Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 100: The Supreme God is kneeling

When he discovered that Wuliang had moved all the way towards God's Domain, he was secretly puzzled? Does Boundless want to return to Boundless Land to find a fengshui treasure to return to its roots?

When I just arrived at the land of love songs, the immeasurable body actually stopped, with a hint of joy in his eyes, two white eyebrows erected like swords, a pair of cloudy old eyes gleaming at the cold woman ahead, exclaiming: "Mandala Fairy!"


Xiao Lang also appeared soon, and there were many Heavenly Venerates and Supreme Gods nearby, but they didn't dare to approach, and they found their spiritual consciousness from a distance.

"Xiao Lang!"

The guardian of Mandala held up a token in his hand and shouted in a deep voice: "The palace owner has an order to stop chasing and killing immediately, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk."

Xiao Lang's eyes narrowed, his divine consciousness swept across the token, and he detected the power of reincarnation surging inside, and confirmed that it was the token of Fairy Baihua. When the mandala appeared, Fairy Baihua was awake.

He turned his eyes, and did not ponder for long. A giant dragon condensed by the power of reincarnation appeared on his body, and he blasted away unscrupulously, but his eyes were locked on the mandala and said: "Go back to the palace lord, this matter is my Xiao Lang slapped her face, and waited until I killed Wuliang before going to the Baihua Palace to apologize."

"So courageous!"

Mandala stared with cold light, and he began to drink: "Xiao Lang, you know that no one in this world dares to violate the palace lord's orders. Back then, Xiaoyao King was like you, but he was suppressed by the fairy for 100,000 years. Do you think you are better than Xiaoyao King?"

"Xiao Lang, Fairy Baihua has unfathomable strength, and has Chaos Mirror, you still don't provoke her."

"Xiao Lang, forget it! No one in this world dares to offend Fairy Baihua..."

"Xiao Lang, Chaos Mirror is infinitely powerful. It is said that Xiaoyao King was almost destroyed by the spirit of Chaos Mirror back then. You think carefully..."

Shura, Purple Charm Emperor, Love Song, Wangchen and others who watched the battle from a distance immediately sent a message to remind that Baihua Fairy was the earliest supreme **** in this world, and any new supreme **** was born to visit her. Although they are the supreme gods, they are very afraid of Fairy Baihua and the mirror.

The expression on Xiao Lang's face didn't fluctuate, and he blinked, seeing Wuliang moving towards the east again, with a demonic air at the corner of his mouth, directly ignoring everyone's warnings and Mandala's angry gaze, and moved away again.

"Good, good, good!"

Mandala trembled slightly with anger, and immediately took out a piece of jade talisman to send a message, apparently to pass the matter here to Fairy Baihua.

The Old Man Boundless was completely desperate. Xiao Lang didn't even give the face of Fairy Baihua. It seemed that he was bound to die this time. He moved quickly, looking at the thin power of reincarnation outside his body, a trace of madness appeared in his eyes, and he thought to himself that he could only use the last resort.

Xiao Lang sensed Boundless thoughts. He swept away his consciousness and locked onto the Supreme God of Love Song. He transmitted the message to him: "Master Love Song, help send this message to Xuanyuan Tianzun, so that the Xuanyuan clan will escape immediately! Boundless may be dead. Up."

The call of "Master Liange" made Liange exuberant. Xiao Lang's strength is stronger than him at this moment, so he is still called an adult? This kid is just empathetic and nostalgic.

At the moment, he immediately dispersed his consciousness to look for Xuanyuan Blood Jie, but he did not find Xuanyuan Blood Jie after searching. It is estimated that he was still in Chaos Xinghai and did not rush over...

In the end, he locked the supreme **** of Shura to transmit his voice: "Xura, let your family send a message to Xuanyuan City immediately, I am bound to threaten Xiao Lang with people from Xuanyuan City."

Shura Ben moved all the way to the theater, and his face suddenly became cold when he heard the words of Love Song, he took a look at it and found that Boundless had indeed moved towards the land of destruction. Immediately he took out a token to send the message, and his body disappeared in midair.

