man with a hook nose suddenly appeared, and a huge eagle claw condensed out, covering Xiao Lang and the nearby **** ancestors, the vastness The atmosphere of Wangchen made the ancestors of the Wangchen family feel desperate.

The late Tianzun, the ancestor of the demon!

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