Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 142: :Failed?


The two magical skills collided in the void, and a huge noise suddenly came out, like a volcanic explosion, shaking the sky and the earth.

The most terrifying thing is the shock wave generated when the two collide. The power is terrible, and the space is distorted wherever it goes.


The shock wave quickly slammed into the great defense formation of Xuanyu City, and a huge force burst out, and the entire Xuanyu City was shaken, as if an earthquake, which was very shocking.

Fortunately, the moat was strong enough, and finally resisted the shock wave.

"It's terrible, is this the strength of the Dzogchen World Realm?"

The people in Xuanyu City were amazed, and they were terrified of Xuan Yu Tuo's strength. That power was too terrifying. Without the protection of the great defense formation, most of them would be wiped out with Xuan Yu City.

"How is Xiao Lang?"

Everyone thought of Xiao Lang, Xuan Yu Tuo's Yu Wei was so terrifying, what happened to Xiao Lang who faced Xuan Yu Tuo's attack?

No one thinks that Xiao Lang can withstand Xuan Yu Tuo's attack just now, even if Xiao Lang's Saint Thunder Fist is so powerful that he can even subdue characters like Xuan Yu Tianxiong, but Xuan Yu Tuo is not Xuan Yu Tianxiong. Than.

"call out!"

When everyone looked at it, Xiao Lang's figure also burst out from the center of the collision, like a meteor, slamming straight into Xuanyu City.

In the end, only a "boom" was heard, and Xiao Lang slammed into the great defense formation of Xuanyu City, almost smashing through the great defense formation.

"It's miserable!"

Many people sighed, and as expected, Xiao Lang was defeated after all.

"Big Brother!"

Xiao Moshen Wuhen and Dulong were shocked, and Xiao Lang was smashed so far that he was probably seriously injured.

Immediately, the three of them flew out, and together with the silver dragon, swiftly swept towards Xiao Lang.

They soon came to Xiao Lang, helped him up, and asked, "Big Brother, are you okay?"

At this moment Xiao Lang looked a little miserable. The clothes on his chest were in tatters, his hair was messed up, and there were some blood stains on the corners of his mouth. This made the Xiao Demon God and the three people a little anxious, thinking that Xiao Lang had suffered some serious injury.

"I'm not dead yet."

Seeing the anxious look of Xiao Demon God, Xiao Lang suddenly became speechless. He rolled his eyes, stood up from the void, and then pulled at some embarrassed clothes on his body, and said, "Thanks to the silver armor and the bodyguard. , Or I’m afraid I will break a few ribs this time."

"Um..." Upon hearing this, Xiao Demon God Wuhen and Dulong looked at each other, and when they looked at Xiao Lang, their eyes suddenly widened.

A faint silver light appeared on Xiao Lang’s skin. It was very faint and almost invisible. After that faint silver light appeared, it quickly turned into a set of silver armor set on Xiao Lang’s Body.

However, at this time, the silver armor had been damaged, and there was no defensive effect.

"Is this the unique silver armor suit of the Tianfu Palace silver armor disciple?"

Demon God Xiao was taken aback, looked at Xiao Lang's silver armor suit and exclaimed.

"Yes." Xiao Lang nodded and said, "Thanks to the silver armor suit for helping me block most of the attacks, otherwise I'm afraid I will really be injured."

When Xiao Moshen and Wuhen Poisonous Dragon heard these words, they were fortunate that Xiao Lang was okay, but they also had some envy. The silver armor's defensive power was indeed strong, and it was able to withstand an attack by the Great Perfection of the World Realm. The ordinary world artifacts It does not necessarily have such an effect.

Those onlookers found that Xiao Lang was not injured, and they all secretly smacked their tongues. They admired Xiao Lang quite a bit. At the same time, they also admired Xiao Lang's silver armor suit. Without the silver armor suit body, Xiao Lang Even if he didn't die, he would have been seriously injured.

"This kid is not dead!"

Xuan Yu Tianhan was secretly annoyed and very upset, but now it was Xuan Yu Tuo's home court, he did not dare to say much.

"call out!"

At this time, Xuan Yu Tuo flew over from the sky and stopped at the opposite side of Xiao Lang. He had the upper hand in the previous contest, so there was nothing serious about him.

Xuan Yutuo glanced at Xiao Lang, and saw that the silver armor on the latter was damaged, he couldn't help but snorted and said indifferently, "Xiao Lang, are you still not willing to give up!"

Xiao Lang let Xiao Demon God and Wuhen retreat to one side, and then said to Xuan Yu Tuo: "Of course not, it's too early to admit defeat!"

"Hmph, now you don't have the silver armor of Tianfu Palace, how do you resist the old man's claws?"

Xuan Yu made a cold snort and said sarcastically.

In his opinion, Xiao Lang could not stop his attack without the protection of the silver armor. There was only a dead end.

"You don't need to worry about this." Xiao Lang said lightly.

"act recklessly!"

Xuan Yu Tuo said coldly, and immediately he stopped talking nonsense, once again activated the Wind Splitting Claw and grabbed Xiao Lang.