The message of cultivating the Supreme God was still slow. The Old Man Wuliang arrived at Xuanyuan City first, and his body moved directly into Xuanyuan Fort. The powerful aura immediately enveloped the entire city.

He stood on the square in Xuanyuanbao, looking at Xiao Lang who appeared in the air immediately, a grin appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he shouted, "Xiao Lang, attack! Keep attacking? Why don't you dare to attack anymore? I will attack?"

"Do you dare to countless old dog!"

Xiao Lang's spiritual knowledge can be scanned at will to find many acquaintances, Xuanyuan Tianxin Xuanyuan Tianyu Tiangang and others are in the castle. He sighed slightly, it seemed that Voice Transmission was still slow.

"It's Xiao Lang!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others had long received the news of Xuanyuan Xueji. They had known that Xiao Lang had broken through the Supreme God. They wanted to follow them, but Xuanyuan Xueji made them stay at home. At this moment, they suddenly became ecstatic.

"Don't move!"

Xiao Lang sent them a message, his gaze swept towards the old man Wuliang, and Leng Youyou said: "Wuliang, you're the dignified Supreme God, you want to be as shameless as Long Ao?"

Boundless condensed all the remaining power of reincarnation into the palm of his hand without releasing the shield, and laughed: "Xiao Lang, life is gone, what's the use of face? You kill, if you dare to kill me, you dare to let Xuanyuan Everyone in the city was buried with me."

The words of the old man immeasurable were very loud, spread throughout the city, and soon caused panic in the city, but the aura of the power of reincarnation was too strong, and all the low-level warriors could not move. Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others didn't even dare to move, for fear that the entire city would be razed to the ground.

Xiao Lang was silent, Wuliang had to kill, but Xuanyuan Tianxin and others could not die. He was gone for a while, just staring at Boundless sullenly, like an angry lion.

Seeing that Xiao Lang didn't dare to move, Boundless's voice changed, and the voice begging for mercy said, "Xiao Lang, we are misunderstanding. You know back then that I was foolish and fooled by Long Ao to deal with you. Let's talk about it. Oh... I didn’t cause any physical harm to you. You have chased me for so long, and my face is completely gone, so you can forget the villain and let me go? I promise to see you in the future Take a detour."

When the Supreme God dignified said such words, he was completely subdued, and of course his face was completely gone, just to survive.

Xiao Lang's face eased slightly, but his eyes were still cold. He was silent for a long time before he said in a deep voice, "Infinite, anyone who does something wrong will have to bear the consequences. Back then, I dared to kill Dragon Cavalry, and I was not afraid of Long Ao. Kill me, even if he kills me, I won't complain at all. Since you want to help Long Ao kill me, you should have been prepared to be killed by me. This is fair."

Xiao Lang's words were very sincere. The old man Boundless fell silent, his eyes rolled, his white eyebrows closed, and he gritted his teeth and sent the message to Xiao Lang, "How can you let me go?"

Xiao Lang remained silent, obviously not intending to let Wuliang go. He glanced at Xiao Lang, a trace of madness flashed in his eyes, and he was about to destroy Xuanyuan City to bury him.


At this moment, the space above Xuanyuan City fluctuated, countless figures appeared, and a middle-aged man with a cold expression in the front burst out with a cold expression: "Blessed, you dare to chaos in the power of my destruction? Believe it or not. I killed all of your clan? I’m going to hit you in a boundless place. If you dare to kill one person with me, I will kill your clan."


Boundless raised his head and swept away, instantly furious and desperate, because the Supreme God of Asura had arrested all of his favorite children.

The power of reincarnation on his body disappeared without a trace, and his body was filled with desperation. He was defeated and defeated.

He lowered his head and groaned for a long time, and finally made a "plop", knelt down heavily, and looked straight at Xiao Lang and said, "Xiao Lang, you have won! Please let me and my people make a living."

The Supreme God is kneeling!

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