Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 180: : Fang Mingfeng asks for help

"Where's Fang Jun? Where are the great elders? Where have they all gone?" Fang Mingfeng's eyes kept searching among the crowd. After a long while, he couldn't help but roar.

A group of Fang family members looked at each other, all of them were stubborn and dare not answer.

"Speak! You are dumb, right?" Fang Mingfeng said angrily.

At this moment, a young man bit his scalp and took two steps forward, clasped his fist and replied: "If you go home, the elder son and the elder have been taken away by the Yin family."

Hearing this, Fang Mingfeng's eyes widened. Although he had expected the result, he was still very angry after hearing this. He gritted his teeth bitterly: "Damn Yin Family, I will make you pay sooner or later!"

After swearing alone for a long while, Fang Mingfeng also felt that this kind of behavior was useless, so he tried to calm the anger in his heart.

Afterwards, he waved his hand and said: "Okay, you all go back and take a good rest, and we will go to Yincheng to have someone another day."

"Yes, Patriarch." A group of Fang family members nodded immediately and entered Fang City.

Fang Mingfeng let the Fang family go, then turned to look at the Nie family who looked at him eagerly, frowned for a moment, and then whispered: "You also go in, take a good rest, and go to Yincheng with me someday The Yin family settled the accounts."

The group of Nie family members were overjoyed when they heard the words, they clasped their fists and thanked them again and again, and then they also walked into Fangcheng.

After the Nie family had all entered the city, a man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek came over and said in a low voice, "Patriarch, Nie Hongyuan and Nie Wenshan have been arrested. These Nie families are all old, weak, sick, and useless. , Why should we keep them?"

Fang Mingfeng squinted his eyes and said faintly: "It's okay, the two armies always need some cannon fodder to fight."

As he said, Fang Mingfeng looked at the man and said: "Fang Yue, you will take someone to Niecheng now. Now Niecheng’s group of dragons has no leader, and they must be in the weakest state of defense. Things are secretly controlled."

The man called Fang Yue nodded, "Understand, I will do it now."

After speaking, Fang Yue's figure flew out of the city wall and disappeared into the night.

Fang Mingfeng squinted his eyes, looked at the night in the distance, and muttered to himself in a low voice: "Nie Hongyuan, since you are unable to return to heaven, then you Nie family, I will take charge of you."


After Xiao Lang followed Yin Guoyuan and others back to Yin City, he continued to live in the Yin family.

As a great hero of this war, Xiao Lang received the highest level of treatment. Yin Guoyuan feasted in the Yin Mansion the next day and hosted a banquet in honor of Xiao Lang, which was considered a celebration of this victory.

Because of this incident, Yin Sunyin and Yin Yunhong's attitude towards Xiao Lang has undergone a great change. They no longer embarrass Xiao Lang as they did at the beginning, but show sufficient respect for him.

Although Yin Sunyin is a bit old and stubborn, he still knows the form of the Yin family very well. Xiao Lang can be said to be their Yin family's savior. If they don't treat him well, I'm afraid there will be no such good opportunity in the future.

"Haha, this battle is really enjoyable. With Xiao Daoyou helping out, we can be considered a big victory, and all the wimps we suffered before have all gone back."

At the banquet, Yin Guoyuan sat on the first seat, drinking and eating meat, in a very happy mood.

"Friend Xiao Dao, come, I toast you a glass!" Yin Guoyuan raised his glass and smiled at Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang was so kind, so he had to toast to greet him. Before that, he had drunk a lot of wine. As the savior of the Yin family, Xiao Lang was more popular than the Patriarch Yin Guoyuan.

"Friend Xiao Daoist, Lao Yu said something unpleasant to you before, and I hope you don't take it to heart. This glass of dirty wine is deemed Lao Yu to apologize to you." Yin Sunyin also stood up and took the wine glass to Xiao Lang. Said.

"Elder Yin Da don't need to worry about it, I have forgotten about that long ago." Xiao Lang smiled.

Yin Sunyin also nodded, he stopped talking, drank directly into the glass, and then sat down.

Seeing the other senior Yin family members coming to toast again, Xiao Lang quickly waved his hand with a bitter smile, and then said to Yin Guoyuan in the first seat: "Patriarch Yin, this banquet should not be too fanciful. Although we have defeated the Nie family and the Fang family, But there is another Hong family who is watching."

Yin Guoyuan felt that it made sense when he heard it, so he nodded and said: "Daoyou Xiao is right, so let's stop here today. When we defeat the Hong family in the future and save the Yin family's foundation, let's come and drink again."

Many senior Yin family leaders present also nodded their heads in agreement.

Thus, a banquet ended hastily.

After the incident, Yin Guoyuan listened to Xiao Lang's opinions and made a defensive layout of Yincheng's interior. In addition, he also made some battle plans to prevent the Hong family from suddenly bringing people to the door.

A day later, Yin Cheng directly entered the most tense state of alert.

At this time, a visitor was welcomed in Hongcheng, the base camp of the Hong family a million miles away.

This guest was not someone else, it was Fang Mingfeng who escaped from Xiao Lang that day.

