Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 85: Captured

The battle between Xiaoyao King and Long Ao caused a group of supreme gods to watch. Although no one was close to persuade the peace, seven or eight supreme gods all chased them all the way, locking the battle between the two with their spiritual consciousness from a distance. Hmm... Maybe it would be more accurate to describe it as a chase.

Long Ao didn't dare to confront Xiaoyao King at all, he was chased and killed all the way, Xiaoyao King was much stronger than him, and moved farther, so Long Ao was beaten in some tragedies. However, Long Ao is the supreme god, with the power of reincarnation to protect his body, and King Xiaoyao can't kill him for a while.

Xiaoyao King moved farther than Long Ao in speed and distance. Coupled with his unique time and nature, Long Ao didn't dare to move towards the Northern Baihua Palace, just running around the world. Just as the Supreme God of the Demon Realm was chased and killed by the Xiaoyao King, he entered the sky and caused a riot in the Three Realms and the Chaos Star Sea. However, ordinary warriors only know that the Supreme God is at war, and with their spiritual knowledge and eyesight, they don't know who it is.

Long Ao's face was embarrassed, but his mouth was always sneered. The longer he dragged on, the faster Xiao Lang would die! As long as Xiao Lang is sure that he is dead, what can he do if Xiaoyao King can't kill him? Really anxious, he can only go to Baihua Palace.

"Almost there?"

The immeasurable old man has been lurking in the south, waiting for Xiaoyao King to chase and kill Long Ao. After waiting for a while to find that the two had not returned, his eyes flashed coldly, and his divine consciousness immediately spread out, and soon he found the cave in the chaotic ocean south of Xiaoyao Mountain.

"call out!"

He didn't move, he flew quietly all the way, and shot into the cave like lightning. The divine sense locked Xiao Lang sitting in the cave of the ocean of chaos and moved directly in.


Xiao Lang's eyes opened for the first time, but he saw that a hand had been leaned forward, and the surging power of reincarnation had covered his head, and the muddy eyes under his two white eyebrows It is killing intent.

"The Supreme God!"

Xiao Lang was shocked, but his reaction speed was still too slow and too slow. He didn't even know when the opponent's divine sense locked him. He was only surprised when the opponent was murderous, and he forced himself to calm down. Said: "This lord? We have enemies?"

"No hatred, but I was entrusted to kill you, so I'm sorry!" The old man Wuliang said indifferently, the power of reincarnation in his hand was about to squeeze Xiao Lang to death.

"and many more!"

Xiao Lang tightened his whole body, but he did not dare to attack. He knew that this was a time when life and death were on the line, and he would be wiped out if he didn't. If the Supreme God wanted to kill him, it would kill him completely, and would not give him the opportunity to reshape his flesh.

He burst into a loud shout, turned his mind quickly, and soon spoke again: "Long Ao, please? Your lord might as well take me back and kill Long Ao himself. You and I have no grievances. I have a good relationship with the Zimei Emperor, Xiaoyao King, Liange, Wangchen, and Shura! It is inevitable that you will cause trouble. You are just helping. You can't be blamed for Longao..."

Xiao Lang's words brought the murderous aura from Old Boundlessness away. He pondered for a while, it seemed that this was indeed the truth? He secretly took Xiao Lang back, even if Xiaoyao Wang knew it would be fine, right? Anyway, he was just helping, and just throwing people to Long Ao, he couldn't be guilty of offending the Supreme God so much because of Xiao Lang.

The Old Man Wuliang himself is low-key, incompetent with the world. He has always been a good old man and no one can sin. Xiao Lang just said that he was above his heart. He nodded and grabbed Xiao Lang and moved away.

Xiao Lang was led away by the constant movement of the old man Boundless, only to move three or four to reach God's Domain. His heart was anxious, but there was no way, and he did not dare to attack indiscriminately.

Long Ao didn't appear, instead the Supreme God was entrusted by Long Ao to kill him, not to mention Xiaoyao King was led away by Long Ao. If this supreme **** throws him to Long Ao, the ending can be imagined-Long Ao will kill him instantly.

The old man Wuliang quickly moved onto Longshan Mountain. Since he didn't intend to provoke a sao, he wouldn't take Xiao Lang to Wuliang Mountain. He found out that Long Ao hadn't returned yet, and his two white eyebrows were raised, a little embarrassed.

Could it be that he just stood here waiting for Long Ao to come back? If Long Ao still didn't come back, Xiaoyao King came instead, what should I do?

In the end, he gritted his teeth and walked into the palace. Now that he had promised Long Ao to help him, Xiao Lang had to hand it over to him. If King Xiaoyao or another Supreme God came, he could only kill Xiao Lang forcibly.

When he walked into the palace, the maids naturally didn't dare to say much. The power of reincarnation in his hand poured into Xiao Lang's mind, throwing Xiao Lang casually, and drinking, "Boy, don't move, otherwise I With a thought in your heart, your soul will collapse, stay there honestly! Waiting for Long Ao to come back."

As soon as Xiao Lang sensed it, he realized that there was a group of reincarnation power surrounding his soul. He was afraid that a movement of his mind would immediately cause his soul to collapse. He could only sit cross-legged on one side and stare at the immeasurable old man.

The Old Man Boundless took out a token to send a message, and then sat cross-legged in the main seat, ignoring Xiao Lang's pitiful eyes.

Xiao Lang groaned, his eyes turned and he said: "My lord, I don't know what happened between me and Long Ao. Do you know that? I'm just a warrior coming out of the small domain. If I'm not anxious by bi, what can I do? Dare to oppose the Supreme God?"

As if he hadn't heard the old man, Wuliang continued to sit cross-legged in silence.

Xiao Lang let out a sigh of relief and thought for a while and said again: "My lord, I don't know what is the relationship between you and Long Ao, but you acted against me as a small person in such an identity. Isn't this spreading out to be prestigious to the adults? Kill me, I have no complaints, but you two supreme gods dealt with a little man of me, this matter...I am not satisfied!"

Xiao Lang had the courage and desperately used agitation, but the old man infinitely ignored it. And when Xiao Lang was about to continue speaking, Old Man Boundless suddenly grunted, opened his eyes and shot a sharp gaze: "Boy, if you talk nonsense, believe it or not I will kill you now? I want to live longer. Just stay honestly!"

Xiao Lang's opened mouth closed in a serene manner, this old man is not good at getting in.

A move in his heart? Want to fight? Free Thunder Dragon to kill him?

The question is... can it be killed?

If he couldn't kill with one move, he would have to die, and his soul would collapse when the power of reincarnation in his mind moved. Over the years, the Supreme God has never died, and he vaguely understands that it should have something to do with the power of reincarnation. Even the Supreme God cannot kill the Supreme God. Can he kill?


He lowered his head, his eyes flickered, things were already like this, he could only wait for the moment, if he couldn't, he would fight Long Ao with all his strength, and death would not make him feel good.


After waiting for two days, Long Ao still did not come back. Instead, a Long Luo flew up down the mountain. Long Luo didn't know that Long Ao had gone out and didn't dare to enter the palace. He just knelt on the ground on one knee and reported: "Old ancestor, end The Yan family’s marrying team will be here tomorrow. What do you think about the arrangement? Xuanyuan Xueji, Wanyan Lie, and Qingli Liandong Xiujian are said to be in the wedding team? Should we guard against it? come forward to be shocked?"

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