Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 101: Why?

In those days, King Xiaoyao chased and killed a supreme **** of Demon Realm, and finally arrested all his people, and the supreme **** of Demon Realm kneeled. Today, a supreme **** knelt again, kneeling completely.

Wuliang knelt, Shura was stunned, and the murderous aura on his body disappeared, looking at Wuliang pitifully. The Supreme God knelt down to people, still in front of so many people, in front of his younger generation, Boundless could not afford to raise his head completely in this life.

The Supreme God of Asura cast his eyes on Xiao Lang, wanting to see what he meant. But he saw Xiao Lang's face changed, he became furious, and his entire face became distorted, like an enraged lion.

He stretched out a hand, pointed at Wuliang and snarled: "Wuliang, stand up! You *** stand up for me! I'm very curious about your backbone, how did you break through to the Supreme God back then? Do you know that you not only I lost my face, and also lost all of our faces, as well as the faces of all warriors. On the day we became warriors, death is our destination. Is death so terrible? It’s true that we are still living. That’s so interesting? Will you not stand up? If you don’t stand up, I will kill your whole family."

Xiao Lang's sudden roar frightened a group of people, and stood up with an immeasurable face of shame, like a child reprimanded by his father.

The Supreme God of Asura also shrank in his heart, slightly ashamed and sad. It seems... after breaking through the Supreme God, with the passage of time, he has lost his arrogance and vigor? At least he doesn't have the heart of being a fearless and fearless man. Facing Fairy Baihua, he instinctively developed a sense of fear, and he didn't dare to compete with him, so the information was sent to Xiao Lang just now.

Several supreme gods in the distance also looked confused. At the moment when Wuliang knelt, it seemed...their first thought in their hearts was not anger, but pity, and felt pity for Wuliang. But after Xiao Lang roared with rage, they felt pitiful for themselves inexplicably.

Years are the killing of pigs, wiping out the fighting spirit of so many heroes, and wiping out their brave hearts who were not afraid of tigers when they were born with calves and vowed to pierce the sky.

After Xiao Lang roared, he became silent. He thought for a while before he said in a deep voice, "Boundless! You will suffer the consequences if you make a mistake. It's useless if you kneel! My heart was soft and almost killed me. Killed my relatives. So no matter whether you resent or be unwilling, I have already vowed that I will never soften my heart against the enemy! You can judge yourself, I promise not to deal with your people, and I Xiao Lang lives for one day, I To keep them prosperous and wealthy one day, this is... my promise to you."

Xiao Lang's words were crisp and sharp, and they hit everyone's hearts.

Boundless was a million years old again at this moment, and his whole body was desperate. He glanced at Xiao Lang, then at the clansmen controlled by the Supreme God of Asura, and at the countless Xuanyuan family members around him, he closed weakly. Eyes!

"call out!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others are not fools. The Old Man Boundless took his breath away. They seized this opportunity and immediately transmitted voices to each other. They all rose into the air, standing behind Xiao Lang, staring coldly at the Old Man Boundless. Everyone in the city also woke up. The Supreme God went to war and they didn't want to be involved. As soon as the immeasurable aura was taken away, they immediately dragged their family and escaped in all directions, but in the blink of an eye, the huge Xuanyuan City turned into an empty city.

"Well, Xiao Lang remembers your promise!"

After a long time, the immeasurable old man sighed faintly, the power of reincarnation in his hand was running, and he slowly patted his head. Xiao Lang is his enemy, but he chooses to believe in Xiao Lang's promise.



The sky fluctuated violently, and then a mirror suddenly appeared in the air. The moment the mirror appeared, Xiao Lang and everyone felt a huge pressure enveloped. The eyes of countless people lit up, and their eyes were all attracted by this mirror.

"Chaos Realm! Baihua Fairy!"

The Supreme God of Shura whispered, his face darkened and his expression was bad, fearing that today's matter would be reversed. Xiao Lang's eyes also sharpened, staring at the mirror of the sky, secretly warned.

The mirror is very beautiful, and soon a face appeared in the mirror, making the mirror more beautiful. That face is perfect, it can be compared to Wan Yan Ruo Shui, the eyes on her face are extremely deep, it seems to contain the whole sea of ​​stars.

"Fairy save me!"

The muddy eyes of the old immeasurable gleamed, and his body was lifeless, but he was immediately full of vitality. He fell into the abyss but found an old tree suddenly halfway up the mountain. He naturally wanted to catch it desperately.

The woman in the mirror did not glance at the old man Wuliang, her eyes met Xiao Lang, her delicate red lips lightly opened, and she whispered, "Xiao Lang?"

Xiao Lang nodded, and said politely: "Hello fairy!"

Xiao Lang's low posture didn't make the face show any strange emotions. She swept her eyes around and fluttered out a sentence: "Let's give up today's affairs. Let it all fall apart!"

Fairy Baihua's words are very soft, but the tone is unquestionable, just like an order from a lofty king to her subjects, and her words, Shura and the others, feel that it should be so...

The old man Boundless was shaking with excitement, and he was about to bow to salute, but suddenly heard a burst of laughter.


Xiao Lang looked up to the sky and laughed, with white hair and an exaggerated expression, he seemed to have heard the best joke in the world.

The faces of Shura and others changed, and the secret path was not good, but how dare they say anything at this moment? Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others didn’t understand anything, they just showed a silly smile...

Fairy Baihua's face changed, and the cold light in her star pupils was a little bit frightening. She said in a cold voice, "Xiao Lang, what are you laughing at?"

Xiao Lang laughed for a long time before stopping, the corners of his mouth were still awe-inspiring, his eyes pierced like a sharp sword at Fairy Baihua, and he asked in a deep voice, "Why?"

Why, why, why...

There was silence all around, and Xiao Lang's words echoed all around, righteous, vigorous, and sound.

The complexion of Xiuluo and the others changed completely, secretly becoming anxious, Baihua Fairy had been living in Baihua Palace and was almost unborn. It seemed that he had no dispute with the world, but they knew that Baihua Fairy was the uncrowned king of this world.

She is the earliest Supreme God of the Dao of Proving. She possesses the most precious chaos mirror in the world. Is Xiaoyao King powerful? She was suppressed for 100,000 years. Fairy Baihua doesn't care about the disputes in various fields, but no one dares to question her words, because she is the number one in the world, absolutely number one.

Xiao Lang, the born calf, had already offended Fairy Baihua by ignoring Mandala's warning. At this moment, he dared to ask her face to face.

Why is it very simple? Why does Fairy Baihua care about his affairs?

In other words-what is Baihua Fairy? Also qualified to order him?

Fairy Baihua smiled, angrily. Although she was laughing, her eyes were murderous and icy. She nodded and said, "Okay, okay, okay! Xiao Lang, you're good! You do it, I want Look, who dares to move the person I want to protect?"

"call out!"

The answer to Fairy Baihua was... the dragon formed by the power of seven or eight reincarnations roared out, and the dragon blasted downwards with an aura that shook the sky unscrupulously!

"Boom boom boom!"

With so much power of reincarnation, the immeasurable old man, let alone unprepared, is a dead end even if the shield is released.

The entire Xuanyuan City shook, and then all turned into dust. The ground within a radius of a million li shook, and the surrounding space shook layer by layer. Xuanyuan Tianxin and others were shaken out by the powerful shock wave.

A huge mushroom cloud turned into dust rose into the sky, covering half of the sky, and also concealing a pair of starry eyes as cold as a glacier in the beautiful mirror above the sky...

Immeasurable Supreme God, die!


[Author's digression]: There must be more today, and it will be even more so if you write it, well, that's it!

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