Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 89: Everyone needs to kneel

The rest of the Supreme Gods did not know what Xiao Lang had caused in Longcheng. Many Supreme Gods were attracted by the battle between Xiaoyao King and Long Ao, so the old man Liang brought Xiao Lang to Longshan, but they didn't notice. Please remember the website URL:.

After each of them received the news, they were startled. Their first thought was that Xiao Lang had broken through the Supreme God? However, they immediately rejected this idea, because a vision will be born in the breakthrough of the Supreme God's heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth will grant him the power of reincarnation, and the creatures in this entire chaotic space will be alarmed.

Since it is not a breakthrough to the Supreme God, how did he hit the old man severely? This incident caused shock to a group of supreme gods, including Shura Love Song Wangchen Qing Ting and others, and even the Purple Charm Emperor and others were shocked when they waited for the news.

The strength of the old man is not too strong but not too weak. He is the first supreme **** in the realm of God to prove the Dao, and he is middle among the 21 supreme gods. Since Xiao Lang could injure him severely, then... he could completely kill the Supreme God whose strength was lower than his.

This break caused a group of supreme gods to feel uneasy.

Heaven is divided into three levels, one is the ten highest heaven, such as Xiaoyao King’s time heaven, Xiao Lang’s love, and Shura’s destruction of heaven. Twenty-four elements of heaven, such as Xiao Demon God's way of fire. The rest are special kind of heavenly ways, such as the traced heavenly ways of Divination.

Each kind of heavenly path will be fully recognized by heaven and earth after it has realized the ultimate heavenly path, thereby giving the power of reincarnation and the power to control the life and death of living beings. The power of reincarnation and the power of heaven determine the strength of the supreme god.

No matter how strong or weak it is, it is very difficult for the Supreme God to kill the Supreme God, and it is even difficult to inflict severe damage! Because the power of reincarnation is fundamentally destroyed, as long as the power of reincarnation protects the whole body, it is basically a Xiaoqiang who can't die, only suppression or sealing.

Therefore, Xiao Lang severely injured the old man, causing a lot of suspicion and consternation from the Supreme God. After several supreme gods secretly searched and determined that the old man's body was almost destroyed, the supreme gods were in an uproar! [

Everyone began to face the origin of Xiao Lang's Thunder. Originally, they didn't take it seriously. They thought it was an ordinary divine thunder at best. At best, it could reshape the flesh, but they didn't expect the attack power to be so brutal?

Although Xiao Lang did not become the Supreme God, many people already regarded him as the highest God level. In the future, if it is to prove the Dao, the absolute strength of the power will overwhelm a group of supreme gods, and the strength will become the absolute overlord of the top ten or even the top five.

Love Song Shura, Purple Charm Emperor Wangchen, Purple Charm Emperor and others were secretly happy. They were more or less kind to Xiao Lang. They all had information about Xiao Lang. They knew very well that Xiao Lang valued love and righteousness. Xiao Lang changed. To be strong has both advantages and disadvantages for them.

There are also some supreme gods who are a little worried. Xiao Lang does not play his cards according to common sense, and he is young and energetic. Old guys like them will restrain themselves. If Xiao Lang gets in trouble, the world will be messed up...

No matter what outsiders think, Xiao Lang moved with the two sisters all the way, because the speed of taking the two sisters will inevitably be affected, but there is Xiaoyao Wang dragging Long Ao, and the old man Liang will not recover so quickly, but he has nothing to do. worried.

The two sisters clinging to Xiao Lang tightly, their faces were flushed, and the light in their beautiful eyes flowed, making them so beautiful. The two sisters lived in **** some time ago. After waiting for three years in Wanyan City, they waited hard to see through each other, but Xiao Lang still did not appear.

After going to Longcheng, he was desperate to commit suicide, but he didn't even have the right to die. Finally Xiao Lang appeared. Although he didn't step on the colorful clouds and was wearing a colorful battle robe, he was born out of nowhere, and crushed the enemies with a force of destruction and rescued them.

Which girl does not dream? Which girl is not pregnant?

