Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 200: The Wolf Family and the Ning Family

Xiao Lang left the reward and punishment hall and rushed to the treasure pavilion.

The Treasure Pavilion is on the other top of Wanlong Mountain, only one mountain away from the Reward and Punishment Hall. It is equally magnificent, and it is a three-story palace.

Although named Treasures, there is only one kind of treasure inside——

Collection of books.

It is filled with large and small collections of books, everything from ancient times to the present. Both the profound armor disciples and the silver armor disciples can enter the first level. At least the golden armor disciples are eligible to enter the second level. As for the third level, it is a space exclusively reserved for the venerable Era realm. Xiao Lang is currently not eligible to enter. .

Similarly, the classics placed on each floor are also different.

The classics on the first level record the strange people and customs and customs in various places, and disciples of Xuanjia and Yinjia often come here to watch after receiving tasks, because some tasks still require anonymity. Since you want to hide yourself, of course you must be familiar with the local customs.

It was not the first time Xiao Lang had come. He had watched a little on the first floor, and had never entered the second floor.

When he came to the hall, Xiao Lang sorted out his clothes before stepping inside. He didn't have a task, and he didn't need to understand the customs of some places, so he walked directly to the stairs leading to the second floor.

At the entrance of the stairs is a wooden table made of pear wood. There is a middle-aged man sitting on a wooden chair made of pear wood. He is shaking his head and reading a book, but there is no sound from his mouth.

Obviously, he is the guardian elder on the first floor of the Treasure Pavilion.

Xiao Lang stepped forward and respectfully saluted: "Disciple Xiao Lang, if you want to go to the second floor, please ask the elder for permission."

The middle-aged man raised his head, and didn't feel irritated that Xiao Lang interrupted his reading, and said directly, "Tianfu Ling brought it."

Xiao Lang was prepared, and quickly handed it over. The middle-aged man took it and put it close to the crystal ball placed on the wooden table. The words with Xiao Lang's message immediately appeared in the crystal ball, and the middle-aged man raised his brow. Road:

"No wonder I've never seen you, it turned out to be a newcomer."

With that said, the middle-aged man threw the Tianfu order to Xiao Lang again, and waved his hand: "Go up. Jinjia disciples, you can borrow ten books at a time, and you must return them within one year. But remember, don’t damage it, otherwise, damage it. One book, one hundred thousand points."

One hundred thousand points for destroying a book?

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard the words, but he still received the sky floating order, passed by the middle-aged man, and walked towards the second floor. When I reached the top of the stairs, I couldn't help but glance back at the middle-aged man, only to find that the latter was holding the book and shook his head and started reading, without even looking at himself.

"What a strange person."

Xiao Lang was surprised, of course, because he didn't sense the strength of this middle-aged man. The latter had reduced all his breath, just like an ordinary person, and even escaped Xiao Lang's detection.

This is not easy.

You know, even the Demon of the First Grade Era Realm of You Linfeng, Xiao Lang could see his details as soon as he met him, but he couldn't see through the middle-aged man, which naturally made him very curious.

However, Xiao Lang was not stranded because of this, and went directly to the second floor.

Relatively curious about the strength of the middle-aged man, he is undoubtedly more interested in this second-tier collection.

The second floor of the Treasure Pavilion has a lot less books than the first floor, but it is obviously of higher quality. The inside is empty. There is no second except for Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang is also happy to read it from the beginning.

"The Chronicle of the Powers of the Eastern Region," a good thing, this book should be read carefully."

The first book I saw gave Xiao Lang great interest, and he immediately took it out to read it. Xiao Lang's soul was amazing, and he was naturally quick to read. It only took a while to read through, his eyes flickering and he kept digesting.

"It turns out that this Eastern Region is also a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and there are so many family powers of the Era Realm Venerable, there are tens of thousands!"

This is just the number of families that have an Era Realm Venerable. You should know that some families have more than an Era Realm Venerable. If you count this way, the Era Realm Venerable is at least hundreds of thousands!

This amount is really frightening.

But immediately, Xiao Lang was relieved.

"This number is also normal. After all, there are thousands of planets in the Eastern Region, and there are hundreds of epochs on one planet, which is very reasonable. Sitting on one side, there will not be much conflict with each other."

"The family forces I met before are still too small compared to these top families."

Strength determines horizons.

Xiao Lang knew this very well.

After all, he had just arrived before, and the strong people he knew were really limited. After all, he had only seen four Venerables, including the remnants of Dragon Elephant, You Linfeng, and Wuxiang.

However, in this chronicle of Eastern forces, he also noticed two families——

Wolf family!

The wolf house where Lang Yunfeng is located!

The records in the chronicles of the Eastern Territory forces are very detailed, and there are more powerful rankings of the major families. The wolf family where Lang Yunfeng is located is impressively listed, even in the top fifty!

The ancestral land of the Lang Family is an aboriginal on a planet named Yanlang Xing. According to the records in the chronicles of the Eastern forces, the Lang Family has five powerful people in the Era realm. The real situation should be more!

"No wonder it's so arrogant, because it turns out to be a strong family."

Xiao Lang smiled coldly.

