Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 143: : Qin Wushuang

The owners of those two pairs of eyes were an old man and a young man.

The old man has white hair and is of moderate build. He is wearing a set of gray robe and looks unremarkable, but the old man's eyes are very deep, which seems to contain infinite mysteries, which makes people unpredictable.

The young man next to the old man was handsome, dressed in white clothes like snow, and looked like a graceful young man, but there was a faintly terrifying atmosphere on the young man's body, indicating that this young man was by no means as simple as it seemed.

From the moment Xiao Lang and the Xuan Yu family went to war, the old and young people had been watching quietly, and they ignored no matter how much destructive power Xiao Lang and Xuan Yu family caused.

However, when Xiao Lang increased his strength and resisted Xuan Yu Tuo's attack, the old man's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect to be able to meet a Dao spirit body in such a place."

The old man squinted his eyes, revealing a look of interest.

When the young man next to the old man heard the words, a puzzled look flashed in his eyes and asked: "Master, what is the Dao Spirit Body you are talking about?"

The old man laughed, looked at the young man, and said, "Wushuang, do you remember I told you about the Great Avenue Spirit Tree before?"


The young man nodded.

The old man continued: "In the boundless universe, there are many chaotic worlds, large and small. These chaotic worlds are like reduced versions of the boundless universes. The laws of heaven are complete, and hundreds of millions of races coexist, just like a reduced version of the boundless universe. ."

"Some chaotic worlds will give birth to a very peculiar kind of spiritual creature at the beginning of their birth. This kind of spiritual creature is the Great Dao Spirit Tree. The Great Dao Spirit Tree is a spiritual being bred by all the heavens in the chaotic universe. It possesses all the characteristics of the Dao of Heaven, and it is a very unusual treasure of the Dao of Heaven. If someone can penetrate this Dao Spirit Tree, it will merge with the Dao Spirit Tree and become a very rare Dao Spirit Body."

The young man looked eager to learn. He listened carefully to the explanation of the old man. He nodded without understanding, and then asked, "Then what's special about this Dao Spirit Body?"

Hearing the words, the old man stroked his gray beard and smiled: "In the boundless universe, no matter what kind of spiritual body is an existence that is blessed by the heavens, the great spiritual body is naturally no exception. As for its benefits, if Properly used, the natural magic is endless. For example, the little guy, doesn't he rely on the power of the Dao Spirit Body to cross two levels and compete with Xuan Yu Tuo?

The young man nodded and said, "So, that kid is really lucky, and he actually got the Dao Spirit Body."

The old man shook his head, denying his point of view, and said: "It is not just luck to obtain Dao Spirit Body. Every Dao Spirit Body is a realm of a chaotic world. In addition to having great luck, its own talent and Comprehension is also indispensable. That little guy can obtain the Great Spirit Body, which is enough to show his extraordinary."

"What does the master mean?"

The young man frowned and asked.

The old man smiled and said: "Hehe, this kid is of extraordinary physique. If he can be cultivated, he will be another giant, Wushuang. He is a disciple of Tianfu Temple, and he is also considered as your junior. You can help him by the way. Bring him to see me."

"Okay, Master."

Hearing the words, the young man nodded, he stood up, and he didn't see any movement, his figure had disappeared.

Xiao Lang didn't know that the secret in his body had been discovered by an old man, and he was still dealing with Xuan Yu Tuo as best he could.

"This old guy is really troublesome."

Xiao Lang frowned. After a period of fighting, he found that it was unrealistic to subdue Xuan Yu Tuo by force. Although his current strength has improved, he is at best equal to Xuan Yu Taku. It is still difficult to suppress the opponent.

Moreover, the mysterious power in his body is limited. Once it is exhausted, his strength will return to its original state, and he will be in danger without the blessing of the mysterious power.

"It seems we must find a chance to leave."

Xiao Lang sighed helplessly. Judging from the current situation, continuing to fight is definitely not the best policy. He has to leave first and wait until he finds the knife.

Thinking about this, Xiao Lang had no intention of fighting anymore, and while dealing with Xuan Yu Tuo, he was looking for an opportunity to escape.

However, Xuan Yu Tianhan quickly saw through Xiao Lang's thoughts, he immediately waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Give me all guards, absolutely can't let Xiao Lang run away!"


The powerhouses of the Xuanyu family and the guards of Xuanyu City were both promised and formed a defensive formation to prevent Xiao Lang from escaping.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang frowned. Xuan Yu Tianhan was really an old fox, and he could see his thoughts so quickly.

But he couldn't manage that much now. In any case, he had to break out before the mysterious power disappeared, otherwise he and Xiao Demon God would not be able to escape today.

"Hey, kid, the strength in your body won't last long!"

Xuan Yu Tuo said with a cold smile, he could feel that Xiao Lang's strength was slowly weakening, and it was obvious that his strength was gradually dying.

"This will not bother you."

Xiao Lang said lightly.