Which girl doesn't like her man to rescue herself from **** like a hero. Although the two sisters Wanyan Ruoshui are not young girls according to their grades, they are still in love with each other. At this moment, they are naturally full of happiness and touch.

Xiao Lang smiled as he felt the affection of the two sisters, and secretly said that his debts were a little bit more. He doesn't have the heart to hunt for beauty, but he is most affectionate. The most difficult thing since ancient times is the grace of beauty.

After moving for four days, the three of them arrived at the North of Chaos Ocean. Xiao Lang didn't know how far he was from the Baihua Palace. Looking at the two people who were a little tired, he found a deserted area and lurked in.

He dug a cave and took some food from the space ring of the two sisters. The three of them didn't say a word, eating food and drinking water in silence. The dry food does not taste good, but the two sisters feel that they are eating the most delicious food in the world.

"You sleep for a while, don't worry, no one can hurt you with me."

Xiao Lang stretched out his hands to embrace the two sisters in his arms. The two raised their heads and smiled and soon fell asleep. They looked at the two peerless faces that were exactly the same, smelled the virgin fragrance on their bodies, and hugged the two like a soft jade. With a delicate body. Xiao Lang's heart beat fast, his heart beat faster. No wonder Longqi Qingli and others must do everything possible to get the two sisters. To have them is indeed the happiest man in the world. [

After a rest for the night, the three of them continued to move towards the north. He didn't know how long Xiaoyao King could delay, and he had better hurry as soon as possible, and he didn't know whether Baihua Palace would want him as someone!

Can Xiaoyao King hold Long Ao? Obviously very easy.

"Long Ao, get out! This king is going to tear you up! You have to come out for a battle, sir, what do you mean by shrinking like a turtle?"

At this moment, King Xiaoyao was standing at the edge of a very small star field in the chaotic space and yelled, and not far away were three supreme gods lurking, with a wry smile on his face.

This star field is only about one mile away, and it doesn't look like a star field but a huge meteorite. Very few people know about this kind of star field chaotic space, except for the Supreme God, only a few Tianzun Pinnacles know about it.

Because... this kind of ordinary warrior in the star field is close to death.

This is called the Dark Devil Star Territory, which has an attractive force that is ten million times stronger than that of other star territories. Any warrior who is close will be attracted and killed directly in the star territory!

This star field also has a magical function. It will continue to rotate at high speeds, continuously condense and become smaller. This way, the star field will be harder than terrifying. Even the power of reincarnation will be difficult to break. Will consume a lot of power of reincarnation.

At this moment, Long Ao was hiding in the center of the Black Demon Star Territory. It took him thousands of years to dig a hole in this star Territory. This was the way he prepared, not because he was anxious by Xiaoyao Wang, nor would he hide in.

In fact!

The general supreme gods secretly possess a dark devil star field, which is a well-known thing to the supreme gods, and this is another reason why it is difficult for the supreme **** to kill the supreme god.

The last time King Xiaoyao chased and killed the Supreme God of the Demon Realm, he was fled into such a star region. In the end, King Xiaoyao tried to brutally arrest all the members of the Supreme God’s clansmen and kill them one by one, forcing the Supreme God of the Demon Realm to kneel. .

This Dark Demon Star Territory has been refined by Long Ao's use of gods. It takes at least half of the power of reincarnation to blast Xiaoyao King, so he just stood outside and scolded his mother...

Long Ao was aggrieved by hiding inside. He wanted to go to the Hundred Flower Palace, but Xiaoyao King didn't give him a chance at all. He tried to rush to the north several times, and was almost hit hard by Xiaoyao King's Time Heaven. Xiaoyao King's can make time slow, or even flow backwards, this heavenly way is too terrifying, and finally he can only flee here aggrieved.

"Okay, okay, okay! Your uncle Longao just won't come out, right? Believe it or not, I will razor your dragon city to the ground? Kill all your descendants?"

Xiaoyao King’s loud shout sounded again, and the faces of the supreme gods who were watching in the distance changed. Xiaoyao King’s move was too cruel. He doesn't have any relatives himself, so if you use this trick, everyone has to kneel...

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