Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 194: : The Law of the Nether

As You Linfeng chanted the last spell, the Nether Magic Orb in the void skyrocketed again.

Xiao Lang frowned tightly and waited for it. He had already heard about the power of the Nether Demon Orb, so naturally he would not despise the Nether Demon Orb.

An invisible force radiated from the Nether Demon Orb, slowly descending on Xiao Lang's body.

"Huh?" Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly flashed, and that power seemed to have turned into an invisible big hand, which went through his defenses and entered his skull, seeming to pull his soul out.

"Sure enough!" Xiao Lang secretly said in his heart, the power of the Netherworld Demon Orb, just like the rumors, can swallow the cultivators' spirits and turn them into puppets without thinking.

Fortunately, Xiao Lang was prepared, so when he felt that power, he immediately responded.

Xiao Lang's soul power is still relatively strong, so when the invisible big hand pulled his soul out, he immediately stabilized the soul and returned it to its original position.

"Oh?" The You Linfeng on the opposite side felt the power from Xiao Lang's soul, and he gave a soft voice. He was a little surprised that Xiao Lang had such a strong soul power.

As the master of the Nether Demon Orb, You Linfeng naturally knows how terrifying the power of the Nether Demon Orb is. Even if he has not used his full power yet, it cannot be blocked by ordinary world-level cultivators.

He previously felt that although Xiao Lang's combat effectiveness was relatively strong, it was because he had cultivated a certain secret method that could increase his strength. However, this secret method could only improve the cultivation level, but not the strength of the soul, so he felt that as long as he used it Nether Magic Orb, Xiao Lang would definitely be swallowed by him.

However, the result before him stunned him.

"How can this kid have such a powerful soul power?" You Linfeng was secretly surprised.

But astonishment turned astonishment, You Linfeng couldn't just let Xiao Lang go like this, the latter's soul power was indeed a bit beyond his expectation, but that didn't mean he couldn't help Xiao Lang.

I saw You Linfeng's hand-printing method change suddenly, and then he shouted in a low voice: "Netherworld method, seize the soul!"

With the shout of You Linfeng, two banner-like magic patterns appeared on the Nether Demon Orb, and the two banner-like magic patterns emerged as the light flickered, floating in the void.

Xiao Lang immediately felt a force several times stronger than before and almost pulled his soul out of his body.

"What a strong power!" Xiao Lang became vigilant, and while stubbornly guarding his soul from being pulled out, he flew towards the Nether Demon Orb in the void.


Seeing that Xiao Lang wanted to attack the Nether Demon Orb, You Linfeng let out a cold snort, directing the Nether Demon Orb to retreat quickly.

At the same time, You Linfeng continued to strengthen the power of the Nether Magic Orb to deal with Xiao Lang, wanting to control the latter as soon as possible.

However, Xiao Lang obviously wouldn't subdue. He put out his hands together and shot two fiery beams, forming a dragon image in the void, and then under the control of Xiao Lang, he slammed into the Nether Demon Orb.

With a bang, the Nether Magic Orb was hit, and it shook violently in the void a few times, but it was a pity that the Nether Magic Orb was a top world artifact after all, and it was not damaged.

Xiao Lang was not in a hurry about this. While holding his soul, he continued to attack the Nether Demon Orb.

"This guy is really tricky!" Seeing Xiao Lang chasing the Nether Demon Orb, You Linfeng frowned.

"It seems that it won't work if I don't give you some color." You Linfeng's expression was cold, and with a wave of his arm, five figures emerged out of thin air and stood in front of him.

The bodies of the five figures all possess a very terrifying aura, and they are all masters of the Dzogchen World Realm.

Xiao Lang also noticed the situation here, and he frowned, because he found that the five figures seemed a bit unusual.

Although the aura of the five figures is terrifying, their eyes are all hollow without exception, like walking corpses without souls.

Xiao Lang immediately judged that the five people should be humanoid puppets after being controlled by You Linfeng.

You Linfeng didn't care. He smiled coldly, pointed his hand at Xiao Lang in front of him, and whispered in his mouth: "Go, kill him for me!"

As soon as You Linfeng said these words, the five humanoid puppets' originally hollow eyes suddenly showed a strong and violent color, as if Xiao Lang were their unshakable enemies.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

There were five breaking winds, and the five people flew towards Xiao Lang at the same time.

"It's really troublesome." Xiao Lang couldn't help but cursed secretly when he saw the five people who were killing him. Although he was not afraid of these five humanoid puppets, the five great world realm humanoid puppets shot together. , After all, it will cause him some trouble.

Not to mention, there are Nether Demon Orbs and powerful You Linfeng watching closely behind.

Of course, escaping is not Xiao Lang's style, since the five people have already been killed, then he just greets them.


The five humanoid puppets uttered such a word in unison, murderously, and the palms of the five people slapped towards Xiao Lang angrily.

