Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 201: Bleeding

"Damn it!"

Lang Yunfeng gritted his teeth, gritted his teeth, and squeezed his fists. He was almost crushed. The bones were crackling and roaring. The people who heard the letter before him were frightened, for fear that Lang Yunfeng would anger him. Body.

Fortunately, this is the Tianfu Palace. Even if Lang Yunfeng had 10,000 courage, he did not dare to make a random move. It took a long time to calm down, but his eyes were still wild with anger and seemed to contain a volcano about to erupt.

"I guess the **** Nymph is talking about him. I didn't expect that just a few days of work would really make him a disciple of the Golden Armor. It's really hateful!"

Someone was in front, but Lang Yunfeng didn't say a word.

"I'm just a silver armor!"

Lang Yunfeng was really outraged when he thought that Xiao Lang had overwhelmed himself in terms of identity. However, he could only bear this anger abruptly!

Because he is not lack of points in Tianfu Palace. For him, the points are still very easy to get. Just follow his big brother Lang Yunli to do a few tasks randomly and give him all the points. Even the 10 million points for the title of Jin Jia disciple can easily be reached. .

What he lacks is strength!

Even with the massive resources of the family, a person’s digestive ability is limited. After more than 20 years of hard work, Lang Yunfeng’s martial arts cultivation level has only risen from the early stage of the world stage to the peak of the latter stage of the world stage. Disciple A's minimum limit-the world is small and perfect, there is still a gap that cannot be ignored.

The rules of the Tianfu Palace are in front, and even he can't help it. However, he did not expect that Xiao Lang would improve so quickly, in just over 20 years, he would have reached the perfect world level!

Lang Yunfeng hated it even more.

And just as he wished to smash Xiao Lang's body into pieces in his heart, suddenly, the Tianfu Palace token on his waist flashed, and Lang Yunfeng subconsciously poke out his soul to check. This check doesn't matter, he almost bears it. He could not help running away, and said fiercely:

"Ning Fu'er, that bitch, really went to Xiao Lang!"

Lang Yunfeng also monitored Ning Fuer. Just now it was the person who was monitoring Ning Fu'er who sent him a letter saying that Ning Fu'er had left the residence and headed out of Wanlong Mountain with a smile on her face, which was the direction where Xiao Lang lived. She was not looking for Xiao Lang anymore. Who are you looking for?

Thinking of Ning Fu'er and Xiao Lang laughing and laughing together, Lang Yunfeng couldn't wait to lift the Wanlong Mountain. But he didn't dare to look for it, because he didn't know why he was even more afraid of being beaten by Xiao Lang. He is far from Xiao Lang's opponent now.

Lang Yunfeng stood in the same place for a while, and suddenly, a cold evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Huh! How about your promotion to the Golden Armor? I would like to see, if the Ning family knows that you are just a casual cultivator and don't have any support, will you be ignored!"

"Go, go find Big Brother, and go home!"

He still has confidence!

The wolf family is his greatest support!

Lang Yunfeng flicked his sleeves, and his figure immediately disappeared in place. Only a ray of light was seen to swept towards Wanlong Mountain. Obviously, he had gone to find Lang Yunli to arrange the funeral, and the informant quickly followed.


Xiao Lang naturally did not know the whereabouts of Lang Yunfeng.

At this time he had left Wanlong Mountain and returned to his residence. Unexpectedly, everyone was at home this time, and the knife greeted him from afar.

"Big brother, you are back."

The Demon God, Wuhen, Shura World God and Poison Dragon also came out to greet them. Xiao Lang's gaze swept across several people, astonished and delighted:

"You have all broken through the world?"

Last time I came back to Xiao Lang, I knew that Xiao Demon God and Wuhen had already broken through the world. It was only then that they went on a mission, and it was the first time I saw each other today. Unexpectedly, in less than a month, the knife and the poisonous dragon also broke through.

Starting today, everyone around me is in the world!

Xiaodao excitedly said: "Well! It is all the sacred yuan stone and Jinyang holy water given by the elder brother! I broke through in only half a month, and the poisonous dragon is less than a month. We are ready to settle down these days and go to team up. Perform missions, earn points, and ask for a silver armor disciple."

"In the past few days, it has held me up!"

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard this, and said, "Be careful."

Since the last time the knife was in danger when performing a mission, Xiao Lang had imposed a ban on them, and they were not allowed to go out to perform the task without reaching the world. Now that the knife has broken through, the ban naturally no longer exists, but you should be careful. Be careful.

The knife threw a fist and said excitedly: "Brother, don't worry!"

The crowd gathered together today, and everyone was in a good mood, asking about Xiao Lang's experience of these tasks. Xiao Lang didn't hide it, just talk as long as someone asked, and impart experience. When they heard that Xiao Lang was now a disciple of the Golden Armor, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and were surprised.

The knife is the most frank, and said: "Big brother, you are really awesome! Golden armor disciples, we don't have much in the Eastern Tianfu Palace, right? Haha, I can be considered as a gold armored disciple."

The simple voice of the knife came out of the courtyard, and suddenly, I heard a pretty voice coming from outside the door:

"What kind of disciple? What excites you like this?"

somebody is coming!