After Fang Mingfeng returned to Fangcheng to settle the remaining Fang family members, he did not rush to Yincheng to find the Yin family to settle the accounts, but came to Hongcheng alone, preparing to discuss the matter with Hong Wanfeng.

"Thank you to report, it's said that Fang Mingfeng, the head of the Fang family, has something important to see." Fang Mingfeng stood outside the Hong family mansion and said politely to a guard.

"It turned out to be Patriarch Fang, wait a moment, and I'll go in and report." The guard said as soon as he saw Fang Mingfeng's arrival.

Although the Fang family is not as high as the Hong family, the latter is the head of the family after all, and a small janitor will naturally dare not offend him.

"Trouble." Fang Mingfeng smiled. The guard was a little flattered. He didn't understand why Fang Mingfeng, who was always high in the past, was so polite today? But the guard didn't think much, turned around and ran into the Hong Mansion.

Fang Mingfeng felt helpless. If it were placed in the past, he would never take care of a guard at the door, but now it is different. The mainstay of the Fang family has lost more than half of it, and its strength has fallen sharply. It is no longer comparable to the Hong family. He naturally wants to Lower the shelf a little, not to mention, he came today to ask for the Hong family.

After a while, the Hong's guard ran out and informed Fang Mingfeng that he could enter.

After Fang Mingfeng bid farewell to the guard, he entered the Hong's house, and finally saw Hong Wanfeng, the head of the Hong family, in the lobby of the Hong's house.

"Haha, Fang Mingfeng, why did you come to me today?" Hong Wanfeng sat on the first seat, looked at Fang Mingfeng below, and asked with a faint smile.

Fang Mingfeng was a little hard to tell. He thought about it, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Wanfeng, I am here this time mainly to ask you, when will I start a war against the Yin family?"

"What? I can't bear it?" Hong Wanfeng said with a faint smile while drinking tea.

Fang Mingfeng smiled bitterly: "I'm also worried that Yin Guoyuan will bring out some moths. If I can solve the Yin family sooner, I can feel at ease sooner."

Hong Wanfeng put down his tea cup and sneered: "I think you want to ask me for help?"

Hearing this, Fang Mingfeng's expression changed, and he said weakly, "What does this mean, brother Wanfeng?"

"Hmph, don’t think I don’t know, you and Nie Hongyuan formed a small alliance long ago, right?" Hong Wanfeng snorted coldly, "And just last night, you two had a war with the Yin family. As a result, you two lost."

Fang Mingfeng's expression completely changed, and he continued: "You all know?"

"If it hadn't been for me to save some means, I really didn't know that you two would play such small moves behind my back." Hong Wanfeng said coldly.

Fang Mingfeng smiled bitterly, but did not answer, Hong Wanfeng continued: "Actually, I can't control what your two small alliances are going to do, but since you have known that the Yin family is going to take action against you, why didn't you notify me sooner? ?"

Fang Mingfeng smiled bitterly: "This blames me for being too careless. I originally thought that as long as the Nie family and I had laid ambush in advance, they should be able to catch Yin Guoyuan by surprise. Who would have thought this would happen..."

"Is that really the case?" Hong Wanfeng snorted coldly, "I don't want to swallow the Yin family's estate alone, so I deliberately kept it from me!"

Fang Mingfeng hurriedly smiled: "Where did the Wanfeng brother say, how dare I swallow the Yin family's estate alone, even if I had this opportunity, I wouldn't have such a big appetite!"

Hong Wanfeng also snorted coldly, and said faintly: "I don't know if you have such a big appetite, but you and Nie Hongyuan are good at advocating against the Yin family, which caused serious damage to the strength of your two families. It was originally a stable win. Now that the situation has become uncertain, you two, you can't use your brain before you do it?"

Fang Mingfeng continued to smile: "Brother Wanfeng is right, we are indeed wrong this time, so I will come to see you, Brother Wanfeng. Together, we should still have a chance of winning."

Hong Wanfeng didn't speak, but frowned and thought. Fang Mingfeng waited quietly below without interrupting when he saw it.

After a while, Hong Wanfeng said, "As far as I know, the Yin family has found a helper named Xiao Lang?"

Speaking of Xiao Lang, Fang Mingfeng hated his teeth and nodded and replied: "Yes, this Xiao Lang didn't know where he came from. This person is very powerful, even Nie Hongyuan and Nie Wenshan are not him. Xiao Lang's opponent was captured by the twins."

After hearing Fang Mingfeng's explanation, Hong Wanfeng became more confused, and asked, "Is this Xiao Lang a strong man in the Era Realm?"

When asked about this, Fang Mingfeng was also a bit at a loss. He shook his head and said: "This is really hard to say. His strength is only a very ordinary world level Xiaozhun, but he may have cultivated some secret method and can perform beyond. Nie Hongyuan and Nie Wenshan were planted in his hands after the power of Dzogchen in the world realm."

Hong Wanfeng nodded clearly, and said, "From this point of view, this Xiao Lang is really a dangerous person!"

Fang Mingfeng deeply agreed, "Isn't it? I think only the one from your family can take the shots to restrain that kid."

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