Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 86: Enter the bridal chamber obediently

"Wanyan family's wedding team? Xuanyuan blood bogey? Wanyan Lie?"

Xiao Lang narrowed his eyes when he heard Long Luo's voice. The first thing he thought of was the two sisters Wanyan Ruoshui! After all, there is no outstanding girl in the Wanyan family, and only the two sisters, Wanyan Ruoshui, are worthy of the Long family. Moreover, Qingli, Liandong Xiujian and others also came, it is very likely that they are two.

He was very puzzled, isn't Longqi dead? Why are the two sisters still married? Thinking of the flowery faces and delicate expressions of the two sisters, Xiao Lang's heart fell into chaos and became a mess.

When Long Ao was not there, Old Man Boundless didn’t want to bother, but when he heard that Qingli and others were coming, and Xuanyuan’s blood jealousy, he couldn’t help but speak in confusion and said, "Your ancestors have gone out to work. I am Boundless. What's the matter? Why are Xuanyuan blood jealous of Qingli and the others here?"


When Long Luo heard an unfamiliar voice, he frightened his body, and immediately knelt down on one knee in panic: "It turns out to be Lord Immea. Long Luo was fortunate to meet your old side. Excuse me...Can I come in and report in person?"

The Old Man Wuliang glanced at Xiao Lang, and said through the voice transmission: "If you have something to say outside, don't talk so much nonsense!"

Long Luo didn't dare to say more quickly. He explained it respectfully, and then said the original story. Then he asked: "My ancestor, where is my ancestor? You... why are you here! Can you send a message? Give my ancestors a deterrent tomorrow?"

The old man Wuliang was irritated, how did he know where Long Ao had gone? He has already sent a message to Long Ao, and he hasn't heard back at this moment. Maybe he has been chased by the lunatic of Xiaoyao King...

"What is it?"

The old man of Boundless sighed slightly angrily and transmitted the voice: "Okay, go down, I will be shocked tomorrow, I will also send a message to Long Ao, do what you should do!"


After Xiao Lang listened to Long Luo's words, his head was like a bolt from the blue sky, and things were already clear. In order to deliberately disgust him, or to lead him out, the Long family forcefully suppressed the Wanyan family, and let a son of the Long family marry the Wanyan Ruoshui sisters instead of Longqi.

This is indeed disgusting to him, at least for this moment he can't wait to kill everyone in the Long Family.

He had no idea about the two sisters Wanyan Ruoshui, but they were as close as brothers and sisters. Wanyan Ruoshui rescued him once, and the Wanyan family was kind to him. Although he killed Wanyan Lisha, he always thought that Wanyan lore and two Sisters are relatives.

Of course, both Wanyan Ruoshui and Longqi didn't want to marry, and at the moment they were even more humiliating to marry a son of the Long family. Xiao Lang didn't need to guess, he knew that with the two sisters' personalities, at most after their wedding tomorrow, they would judge themselves.

"Long Luo? Long Yu?"

Xiao Lang lowered his head and gritted his teeth, his body was as cold as a glacier, and the murderous aura on his body could not be concealed. It's just that at this moment, how can he save people? A raging fire ignited in his heart, and there was endless anger and unwillingness in his mind.

The old man of Wuliang glanced over and said coldly: "Boy, do you want to die immediately? Why do you want to move the people of the Long family? The two sisters heard that you have a good relationship with you? Humph! It's best to have an old man with you. Be honest with me, otherwise you may die early at any time!"

Xiao Lang did not speak, but was silent for a long time, and finally stood up and knelt down heavily, begging: "My lord, can I see the sisters of Wanyan's family tomorrow? I promise I won't be messy! I just want to see one. ."


The answer to Xiao Lang was a fluttering palm wind. His body was smashed against the wall, and he fainted. The Old Man Boundless glanced back and sneered: "I really think I am a fool? Want to die desperately." Want to kill a few people from the Long Family? Dreaming!"

