Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 193: : Devour God Ze

You Linfeng, who was in the shape of an eagle and falcon, flew directly in front of Xiao Lang. He immediately slapped it without hesitation and hit Xiao Lang's Tianling Gai.

Xiao Lang naturally would not sit and wait for death. When You Linfeng's figure rushed, he also blasted out with a punch.

However, Xiao Lang knew that You Linfeng was here for real this time, so he also used all his strength to deal with You Linfeng's attack.

Only hearing a bang, the two palms collided in the void, fierce energy burst out, and the ground was cracked.

Fortunately, here was the alien space constructed by Xiao Lang, and the cracks on the ground were quickly repaired as before.

Xiao Lang backed up a few steps before removing the strength from his body, and then he directly rolled forward a tumble, and slammed his heel against You Linfeng's head fiercely.

"Small bugs!" You Linfeng smiled disdainfully and blocked forward with one hand. In his opinion, although Xiao Lang's kick was fierce, it was nothing more than that for him. Defeating him here is even more idiotic.


Xiao Lang's heel slammed on You Linfeng's arm, but because You Linfeng had been prepared, Xiao Lang's attack failed, and the latter easily resisted Xiao Lang's attack.

However, the corner of Xiao Lang's mouth evoked a sinister sneer at this moment, and then he saw him hit with both hands, hitting You Linfeng's abdomen together.

Bang bang!

After two muffled noises, You Linfeng staggered backwards, and kept backing tens of meters before stopping.

"Damn it!" You Linfeng's face was pale. He didn't expect Xiao Lang to play yin with him. The attack just now was just a cover, and the real attack was still to come.

Had it not been for the timely release of the body-protecting Qi at the last moment, which blocked most of the power of Xiao Lang's two palms, he would have suffered internal injuries at this moment.

Xiao Lang landed on the ground unrestrainedly, stomped his feet, and rushed out like a cannonball. He didn't want to give You Linfeng too much time. If he could solve the opponent earlier, that would be a better thing.

"I'll kill you bastard!" You Lin became furious and began to explode. Seeing Xiao Lang killing him, he directly greeted him.

"Youfeng Palm!" You Linfeng shouted angrily. On the palm of his hand, a cloud of extremely strong black energy condensed, and finally that layer of strong black energy became a five-finger palm print, which just covered his palm, exuding a quiet atmosphere. Black light.

With a bang, the pitch-black five-finger palm prints flew out and slammed into Xiao Lang's fist.

Xiao Lang's complexion changed slightly, and the five-finger palm print seemed small, but after touching it, it gave him an unstoppable feeling.

Especially the icy chills revealed from the five-finger palm prints made him feel that his entire arm was almost frozen.

Xiao Lang was shocked and immediately backed away, and at the same time shouted in a low voice, "Angry Dragon Fist!"

In an instant, a deep dragon roar sounded from Xiao Lang's body, and waves of violent dragon energy erupted, filling every meridian in Xiao Lang's body.

Xiao Lang's physical fitness instantly rose to a level, and those biting chills that had sneaked into his body were directly driven out by the violent dragon energy in his body.

Up to this moment, Xiao Lang's almost frozen arm had finally recovered, and his strength had increased several times.

"True Long Jin!" He only heard Xiao Lang's low voice, a huge dragon gas in his body immediately followed his meridians to his arm, and immediately poured out frantically.

"Boom!" After a loud explosion, the cold five-finger palmprints shattered, turning into countless black light spots and disappearing into the void.

"Oh?" You Linfeng narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect Xiao Lang to have this ability, and even the magical skills he displayed could be broken.

"It seems that I still underestimate this kid." You Linfeng muttered to himself, Xiao Lang can even block his magical skills. This is not an ordinary world realm Dzogchen. The latter's true combat power is only possible. Beyond this realm.

"After this kid used that secret technique, his strength was raised by one realm, but his combat power was raised by two realms. Isn't this too bad for him?" You Linfeng was secretly surprised, becoming more and more uncertain about Xiao Lang's true strength. indefinite.

"You Linfeng, did you have a great fight just now? Now you try to take my punch!" While You Linfeng was thinking about Xiao Lang's strength, Xiao Lang had already bullied him again, waving his fists and fiercely. Smashed towards You Linfeng.


A deep dragon roar resounded, and on Xiao Lang's arm, the dragon energy burst out frantically, turning into a majestic dragon.

"Angry Dragon Fist, Angry Dragon Break!"

Xiao Lang smashed his fist without mercy, the dragon's roar was deafening, and his violent energy almost destroyed the surrounding space barriers.

"Hmph, I want to see what you can do!" You Linfeng saw Xiao Lang approaching him, so he was not polite, snorted coldly, strode forward, raised his hand and slapped three palms.

Three dark, five-finger palm prints condensed, and swept towards Xiao Lang like three ghosts.

