Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 171: : Coup

"The Hong family has declared war on our Yin family, and it is estimated that there will be an attack in the near future. You must prepare for the battle so as not to be caught off guard by the enemy." On the first seat in the lobby, Yin Guoyuan seated on it, Hong Sheng said.

As soon as these words came out, the many senior Yin family members below whispered to each other, discussing the pros and cons of this battle.

"Do you have any suggestions? Can you put it forward!" Yin Guoyuan looked at this group of senior Yin family members and said with a smile.

Everyone looked at each other, and few came forward to speak.

At this moment, a gray-robed old man sighed, shook his head and sighed: "Patriarch, I'm afraid this battle is not easy to fight!"

This old man is the second elder of the Yin family-Yin Yunhong.

"Why did the second elder say this?" Yin Guoyuan looked over and asked aloud.

Others also looked over, wanting to see what Yin Yunhong had in mind.

"Think about it, everyone, the Hong family has declared war on us, will the other two stand by?" Yin Yunhong looked around and said in a low voice.

"The Fang family and the Nie family were in a fight with the Hong family. Now that the Hong family has taken action, the Fang family and the Nie family will certainly not sit idly by. They still want to share a piece of the pie in the Longmu Forest of my Yin family." Yin Yunhong expressed his opinion.

A group of senior Yin family nodded slightly, seeming to agree with Yin Yunhong's statement.

At this time, the great elder Yin Sunyin, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke: "I think what the second elder said is reasonable. Our Yin family is now weak. Once the three major families come together, we are not their opponents. ."

Yin Yunhong said loudly: "The great elder is right. What we have to face is not just the Hong family, but the three major families joining forces. Our Yin family is weak, and the other party is too crowded for fear of losing. what!"

Many senior Yin family leaders saw that the two elders had said so, and felt that there was some truth, so they nodded in agreement.

"Second elder, what should we do according to your wishes?" Yin Guoyuan in the first seat asked calmly.

"It's very simple, dormant in Yincheng, recharge your energy, and I won't move when the enemy moves." Yin Yunhong gave out his suggestion.

"I agree with the second elder's suggestion!" For a while, a part of the Yin family seniors stood up and expressed their views.

"I agree too!"

"And I."

More and more people were in favor, and in the end it exceeded half of the number. From this it can be seen that most of the Yin family did not support this battle.

Xiao Lang remained silent, sitting quietly on the seat, silent.

"Xiao Daoyou, what is your opinion?" But soon, Yin Guoyuan's gaze projected over and asked with a smile.

Many senior Yin family members all watched over, and some senior Yin family members did not know Xiao Lang's background, so they frowned.

Those who knew Xiao Lang's identity also frowned at this time, because relatively speaking, Xiao Lang was still a little too young, and he was an outsider, not necessarily familiar with the situation in Changfeng County. What reliable opinions can a person give?

Xiao Lang did not expect that Yin Guoyuan would ask his opinion. At first, he was stunned. Seeing that everyone was watching, he had to stand up and answer.

After thinking about it a little, Xiao Lang replied: "I think that for the present plan, either your Yin family must be relocated, or you will be ready to fight."

He still didn't say a word, "Avoid and not fight, that is the next strategy." This is because he considered the face of the second elder of the Yin family, so he didn't say it.

But what Xiao Lang didn't expect was that Yin Yunhong's expression became a bit ugly when he said this.

"Young man, do you know the current situation?" Yin Yunhong said with a calm face and said coldly: "This matter is related to the life and death of the Yin family. If you rush out to fight, who will be responsible?"

"The second elder is right. The three major families of Hong, Fang, and Nie are very strong. The three families have joined forces to strengthen and strengthen. My Yin family is fighting alone, fearing that it will be difficult to defeat four hands." Someone immediately stood up. Come out to echo.

"Yes, this kid is just an outsider. Of course, he said it lightly. If something goes wrong, he will pat his **** and leave. Our Yin family is in danger."

"In any case, you can't challenge!"

A group of people blocked Xiao Lang's words completely, making him shut up consciously.

"Stop it all." Yin Guoyuan couldn't stand it anymore and waved his hand to suppress everyone's voice.

"First listen to Xiao Daoyou's reason." Yin Guoyuan said in a deep voice.

Everyone closed their mouths, and no longer ridiculed Xiao Lang. Although Yin Guoyuan looked kind at ordinary times, he was still very serious and majestic.

"Friend Xiao Dao." Yin Guoyuan looked over.

Xiao Lang saw that those people stopped talking, and then said: "This is also a matter of no choice. I just saw Yincheng's great defense formation. Its strength can't stop the powerful attack of the three major families. Sooner or later, it will be destroyed. In that case, it’s better to prepare earlier, and you won’t be caught off guard."

Yin Guoyuan smiled and looked at Xiao Lang appreciatively. The latter's view was exactly what he thought.

