Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 198: Gold armor plus body

Xiao Lang froze, blinked his eyes quickly, and looked at City Master Baifeng more seriously. However, after losing his mind, Xiao Lang was stunned to find that the inexplicable breath in City Master Baifeng suddenly disappeared, like never before. The same happened.

it's wired!

Xiao Lang was taken aback.

City Master Baifeng noticed Xiao Lang's gaze and the dumbfounded expression, and smiled embarrassedly: "Brother Xiao Lang, you laughed."

"Oh, I also know that this is just my wishful thinking. How can the Nether Demon Cult be so easy to be eradicated? Maybe I will get a chance in the future, be promoted to the Era Realm, and become a Venerable, maybe there are still a few opportunities. But Era Realm How can it be so easy to get promoted."

City Lord Baifeng sighed, his face was a little lonely.

Xiao Lang soothed after hearing this: "There must be a chance. Isn't Brother Bai now at the Great Perfection of the World Realm, and only a few steps away from the Era Realm, how can he be so insecure about himself?"

Hearing this, City Master Baifeng stared hard at Xiao Lang for a few times, and found that the latter's comfort was not ridicule, he was sincere, and he sighed again: "Brother Xiao Lang, you think too simple. Era and World are perfect. Although the peak is only a short distance away, this distance is like a moat. I don't know how many people have stopped."

"Brother Xiao Lang, you are only in the Small World Realm, and the circle is still small. When you are promoted to the World Realm Dzogchen, you will understand the difficulty."

City Lord White Wind is not attacking Xiao Lang, but just telling a fact. Only when he thought of Xiao Lang's amazing behavior today, he couldn't help adding:

"But Brother Xiao Lang's hope is definitely greater than mine. If I'm stuck in this life, I don't have much hope..."

The White Wind City Master wanted to sigh again, but this time he held back and waved his hand:

"Forget it, let's not say these frustrating words."

"But Brother Xiao Lang snatched the Nether Demon Orb of You Linfeng and offended him to death. You must be careful in the future. This Nether Linfeng has a very strong vengeance mentality and narrow-minded mind, and it is rumored to be an inner disciple of the Demon Puppet Sect. , Establish a portal here, open branches and scattered leaves, the background is very powerful!"

Demon Puppet Sect?

Another Demon Sect!

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard the words, remembered the words of City Lord Baifeng in his heart, and immediately proposed to leave.

Since the strange spirit of the White Wind City Master has disappeared, and he has also completed the task, there is naturally no reason to stay here.

What's more, there are more important things waiting for him.

This time, he completed the ninth level mission. Once he was delivered, he would be the Golden Armored disciple of Tianfu Palace. Compared with Xuanjia disciples and Silver Price disciples, Jinjia disciples can get more resources and benefits in Tianfu Palace.

This identity alone is enough to deter a family!

Xiao Lang needed this identity even more, because only by becoming a disciple of the Jinjiao could he help Ning Fuer.

"Thank you Brother Bai for reminding you, and I also thank Brother Bai for your support this time. If nothing happens, your brother will definitely be willing to have a good time with Brother Bai. It's a pity that you have a task and it is inconvenient to stay for a long time. I hope Brother Bai will understand."

Xiao Lang said that he meant to leave. Of course, Baifeng City Lord would not force him to stay, and he quickly led Xiao Lang to the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion, where the teleportation array leading to the Tianfu Palace in Longyang County was there.

Xiao Lang was naturally overjoyed.

He thought he would have to go back for several days, but he didn't expect that there would be a teleportation formation in City Lord White Wind, which was convenient for him.

The two left, Xiao Lang stepped into the teleportation formation, his figure disappeared after the white light flickered. However, looking at his leaving figure, City Lord White Wind did not leave immediately. He was taken aback for a long time and sighed:

"Human dragon and phoenix!"

"If he stayed by my side, I would have no worries in White Wind City, but it's a pity..."

City Master Baifeng shook his head, putting aside the unrealistic thoughts in his heart.

Because he also walked out of Tianfu Palace, he was completely aware that even in Tianfu Palace, there was a difference between mediocrity and genius. The reason why some warriors can enter the Tianfu Palace is driven by family forces, and they are only gilded. Xiao Lang was different. He was a true genius. Even if he stayed, he couldn't afford it. What's more, why could he let Xiao Lang stay?

Hot blood?

The White Wind City Lord gave a wry smile, but his eyes were full of hope, and he secretly said: "I hope that one day, he can also contribute to the great cause of slaying demons."


Xiao Lang had already left through the teleportation formation and settled in Longyang County. Of course, he didn't know the expectations of City Master Baifeng.

The focal point of the teleportation formation was Longyang County, not the division of the rudder of the Tianfu Palace. Xiao Lang tossed around all the way, and it took a full day to return to Tianlong Mountain. He did not stay at the foot of the mountain, and was familiar with the road, all the way to the mission hall.

The Mission Hall is always the most popular place in Tianfu Palace. There is noisy discussion, and many disciples are looking for companions and tasks. But these have nothing to do with Xiao Lang, he is here to hand in the task.

After a while, Xiao Lang came to a window inside the mission hall, handed out a sky floating order, and said to the elders on duty inside:

"Elder, I want to hand in a task."

The old man nodded, expressionless, took in Xiao Lang's Sky Floating Order, and after a little inspection, the expression on his face finally changed. He looked at Xiao Lang seriously through the window, and said in surprise:

"What you completed is the ninth-level task of capturing the Nether Demon Orb?"

