Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 179: : A big win

"Xiao Lang, don't you have to fight against my Nie family!" Nie Hongyuan said angrily.

"Stop it, I'll repeat it again, I'm here to help the Yin family tide over the difficulties, so it's not that I want to fight you, but you want to fight me." Xiao Lang immediately retorted.

Nie Hongyuan laughed back in anger, "Well, Xiao Lang, since you insist on doing this, I hope you won't regret it in the future."

After finishing talking, Nie Hongyuan turned and flew away. He didn't go head-to-head with Xiao Lang. After all, even Nie Yunshan was not Xiao Lang's opponent, and he definitely had nothing to do with Xiao Lang.

"Since I'm here, what are you going to do?" Xiao Lang said coldly, and after he took a step, he chased after Nie Hongyuan.

"Damn it, get out of me!" Nie Hongyuan saw this, his expression also changed, and he hurriedly shouted angrily, slamming towards Xiao Lang with a palm.

However, Xiao Lang didn't change his face, and took the shot calmly and directly confronted Nie Hongyuan.

Only a bang was heard, and the huge impact shook Nie Hongyuan back dozens of steps, looking extremely embarrassed, but Xiao Lang was also stopped because of this.

Seeing that Xiao Lang was blocked, Nie Hongyuan quickly took the opportunity to escape without disregarding the qi and blood in his body.

"It's really a cunning fox." Xiao Lang frowned, but he didn't intend to let Nie Hongyuan go. The moment Nie Hongyuan fled, he also moved in shape and continued to chase Nie Hongyuan.

And this time, Xiao Lang also learned to be clever. He directly blocked Nie Hongyuan's path and forced Nie Hongyuan to stop.

"This bastard!" Nie Hongyuan cursed secretly, trying to escape from another direction.

However, Xiao Lang had long prevented him from using this trick. Therefore, when Nie Hongyuan was preparing to act, Xiao Lang directly used the dragon elephant golden wheel to stop it.

"Patriarch Nie, I think you'd better stay!" Xiao Lang said lightly, and at the same time he bullied himself up, with a fierce wind in his fist, smashing towards Nie Hongyuan like an angry dragon.

Upon seeing this, Nie Hongyuan was shocked, and hurriedly resisted, but facing Xiao Lang's angry dragon fist and true dragon strength, he was not an opponent at all, and was completely subdued by Xiao Lang after several downs.

He took Nie Hongyuan, who had lost his combat effectiveness, into the space treasure. Xiao Lang turned around and looked at Yin Guoyuan and Fang Mingfeng.

Fang Mingfeng had discovered the fact that Nie Hongyuan was captured a long time ago. At this moment, seeing Xiao Lang look over, where would he dare to stay here?

He immediately ended the battle with Yin Guoyuan and fled far away.

"Hahaha, Fang Mingfeng, now do you know what is meant by stealing chicken and losing rice?" Yin Guoyuan laughed and said, Xiao Lang's strong performance made him feel good.

Fang Mingfeng's expression was gloomy, he glanced at Xiao Lang, and immediately said: "Yin Guoyuan, I admit that this time I was a bad move, but you shouldn't be too proud. The Hong family hasn't made any moves yet."

At this time, Xiao Lang flew over and said indifferently, "That's okay, as long as you clean up your Fang family, a Hong family is not a concern."

Hearing this, Fang Mingfeng's eyes were more gloomy than before, and he coldly snorted: "It's a big tone, I want to see how you clean up my Fang family."

After speaking, Fang Mingfeng shouted to the fighting crowd below: "The battle is over, all the Fang family children, all return to Fang City."

After saying this, Fang Mingfeng flew out and rushed to Fangcheng first.

Upon hearing this, the children of the Fang family also withdrew from the battle, following Fang Mingfeng towards Fangcheng.

The children of the Nie family saw that the Fang family had gone, and they followed one after another. There was no way, their Patriarch and the Great Elder were captured, and they would only have a dead end to stay here.

"Chasing, you can't let them escape." Yin Guoyuan gave the order and finally fought a beautiful turnaround. How could he let the enemy go so easily?

After speaking, Yin Guoyuan took the lead and led a group of Yin family children to chase down the Fang family and Nie family.

Xiao Lang's gaze flickered slightly, and immediately his figure moved, chasing Fang Mingfeng at the front with all his strength.

How fast Xiao Lang was. It didn't take long for Xiao Lang to surpass the crowds of Fang and Nie's, and narrowed the distance with Fang Mingfeng.

"Why is this bastard's speed so fast?" Fang Mingfeng also discovered Xiao Lang at this time, and he was shocked and frightened. Nie Yunshan and Nie Hongyuan were planted in Xiao Lang's hands. He didn't want to be the third planted in Xiao Lang. The man on hand.

Seeing Xiao Lang getting closer and closer, Fang Mingfeng gritted his teeth fiercely, took out a piece of black jade pendant, and crushed it away.

"Om!" A huge spatial force burst out and instantly enveloped Fang Mingfeng in.

Upon seeing this, Yin Guoyuan's complexion changed drastically, "No, this guy is going to flee!"

Xiao Lang knew this a long time ago. Fang Mingfeng took out a time and space jade talisman, possessing the power of teleportation, capable of teleporting people to a pre-set location in an instant. He used to snipe the blood evil spirit in Nanyun County. At the time, Xue Shazi used this kind of thing.

