Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 202: Flurry of Demons

After coming to the Eastern Region to join the Tianfu Palace, Xiao Lang focused more on his own practice and earning points. In addition to the tasks required, he rarely read other classics about the Eastern Region. Until this time, when Wu After the elders told him the battle of righteous demon, after reading the classics borrowed this time, Xiao Lang discovered that in the Eastern Region, the demon power was really arrogant!

According to ancient records, the demon path appeared in a wide range, covering almost every planet in the Eastern Region, and its methods were quite brutal, which violated human ethics.

Even just reading these classics, Xiao Lang could deeply feel the anger and indignation under the recorder's pen.

"The sky is three thousand five hundred years old, and the last battle between the demon and the devil was nine hundred years ago. The traces of the remnants of the Demon Flame Gate were found on the Black Emperor of the Eastern Region. Within seven days, hundreds of cities were killed and hundreds of millions of dead and wounded were captured. Even more countless, the Tianfu Palace was furious, the seven elders came together, annihilated the three Demon Flame Gate strongholds, and slaughtered more than 3,700 Demon Cultivators, including 25 Demon Heads of the Era Realm!"

"Tianfu has a history of eight thousand years, and the left cloud star in the Eastern Territory. A disciple of the Tianfu Palace traveled around the world. He found a magic well at the gate of the magic well. There were tens of thousands of righteous monks imprisoned inside. The disciple desperately escaped. Palace, Tianfu Palace dispatched elders to arrive at the first time, but unfortunately the news leaked, tens of thousands of monks were all killed, and Yaoyao escaped from the Mojingmen, only killing more than a hundred..."

"Tianfu calendar 12,000 years, the Eastern Territory Peace Star, the branch of the Blood Fiend Palace broke ground, and hundreds of cities around it were slaughtered in one day, and half of the sky was stained with blood. Among them, the misery is not humane. All of the eastern branch of Tianfu Palace The mighty power was dispatched, tearfully extinguished thousands of killing pillars, erected a monument to swear to future generations...


There are too many, too many.

Xiao Lang's love words were like words, and he felt more empathetic to the anger between the lines. He took a few deep breaths before suppressing his anger.

Demon demon, it's really hateful!

But Xiao Lang did not completely lose his mind because of these emotional surgings. Now that he has become a disciple of the Jin family of Tianfu Palace, it means that he has also become the target of the magic door. Naturally, he has also analyzed and counted the power of the magic door.

There are many magic doors.

Even if it is only recorded in these books at hand, there are as many as thousands, which can be described as a dance of demons and it is heart palpitating. But when you look closely, the magic powers are actually very mixed, unlike the righteous powers, which are inherited from family sects, and there are endless elite disciples. The powers of the magic door are strong and weak, and the good and the bad are mixed. Some of the magic door forces, even the venerable of the era realm, do not want to destroy one side, and ultimately end up beheaded by the local righteous forces.

In the Eastern Region, there are three most powerful magic gates.

These three demon gates were also the three forces that caused the biggest trouble to the Eastern Tianfu Palace when the Great Demon War broke out tens of thousands of years ago.

Demon Puppet School, Spirit Devouring Demon Gate, Blood Fiend Palace!

The three magic gates have their own characteristics.

Among them, the Demon Puppet Sect, as its name, is best at being a puppet. But unlike Zhengdao’s traditional puppet making, the materials used to make puppets are not only natural treasures, but also human skeletons!

In the human body, turn into a devil!

According to the records in the classics, the Demon Puppet Sect slaughtered the city more than once, forcibly looting ordinary warriors, and refining them into puppets for themselves to drive, and also known as the Great Way of Enlightenment!

Not only that, they also sneaked into the secret realm of the ancestral land of the major sects and families, unearthed the remains of the powerful men who have long since passed away from these forces, and turned them into powerful demon warriors. I don't know how many sects and families hated them!

But compared with Demon Puppet Sect, the viciousness of the Spirit Devouring Demon Gate is even worse. Their main practice is to devour spirits and increase their cultivation base, and the more resentful and resentful spirits, the greatest benefit is for them. Therefore, as recorded in the classics, after the devouring demon gate Champa , Did not slaughter, but raised all living beings in captivity, tortured day and night, when the resentment in these people's hearts reached the highest level, they swallowed it in one fell swallow.

These captive warriors are called human pillars.

In this process, I don’t know how many people have been driven mad, it is better to die.

They might as well be refined into puppets by the Demon Puppet Sect, because then at least they might be reincarnated and rebuilt, and once they are caught and swallowed by the Spirit Devouring Demon Gate, the true spirit will collapse, and there will be no chance of reincarnation, the real disappearance!

The Blood Fiend Palace was a major demon gate that emerged later. Some practices imitated the spirit swallowing demon gate, and there were often incidents of keeping the spirits in captivity. However, the core of their cultivation lies in the power of vitality and blood, and the pillar of cultivation is to drain them. Blood, for your own use.

