Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 94: Real woman

Xiao Lang stayed on the bed for five days and five nights without waking up. Sister Wanyan dared to get up the next day and left the big bed with the slightest movement. She didn't dare to let the maid in, Ruo Shui fetched clear water carefully and shyly cleaned Xiao Lang's body and helped him cover him with a quilt. The two sisters did not go out, so they sat there every day, accompanied by Xiao Lang.

Wanyan Ruyu sat on the edge of the bed with one hand on his chin, looked at Xiao Lang for a while, turned his head and asked suspiciously: "Ruo Shui, our husband really broke through? Why haven't you woken up for so long?"

Wan Yan Ruoshui glanced at Wan Yan Ruyu, and naturally a trace of flattery appeared in her eyes. From a young girl to a young woman, her temperament changed slightly, but it was even more moving.

She smiled shallowly: "Sister, what are you worried about? Husband's love is already in the eighth stage, and now it is the ninth stage to break through. The more difficult the heaven is, the longer it is normal."

Wanyan Ruyu nodded, but was suddenly startled, blinked and drew close to Ruo Shui’s eyes, some hesitant to say something, and finally blushed and bit his lip and asked: "Ruo Shui, my husband and us... did that. Did he break through the shameful thing? If...we do it a few more times, will he break through again?"


Wan Yan Ruoshui smiled so beautifully, her face was so red that the sky was full of clouds, and the flattery in her eyes became stronger. She stretched out a green finger and clicked on a jade-like head and said: "Sister, you think every day While practicing, the mind is pure, so cute! This understanding of the heavens is accumulated, and suddenly realized, where can you break through by doing something shameful? Oh, let’s not say it, it’s shameful."

Wanyan Ruyu hummed slightly: "Hmph, what's the shame, I don't know who yelled so loudly that night, I'm so shameless."

Wan Yan Ruo Shui quit, and scratched one hand at Ruyu's armpit, and said with a smile: "Bah, you still said that someone called me that night? I remember clearly that someone didn't last night. Stop calling, no more, no more, good brother, good brother, giggle..."

The two sisters laughed together and started to attack each other. What they didn't know was that Xiao Lang had already woke up. Hearing the whispers of the two sisters, his mind was shaken, and his heart was extremely contented. He secretly watched the two sisters frolicking, and the clothes were messy, the white flowers leaked from time to time, tempting to commit crimes, and naturally swallowed his saliva, making some slight noises.


Wanyan Ruyu's strength was a little higher. When she heard the voice, she turned around and looked, but saw Ji's thirsty eyes. She exclaimed and hurriedly arranged her clothes while running outside.

"Hee hee!" Wan Yan Ruoshui smiled slightly, and did not tidy up his clothes. Instead, he looked straight at Xiao Lang, his eyes sultry like a hungry night cat.

"Hmph, you want to run after saying so many bad things about me?"

Xiao Lang shot away, and immediately caught up with Wanyan Ruyu, lazily hugged her, thrown her on the bed, and looked at Wanyan Ruoshui coldly and said, "You two sisters may not know the family method of my Xiao family. Huh? You dare to slander your husband behind your back? You are wrong! Go to bed and take off your clothes immediately, and see how your husband will enforce the family law for you today."

Wan Yan Ruoshui smiled sweetly, bent down and made a blessing, and said with a blushing face: "Ruoshui knows wrong, I beg your husband to take it lightly."

Under Xiao Lang's scorching eyes, the two sisters undressed obediently, leaving only an obscene dress and a bellyband. The two looked at Xiao Lang pitifully and shyly, making Xiao Lang's eyes red again. , He walked with a big laugh, and said Shen Shen: "The two are lying side by side with their **** pouted, and my husband must teach you a lesson!"


The big hands patted the two round buttocks, so that the snow-white skin showed red palm prints. The two women made a begging for mercy from the pain, and the buttocks continued to twist, making Xiao Lang completely drunk. !

"Good brother, let me go, if the water is okay, I can't do it..."

Soon there was a sound of begging for mercy and wheezing in the room, the spring is boundless, the sea of ​​love is surging, and the affection is strong.


Xiao Lang stayed in the room for three days. After spending three days with the two sisters, he walked out with a slight tremor in his legs. The moment he walked out of the gate, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Wen Rou Xiang is indeed a hero's grave. It's no wonder that beauty has been a disaster since ancient times. Peerless beauty can make any hero bend down.

Forcibly resisting the thought of turning around and pampering the two sisters a few times, Xiao Lang walked down the second floor and went straight into the room to open the restraint and retreat.

He doesn’t have much time. Although he unexpectedly realized the ninth state of Qingdao during his first night with his two sisters, but just as he had thought before, Qingdao now has one or two feelings for him. The increase in strength is not very useful at all. His main attack power now is the origin of thunder, and the attack of sentiment is dispensable.

Therefore, he must find a way to improve his strength before Baihua Fairy wakes up and Long Ao Wuliang finds it. As long as he survives, there will be unlimited time to enjoy the warmth of the two sisters. For them, for the relatives in the Purple Emperor Palace, he must do everything possible to kill Long Ao to survive!

"To live, I will definitely live well, for the one I love, I will kill Long Ao! Whoever wants my life, I want his life!"

Xiao Lang let out a low roar, his body was full of fighting spirit, he quickly entered the state of soul travel, and began to fully understand the sentiment, the map of world evolution, and the origin of thunder. Trying to take another step on the three roads and have the strength to compete with Long Ao.

The two sisters stayed in the yard with peace of mind. Xiao Lang accompanied them for four days and four nights, turning them from girls into real women. They were very satisfied, so they didn't worry about anything anymore, even if Long Ao Wuliang came to kill them now, they would have no regrets.

More than a dozen maids are very sensible and well-trained. The female leader Poppy has never been here again, and the two guardians have no news at all.

However, after the sky darkened, a maid secretly left, and... still went straight to the Hundred Flowers Palace. With a token in the hand of the maid, she went unimpeded all the way in the Baihua Palace, and finally entered a beautiful side hall and saw a beautiful noble woman wearing a purple palace dress.

The woman was sitting on the palace, holding a snow-white little beast in her hands, and she lowered her eyebrows and did not know what she was thinking. After the maid came, she bowed respectfully on one knee and said, "See Master Violet."

The purple-clothed woman raised her head, glanced at the maid faintly and asked, "Xiao Lang, what have you been doing these days?"

The maid replied honestly: "Back to Master Violet, Xiao Lang has been in the yard all day, um...he and the two young ladies stayed in the room for three days. The two young ladies...have become ladies, and now Xiao Lang is in retreat."

Violet nodded slightly and waved his hand to let the maid go down. Sitting alone in the side hall, stroking the smooth fur of the snow-white little beast, it took a long time before he sighed faintly: "Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang, you really are still so passionate, the lady has become a lady? Two sisters? Hua must be dying of happiness, right? It's a pity that when I was dead, you didn't want to pity me once, let me be a real woman..."

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