Xiao Lang was unwilling to show weakness and immediately attacked. In his opinion, these five people were obstacles, and he had to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Boom boom boom boom...

The five palm prints blasted out one after another, colliding with the attacks of the five people.

In an instant, five shock waves came out, and Xiao Lang was blasted back a few steps, but the five people were even more miserable, and they were all knocked out by Xiao Lang's palm.

It's a pity that those humanoid puppets have no ideological consciousness, not only can't think about themselves, they are also very slow in feeling pain, so Xiao Lang's attacks did not affect them much.

Just after being repelled by Xiao Lang, the five humanoid puppets killed them again and continued to fight Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang was very depressed and could only continue to take action. He found that although these five World Realm Dzogchen spirits were imprisoned, their bodies were still very flexible, and there were many methods they could use, almost not much like normal. The difference, coupled with the fact that they have no pain, and even their combat effectiveness is better than usual.

"Five, you are offended." Seeing the five humanoid puppets continue to kill, Xiao Lang had to shake his head and sigh. Then his eyes became cold, and his shot was no longer as reserved as before.

There is no way. If these five humanoid puppets are not solved, he will not be able to complete the task. Moreover, the longer the time here, the more dangerous it is for him, so he must solve them as soon as possible.

At the moment, Xiao Lang used the angry dragon fist, and his strength immediately rose by a big margin.

It didn't take long for the five humanoid puppets to become his defeated men. They were collectively imprisoned in a small alien space, isolating You Linfeng from their control.

"Damn it, what did you do!"

Seeing that all his five humanoid puppets were subdued by Xiao Lang, You Linfeng suddenly became very angry. He immediately controlled the Nether Demon Orb and swept towards Xiao Lang.

Before that, You Linfeng was still thinking about surrendering Xiao Lang and becoming his puppet, but now his patience has been exhausted by Xiao Lang. Therefore, he no longer uses the Nether method to control Xiao Lang. The soul, but directly began to use killer moves.

"Netherworld law, destroy the soul!" You Linfeng shouted in a low voice.

With a sneer, a horrible beam of light shone down from the Nether Demon Orb, and shot directly towards Xiao Lang's Sky Spirit Cover.

Xiao Lang squinted his eyes, and he could feel the power of that beam of light. Once he was injured, even if he wouldn't fly away directly, he would inevitably be injured and his strength would be greatly damaged.

"It seems that I must use that thing," Xiao Lang whispered.

After speaking, he didn't hesitate anymore, he flipped his palm directly, and a mini small mountain peak appeared on his palm.

With a bang, a terrifying wave filled the small peaks in Xiao Lang's palm.

"What is that?" Seeing the small mountain peak that Xiao Lang suddenly took out, You Linfeng was also stunned, not knowing what Xiao Lang took out.

In fact, the small mountain that Xiao Lang took out was the magical mountain artifact passed to him by Venerable Dragon Elephant.

After You Linfeng used the Nether Demon Orbs, his combat power increased greatly, which made him a little unstoppable. In order to successfully complete the task, he had to take out the Zhen Demon Peak.

The Suppression Demon Peak is an Era artifact, a higher level than the Nether Demon Orb, and it is fully capable of suppressing the Nether Demon Orb and You Linfeng himself.

Seeing that the Nether Demon Orb was about to fly, Xiao Lang immediately instilled a large amount of divine power into the Zhen Demon Peak and activated it.

Afterwards, Xiao Lang stretched out his hand and yelled "Go" in his mouth, Zhen Mofeng immediately flew out, facing the flying Nether Magic Orb.


The two high-level artifacts quickly collided. Zhen Mofeng was an Era artifact with great power, even the Nether Magic Orb was temporarily intercepted.

"This kid actually has a magical instrument of this level?" Seeing this scene, You Linfeng suddenly frowned. He didn't expect that Xiao Lang actually possessed a magical instrument that was stronger than the Nether Demon Orb.

"That's okay, as long as you die, that artifact will be mine." You Linfeng said coldly, weakening the control of the Nether Demon Orb, but instead became more focused, trying to win the game back.

"You're all like this, don't you admit defeat?" Xiao Lang glanced at You Linfeng and snorted, then his tactics changed, and he shouted in a low voice: "Zhen Mofeng, suppress me!"

Boom boom boom!

The light flickered on the Demon Suppression Peak, and the mountain quickly grew larger, covering the Nether Demon Orb in a blink of an eye, and then under the control of Xiao Lang, it was suppressed severely.

With a bang, the terrifying force shook the alien space, and the Nether Demon Orb had been suppressed to the ground by the Suppression Demon Peak, and could no longer fly.

"This... how is this possible?!" You Linfeng was stunned. He didn't expect that the treasure Xiao Lang had brought out was so powerful that his Netherworld Demon Orb didn't even have the power to resist, so he was directly suppressed.

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