It was the same move just now, but the power was two points stronger than before. Obviously, Xuan Yu Tuo didn't intend to give Xiao Lang a chance to stand up, but wanted to subdue him with one move.

"It seems that Xiao Lang will end here."

The crowd of onlookers shook their heads, feeling a little regretful. A genius like Xiao Lang is rare even in Tianfu Palace, but in the face of absolute strength, he still has to bow his head after all.

When everyone felt that Xiao Lang would definitely lose, Xiao Lang didn't think so. He glanced calmly at Xuan Yu Tuo who had killed him, and then closed his eyes directly.

"What is he doing?"

"At this time, he dared to close his eyes?"

"Do you want to give up resistance and prepare to admit defeat?"

Seeing Xiao Lang closing his eyes, everyone felt weird. They didn't understand Xiao Lang's approach. According to common sense, shouldn't this time be running away or fighting hard?

"With Xiao Lang's temperament, he shouldn't give up resistance so easily, maybe he is preparing a killer move."

At this moment, someone among the crowd of onlookers said this, and this sentence immediately caused many people to ponder.

Indeed, Xiao Lang didn't seem to be a person who would concede defeat easily. Perhaps he was really preparing for some big move by doing this.

In fact, not only did the onlookers think so, but Xuan Yu Taku also thought so. He could see that Xiao Lang had no intention of surrendering. On the contrary, his eyes were full of fighting spirit. How could such a person concede defeat in a showdown with him?

Therefore, Xuan Yu Tuo frowned and was more cautious in his heart.

However, his movements didn't mean to stop in the slightest. The Wind Splitting Claws tore the air and quickly slammed in front of Xiao Lang.

Just when Xuan Yu Tuo's Wind Splitting Claw hit Xiao Lang's head, Xiao Lang, who had been motionless, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Old stuff, Xiaoye has endured you for a long time!"

Xiao Lang smiled grimly, and blasted out his fists, directly colliding with Xuan Yu Tuo's claws.


There was a loud noise, but the result this time was very different from before. Xiao Lang, who was completely suppressed by Xuan Yu Tuo, had just stepped back about seven or eight steps at this moment, and he had stabilized his figure. The scene where I almost broke my ribs before was many times stronger.

More importantly, Xuan Yu Tuo, who had always had the upper hand, was actually taken a step back by the huge counter-shock force this time, and the situation showed signs of reversal for the first time.

"Did I have hallucinations, Xiao Lang actually took Xuan Yu Tuo a step back?"

"That's not an illusion, it's true! Xiao Lang really took Xuan Yu Tuo a step back!"

"How is this possible! Xiao Lang is missing the two realms of Xuan Yu Tuo, even if he is a talent of Tian Zong, it is impossible to challenge opponents across the two realms!"

The crowd onlookers were shocked, and they all felt that this incident was incredible. Xiao Lang was not Xuan Yu Tuo's opponent just now, and he had the strength almost comparable to Xuan Yu Tuo in the blink of an eye. What was going on?

"Does Xiao Lang still hide his strength?"

Someone guessed this way.

Everyone nodded, and it seemed that there was only this possibility now, and other reasons simply didn't make sense.

At this time, Xuan Yu Tuo was also frowning tightly, with a shocked expression in his eyes. Xiao Lang just gave him the feeling that he was not much weaker than him, and he even took a step back in the confrontation.

"How much strength does this guy hide?"

Xuan Yu Tuo's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he did not move forward for a while.

At this time, Xiao Lang had stabilized his figure. Although he had been repelled by Xuan Yu Tuo seven or eight steps before, he didn't have any other feelings other than the shock of his blood.

"This mysterious power is really good. It can save people in crisis every time."

Xiao Lang was quite happy in his heart. The reason why he was able to face Xuan Yu Tuo just now without being injured is precisely because he activated the mysterious power in his body at the last moment and improved his own strength to block Xuan Yu Tuo. s attack.

According to his speculation, his current strength should have reached the world realm of Small Perfection, not far from the Great Perfection realm.

Afterwards, he raised his head and looked at Xuan Yu Tuo on the opposite side, with a strong sense of war erupting in his eyes.

"Xuan Yu Tuo, aren't you quite good at fighting, now you try again?"

Xiao Lang's provocative words passed into Xuan Yu Tuo's ears, and the latter's cheeks jumped, and a hint of coldness appeared on his face.

"Boy, although I don't know what evil method you used to increase your strength, you should not think that you can compete with me!"

Xuan Yu Tuo said coldly.

"If you can contend, you will know after trying."

Xiao Lang laughed, only to see that he took the initiative to jump out and patted Xuan Yu Tuo with a palm.

"court death!"

Xuan Yu Tuo didn't expect Xiao Lang to take the initiative to attack him, his face suddenly became angry, and he shouted, and the Splitting Wind God Claw directly greeted him.

"Boom bang bang!"

The two quickly fought together, and the fierce battle broke out in an instant, but this time, Xiao Lang was no longer embarrassed by Xuan Yu Tuo as before, but was able to fight against him.

When Xiao Lang and Xuan Yu Tuo were fighting inextricably, two pairs of eyes were watching the battle in front of the window of a restaurant in Xuan Yu City.

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