Xiao Lang's expression remained as usual, and he continued to attack.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After three explosions, three five-finger palm prints exploded and disappeared completely.

And Xiao Lang's anger-breaking god-breaking skill on Xiao Lang's arm was still as powerful as a rainbow, and it went straight to the front of You Linfeng.

However, You Linfeng was not so easy to solve. When the seal on his hands changed, the space in front of him collapsed, and a cold black hole emerged directly.

"God Eater!"

You Linfeng let out a low cry, and directly pushed the black hole in front of him to meet Xiao Lang.

Soon, when the two met head-to-head, Xiao Lang's complexion changed on the spot, because he discovered that when his fist hit the black hole, the latter was like a black swamp, capable of magical skills. The power is swallowed, this feeling is similar to the feeling of a punch on cotton.

More importantly, Xiao Lang also discovered that when he tried to pull away his arm to attack You Linfeng from another direction, he found that his arm seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. It was actually sucked and could not be pulled out.

"Hahaha, boy, do you feel it? Your strength is not worth mentioning to me!" Seeing Xiao Lang trapped by his own spirit, You Linfeng laughed suddenly, his face filled It's a smile of gloat.

"My God-Eater can not only absorb the power of the enemy's magical skills, but also can swallow the power in the enemy's body. Now as long as my thoughts move, you will immediately become a useless person!" You Linfeng sneered, The look in Xiao Lang's eyes was like a hunter looking at his prey.

"However, although I said I would kill you just now, I have changed my mind now. As long as you are willing to become my slave and use it for my life, I can consider keeping you a little life." You Linfeng sneered, he said. So he didn't kill Xiao Lang directly, it was because he discovered that Xiao Lang's potential was great, and if it could be used by him, his cultivating power would definitely rise a lot.

"Do you think I'm like the kind of person who can use it for you?" Xiao Lang asked with the other finger to himself.

A stiff smile on your face, You Linfeng said coldly: "What do you mean?"

"Are you a fool? I don't understand this?" Xiao Lang said sarcastically.

"Really toast and not eat fine wine!" You Linfeng shook his head regretfully, and said indifferently, "You think you don't want to, so I can't help you? Did you forget that I still have the Nether Magic Orb? "

The Nether Magic Orb can swallow a person's soul and control the other party into a human puppet that only obeys his own command, which is very scary.

"Of course I know, but do you really think you can trap me?" Xiao Lang said indifferently.

"Huh?" You Linfeng frowned.

"Watch it!" Xiao Lang said.


At this moment, a wave of terrifying thunder and lightning appeared on Xiao Lang's body, and immediately after that, huge thunder and lightning separated from him.

"Holy Thunder Body!"

He only heard Xiao Lang's low drink, and hundreds of thousands of lightning bursts, dancing wildly around his body. The scene was truly shocking.

Even You Linfeng stepped back a bit at this moment, afraid to get too close.

After using the Holy Lightning Body, Xiao Lang's physical fitness has increased to another level, and his strength has reached the pinnacle of the pinnacle world realm of Dzogchen realm, only one step away from the era realm.

The thunder light flickered in Xiao Lang's eyes, as if the **** of thunder had come to the world, and he was extremely domineering. He looked at the retreating You Linfeng, and shouted, "Sheng Lei True Fist!"

The extremely violent sea of ​​thunder and lightning seemed to have been summoned, rushing out against Xiao Lang's arm like a torrent, and finally gathered on Xiao Lang's arm.

"Smash it for me!"

Xiao Lang shouted again, only to hear a loud boom, the power of the Saint Thunder True Fist exploded, and a violent light penetrated from the Devouring God Ze. The Devouring God Ze shook violently, and finally exploded. It was completely cracked by Xiao Lang.


The You Linfeng in the distance also blinked. He didn't expect that the god-devouring divine skill he had always been proud of would be cracked so easily by Xiao Lang.

"You Linfeng, come and fight again!" Xiao Lang shouted coldly.

"Damn fellow, what arrogant!" You Linfeng said uncomfortably.

He flipped the palm of his hand, and a black light flashed, only to see a dark bead appeared in his hand, it was the Nether Magic Bead.

"Even if you break my Deity Devourer? Do you think you can escape my palm today?" You Linfeng said coldly.

Xiao Lang frowned when he saw that You Linfeng took out the Nether Demon Orb. This Nether Demon Orb was a top world artifact. It was very powerful. Some world artifacts of the same level could not stop its erosion. You have to be careful.

You Linfeng sneered. He held the Nether Demon Orb high and slowly injected divine power into it. The Nether Demon Orb was activated and immediately emitted rays of light, illuminating almost every corner of the alien space.

You Linfeng whispered the ancient spell in his mouth, and finally he threw the Nether Magic Orb and flew over Xiao Lang.

"Netherworld, Fuhun!"

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