Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 172: :set off

Xiao Lang humbly smiled, holding a fist and said: "Patriarch Yin has passed the award, and I am just moving my lips. The specific implementation of this plan depends on Patriarch Yin himself."

Yin Guoyuan laughed, and he liked Xiao Lang more and more in his heart. He was young and promising, strong, humble, not arrogant or impetuous. Who wouldn't love such an outstanding person?

It's a pity that he doesn't have a daughter or anything else, otherwise he will have to move his mind to see if he can match Xiao Lang to the Yin family as son-in-law.

Of course, this was only his wishful thinking. Xiao Lang didn't want to come to the Yin family to be the son-in-law, not to mention that there are many beautiful wives waiting for him to return in the chaos world. Just to say that the structure of the Tianyun Continent is too small, Rong No less than his true dragon.

With the initial plan in place, Xiao Lang also sat back in his position, slowly sipping tea, and stopped interjecting in the specific plan.

He believes that with Yin Guoyuan's wisdom, there is no problem in drawing up a detailed combat plan.

Some Yin family members cast friendly glances at him. The talent that Xiao Lang showed just now really made them admire. No one now despises Xiao Lang anymore, even the great elder Yin Sunyin who has the deepest prejudice against Xiao Lang, and complains against Xiao Lang Qiang. Yin Yunhong, the second elder who had gained the limelight, also changed his attitude at this moment.

Personal prejudice is small, and the life and death of the Yin family is the most important thing. These two old antiques who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years still understand the truth.

After some intense discussions, Yin Guoyuan finally made a decision to change the entire combat plan from passive to active, starting with Fang Nie's family, and after solving these two troubles, then look for a chance to fight the Hong family to the death.

The plan, as the Yin family's high-level secrets, has not been communicated yet, only the senior Yin family and Xiao Lang who are present know about it.

It wasn't until the battle plan was completely finalized that the senior Yin family members in the lobby left one after another, and each went to perform their own tasks.

Soon, Yin Guoyuan, Yin Sun Yin, Yin Yunhong, Yin Fei, and outsiders Xiao Lang were left in the lobby, and even the third elder Yin Changde was gone.

At this time, Yin Guoyuan's gaze fell on Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang did not rush to put down the tea cup in his hand, turned to look at Yin Guoyuan on the first seat, and smiled: "Patriarch Yin, what else is there?"

Yin Guoyuan thought for a while, organized and organized the language, and then said: "Daoyou Xiao, I really don't want to hide it, I'm so sad!"

Xiao Lang said: "Why Patriarch Yin said this?"

Yin Guoyuan sighed and said: "Although Xiao Daoyou gave me a good idea, the Yin family's current form is still not optimistic. The Fang family, Nie family, and Hong family are among the best families. Even if we adopt various strategies to defeat them, It may not be successful, it may be a big defeat and fall short."

Hearing this, Xiao Lang raised his brows lightly and said, "What Patriarch Yin wants to say, please speak up!"

Yin Guoyuan found that his mind was insightful by Xiao Lang, so he said haha, and said directly, "Since Daoyou Xiao has said so, then I will say it straight. Our Yin family is weak now, although I follow Daoyou Xiao. You arranged the plan according to your intentions, but you can't guarantee that it will be implemented successfully. This is like a gamble, which is risky. Unless you are able to help me with Xiao Daoyou, this chance may be greatly increased."

Xiao Lang smiled, "Patriarch Yin thinks, what kind of abilities do you need to help you?"

Yin Guoyuan pondered slightly, and immediately said: "At least it must be the power of the Dzogchen World Realm."

Xiao Lang stood up, walked out the door, and left a sentence echoing in the lobby: "Patriarch Yin can proceed as planned. As for my affairs, don't worry."

Yin Guoyuan stared at the young man's leaving back, squinting his eyes slightly, but the hanging heart slowly let go at this moment.

Although Xiao Lang didn't give him an accurate answer, for some reason, he could actually feel a sense of confidence from the young man. It seemed that as long as he was there, this plan would not fail.

Yin Guoyuan turned his head, looked at the two old antiques on the lower seat, and whispered softly: "Two elders, what do you think?"

Yin Sunyin squinted his eyes, and his turbid eyes, which were half open and half stunned, flashed with the light of wisdom: "This kid is not easy."

The second elder Yin Yunhong nodded in agreement: "Yes, I observed him carefully for a long time before, but I couldn't see through his cultivation level, I'm afraid that Hong Hu from the Hong family didn't let him use his full strength!"

After speaking, he looked at Yin Fei beside Yin Guoyuan, which meant that he could talk about the situation that day.

Yin Fei gave a wry smile and said helplessly: "Master Xiao Lang won that day easily."

With Yin Fei's words, Yin Guoyuan, Yin Sunyin, and Yin Yunhong were finally relieved. Perhaps Xiao Lang did not speak big words, he really has the ability to help the Yin family turn defeat into victory.

In the afternoon of the same day, all members of the Yin family were urgently assembled and managed by the senior members of the Yin family.

