Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 2: : Above the Peak

Because of the movement of Xiao Diyu, the chaotic world that had been silent for ten years became lively again.

The supreme gods in the chaotic world all dispatched, rushing towards Xiao Diyu one after another.

Countless powerful Tianzun experts have also used great movement techniques and rushed to the face of Emperor Xiao's domain.

The appearance of the complete Supreme Heavenly Dao means that a new Supreme God is born, and everyone wants to see the excitement.

Soon, countless figures flew over the periphery of Xiao Diyu.

The supreme **** of Asura was the fastest, reaching the surface of Emperor Xiao's domain first.

Afterwards, the Supreme God of Cing Ting, the Supreme God of Love Song, the Supreme God of Wangchen and others also came one after another.

"Sura, what's the matter with Xiao Diyu's face?"

The Supreme God of Love Song saw an extremely strong supreme heavenly aura exuding from the surface of Xiao Diyu, and asked the Supreme God of Asura on the side.

Several other supreme gods also looked towards the supreme **** of Asura. Since the death of Fairy Baihua and King Xiaoyao, among the supreme gods of the gods, the supreme **** of the gods is the most powerful, and the other supreme gods must respect him by three points.

"The aura of affection appeared on Xiao Diyu's face, it should have been attracted by Xiao Lang." The Supreme God of Shura looked at the huge movement on Xiao Diyu's face with deep eyes.

The Supreme God Wangchen on the side was surprised and said: "I remember Xiao Lang didn't realize the complete path of heaven before. With the appearance of the path of love, does he have realized the ultimate meaning of the path of love?"

"That's probably the case." The Supreme God Shura nodded.

Hearing that, all the supreme gods all smiled bitterly, this Xiao Lang is really a monster!

What made them even more depressed was that Xiao Lang's strength was originally stronger than them, and now they realized the complete Supreme Heavenly Dao, and their strength reached the supreme **** level. They didn't even have a bit of pride in front of Xiao Lang.

Depressed and depressed, but the Supreme Gods did not say anything, still waiting quietly outside Xiao Diyu.

Soon after, the supreme gods of Demon Domain and Demon Domain also rushed over one after another, and after learning about the situation of Xiao Diyu, they all showed surprise.

And some powerful Tianzun experts in God's Domain, such as Liuhuo Tianzun, Xuanyuan Tianzun, Feng Binyi, Xing Tian, ​​Zhang Ge and others, also arrived one day later.

With the passage of time, there are more and more powerful people on the periphery of the Xiaodiyu area, but they have not entered the Xiaodiyu area. Xiao Lang has set many powerful restrictions on the Xiaodiyu area. If Xiao Lang does not open the channel, No one can get in.

Xiao Lang naturally knew that a lot of people had come outside of Xiao Diyu, but he didn’t have time to receive him now. After he realized the complete emotion, huge changes were taking place in his body, and the originally surging energy star sea was rapidly expanding at this time. , Transforming towards the energy world of the Supreme God.

There are two necessary conditions for becoming the Supreme God. The first is to perceive a complete path of heaven, and the second is to transform one's own energy star sea into an energy world.

Xiao Lang now has a complete sense of sentiment, and he only needs to transform the energy star sea in his body into an energy world, and he can ascend to the highest realm of the chaotic world-the highest realm!

What is the energy world?

Evolve the energy star sea to form an energy world with derivation function, which can produce endless energy, which is the energy world.

The life of the Supreme God is extremely long, which has a lot to do with the energy world in the body.

Even if the world is annihilated, the Supreme God can provide himself with the energy the body needs by relying on the energy world in his body.


The energy star sea surging in the body is like the ocean, huge energy waves swept in all directions, and a few breaths exceeded the limit of Tianzun's peak.

Xiao Lang fully controlled the energy star sea to transform, and as the energy sea continued to expand, the aura on his body became more and more vast, covering almost the entire Xiao Emperor's domain.

The countless people of Xiaodiyu's face were full of pious expressions and worshipped at the top of the mountain where Xiao Lang was.

This situation continued for half a month, and Xiao Diyu's face gradually calmed down.

At this time, on the top of the mountain.

The vast aura of Xiao Lang's body had been completely restrained by him, and he looked like an ordinary person.

But his eyes are like the starry sky and the sea, extremely deep, and a random look contains countless profound meanings.

"This is the Supreme God Realm?"

Xiao Lang looked at the energy world in his body, but frowned. Somehow, he always felt that the Supreme Divine Realm was not perfect.

"It seems that the Supreme Divine Realm is not the end of cultivation?"

Xiao Lang muttered to himself, frowning and thinking.

In the past, he was not strong enough to see the road ahead, but now, not only has he broken through the highest divine realm, but he has also realized the power of reincarnation and the power of dominance. The originally vague path has now become clear, which makes Xiao Lang I felt more and more that the Supreme God Realm was not the end, and there should be a realm above the Supreme God.

"But, what would that realm be?"

For a while, Xiao Lang was also a little confused, and he fell into contemplation.

When Xiao Demon God, Dulong, Wuhen and others, who had originally wanted to fly over to ask about the situation, saw Xiao Lang sinking into thought, they all stopped, for fear of disturbing Xiao Lang's thoughts.


At this moment, in the depths of the chaotic world, a deep sound penetrated through time and space and entered Xiao Lang's ears.


Xiao Lang suddenly raised his head and looked into the depths of the chaotic world.

"That is……"

Xiao Lang's gaze penetrated endless time and space, and he saw the deepest part of the chaotic world, the heart of a water-blue chaotic world.

The endless chaotic air emerged from the heart of the chaotic world, and then merged into the chaotic world.

"Is this... the reason for the birth of the Chaos World?"

At this moment, Xiao Lang seemed to be empowered, and all obstacles on the road ahead were swept away.

"I understand. Although the Supreme God has comprehended the way of heaven, he has not understood the origin of the chaotic world. Although the Supreme God has formed an energy world in his body, he has not condensed the heart of the world."

Xiao Lang's eyes shone brightly. He once again looked at the heart of the chaotic world in the depths of the chaotic world, and then imitated the operating mechanism of the heart of the chaotic world to create.

"In the ancient times, the heart of the chaotic world appeared in the void, and the heart of the chaotic world created the air of chaos. After the air of chaos came out, it created all things in the world. After all things in the world died, the air of chaos returned to the world of chaos. The heart, this is a cycle, an endless cycle."

"Yes, this is the profound meaning of that realm, higher than that of the highest **** realm!"

"This realm should be called the world realm!"

A strong light was released in Xiao Lang's eyes, and he stood up, his robe was hunting and hunting sounded by the roaring wind of nine days.

"The world, the heart of the world, if that's the case, don't hurry up to gather it for me!"

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