Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 199: Controversy

"You unexpectedly..."

This time, Elder Wu was really shocked, even if he was as good as him, he couldn't help but exclaim again and again at this moment.


How long is this?

It was only a few years since Xiao Lang came to confirm the title of Yinjia disciple. For a god-level powerhouse of their level, a few years is really too inconspicuous, but it's just a matter of seconds.

But in such a short period of time, Xiao Lang not only got 10 million points, but he even raised his martial arts cultivation to the level of World Realm Small Perfection. How could he not be surprised?

Unheard of!

This promotion speed is too amazing!

What Elder Wu didn't know was that the world was perfect, which was not Xiao Lang's limit. If he activates the spirit body of the Dao Dao, the martial arts cultivation base will reach another level, reaching the Great Perfection of the World Realm!

However, looking at Elder Wu's current appearance, he just showed the aura of the small perfect world, and he couldn't stand it anymore, and Xiao Lang suppressed his thoughts and smiled politely.

"Your kid is such a genius!"

Elder Wu looked up and down Xiao Lang, this was the first time he took Xiao Lang so seriously. Not only because of Xiao Lang's current strength, but also because of his potential!

In a few years, Xiao Lang had reached the small world perfection from the middle of the world realm. If he was given a few more decades, wouldn't it be a problem even for the great world perfection?

Elder Wu thought of this and didn't dare to think further, but the expression on his face had fully revealed the shock he had brought to Xiao Lang's doing.


"Come with me and take you to get the golden armor."

With that, Elder Wu turned and walked towards the depths of the Reward and Punishment Hall. Xiao Lang had long experience and immediately followed up. After a while, he came to a spacious armory, but this armory was not the last time he received silver armor. The weapon storehouse for the title of the disciple is now. Here, a set of brand-new golden battle suits are placed. The golden glow is really good-looking, and there are faint traces hovering and shining.

This is the proof of the Tianfu Palace Golden Armor disciple, Tianfu Golden Armor!

Of course, the number of gold armors is much smaller than that of silver armors, but dozens of sets. This is also because there are few warriors who certify the titles of gold armor disciples in this Eastern Territory Tianfu Palace every year, so naturally there is no need to prepare so many.

"Choose any set."

Elder Wu said so, Xiao Lang would naturally not be polite. However, the golden armors here are all of the same standard, and Xiao Lang did not choose carefully. He grabbed one at random and dripped a drop of blood, immediately--

The golden armor suit in his hand turned into a stream of light, attached to Xiao Lang's body, tightly fitted, the streamlined armor was very beautiful, and more importantly, it was lighter than silver armor, as if it did not exist.

The essence of blood was refined, and the minds were connected. When Xiao Lang's thoughts moved, he absorbed the golden armor into his body and merged with his skin. Only then did he really feel that this golden armor was the same as the silver armor he had worn before. There is a huge difference between them.

"The defense of this golden armor..."

Xiao Lang opened his mouth in surprise.



With Xiao Lang's experience, he couldn't judge the limit of the golden armor's defense power at the first time. But he can perceive that the defensive power of this golden armor is definitely more than a level higher than the previous silver armor!

Elder Wu next to Xiao Lang saw Xiao Lang's surprise and chuckled lightly: "Did you see it?"

"Yes, compared to silver armor, the defense power of the gold armor is indeed improved by several grades. If the silver armor can block the full blow of the late world stage, relying on this gold armor, you can block the world realm small perfect three consecutive times. An ordinary attack of two hours, even if the opponent uses the world realm magical skills, can withstand a small half hour. The world realm Dzogchen’s full blow can also be blocked, but if it is attacked by the world realm Dzogchen’s full power, it can be blocked. Live, but this golden armor is considered useless. You still need millions of points to redeem one."

The Golden Armor of the Tianfu Palace can actually block the full blow of the World Realm Dzogchen!

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this.


Tianfu Palace is so expensive?

Xiao Lang looked at Elder Wu in confusion: "Dare to ask Elder, why is the difference between this golden armor and silver armor so big?"

When Elder Wu heard the words, his face became a little serious, but he did not answer positively, saying, "Of course it is to protect you."

"Since you have been promoted to a disciple of the Golden Armor, then as the elder of the Reward and Punishment Hall, according to the rules, I must tell you some things. When walking outside, you must beware of attacks by the magic way!"

It's the magic way again!

Xiao Lang's spirit was stunned when he heard the words, and he saw Elder Wu's seriousness, and asked respectfully: "I would like to hear the details, and I would like to ask the elders for advice."

Elder Wu replied: "I see the record on your Sky Floating Order. This time it was a coincidence that you seized the Nether Demon Orb from Nether Demon Sect You Linfeng. What do you think is his strength?"

The strength of You Linfeng?

Elder Wu suddenly brought the topic to You Linfeng, Xiao Lang couldn't help but stunned, but immediately replied respectfully: "The strength is very strong, and the disciple can't help him. If it weren't a coincidence, the disciple would not be able to win the Nether Demon Orb."