"Hmph, I'm still stiff at this time, so good, I have to see how long you can support it!"

Xuan Yu Tuo coldly snorted, he is an authentic world realm of Great Perfection, and there is no need to worry about weakening his strength. Some time is fighting Xiao Lang attrition.

The two continue to fight...

At this moment, a figure stepped from a restaurant in Xuanyu City.

The man was dressed in white, with fluttering long hair, and extraordinary handsomeness. He was the young man who had been waiting in the restaurant before.

The young man seemed to be slow, but in fact he was extremely fast. In just a few steps, he crossed hundreds of miles of void and came directly in front of Xiao Lang and Xuan Yu Tuo.

"Huh? Who is that person? How could he appear there?"

The crowd of onlookers found people coming, and they all showed their doubts.

"Stop it all!"

The young man ignored the crowd of onlookers. After he came here, he uttered a low drink. Although the voice was not loud, it seemed to contain an irresistible magic power that caused Xiao Lang and Xuan Yu Tuo to stop.

"who are you?"

After Xuan Yu Taku stopped, he quickly stepped back a few steps, then stared at the young man and said in a low voice.

Xiao Lang also looked at the young man with a look of confusion, not understanding the origin of the man in white that suddenly appeared.

The young man glanced at Xuan Yu Tuo, and then said calmly: "Like this junior, I am also a disciple of Tianfu Palace. You can call me Qin Wushuang."

The crowd of onlookers in Xuanyu City showed their stunned expressions of error, and never expected that the young man who claimed to be Qin Wushuang was also a disciple of Tianfu Palace.

"There is a good show to watch now."

Quite a few people were looking forward to it, thinking that Xiao Lang would be unable to hold it anymore, but they didn't expect another Tianfu Temple disciple to appear at this critical moment.

"Qin Wushuang?"

Xuan Yu Taku frowned when he heard the words. He carefully observed the young man for a moment, and found that with his eyesight, he couldn't see the young man's cultivation, and he couldn't help being surprised.

To be on the safe side, Xuan Yu Taku asked again: "I don't know which Tianfu Temple sub-rudder you come from?"

The young man claiming to be Qin Wushuang said in a deep voice, "It doesn’t matter which sub-rudder I come from. What’s important is that you must stop right now and openly kidnap my Tianfu Temple disciple, and attack my Tianfu Temple disciple, you Xuanyu Family really doesn't put my Tianfu Temple in their eyes?"

Hearing this, Xuan Yu Tuo's complexion sank slightly, and he said coldly, "Your excellency is a bit too much. If Xiao Lang took the initiative to provoke him today, why would I wait for him? As for kidnapping, it would be even more ridiculous. Yes, you don’t even have any evidence, so why did you kidnap it? It’s you, a disciple of the Tianfu Temple, who kidnapped two people from my Xuanyu family as soon as you came. Speaking of it, you should give me a statement. ."

Qin Wushuang said coldly: "Do you think I don't know what you are doing?"

"What do you mean?"

Xuan Yu Tuo's eyelids twitched and said in a deep voice.

Qin Wushuang glanced at the castle below, and then said, "The person you kidnapped should be in that castle!"

"No proof, what evidence do you have?"

Xuan Yu Tuo said coldly, never admitting this matter.

"You want proof, I will prove it to you now."

After Qin Wushuang finished speaking, he flew directly towards the castle of Xuan Yu's house.

"Bold, how can my Xuanyu family allow you, an outsider, to rush in at will!"

When Xuan Yu Tuo saw this, his complexion suddenly changed, he hurriedly shouted, and displayed the claws of the wind splitting, and grabbed Qin Wushuang.

"Brother Qin, be careful."

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang quickly reminded.

But seeing that Qin Wu's double-faced color did not change, he punched out and blasted with Xuan Yu Tuo's claw wind.

With a "boom", Xuan Yu Tuo's expression changed drastically. Although Qin Wushuang's punch was simple, his power was terrifying. He couldn't stand it at all and was blasted back several tens of meters.

"how is this possible!"

Xuan Yu Tuo's complexion was very ugly. He didn't expect Qin Wushuang's strength to be so powerful that he was not even his enemy.

Xiao Lang also looked surprised, wondering what Qin Wushuang came from?

After repelling Xuan Yu Tuo, Qin Wushuang flew into the castle of Xuan Yu's house. When he flew out of the castle of Xuan Yu City, there was already a black pagoda in his hand.

When Xuan Yu Tuo and Xuan Yu Tianhan saw the black pagoda, their expressions suddenly changed. They wanted to grab the black pagoda, but after seeing Qin Wushuang's strength, they did not dare to take action anyway. .

Qin Wushuang didn't speak, he reached out a little on the pagoda, and the latter immediately burst out a protective cover, blocking his fingers.

Qin Wushuang snorted coldly, and struck the protective shield with a sharp divine power. Only hearing a "bang" sound, the protective shield shattered.

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