It's Nymph.

The knife squeezed his eyebrows at Xiao Lang, and then, before waiting for the latter to say anything, he sprinted out and opened the door. Sure enough, the pretty person outside the door, who is not Nymph?

During Xiao Lang's absence, Ning Fu'er came often, and she was familiar with several people, and greeted each one with a smile, but when her beautiful eyes fell on Xiao Lang's body, a blush appeared on her handsome little face, saying hello The voice became low: "Are you back?"

Xiao Lang smiled and nodded.

Xiao Dao and others looked at Ning Fuer's posture like a little daughter-in-law, seeing her in-laws twisting and squeezing, but Ning Fuer still noticed it, and her smile became redder. After thinking about it, she let go and stared. He glanced at the knife without hiding his thoughts, and asked:

"What did you just say, so excited, could it be that you are getting married?"

Ning Fu'er deliberately ran, and the knife didn't care, she smiled stupidly, pointed her backhand to Xiao Lang, and replied, "That's happier than getting married to a wife."

"Big Brother got the title of Golden Armored Disciple!"


The title of Jin Jia disciple?

Ning Fu'er was frightened all of a sudden, her beautiful eyes looked towards Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang seemed to be cooperating with the knife. Before the latter had finished speaking, he had already summoned the golden armor hidden in his skin. Suddenly, the brilliant golden light of the golden armor illuminated the entire small courtyard and also illuminated Nymph. A pair of beautiful eyes.

Xiao Lang, really did it!

Two months have been agreed, how long is this?

"You..." Ning Fu'er was stunned for a long time, without saying a whole word, her heart smashed like a deer, and she was full of emotions.

She never expected that Xiao Lang would be so concerned about her affairs.

Xiao Lang smiled and withdrew the golden armor, said: "I have promised you, of course I will do it."


In addition to being moved, it is still moved!

Ning Fu'er's face is full of blush, her beautiful eyes are shy and radiant, almost coming out of water. How can one not notice the girl's heart in such a scene?

Seeing this scene, even the face of Xiaodao showed a good look. Although they didn't know why Ning Fu'er was so excited when she saw Xiao Lang wearing golden armor, the girl showed that it was already a good show.

When Xiao Lang saw this, it was natural for a while.

Ning Fuer knows what he thinks about him, but at this time, it's really not the time to talk about love, so she interrupted with a dry cough, "Ahem."

"Miss Ning, since I am already a disciple of the Golden Armor, let's go back to your house together in a few days."

Of course, Xiao Lang's intention to say these words was to go to Ning Fu'er's house to prevent her from marrying Lang Yunfeng, but the problem is that they didn't know Xiao Dao. When they heard that Xiao Lang was going home with Ning Fu'er , Several people almost stared out their eyes.

The knife suddenly jumped from the ground, staring at Xiao Lang.

"Brother, you're just getting rid of it! But everyone else is an ugly daughter-in-law to see your in-laws. Why is it your turn to become an ugly son-in-law and see your father-in-law? But it doesn't matter.

The Shura World God also changed his usual indifferent temper, his eyes filled with smiles, and rarely interrupted: "It seems that in a short while, I can drink Brother Xiao Lang's wedding wine."

Xiao Lang couldn't help being speechless.

What to do with this!

"It's not like this……"

Xiao Lang wanted to explain. Suddenly, Ning Fu'er, who was already blushing and bowed his head, said in a weak voice: "Okay, anytime. I'll go back and prepare."

After speaking, Ning Fu'er ran out of the courtyard without raising her head, but disappeared for a while, leaving Xiao Lang frozen in place, unable to say a word for a long time.

As for Xiaodao and others, after being surprised, they laughed a lot.

"Hahahaha, eldest brother, did you hear that, but Ms. Ning said that this wedding drink can be done anytime, and they have already gone back to prepare!"

Xiao Lang was speechless, glaring at the knife, but he didn't defend himself, and smiled helplessly. There is no need to explain anything. In fact, everyone understands that Ning Fu'er's words are before Xiao Lang's answer, and have nothing to do with the Shura World God, but just a beautiful misunderstanding.

But Ning Fuer's heart was sincere.

This is what Xiao Lang is most distressed about. After thinking for a while, Xiao Lang waved his hand: "Forget it, I don't want to, let the flow go. The most important thing at the moment is to solve her troubles."

This trip to Yanlang Star is very important!

Perhaps it was enough to determine Nymph's lifelong happiness, of course Xiao Lang did not dare to neglect. But he didn't have much to prepare, as long as Ning Fuer said to go, he could set off at any time.

Of course, Xiao Lang wouldn't waste his time either. After dispelling the knife and the others, he came to his bedroom, sat cross-legged, took out an ancient book borrowed from Treasure Pavilion from Xumijie, and flipped through it.

On the title page, the four characters are shocking——

"The Magic Gate Bleeds."

The records in it are all the powerful Demon Sects, Demon Sects, and Demon Sects that have appeared in the Eastern Regions, with their introductions and the terrible evil things they have done in the Eastern Regions.

As soon as he opened it for a while, Xiao Lang's eyes were dyed red and he was very angry.

"These magic gates are so utterly conscience?!"

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