Elder Wu nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, since it's the Era Realm, even though it's only the Era Realm forcibly lifted up by the pill, it doesn't have the power to master the luck, and the combat power surpasses the World Realm Dzogchen. Naturally, it should not be underestimated. "

"Boy, the enemies you will encounter in the future may all be of this level."


Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

Once you become a disciple of the Golden Armor of Tianfu Palace, is it possible to encounter enemies of this level at any time?

Xiao Lang looked at Elder Wu in surprise, only to see the latter's eyes flickering, as if he didn't care about his reaction, and said to himself: "The war between my front gate and the magic way has been a long time, at least hundreds of millions of years. Even , The meaning of my Tianfu Palace is to eradicate the magic gate. Don’t think that the magic gate I am talking about is as dilapidated as the nether magic sect you met, and the nether magic sect is not qualified enough. The Demon Puppet Sect is still the same. In the Demon Puppet Sect, there are at least several hundred in the immeasurable Era Realm like You Linfeng, and there are many Era Realm Demon Heads who truly understand the power of Qi Yun."

"They are the real enemies of our Tianfu Palace!"

Is the devil war?

Xiao Lang finally understood the meaning of Elder Wu's words, and his heart was shocked inexplicably. Of course, the power of luck that Venerable Era Realm mastered also made him very curious, but it was obviously not the time to ask about this.

"The magic gate is so powerful?"

Elder Wu Zheng nodded his head and said: "Much more powerful than you think. It's just that they lost the last battle against the demons and they seldom show up in hiding. As for the demons you encountered before, they were just waiting for opportunities to cultivate them. It’s just an outside line. My Tianfu Temple disciples are responsible, and if they encounter the Demon Gate, they will kill them! And in the Demon Gate, there are also existences that are not inferior to my Tianfu Palace, hidden in the dark, but they still dare not be brazen. I'm fighting against my Tianfu Palace, and I have no time to pay attention to ordinary silver armor disciples, but now that you have become a gold armor disciple, you will definitely appear on their hunting list!"

Xiao Lang finally understood why the golden armor was so much stronger than the silver armor.

It turns out that as a disciple of the Jin family of Tianfu Palace, the danger is greater than that of a disciple of Yinjia!

The enemy is in the dark, I am in the light, the situation is really bad!

Xiao Lang frowned and said, "Could it be possible that the Demon Head of the Era Realm of the Demon Sect will also attack us?"

Elder Wu shook his head and said: "That's not true. They don't have the courage yet. As long as they dare to take action, they will definitely reveal their whereabouts. They will be found by the Venerable Era Realm of my Tianfu Palace. When that happens, they will have nowhere to escape. It's not just as simple as dying, and we must lose a big stronghold!"

Elder Wu's words were full of confidence.

This is his trust in the strength of Tianfu Palace!

"But the demon boy, if the demon head of the Dzogchen level of the World Realm takes action, it will be much easier to hide. They do not control the power of luck, and it is troublesome to chase. They are the ones you need to be careful of, you Don't just get promoted to the Golden Armored disciple and be brutally attacked by the Demon Sect."

Xiao Lang immediately felt relieved when he heard this.

It turned out to be a soldier against a soldier, and a general!

As long as it wasn't a sneak attack by the Era Realm Demon, he was really not afraid. Although the realm he showed was only a small perfect world realm, in fact, his combat power had already reached the level of great perfection, and he still had some confidence.

"I understand. Thank you elder for your advice."

Xiao Lang saluted Elder Wu respectfully.

Elder Wu saw that Xiao Lang could keep his face as usual when he heard this, and he couldn't help but nod his head and praised: "The kid has a good temperament, and this won't scare you. In the past, many of your brothers were pale after listening to me, and even quit. The idea of ​​Tianfu Palace is really timid! They also don't want to think about how they can be safe if they leave my Tianfu Palace and wait for the outbreak of the next battle between the Righteous and Demons."

"But don't worry too much. Although the Demon Sect wants to kill my outstanding disciple of the Tianfu Palace, they dare not make frequent moves. Such a thing is rare. What you need to do now is to improve your strength as soon as possible. The realm of martial arts is."

"But be prepared."

"On the second floor of the Treasure Pavilion, there is information about the various magic gates collected by my Tianfu Palace. You are now qualified to go and check it. You should be prepared for this kind of thing."

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

There are still these materials in the Tianfu Palace? That should really be a good look.


Xiao Lang bowed his hand to Elder Wu again, and then saw the latter wave his hand, without saying anything, and immediately said goodbye. Of course Elder Wu would not stop him and waved him away.

After leaving the Reward and Punishment Hall, Xiao Lang did not go home the first time, but followed Elder Wu's reminder and went directly to the Treasure Pavilion of Tianlong Mountain.

However, Xiao Lang, who was full of news about the battle between the righteous and demons that Elder Wu just said, did not notice. As he left the reward and punishment hall, a pair of horrified gloomy eyes kept staring at his back until his figure disappeared completely. Just reacted.

"This **** boy is already a disciple of the Golden Armor?"

"No, you have to tell the young master quickly!"

If Xiao Lang turned around, he would definitely find that this person was one of the followers who had accompanied Lang Yunfeng!

Lang Yunfeng is watching him!

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