Xiao Lang nodded, pulled out the Nether Demon Orb and handed it up again, saying:


"This is the Nether Demon Orb that the younger generation snatched. Please review it."

The old man's speed was much faster this time, and he immediately took it, closed his eyes and felt it, his pupils opened, and a hint of light flashed:

"Sure enough, it is the Nether Demon Orb! Boy, good job. Only the Silver Armored disciple can complete the ninth level task alone, and there are not many in our Tianfu Palace Longyang County. But to complete this task, you must be promoted. Golden armor, right?"


"Thank you elder."

Xiao Lang was a little surprised when he heard the words. He didn't expect that the old man said so much this time, but then he was relieved.

Still because of strength.

Not only is it because of completing the ninth level mission to prove his strength, but also because he will be a disciple of the Golden Armor immediately. Even if the rudder is divided in the entire Longyang County, there are not many Jinjia disciples, and there are only a few hundred in full play. Once I became a disciple of the Golden Armor, both his status and status would naturally be very different from before. No wonder the old man said so much to him.

The old man was obviously also quite satisfied with Xiao Lang's attitude. He took out a crystal ball from his arms and injected divine power. Immediately, a ray of light shot out and landed on Xiao Lang's sky floating order.

Get 10 million points!

Xiao Lang breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

This time he completed the task alone, so the old man didn't ask about the attribution of the points, so he drew it over.

The old man handed back the Tianfu order with a kind face: "Go to the Reward and Punishment Hall to receive the title of the Golden Armored disciple. However, even if you become a Golden Armored disciple, you must not slacken in your future cultivation. Remember to stick to your heart."

"The disciple understands."

Xiao Lang clasped his fists and saluted, watching the old man wave his hand to signal him to leave, then retired, and went straight to the reward and punishment hall after leaving the mission hall.

Xiao Lang didn't contact Ning Fuer directly after completing the task, and planned to wait until she officially became a disciple of the Golden Armor before contacting her, giving her a surprise.

With the previous experience of coming to receive the silver armor disciples, this time Xiao Lang came to the Reward and Punishment Hall again naturally to be familiar with the road, and walked directly in.

Just like when I first came, there were not many people in the Reward and Punishment Hall, and a limited number of people came to receive the title of Profound Armor Disciple or Silver Armor Disciple. Although there are many disciples in the Tianfu Palace of Longyang County, there are not many disciples in one day for promotion. It is normal to be deserted.

Xiao Lang glanced, his eyes lit up, and he saw an acquaintance, not someone else, but the elder Wu he met when he came to receive the title of Silver Armor disciple last time.

As an elder, of course, it is impossible to stare at the reward and punishment hall every day, and Xiao Lang came across him twice in a row, I have to say that this is also a kind of fate.

Xiao Lang also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's easy to do things if you have acquaintances.

Xiao Lang immediately walked towards Elder Wu, stood still in front of the latter, and saluted:

"Disciple Xiao Lang, met Elder Wu."


Elder Wu was sitting on a recliner at this time, looking at an ancient book, but he didn't turn around for the first time when he heard someone call him. Instead, he called out in surprise.

"Xiao Lang? This name is so familiar."

Elder Wu raised his head and saw Xiao Lang's familiar face, his face was more surprised, and said:

"Oh it's you."

Elder Wu recognized Xiao Lang because of Xiao Lang's speciality. Xiao Lang is one of the few in Tianfu Palace who directly authenticated the Silver Armor disciple without authenticating the Xuan Jia disciple. Secondly, in fact, this time Xiao Lang came to authenticate the Silver Armor disciple not long after he came to authenticate the Silver Armor disciple. It is not long, Elder Wu I can remember.

The next moment, without waiting for Xiao Lang to answer, Elder Wu thought of something, frowned slightly, and asked, "Your kid was punished for causing trouble?"

Xiao Lang smiled blankly, shook his head and said, "No, Elder Wu, you have misunderstood. This time, the disciple came to authenticate the title of Golden Armor disciple."


Elder Wu was shocked when he heard the words, got up from the recliner, ignored his gaffe, and asked in succession: "How long has it been before you came to authenticate the Golden Armor disciple?"

"Have you reached the World Realm Small Perfection?"

There are two conditions for Tianfu Palace to certify the Golden Armor disciples. One is that they must obtain 10 million points. Second, the cultivation base must reach the World Realm Small Consummation. Both conditions are indispensable.

The reason why Elder Wu asked Xiao Lang's cultivation level first was of course because he was too surprised.

"I remember when you came last time, but in the middle of the world, right?"

Xiao Lang nodded and replied: "Elder Wu's memory is really good. The last time the disciple came was indeed in the middle of the world, but recently he has gained some insights and finally reached a small perfection.

As he said, Xiao Lang mobilized his whole body's strength, and in an instant a powerful aura burst out of his body. Elder Wu felt it, and his pupils condensed immediately.

Not bad.

Xiao Lang has really reached the World Realm Small Perfection!

"Give me your sky floating order!"

Elder Wu Lei Ting spoke decisively and bluntly, and then took out a crystal ball from his arms and pasted the Tianfu order that Xiao Lang had already prepared to pass it up to sense it. Immediately, a line of fonts displayed:

"Tianfu Temple Points: Ten Million Yuan!"

Xiao Lang has fulfilled the two requirements for certification of Golden Armor disciples!

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