Therefore, at the first time Nie Hongyuan used the time and space jade talisman, Xiao Lang activated the power of time and space in his body and built a space cage around Yin Guoyuan, trying to prevent the latter from escaping.

"Hmph, I knew you would play this trick. Fortunately, I was prepared." Being imprisoned in Xiao Lang's space cage, Nie Hongyuan didn't panic at all. As he spoke, he flipped his left hand and looked at his sleeve. Three cold glows shot out in the middle, directly piercing the space cage barrier in front of him.

At the same time, the teleportation array in the time and space jade talisman was completely activated. Fang Mingfeng turned around, gave Xiao Lang a bitter look, and then disappeared out of thin air.

Xiao Lang frowned. This Fang Mingfeng was really cunning enough, he had already controlled him, and actually let him escape.

Fang Mingfeng's departure made the Fang family children who were fleeing below a little panic. They didn't expect that Fang Mingfeng would leave them behind and escape first.

"Don't panic, everyone, let's go back first." At this time, Fang Mingfeng's son Fang Jun stood up to preside over the overall situation and directed a group of Fang family children to evacuate.

Xiao Lang turned around and looked at the Fang family and Nie family who were fleeing frantically. He thought for a while, and then flew over.

"Thousand Chances are like palms!"

Xiao Lang played several magical skills in a row, and in an instant, the overwhelming palm prints swept away and blasted the crowd of Fang Nie's family who were fleeing frantically.

Xiao Lang's strength is so powerful. Although Thousand Chance Prajna Palm is just a set of ordinary magic skills, it still has a great threat to most people on the scene. So soon, there will be a large number of Fang Nie Liang. The family members were stopped by Xiao Lang's magical skills.

Afterwards, the Yin family, who were chasing from behind, swarmed up and captured them.

Xiao Lang quickly shot, rushed into the Fang family crowd, and captured Fang Jun and some high-level members of the Fang family. As for the remaining ordinary trash fish, Xiao Lang let them escape.

With the Fang family and Nie family fleeing, the war finally came to an end.

The Yin family has lost a lot of good players, but on the whole, the Yin family can be described as a complete victory this time. It not only captured the two leaders of the Nie family, Nie Hongyuan and Nie Yunshan, but also captured several high-level Fang families. , Even Fang Mingfeng’s son, Fang Jun, became their captive.

It can be said that apart from escaping Fang Mingfeng, the Fang Nie family now has no threat to the Yin family.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Xiao, thanks to you this time, we were able to win such a big battle!" Yin Guoyuan came over and laughed.

"Patriarch Yin praised." Xiao Lang shook his head and said: "Fang Mingfeng has escaped. Patriarch Yin still has to be more precautionary. If a dog of Mingfeng jumps over the wall, I am afraid it will affect the Yin family."

Yin Guoyuan nodded, Xiao Lang's words are not unreasonable. Fang Mingfeng is strong and has a cunning personality, which is a big hidden danger. Now that all the senior leaders of the Fang family fall into their hands, Fang Mingfeng will definitely not give up. .

"Don't worry about Xiao Daoyou, I will pay more attention to Fang Mingfeng's affairs," Yin Guoyuan said.

"Well, don't chase the poor. Let's stop here for today's affairs. I guess Fang Mingfeng might go to the Hong's family. Let's go back and make preparations so that we won't be caught off guard." Xiao Lang said.

"It makes sense, then let's clean up, and then go back to the mansion." Yin Guoyuan nodded in approval, and immediately ordered the Yin family's masters to clean up the battlefield, and he took a few people to check the downed flying boat. Up.

After a while, Yin Guoyuan flew up again under the control of Feizhou.

Xiao Lang and the other Yin family members jumped on the flying boat one after another. Yin Guoyuan gave an order, and the flying boat immediately turned into a black streamer and disappeared into the night sky.

Let's talk about Fang Mingfeng. After he activated the time and space jade talisman, he was teleported back to Fang City.

Fang Mingfeng was very anxious in his heart. Although he returned, many of the Fang family's good players were still running for their lives. If they were all killed or captured by Yin Guoyuan and Xiao Lang, their Fang family would be completely over.

Therefore, as soon as Fang Mingfeng returned to Fangcheng, he rushed to the gate of Fangcheng and looked at the mountains outside the city.

This look is two hours.

Fang Mingfeng's heart is getting colder and colder, because until now, he has not seen a Fang family come back.

He couldn't help worrying. Did Yin Guoyuan and Xiao Lang kill all of their Fang family?

Just when Fang Mingfeng was about to ask people to go out and look for it, a group of embarrassed figures appeared in the distant sky. It was the Fang family and Nie family who had escaped.

"Quick! Go get them back!" Fang Mingfeng immediately shouted happily.

Dozens of figures flew out of Fangcheng immediately to welcome those Fang family who had fled back.

As for Fang Mingfeng, he did not go out, because he was worried that Yin Guoyuan deliberately released the people back in order to lead the snake out of the cave. As long as he went out, he might be trapped by Yin Guoyuan and Xiao Lang hiding somewhere.

It wasn't until the Fang family and Nie family all entered the city that Fang Mingfeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and Yin Guoyuan and Xiao Lang did not catch up.

However, when Fang Mingfeng saw the Fang family who had fled back, the anger in his heart rose again.

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