At the same time, Yin Cheng's defense was also raised to the highest level by Yin Guoyuan. Hong Hu's infiltration had already sounded the alarm for him, so this time, no matter what, this plan should not be leaked out.

At night, thousands of elites of the Yin family were assembled on the school field inside the Yin Mansion, lined up in an orderly manner, probably because they knew what was going to happen next, and everyone had a murderous look on their faces.

Standing on the high platform, Yin Guoyuan looked around the people on the school grounds, and said loudly: "My sons of the Yin family, I want you to work hard tonight, and you must not relax because you have to face each other next. The right enemy is the three families of Hong Fang and Nie."

"Yes!" shouted the elite of the Yin family, neat and orderly, with awe-inspiring momentum.

"These people are deceiving too much, not only robbing our city, but also taking away our Dragonwood Forest. My Yin family will never agree!"

Yin Guoyuan continued to say that everyone's fighting will had been mobilized, and they shouted in anger, saying some slogans never bow to the three major families.

Yin Guoyuan nodded in satisfaction, and with a big wave of his hand, he took out a divine weapon, which turned out to be a jet-black flying boat. The body of the flying boat was huge enough to hold tens of thousands of people.

"Go up all!" Yin Guoyuan said.

Seeing this, the elites of the Yin family immediately got on the flying boat.

"Friend Xiao Dao, shall we go up too?" Yin Guoyuan looked over and said to Xiao Lang.

"Okay." Xiao Lang nodded his toes and turned into a streamer and flew onto the flying boat. Behind him, Yin Guoyuan, Yin Sunyin, Yin Fei and others all followed.

"set off!"

Yin Guoyuan was not vague, waved his hand directly and gave the order.


The black flying boat slowly rises into the sky. Because the surface of the flying boat is black, even if the flying boat is not small, its whereabouts are very secretive, especially at night. If you don't look carefully, it is even hard to detect.

The protective array of Yin City had been opened long ago, so Feizhou flew out of Yin City easily and entered among the mountains.

The night in the mountains and rivers is very quiet, and occasionally there will be one or two beast roars from it, Yin Guoyuan is indifferent to this, and concentrates on controlling the flying boat.

The first point of this plan is the Fang family of the three major families.

According to Yin Guoyuan, the Fang family's strength is relatively the weakest among the three families. Start with the weakest first, and the chance of success will increase.

Xiao Lang had also heard of Yin Guoyuan's plan, but he did not oppose it. After all, he couldn't dominate the audience by himself, he could only help them with some strength.

Standing quietly on the flying boat, the night breeze howled, oncoming, Xiao Lang slowly closed his eyes, and carefully sensed the changes in the surrounding environment.

At this time, Feizhou had completely separated from the scope of Yin City, and everything was barren, with no half of a person visible.

"Huh?" At this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly opened his eyes, his brows frowned slightly, and he turned to look at the dark void behind him.

"Daoyou Xiao, what's the matter?" Yin Guoyuan was taken aback for a moment and asked.

There was light flowing in Xiao Lang's eyes, as if he wanted to see through the endless darkness behind him, he whispered: "It seems that someone is following us."

Yin Guoyuan's eyes widened, and he quickly looked back, only to see that there was nothing but the endless darkness behind him. Even his Yin City, because of the distance, had completely disappeared into the darkness.

"I'm not quite sure." Xiao Lang shook his head. He suddenly felt that this time, things might not be as simple as they thought.

"Be careful!" Xiao Lang said last, before closing his eyes again.

Yin Guoyuan was still looking around, stupefied that he didn't find anything. In the end, he could only shout: "Everyone cheers me up!"

The road that followed was very peaceful, and even Xiao Lang couldn't help wondering if he had made a mistake in his induction just now, but at that time he obviously felt a trace of energy fluctuations?

The speed of the black flying boat is extremely fast, as fast as a meteor lightning, a cup of tea can fly tens of thousands of miles away. At this speed, it only takes two hours for Xiao Lang and the others to rush to the gate of Fang City.

Now that an hour has passed, it will not be long before you can see the gate of Fangcheng.

Xiao Lang still closed his eyes and remained silent. Yin Guoyuan on the side saw him like this and was too embarrassed to disturb him, so he stepped aside and directed Feizhou to go.


Suddenly, Xiao Lang opened his eyes again, but this time, the emotion in his eyes was no longer doubtful, but full of fierceness, surprise and incomprehension, and his eyes stared into the dark void ahead.

"what happened?"

Yin Guoyuan was startled by Xiao Lang's sudden shout, and quickly ordered his subordinates to stop the flying boat. At the same time, he walked quickly to Xiao Lang and asked him what happened.

"Our whereabouts have been exposed." Xiao Lang sighed, pointed at the void in front of him, and said: "Let's see for yourself!"

Yin Guoyuan looked in the direction pointed by Xiao Lang, his expression instantly changed.

Because he found that a young man was standing in the void a hundred miles ahead.

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