Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 1: : Ten years later

Time flies like arrows, sun and moon flies like a shuttle. Ten years have passed in a few seconds.

Since Xiao Lang defeated Fairy Baihua, the Chaos World has once again returned to its former appearance. The God's Domain is still struggling, and the major forces are fighting endlessly, but they are just small frictions.

Although Fairy Baihua was dead, and Xiao Lang, the first person in the chaotic world, had no idea of ​​interfering with the world order, the supreme gods of God's Domain still stood by themselves and restrained self-discipline out of respect for Xiao Lang.

The Hundred Flower Domain is rather chaotic. Without Hundred Flower Fairy, the Hundred Flower Palace has no leader and finally collapsed completely three years ago, and the Hundred Flower Domain was also eaten up by the major forces.

Xiao Lang didn't participate in the disputes of Baihuayu. In the past ten years, he had only done three things.

The first thing is to resurrect Ouyang Lengyan.

This is what he most wants to accomplish after he has mastered the power of reincarnation. He can walk from a low-level figure to where he is today. A large part of the reason is to resurrect Ouyang Lengyan, which has become one of his Obsession.

Therefore, when Xiao Lang repaired the Chaos Ocean and returned to God's Domain, he set about completing the matter as soon as possible.

According to the remnant soul back then, if you want to resurrect Ouyang Lengyan, you must first become the supreme god, and then use the power of reincarnation to forcibly destroy the order to succeed.

Although Xiao Lang had not yet become the supreme god, after he had realized the power of reincarnation, he had more control over the power of reincarnation than other supreme gods.

Therefore, Xiao Lang successfully completed the first thing, broke the order of reincarnation, and successfully brought back Ouyang Lengyan.

However, it is a pity that Ouyang Lengyan's death took too long, causing her memory to be greatly lost, and even Xiao Lang did not remember it clearly.

However, Xiao Lang was not in a hurry. He took Ouyang Lengyan back to Tianzhou City and planned to spend time with Ouyang Lengyan. He knew that as long as the two got along for a long time, Ouyang Lengyan's memory would gradually recover.

The second thing was a break with the old friend Yun Zishan.

He has been hostile to Yun Zishan for so many years, from the Soul of God Continent to the Ultimate God Realm, it can be said that Yun Zishan is his biggest enemy in his life.

As he became the first person in the chaotic world, he finally put an end to this long grudge.

Yun Zishan was self-determined, and after returning from Xiao Lang, she was mentally prepared.

When Xiao Lang came to the door, Yun Zishan made a pot of Yunjian tea from Xiliang Mountain. She and Xiao Lang drank a cup, and then with a smile, they used divine power to destroy her body and soul.

Seeing Yun Zishan's body and spirit vanish in front of him, Xiao Lang was full of emotion, and finally brought Yun Zishan's ashes back to the dilapidated Divine Soul Continent, where they were buried where they first met.

Like an old friend, he placed two jars of good wine in front of Yun Zishan's grave, drinking and talking to himself, staying for three days and three nights.

Three days later, Xiao Lang left the Soul Continent. He wanted to find the purple jade coffin, and wanted to see what was in the purple jade coffin. However, until Xiao Lang searched the entire chaotic world, he did not find a trace of the purple jade coffin. .

Not only was he puzzled, but he didn't understand why the purple jade coffin disappeared. He even felt that the purple jade coffin might have been destroyed, otherwise, with his current strength, how could the purple jade coffin escape his divine sense search?

After that, he shook his head and returned to Tianzhou.

He looked for the purple jade coffin, just to solve the doubts in his happiness. Since he can't find it, then forget it, it won't affect him anyway.

Then, Xiao Lang did one last thing. He found a brand new domain and moved all his relatives and people in Tianzhou City.

Xiao Lang named this domain face Xiaodi domain face, and set up countless restrictions on the periphery of the domain face, so powerful that even the supreme **** could hardly defeat it.

Xiao Lang didn't want his relatives to live in God's Domain. Although God's Domain was prosperous, after all, there were too many disputes. If relatives lived there, it was impossible to guarantee that they would not be harmed. Only in Xiao Emperor's domain, they were the safest.

After doing all this, Xiao Lang finally settled down, staying in Xiao Diyu all day, accompanying his family.

On this day, on the face of Xiaodiyu, a man with white hair and silver clothes was sitting cross-legged on a huge mountain reaching hundreds of thousands of feet high.

The man's hair was like snow, and his face was cut like a knife.

His figure is not very tall, but when he sits there, he actually gives people a feeling of standing upright, even the hundreds of thousands of feet below him are suppressed by his shocking weather.

This white-haired man is no one else but the first person in the chaotic world today, Xiao Lang!

At this moment, Xiao Lang's eyes were slightly closed, and there was a huge aura around him, obviously at an important juncture of cultivation.

Although he was invincible in the Chaos World, Xiao Lang never stopped practicing.

In ten years, Xiao Lang's current strength was stronger than before, and his sentiment was even more comprehended to the eleventh realm. Only the last realm could be fully understood.

"Everything has sentiment, as large as the universe, as small as a plant and a tree, all have their affection. Affection is the fundamental link between the heaven and the earth!"

The cold wind blew on Xiao Lang's body continuously, but Xiao Lang's heart was empty at this time, his soul was out of his body, and he entered a wonderful realm.

"Ancient sages and sages have a cloud, and all emotions in the world start from the heart, which means that in this world, whether it is love, hatred, or happiness, all emotions start from the heart."

The more profound Xiao Lang deduced, the more thorough his heart became. Gradually, Xiao Lang's vision seemed to widen, as if he had seen an ultimate road.

"So that's it! The so-called love begins with the heart, the ultimate meaning of this love is the word love!"

At this point in the deduction, Xiao Lang's eyes burst out with two brilliant lights. He looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hahaha, love, you are all understood by me, so please use it for me!"

With a wave of his hand, the wind was surging in the nine heavens, and an ethereal breath fell from the sky.

Numerous golden lights appeared, and an extremely huge love word unexpectedly appeared on the nine heavens, covering the entire Xiao Emperor's domain, and even the power of the heavens in the chaotic world was attracted.

"what happened?"

"What happened to the Chaos World?"

At this moment, in the entire chaotic world, countless people were shocked, looking up at the sky one after another, the vast aura of heaven, made them have the urge to worship.

And the supreme gods who lived in God's Realm, Demon Realm and Demon Realm looked at the same place in shock at this moment.

"The complete supreme way of heaven appeared on the face of Emperor Xiao, could it be..."

"A Supreme God appeared in the face of Xiao Diyu!!"

At this moment, the supreme gods in the chaotic world were all shocked, and they all sensed the movement of Xiao Diyu's face, which was the abnormal movement that only appeared when the supreme heavenly way appeared.

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