Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 192: : Find the target

Xiao Lang walked out from behind the bushes, glanced around, and then left after seeing no one to inspect.

However, Xiao Lang soon discovered that the guards on this Fenghu Island were very powerful, and there were patrol teams everywhere. If he were not good at hiding, it would be difficult to get in.

"With such a tight defensive force, it seems that the headquarters of Tongyou Sect is really on this island." Xiao Lang was sure in his heart that when he checked at other strongholds of Tongyou Sect before, it was the most heavily defended Crouching Tiger Mountain. , Compared with Fenghu Island, it is several times worse.

From this, it can be speculated that Tongyou Sect is very likely to place its headquarters on Fenghu Island.

"These guys are really more cunning than foxes..." Xiao Lang slandered to himself, and immediately continued to penetrate into the interior of Fenghu Island.

The area of ​​Fenghu Island is very large, and although Xiao Lang got some information from Baifeng City Lord, he didn't know the situation on Hufeng Island. As a result, Xiao Lang had to get acquainted with Fenghu Island first. I looked at the topography and some hidden restrictions on Fenghu Island, so that I wouldn't be discovered when I didn't know how to escape.

In addition, Xiao Lang secretly knocked out a few Tongyou Sect disciples, searched their memories using special methods, and found that this was the base of the Tongyou Sect headquarters.

After confirming this matter, Xiao Lang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and finally didn't have to go to other strongholds to check.

After making preparations, Xiao Lang walked into the hinterland of Fenghu Island, because as far as he knew, the main power of Fenghu Island was basically gathered on Fenghu Mountain in the center of Fenghu Island.

Xiao Lang went all the way, and soon reached his destination.

I saw a rolling mountain range in the center of Fenghu Island, and a lot of strange buildings were built on those mountains. Don't look at it, it must be the headquarters of Tongyou Sect.

Xiao Lang did not rush into the mountains, because he found that among those mountains, there were a lot of ferocious-looking birds and beasts shuttled back and forth. It was obviously a kind of flying beasts raised by Tongyou Cult. The sharp eyes can tell that those wild beasts must have very good eyesight, and they can easily spot the enemies who sneak into the Tongyou Sect headquarters.

However, Xiao Lang didn't worry much. His strength was far superior to those flying beasts. As long as he carefully guarded against it, he could still get in.

What made Xiao Lang depressed was not the flying beasts, but how to find the Nether Demon Orbs. The area on the Fenghu Island is so vast. It is really not an easy task to find the Nether Demon Orbs here, especially in the back. The defense is so strict.

Rubbing his forehead, Xiao Lang's eyes became firm, and it was hard to tell, but the reward for completing the task was also very generous. For the 10 million points, he worked hard!

At the moment, Xiao Lang swept out silently, and silently swept towards a mountain range ahead.


Above Fenghu Island, heads of flying beasts are constantly patrolling the surroundings, their sharp eyes seem to be three feet deep.

However, Xiao Lang's camouflage ability was very powerful, and the flying beasts couldn't find his whereabouts at all.

In a short while, Xiao Lang passed through the most dangerous area and came under one of the mountains.

Xiao Lang flashed a few times before ascending the mountain and sneaking into a palace.

After a cup of tea, Xiao Lang walked out of the palace. Just now he secretly searched the memories of several Tongyou Sect disciples and obtained some important information.

First, his goal this time, "Nether Magic Orb," was personally controlled by the leader of Tongyou Sect, You Linfeng. This means that if you want to get the Nether Magic Orb, you must first find Nether Linfeng.

Second, You Linfeng lives on the main peak of Fenghu Mountain, and the latter seems to be retreating recently and rarely goes out. This is not bad and can save a lot of trouble.

Third, You Linfeng's strength is likely to be stronger than before. If this is true, it will cause trouble for Xiao Lang. After all, You Linfeng's strength has already reached the first-rank era level, and if you increase it, what level will it reach?

Xiao Lang shook his head, no matter what, he wanted to get the Netherworld Devil Orb.

Lifting his head, Xiao Lang determined his direction in the mountains and swept towards the main peak of Fenghu Mountain.

Xiao Lang was not slow, and in a short while he had already reached the main peak of Fenghu Mountain.

The main peak of Fenghu Mountain is called Lintian Peak. Although the name is a bit exaggerated, the latter is indeed very majestic. Standing on it, there is a small view of the mountains.

According to the memory searched by Xiao Lang, the place where You Linfeng lives is called Tongyou Supreme Hall, whose name is very domineering, and it is the exclusive palace of the master of You Linfeng.

When Xiao Lang came to the gate of Tongyou Supreme Hall, he found that the protective power here was not that strong. I thought that You Linfeng felt that he had already deployed such a tight protective power around Fenghu Island, and there was no need for him anymore. Another layer of defense was placed in front of the palace.

