Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 93: Playing with fire!

A beauty, a beauty who has a deep affection for you. A yellow flower girl, a most beautiful woman in God's Domain, a woman that every man wants to play with, half of her body in a bathrobe invites you to come in and watch her take a bath? Can any man bear it?

This is naturally unbearable!

Xiao Lang is not Liu Xiahui. In addition, the long-term pressure is pressing on him like a mountain, which makes him feel hostile in the depths of his soul. For a long time, he has not been close to women. It also makes his body react instinctively. He started to accelerate, he kept swallowing saliva in his throat, and breathing quickly.

His eyes were slightly red, looking at the composure of composure and the trembling Wanyan Ruoshui, he let out a low growl from deep in his throat, and said in an extremely hoarse voice: "Ruoshui, you are playing with fire!"

Seeing Xiao Lang's reaction and hearing his hoarse words, Wan Yan Ruoshui calmed down instead. She plucked up the courage and looked at Xiao Lang with fiery eyes. The corners of her mouth were curved, and she was breathtakingly beautiful. Difficult to say: "What? Brother Xiao, you... dare not play?"

Wan Yan Ruoshui has also been under great pressure in the past three years, and almost collapsed. Being with Xiao Lang for the past few days calmed her uneasy heart. Xiao Lang is about to retreat, and Long Ao and Wuliang may come at any time. She doesn't know when she will die, so she wants to be a woman, a real woman!

There is an old saying that women are crazy, and women are far more scary than men when they become crazy. If a woman is willing to give it up, she will ignore everything.


There was another footstep in the room, some staggering footsteps! Soon the same perfect body wrapped in a bathrobe appeared, but her eyes were somewhat evasive, with surprise on her faces. She and Wan Yan Ruoshui looked at each other, and finally raised their heads bravely and looked at Xiao Lang with a barely smile. , But quickly avoided Xiao Lang's scorching gaze, and said in a flustered manner: "Xiao...Big Brother, you...bath."


Xiao Lang's small universe burned completely, and his body suddenly exploded with a strong aura, the robe outside his body burst from inch to inch, only a pair of tight trousers remained. He let out a wild roar, rushed forward, picked up Wan Yan Ruoshui and threw it directly towards the big bed inside, then took Wan Yan Ruyu and strode towards the big bed again, a burst of energy, and start After the restriction in the room, I watched the two sisters who opened the bathrobe, revealing the boundless scenery.

Wanyan Ruyu usually looks cold and doesn't like to talk much, but at this moment, she is shy and wants to get into the ground. On the contrary, Wan Yan Ruoshui, who looked soft and weak, was bolder, lying on his side, the bathrobe showing a trace of scenery without hiding it, but a pair of dark pearl-like eyes, looking straight at Xiao Lang like a wild cat, both Teasing and longing.


The only trace of reason left by Xiao Lang disappeared. He rushed over like a wild animal, and put Wan Yan Ruoshui in his arms, his big mouth pursed with Wan Yan Ruoshui's delicate red lips, and he sucked frantically. , Seems to be integrated into his body.

Wan Yan Ruoshui's delicate body trembled, but began to respond to Xiao Lang's warm kiss somewhat jerky, and his two jade hands automatically wrapped Xiao Lang's neck and began to stroke his strong back.


Wanyan Ruyu was stunned, her skin was red as blood, and she was so hot that she avoided her eyes shyly, not daring to look at them. The curiosity in her heart drove her to glance over from time to time. Every pore in her body trembled at the thought of what was about to happen.

Xiao Lang became more and more emotional because of this voice, and madly kissed Wan Yan Ruoshui's whole body almost all over, and his thick hands walked up and down, causing Wan Yan Ruoshui to be completely lost and forget everything. , Like floating clouds, the little mouth kept whispering: "Husband, husband, husband..."

Wanyan Ruyu shrank and hugged her body in the corner of the wall, her head buried in her knees, but her eyes were wide open, as if she was stunned, and was shocked by Xiao Lang's wildness and her sister's shamelessness.


Suddenly, a big powerful hand grabbed her, and she threw her beside Wanyan Ruoshui forcibly to lie down. Before she had time to react, her big mouth had fallen over and she enthusiastically sucked in.


Wan Yan Ruyu's mind was completely blank, she didn't have the boldness and didn't know the response, just let Xiao Lang ask for it. When she felt the strangeness coming from her body, she also instinctively let out a seductive groan.

At this moment she finally knew why her sister was shameless, because it felt really good and beautiful! Let her soul and body be silent in an inexplicable state, so beautiful that she would be satisfied even if she died now.

A beautiful sound soon began to sound in the room, and the breath gradually became enchanting. The whole room was filled with the breath of love. The three men and women who loved each other deeply blended together, the spirit and the flesh were combined. At that moment, the sky fell, and none of the three seemed to care. They just know that they give each other wholeheartedly and respond to each other's request...

Xiao Lang was crazy, his mind was blank, he didn't think about anything and didn't care about anything. In the past few years, he has experienced too many things. First Tianzhou was slaughtered, then he went to the evil domain, and then he was taken to the demon domain by the beast, and finally returned alive, but Tianzhou city was Went out! He furiously slaughtered all the way, and once again wandered the death line. In the past few years, his mind was always tense, and no moment was relaxed.

When I relaxed at this moment, I naturally vented all the depression of these years.

Fortunately, there are two sisters today. If they were just one of them, they would be unbearable. Although there were two people, the two sisters passed out many times, but as long as Xiao Lang wanted them, the two sisters also gave up. They sacrificed their lives to accompany Xiao Lang in madness. There were purple marks on their bodies and tears in their eyes, because Wei Wei Tears of pain and happiness.

They have changed from girls to women, or were taken away by the man they love the most. What is there to be unsatisfied in life?

"Ah, ah!"

Finally, Xiao Lang let out a wild roar, his legs twitched, and a crystal of love came out. He slumped down, holding them tightly and motionless.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and if they continued, they were afraid that they might swell. They also closed their eyes weakly and recovered after a long rest.

What makes Wanyan Ruyu a little strange is that Xiao Lang is still motionless? She glanced suspiciously, and was about to move Xiao Lang to suppress her body, but was stopped by Wan Yan Ruoshui's voice transmission: "Don't move, sister, husband is in an inexplicable state at this moment, it is very likely... His sentiment is about to break through again."


Wan Yan Ruyu was startled, and covered her small mouth. His eyes were joyful and shocked, and Xiao Lang closed his eyes, secretly excited. Their husbands are really not ordinary people, and they have done such a shameful thing... and broke through again.


[Author's digression]: Five chapters, come late!

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