Without his father Yin Zhengxiong's maintenance, the power of Yincheng's defensive formation has been weakened a lot, and it is difficult to stop the attack of the three major families. If the era realm powerhouses of the three major families take action, it only takes a moment. Break the formation.

And his father Yin Zhengxiong is currently lying on the hospital bed, it is difficult to have the energy to maintain the defense formation, once the three strong families find a gap, the Yincheng formation is bound to be broken.

At that time, life or death will be left to fate.

Some senior Yin family wanted to sarcast a few words, but Yin Guoyuan waved his hand and said: "Don't say anything, Xiao Daoyou said that is reasonable, Yin City's defense formation does not have enough energy to maintain, and can't exert all its strength, so , You must be prepared for the battle."

A group of high-level Yin family glanced at each other, and they didn't expect that the Patriarch would actually support Xiao Lang.

"But, even if we go out to fight, can we win this battle?" Some people questioned, this is not to increase the ambition of others to destroy one's prestige, it is that the gap between the two sides is too great, the other party is the three major families teaming up, and oneself Fang Gujun must be very reluctant to fight.

Yin Guoyuan was also worried about this. Although Xiao Lang's words were reasonable, facing the powerful three-family coalition forces, their Yin family was afraid that they would also be powerless.

"Do we have to flee here as a clan?" someone said pessimistically.

When everyone heard this, they were all silent. After all, they were the Yin family. They had lived on this land for countless years. They had already settled down and had a sense of belonging. If they left like this, there would be a lot of disappointment.

Moreover, if they leave, Longmu Forest will also fall into the hands of the three major families, which is meaningless.

"Or, let's make peace?" someone said.

"It's impossible. You don't know how big the appetites of Hong, Fang, and Nie are. Even if we make concessions, they will not be satisfied."

"It makes sense. We have already given Fengyun City to them. If we make any more concessions, we will lose the majesty of my Yin family."

"Yes, I firmly oppose concessions."

No one supported this proposal and almost rejected it unanimously. The person who proposed just now pursed his lips and could only sit back in his seat angrily.

Yin Guoyuan is also one of the first two leaders. Judging from the current situation, no matter what kind of decision is made, it seems that they are not good for the Yin family.

"Patriarch Yin, in fact, it's not impossible." Just when everyone didn't know what to do, suddenly, a clear voice sounded leisurely in the lobby.

"Huh?" When everyone heard the words, they all looked over, but found that the person who spoke was Xiao Lang.

"Friend Xiao Dao, do you have any good suggestions?" Yin Guoyuan also looked over and asked.

"It's not a good suggestion, it's just a little bit of my own thoughts." Xiao Lang shook his head and smiled.

"You also ask fellow Daoists to make it clear." Yin Guoyuan narrowed his eyes and immediately stretched out his hand to make a please gesture and said.

"The current situation of the Yin Family is very dangerous, very dangerous. Knowing that it is in conflict with the three major families, the probability of the Yin Family winning is" Xiao Lang laughed.

This made many Yin family's expressions unnatural, but what Xiao Lang said was the truth, and they couldn't refute it.

Xiao Lang continued: "So I suggest that since you can't defeat the three major clans clearly, then come to the dark. Instead of hiding in the city wall and waiting for the three clans to come to you, it is better to change from passive to active and take various methods of defeating them. , Take the first shot against the three major families."

Yin Guoyuan's eyes lit up, and he had never thought of Xiao Lang's thoughts.

The other senior members of the Yin family were also thoughtful.

Xiao Lang said: "Everyone's thinking is actually in a dead end. Think about it. If you take the first shot, the Yin family only needs to face the power of one of them. If you wait for them to kill, then you have to face the three. I have strength, so I think that since this battle is unavoidable, it is better to use a bit of courage, throw away the weight and take the initiative, and take the initiative, maybe you can still fight for a chance."

A group of Yin family seniors looked at each other. Although Xiao Lang's proposal was a bit crazy, it was not unreasonable.

Perhaps as Xiao Lang said, their thinking has fallen into a dead end, causing rigid thinking.

"I think what Xiao Daoyou said is reasonable." Finally, a senior Yin family stood up and expressed his opinion on Xiao Lang's proposal.

With the first one, there will be a second one. So soon, more and more people came forward and expressed their support for Xiao Lang's proposal.

"I agree."

"I agree too."

More than half of the senior Yin family agreed with Xiao Lang's words, and this even included the three elders.

Although Yin Sunyin and Yin Yunhong did not express their views, they did not object either. After all, this matter was related to the life and death of their Yin family.

Xiao Lang smiled slightly and sat back in his seat. He had already given advice. As for whether to adopt it, it depends on Yin Guoyuan.

"Haha, Daoyou Xiao is worthy of being a young and handsome, and his advice is different. He has courage and courage. I admire Yin Guoyuan!" Yin Guoyuan laughed and praised Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang helped him solve a problem. I am very happy now.

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