The corner of Xiao Lang's mouth evoked a strange arc. If you were an ordinary person, there would be no way to sneak here. Unfortunately, he was not among ordinary people.

After that, Xiao Lang quietly swept towards the Tongyou Supreme Hall. Because he didn't know the situation inside, Xiao Lang's whereabouts were very secret. After avoiding a lot of sight, he successfully sneaked into the palace.

The palace was very large, but Xiao Lang had probably known the layout of the Tongyou Supreme Hall from the memories of other Tongyou Sect disciples.

Therefore, he easily avoided the eyes of the palace, and soon came to the largest hall of the palace with ease.

I saw a middle-aged man in a black robe sitting in the first seat. This man with curly hair looked like a foreigner. When Xiao Lang came in, the middle-aged man was meditating with his eyes closed.

However, what caught Xiao Lang's most attention was that in front of the middle-aged man in the black robe, there was a fist-sized bead floating in front of it. It was pitch black as ink, exuding a dim luster, and black auras continued to revolve around it. The scene looks very strange.

"Nether Magic Orb!" Xiao Lang's eyes narrowed, and the black round bead was exactly the Nether Magic Orb he was looking for.

In this way, the man in black should be the leader of Tongyou Sect, You Linfeng.

"Huh?" At this moment, You Linfeng slowly opened his eyes, and two dark rays of light flashed through his deep eyes, like a black hole in the starry sky.

"Who are you?" You Linfeng found Xiao Lang standing in the hall and asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Lang said indifferently: "In the Eastern Region of the Floating Palace in the next day, Xiao Lang, the disciple of the rudder, comes to Guizong to fetch the Nether Demon Orb in front of you."

"People from Tianfu Palace?" You Linfeng squinted his eyes. He frowned and thought for a while, then raised his hand to collect the Nether Magic Orb in front of him, stood up, and said indifferently: "Want to take the Nether Magic Orb, It depends on whether you have this ability."

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed." Xiao Lang smiled slightly, and immediately his tactics changed, and a spatial fluctuation spread out, covering the palace hall.

Xiao Lang pulled You Linfeng into the Alien Element Space. After all, this is the Tongyou Sect Headquarters. Although You Linfeng is arrogant and there are not many patrol teams near the Tongyou Supreme Palace, Xiao Lang still created an Alien Element for the sake of safety. Space, in this case, even if there is a battle, the outside world does not know what is happening here.

"You are quite cautious." Seeing that he was drawn into the alien space by Xiao Lang, You Linfeng couldn't help but smile.

"There is no way. Before dealing with the old fox, you must first set up traps, otherwise it will be easy for the old fox to escape." Xiao Lang also smiled.

"You are so confident?" You Linfeng asked.

"Try it, don't you know?" Xiao Lang smiled nonchalantly, and immediately he stopped talking nonsense and shot directly, turning into a stream of light and swept toward You Linfeng.

"Let me try how many catties your disciple came out of Tianfu Palace." You Linfeng said coldly.

After speaking, he stepped out and patted Xiao Lang directly with a palm, and the power of terror burst out immediately.


The palms of the two immediately collided, and a shock wave erupted, and Xiao Lang immediately retreated hundreds of meters, while You Linfeng did not retreat even a step, staying on the spot.

"That's what you can do?" You Linfeng couldn't help but shook his head when he saw Xiao Lang being blasted back by his palm, and said sarcastically.

Xiao Lang didn't answer. He shook his numb arm. He was just testing You Linfeng's strength just now. He didn't use his full strength at all. It was reasonable to be blasted back.

But not necessarily next!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang smiled slightly, the magic tactics changed, and the Dao Spirit Body was immediately activated by him.


In the meridians in the body, violent power swarmed out, making a roaring sound like a torrent of rivers.

Xiao Lang's strength immediately raised a realm, reaching the realm of World Realm Great Perfection.

"Oh?" You Linfeng glanced at Xiao Lang in surprise, but he was only surprised, because in his opinion, as long as Xiao Lang's strength did not break through the Era Realm, there would be no threat to him.

At this time, Xiao Lang had already shot again, this time it was also a palm, but the power is far from what it was before.

Of course, in You Linfeng's view, this was still not enough to threaten him, so he still faced Xiao Lang head-on.

There was another bang, but this time, Xiao Lang only stepped back seven or eight steps to stabilize his figure, and even though You Linfeng still did not retreat, he was obviously struggling a lot.

"It's interesting." You Linfeng rubbed his palms and sneered: "This is how you look like a disciple coming out of Tianfu Palace!"

"But my favorite thing to do is to kill the geniuses in your cradle. Since you dare to take the initiative to send it to your door today, don't blame me for being impolite."

As You Linfeng said, his body leaped up, and moved towards Xiao Lang like a goshawk rushing towards Xiao Lang, his majestic aura enveloped the entire alien space.

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