The old man Wuliang raised his eyebrows, his spiritual consciousness spread out, and he searched around from the furthest distance, but he still didn't find Long Ao.

He sighed a little anxiously: "Long Ao, are you dead? Why don't you know to send a message? Alas... No matter, I have been waiting here for a month. I haven't come back a month, I will help you kill Xiao Lang. I don’t care about the rest of the mess, and it is considered that we met each other."

The next day!

Long Ao was chased and killed by Xiaoyao King. The Long Family didn't know. Most of the elite children of the Long Family were sent away, but there were still many people in Longbao. There are too many direct descendants of the Long Family, plus countless families who vassalize the Long Family, so today the Long Yu Master’s wedding is very lively in the Long Castle.

The castle was decorated with lights and festoons. Many guests who rushed to congratulate them followed Longyu and stood on the square early, waiting for the Wanyan family's wedding party.

Only one Tianzun of the Long Family was killed by Xiao Lang, but there were more than a dozen Tianzuns in the vassal clan of the Long Family. With the addition of the Tianzuns from each mountain leader in the Dragon Region, there were hundreds of Tianzuns on the square at this moment.

Long Luo's face was full of red light. During this period of time, he used Long Ao's power to successfully master the power in the Dragon Realm. This time, the Long Family pressed the Yan Family and married the two most beautiful flowers in God's Domain, which saved the Long Family's reputation a lot, so he was in a good mood at the moment.

Long Yu was in a better mood, wearing a red robe, accepting the envy and jealous congratulations from countless princes, his eyes swept into the teleportation array from time to time, and his eyes were hot. Thinking of the two perfect bodies that God's Domain men want to play at night, his heartbeat speeds up a bit.


The teleportation array finally lit up. Hundreds of people appeared in the teleportation array. The two beautiful women surrounded by several maids in the teleportation array wore fiery red palace dresses with red hijabs. You don't need to look at their faces, they look exactly the same. The figure makes many young sons look confused.

Xuanyuan Xueji and Xuanyuan Tianxin, Wanyan Lie Wanyan must kill Qingli Xiujian when they did indeed come, and Mrs. Mei stood between the two sisters holding one of them. There was no joy or smile on the faces of everyone, and they all carried a trace of sadness. It seems that today is not here for marriage, but for... funeral.

Regardless of the faces of the people, Long Luoke led people to greet him, and with Wan Yanlie and others who had grinned reluctantly, entered the Long Family Lord Fortress. The two sisters Wanyan Ruoshui were silent and walked steadily. They followed the people all the way to the inside. The two sisters seemed to have accepted their fate.

After a lot of courtesy, a lot of excitement, the wedding in the chapel, nothing went wrong, and the people who sent the relatives sat silently, and there were tens of thousands of tables in the small square of Longbao, witnessing this grand wedding.

At the end of the wedding ceremony, Long Yu took the hands of the two sisters from Mrs. Mei, and his faces were crooked. He stretched out his hands and lifted the red hijabs of the two sisters, but his smile solidified.

He saw the two pairs of lifeless eyes, and then he felt the energy in the bodies of the two sisters start to surging. He glanced fiercely, and while retreating, he shouted: "You dare to commit suicide? Believe it or not, I will kill you. ?"

"Ha ha!"

Wan Yan Ruoshui laughed, extremely poignant, her eyes swept the audience, and she said loudly: "Long Yufu, we are all in court and married. At this moment, our sisters are members of the Long family. We are dead. What happened to the Wanyan family? Father... please forgive our unfilial piety! We will still be your daughters in the next life!"


The surging energy of the two sisters ignited a raging fire, and they burned their own energy to prepare to explode! However, the countless Tianzuns present had no time to stop them, after all, they burned the energy in their bodies.


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the field, a stream of pure energy was blowing in like a breeze, the raging fire on the two sisters suddenly disappeared, and the energy in the body was all imprisoned.

Two immeasurable old men with white eyebrows like sharp swords looked at them coldly, and said indifferently: "Want to die? This can't be for you! Let's go into the bridal chamber obediently!"


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