Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 90: Look at it!

"Go and kill, it's better to kill all of them, but Xiaoyao, if you dare to kill my people, your death date is not far away. Please visit the latest free chapter of this book." Long Ao finally made a voice, in the voice Containing all the rage and suffocation, he was so dignified by a supreme god, it is not easy for him...

Xiaoyao Wang was furious. He wanted to leave immediately, but stopped after thinking about it.

He is not a fool. If he really slaughtered the whole family of the Long Family, he was afraid that he would arouse all the enemies of the Supreme God, and then he would become a lonely person. If Baihua gave the order, he would be crushed alive. .

"call out!"

He flashed and appeared in a field next to him. He grinned coldly and said, "Okay, you can stay in there. I want to see how long you can nest? Your people don't need me to kill. Someone killed them all. Long Ao, I forgot to tell you. I just received the news that your Dragon Palace seemed to be destroyed by someone, hahahaha!"

Long Ao's eyes in the Black Devil Star Territory shrank. He actually had a bad feeling in his heart, because he had time to send a message to Old Man Liang just now, wanting him to kill Xiao Lang!

However, there were more than ten consecutive summonses, and even one summons was not returned. The words of King Xiaoyao made his face pale instantly, and his consciousness immediately locked onto a supreme **** in the distance and asked: "Magic, is what King Xiaoyao said is true?"

All the supreme gods knew about Xiao Lang's uproar at Longshan, and the supreme **** of the demon realm called Mozun naturally knew it too. He sent a voice message: "Xiao Lang has severely injured the quantity and smashed Longshan to pieces, you dragons How many people died in the family, specifically...I still don't know, that is a matter of your God's Domain."

"Xiao Lang! Xiao Lang, I'm going to kill you! Ah, ah, ah!"[

Long Ao roared furiously, but after a roar, he didn't have any more information.

Xiaoyao King is outside. The news is just to provoke him to go out. He will never be fooled. Although he was about to burn his body with anger at this moment, he still forced himself to endure it and endure the humiliation to take revenge.

"This old tortoise is really tolerable, that's okay! I can save you from chasing Xiao Lang. I'll just wait here. I guess that person from Baihua will wake up soon? This time, such a big thing happened. According to this person Personality, he will definitely go on tour! Hehe... Now it’s up to see if Xiao Lang can get into the Hundred Flowers Palace! If he can’t get in, he can only execute the second set of plans."

The supreme **** in the distance saw that there was no excitement to watch, and it was estimated that it would continue to be a stalemate. Seeing who had more patience, they all moved away.

The neighborhood became calm again, and the star fields nearby were deserted, but they did not attract the attention of ordinary people.

"Is the Baihuayu area ahead? It really is so big!"

After several days, Xiao Lang finally reached the northernmost part of the Chaos Space. The three of them looked at a super huge area floating in the air in front of them, and the three of them sighed with emotion.

Except for the three ultimate domains, this domain is probably the largest. It can't be compared to any first-class domains, right?

This area is full of spiritual energy, and Xiao Lang's divine sense swept away and found that there were many creatures in it. There were human races, orcs, monsters, and many special races. However, this area was very quiet, at least Xiao Lang divine sense. There was no war in the place I swept.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang's consciousness was detected by the warriors in the domain, and hundreds of warriors flew out of a huge city, all wearing snow white armor, and the leader was actually a masked woman with strength in the early stage.

The woman was holding a snow-white long spear, majestic and heroic. Her gaze swept across the three of them. She stayed for a few seconds on the faces of the two sisters of Wanyan Ruoshui. There was a fascinating color in her eyes, and she said coldly: "Who are you? Baihuayu Outsiders are not welcome, leave at speed!"

Xiao Lang was neither arrogant nor humble, and said, "In the next Xiao Lang, I am here to visit Fairy Baihua!"

The woman raised her brows, and still said coldly: "Xiao Lang? I haven't heard of it. Speed ​​away, otherwise the commander will be welcome!"[


Xiao Lang and the two sisters looked at each other and laughed a little embarrassingly. Is he a celebrity anyway? I was said to have never heard of it? Naturally, he would not give up so easily. He once again said, "This lord, I don't know how to enter the territory?"

"It's easy!"

The woman's spear swept away: "First, there is a token of the Supreme God, and second, I won the commander."

Xiao Lang grinned and nodded to the two sisters. The two immediately flew to the side. The energy of the two seals had already been cracked by Xiao Lang, and the strength of Wanyan Ruyu reached the middle stage of the ancestor, and it was considered to be able to see it.

"Well, Xiao is offended!"

Xiao Lang arched her hand, and the woman sneered and waved her hand. The hundreds of guards immediately retreated, and Xiao Lang made a request. The woman snorted coldly, and the spear in her hand immediately turned hundreds of spear shadows and shot towards Xiao Lang. The spear was chilly, freezing people, and stopping the flow of the surrounding space, unexpectedly there was a sign of freezing the space. .

"Cold Ice Heaven?"

Xiao Lang stood there and didn't move, and he didn't even release the hands of the split god. Two black lights flashed in his eyes, and he smashed through the air, and at the same time his body disappeared in the same place.


As soon as Suan kills, you know if there is any!

The female leader's complexion immediately changed. The power of the slaying is based on the soul and energy. Xiao Lang's energy has reached the peak of the heavenly sovereign, and the soul is much stronger. The power of the slaying is more terrifying!


Sui Su smashed through the air, and the spear turned into dust, and the frozen space in the air burst. Xiao Lang's body also appeared behind the woman, grabbing her shoulder and slamming it out.

He estimated that it would be difficult for Tianzun to stop the slaying in the early stage, so don't hurt your peace when you first come here.

The light veil on the woman's face was blown away by the gale, revealing a frightened and beautiful face, until Xiao Lang threw her out, and saw that Suan killed her through the sky, and then looked at Xiao Lang with lingering fear.

"My lord, you are offended!" Xiao Langyi's expression in the air did not change at all, and he leaned slightly to express his apology, with a very good manner.

"Well, it's true, the strength is still good, it is the commander who has missed it!"

Xiao Lang was so gracious, the leader's expression was embarrassed for a while and she quickly recovered. She groaned and said again: "You can go in, but whether you can enter the holy palace depends on the meaning of the two guardians. The guardian disagrees, you must leave immediately."

Xiao Lang's face changed slightly, and he secretly said that he was considered a human figure anyway? The shelf of the Hundred Flower Palace is too big, right? To meet Baihua Fairy, you have to go through several levels...

However, thinking that Fairy Baihua was the number one person in the world, this time he had come to seek protection, Xiao Lang also patiently followed the woman and flew all the way into the domain. The domain is huge, and there are many cities below. There really is no war in this domain, it is obvious that Fairy Baihua doesn't like the killing of warriors in the domain.

"This is the perfect life!"

Looking at the few races below, the people of all races live and work together without any grudges. Xiao Lang secretly envied that if his strength can be several times stronger in the future, people can threaten the lives of themselves and their people, and also find a large area where all the warriors in the area can live and work in peace and contentment. How comfortable and comfortable such a life is. what!


[Author's digression]: At the end of the year, there were a lot of things in the unit. I came back late today, so I got out of chapter 2! Hmm... There will be five chapters today! Write after dinner!

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