Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 87: Anger cut!


Countless people stood up, Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others were full of terrible anger. They all knew that the two sisters were going to dictate themselves, and they even knew that they were going to kill themselves, but they couldn’t stop it. Who would dare to come forward that would be angered by Long Ao mercilessly Rolling.

So they did not come to give off their marriage today, they came to funerals and collect corpses.

But at this moment, a supreme **** suddenly appeared, making the two sisters dead? The two sisters must be greeted with endless humiliation and abuse.

Looking like a frightened bird, looking around in horror, the two sisters with pale faces like snow, the murderous intent of Wanyan Lore surged out, and the energy in the hands was about to shoot. But one person was faster than him. His head was smashed, and finally fell to the ground. Wan Yanlie threw him to the children of the Wanyan family, and shouted coldly: "What are you doing? You want to end the Yan family. Sit down!"

"sit down!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun also sighed, Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others closed their eyes in pain and sat down, watching Long Yu walk towards the two with a grinning smile, and several people felt blood dripping from their hearts. In their hearts, the two sisters Wanyan Ruoshui were their younger siblings and Xiao Lang's wife. At this moment, they could only watch as they were taken in by Long Yu to insult them!

"Let go of me, let us go!"

Long Yu strode over, wrapped the two sisters around their waists, and walked toward the courtyard with a big smile. The energy of the two sisters was completely sealed by the old immeasurable man. At this moment, they have no power to bind the chicken, and they can't resist even if they want to resist!


The wine glass in Qing Li's hand burst open, and the fragrant liquor was spilled all over him, but his body was firmly suppressed by the Qing family's Tianzun. He closed his eyes in pain and looked at the beloved woman. The goddess in the dream was brought into the room and played with him face to face. He had all his desire to die.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Xiujian and Liandong lowered their heads and let out a wild roar. They all understood at this moment why the family wanted them to come over. Obviously their family wants them to know that the powerful power of this world can dominate everything, and their family has won. At this moment, the two of them are extremely eager to have powerful power that can destroy everything!

"If water is like jade!"

At this moment, there was a loud shout from above the sky like thunder, blasting everyone into a tremor, Xuanyuan Tianzun's eyes suddenly sharpened, and he shot high into the sky like a knife, and roared in anger: "Xiao Lang , Get out!"

"Xiao Lang!"

Everyone in the small square suddenly raised their heads. When they saw a figure in the sky burst through the air like lightning, everyone was stunned!

Seeing that white snow-like hair danced wildly in the air, Xuanyuan Tianxin and others were all excited by the murderous aura soaring to the sky. But...then their expressions changed drastically in the next second. Could Xiao Lang be the opponent of the Supreme God? Is he here to die?

"Big Brother Xiao?"

The two sisters Wanyan Ruoshui had forgotten the struggle, and looked up in the sky in disbelief. When they saw it clearly, they burst into tears, and there was hope in their beautiful eyes. Lord Shura did not lie to them, Xiao Lang really came! Like the invincible God of War, came to rescue them when they were most desperate.

"Boy, it seems... you want to die?"

The Old Man Wuliang was a little puzzled, how could Xiao Lang wake up so quickly? But he didn't care at all, Xiao Lang's strength was no different from that of an ant in his eyes, and he could pinch to death with just one finger.

With a move of his mind, he would control the power of reincarnation outside Xiao Lang's soul, causing his soul to collapse! It's just-- an accident happened. He suddenly felt that he had lost contact with the power of reincarnation in Xiao Lang's soul. It seemed that the power of reincarnation was not his? Instead, it seems to be refined by Xiao Lang?

"how is this possible?"

His two long white eyebrows stood up like swords, but he didn't care, his body rushed up in a flash, one hand turned into a claw, surrounded by the power of reincarnation in his hand, and he grabbed Xiao Lang's head heavily.

The power of reincarnation is the most powerful force in the world, and everything can be broken easily except the Qi of Chaos.

"My lord, Xiaoyao King has already rushed over here! If you dare to kill me, he won't stop!"

Xiao Lang's body was still rushing down quickly, and he seemed unable to resist the attack of Old Boundless, and he didn't even dare to fight back. He just released a shield, and then looked at the old Boundless with a pleading tone.


The old Man Boundless shook his hand, but his eyes flashed with a cruel look, and he began to drink heavily: "Who is here today, you must die!"

There was a hint of despair in Xiao Lang's eyes, and then suddenly looked forward, his eyes became hot, and he shouted, "King Xiaoyao, help me!"

The old man's soul shook, but the big hand did not stop and continued to grab Xiao Lang, but his eyes swept back for the first time with meaning.

"No? You were fooled!"

With a glance, the back was empty, and the instinctive feeling of the immeasurable old man was bad. And his claws were also heavily grasped on Xiao Lang's head, but there was no head cracking as he expected. Instead, he felt that he was grasped on an extremely hard, unbreakable shield!

The successive appearances of accidents made the old man boundless instinctively stunned, and when he woke up, a huge thunder dragon in front of him had whizzed out and attacked his body suddenly.

"The Origin of Thunder? Why is it so many times stronger? Not good!"

The old man Boundless was extremely frightened. Lei Zhiyuan knew that when Xiao Lang and Dragon Knight were fighting, he came over with his spiritual sense. Although Lei Zhiyuan has the destructive attribute xing, he has never cared very much. For example, this is a sharp war knife, but Xiao Lang is a child. Even if he is given this war knife, he can only cut a little of his fur. !


At this moment, this war knife is not a war knife, but a huge gate! If not, he will be slammed to death by this heavy brake!

When he was furious, he released the power of reincarnation to protect his body, and then he continued to grab Xiao Lang's head with his big hands, trying to kill Xiao Lang first and let the origin of thunder dissipate.

"The power of reincarnation!"


When he saw Xiao Lang's body protecting the outer thick layer of reincarnation power flowing, he decisively gave up the attack. Why is it difficult for the Supreme God to kill the Supreme God? It is because the power of reincarnation cannot be broken at all! Xiao Lang doesn't have much power of reincarnation, but it takes time to completely crush it, and he... has no time!


The thunder dragon roared over and enveloped him. The mighty thunder and lightning made the immeasurable old man's soul terrified. But he is not desperate, he firmly believes that his power of reincarnation can withstand this lightning attack.


What surprised Wuliang again was that his body was blown out in an instant, and his powerful shield of reincarnation was quickly destroyed by lightning, and the shield on his chest was quickly cut out with a thunder and lightning. Entering his body instantly burned his whole body to black. If he hadn't reacted quickly to mobilize the power of reincarnation to protect his heart and head, he would be killed!

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The old man Boundless let out a scream in the air, and moved out for the first time. His body was severely wounded. If he didn't escape, he would be chased by Xiao Lang and bombarded several times, he would be bombed to death!

Xiao Lang stood standing in the air, his expression not fluctuating at all, everything was as he expected, the origin of thunder could break through even the Qi of Chaos, and the power of this reincarnation was also evolved from the Qi of Chaos, and it was naturally able to break through. It's just a pity that the supreme god's reaction was too fast, even if the organs calculated a perfect opportunity, he still couldn't kill the immeasurable old man.

He looked around and made sure that Boundless had escaped. He sighed slightly, his gaze swept down, only to see tens of thousands of dumbfounded eyes!


[Author's digression]: Chapter 5 is still being written! Will be updated before 12 o'clock!

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