Although he found that Lang Yunfeng had a strong background, Xiao Lang was not afraid.

A top-notch family, nothing more. After all, in the Eastern Region, in terms of power, who can compare with Tianfu Palace? Tianfu Palace is the biggest backing that all warriors dream of!

Xiao Lang believed that even if the wolf family had fifty era veterans, the other party would not dare to stand him. Otherwise, the wolf family is ready to bear the anger of Tianfu Palace!

There was also a second family that made Xiao Lang notice--

Yanlangxing, Ning Family!

As soon as he saw this familiar surname, Xiao Lang immediately thought of Nymph, even he didn't notice it, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

"This should be Nymph's family."

According to the chronicle, both the Ning Family and the Lang Family belonged to the natives on the Yanlang Star. From the beginning of their fortune, they were on the Yanlang Star. More than a thousand years ago, the two major families were in charge of the Yanlang Star, which is considered peaceful coexistence. The Ning family should not be underestimated, and there are also three Era Realm Venerables.

However, this balance was broken thousands of years ago.

I don't know what kind of **** luck the wolf family took, but found a sacred sun quarry on the other side of the house! Of course, although it is known as the Shengyang Stone Mine, everyone knows that the output of Shengyang Stone is still limited.

However, having a mine at home is arrogant!

The wolf family has since risen.

In a short period of one thousand years, the wolf family, which originally had only three Era-level venerables like the Ning family, gave birth to two Era-level venerables, overwhelming the Ning family.

Since then, the Ning family has declined and is no longer glorious.

Xiao Lang couldn't help but frowned when he saw this.

"The Ning family wants to marry Ning Fu'er to Lang Yunfeng, does it mean to seek peace by marriage?"

If there are no accidents, it should be like this.

Suddenly, Xiao Lang's favor with the Ning family diminished a lot.

For the safety of the family, sacrifice the happiness of future generations, what an elder!

However, Xiao Lang obviously thought of more than these, and other things: "However, the Ning family probably knows that even if they marry for peace, it can only be delayed for a while. If the Lang Family wants to control the entire Fire Wolf star, they insist on doing it. The Ning family has no choice but to be destroyed. It can be said that the life and death of the Ning family are now within one year of the wolf family."

"No wonder the Ning family hesitated when they heard that the Ning Fuer had found a disciple of the Tianfu Palace Golden Armor as a Taoist companion. The Ning family was still sensible, knowing that they used Ning Fuer as a bargaining chip to hook up another super family. You can sit back and relax, at least for thousands of years without worrying about the wolf family."

Xiao Lang thought about it in his heart, clearly organized, but his brows were not soothing.

The Ning family made a good calculation.

Unfortunately, what the Ning family could not think of was that although he became a disciple of the Golden Armor of the Tianfu Palace, unlike other disciples of the golden armour of famous origin, there was no top family support behind him.

"If you let the Ning family know that I have nothing to rely on, maybe Ning Fuer will really marry Lang Yunfeng!"

"It was very difficult this time."

Xiao Lang frowned and calculated. Although he felt that there were many ways ahead, he did not directly give up his plan to help Nymph. Xiao Lang testified with love words, how could he be the kind of person who broke his promise?

It is difficult, but also to do!

"To contact Nymph, ask her more and have a discussion."

Xiao Lang restrained his thoughts, and went around on the second floor of Lingbao Pavilion, renting a few classics about the battle of the demon, went downstairs to register, and then walked home. Of course, on the way home, he finally contacted Nymph.

The good news that he was promoted to the Golden Armor disciple has not yet been told to her.

At the same time, on the other side, the person who had been monitoring Xiao Lang in the reward and punishment hall also came to a beautiful place outside Wanlong Mountain. There was a luxuriously decorated courtyard inside. This person came to the courtyard and stood still, respectfully. Hanging his head, said:

"Report to the young master that the person whom the young master asked me to monitor has returned."

Immediately, Lang Yunfeng's voice came from the courtyard: "I'm back? Where?"

The first sentence of Lang Yunfeng was still a bit surprised, and the second sentence was already awe-inspiring to kill. Before the words fell, his figure had appeared before the visitor, his eyes widened. Just mentioning Xiao Lang made him hate this appearance. One can imagine how deep his hatred towards Xiao Lang is!

The comer had a lower waist, and said nervously:

"The villain saw him go to the Reward and Punishment Hall with his own eyes, and was led to the inner courtyard by Elder Wu. If the villain guessed correctly..."

Lang Yunfeng was also a wise man. Before the caller had finished speaking, he had only half of his words, and he understood everything. His eyes shrank suddenly and his heart was alarmed.

"Golden Armored Disciple?!"

"How long has he been promoted to the Golden Armor?! Are you sure you read it right?!"

Lang Yunfeng was angry and furious. Faced with his angry questioning, how dare those who came to neglect, and quickly responded:

"The villain is willing to guarantee his life, absolutely correct!"

In an instant, Lang Yunfeng's face changed, he was even more gloomy and terrifying than Wannian Ice Cave. Between the clenched teeth, a murderous name slowly forced out:

"Xiao Lang!"

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