These three magic gates are the three most powerful magic powers in the Eastern Region, and similarly, they are also the three branches of magic magic. Most of the martial arts and martial arts of other magic gates are also in this range. It is not about qi and blood, but about receiving people's spirits. They don't treat people as people, but materials and resources!

When he saw this, even if Xiao Lang was not a local monk, and had never participated in the battle of righteous demons, he couldn't help getting angry.

Even if he knew that these classics compiled by Tianfu Palace must be exaggerated, and there are traces of beautifying himself and demonizing each other, but even if only 1% of them are true, it is enough to arouse the anger of people and gods!

Magic Gate, this is their slaughterhouse and the training ground for their promotion!

"The magic door, really should be killed!"

Xiao Lang was angrily, and the Demon Slayer's heart was unprecedentedly high.

These demons are not worthy of living in this world!

However, emotional indignation will not bury Xiao Lang's reason. From a weak young man to the present, Xiao Lang has grown up a long time ago, and he is no longer that outcast. He understood that it was useless to have resentment. The Asura Field of Zheng Mo war is a place where strength is emphasized, and only with sufficient strength can it have the right to speak.

"The world is far from enough!"

Xiao Lang frowned after reading the ancient books on hand that recorded the last battle between righteous and demons. According to the above description, now the Demon Dao forces have experienced the failure of the last True Demon War, and have long been hidden, but in recent years, there have been signs of emerging. According to the experienced Da Neng, the next battle between the demon and the demon may not be long, and they will definitely not be able to bear the demon's recuperation to a certain extent.

And then, let alone the entire Eastern Region, all places are wars!

Meat grinder.

This is the most appropriate description.

In this battle that no one can avoid, the world realm is nothing at all, and even the venerable of the era realm falls every day.

"If you want to protect yourself, you must at least become the Lord!"

Xiao Lang suddenly felt the urgency of time, and when he recovered his sanity, he suddenly thought of City Lord White Wind, the middle-aged man who had touched him inexplicably.

"What is the opportunity to break through the era?"

Returning to this question, Xiao Lang's brows couldn't help but furrow deeply. But this time, he already had an object of reference, and picked up a book from hand--

"Era Avenue!"

This book was also found by Xiao Lang from the second floor of the Treasure Pavilion. On the second floor, in addition to the introduction of the Demon Gate, there are also records about the strongmen of the Era Realm, which really gave Xiao Lang the joy of a pillow when he fell asleep.

The record in this book is exactly what Xiao Lang desires most at this time, and it is full of the breakthrough roads of some era realm powers in the Eastern Tianfu Palace.

Xiao Lang read it immediately, frowning occasionally and occasionally stretching his brows. It took a full quarter of an hour for Xiao Lang to finish reading the entire book and put it down again, but his eyes were still confused.

This of course does not mean that the records in this classic book are not detailed, on the contrary, Xiao Lang has never seen a book with more detailed records in other places.

There are three main ways for the great powers to advance to the Era Realm.

First, walk the world and have an epiphany! This is a path of accumulation, which can not only travel the world to increase experience, but also accumulate oneself. It is also a way to do more as recorded in this ancient book.

The only disadvantage is that this method is quite time-consuming, and the shortest recorded time took more than 800 years!

For a world realm, being able to be promoted to the era realm in more than eight hundred years is already a pretty good result, but how can Xiao Lang be satisfied?

"Eight hundred years, too long!"

"The next battle between the right and the demons may begin in less than 800 years, it's too late!"

Xiao Lang put his thoughts on the second method——

Sit in meditation, and have an epiphany!

There is no time limit for this. One dynasty is one dynasty. The shortest recorded time is one day, and it suddenly broke through.

But this method can also be said to be a coincidence, and it cannot be done by people without great perseverance and grandeur.

As for the third type, for Xiao Lang, in fact, it can be said that there is no——

The elixir is improved!

Use pill to raise the realm of strength to the level of the world realm.

It's like Nether Demon Sect's You Linfeng.

However, if you do this, it is equivalent to ruling your own way. As a result of using the pill to assist in the breakthrough, it will no longer be possible to go further with his own efforts in the future, and he will be stuck in place for his whole life.

Of course Xiao Lang would not choose the third, so for him, only the first two could be chosen.

But the problem is that in the record of this classic, there are only the breakthrough process of many powerful people, and there is no core meaning, except for the last page of the classic, someone added a sentence-

"Qiyun Tiancheng, it is the era!"


When he just saw these two words, Xiao Lang thought he had read it wrong.

What is the relationship between the real era and the illusory luck?

It was here that Xiao Lang was entangled and confused.

But just as he frowned and thought hard, suddenly, the sound of a knife outside the door suddenly sounded:

"Brother, Miss Ning is here."

Nymph is back?

Xiao Lang was awakened and immediately stood up from the ground, his eyes condensed suddenly, and his face showed joy.

It must be impossible to think behind closed doors.

But you can ask!

Doesn't Ning Fu'er's Ning Family have three Era Stage Venerables? Perhaps, she can know a lot about Era Realm!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang no longer hesitated, and quickly pushed the door and walked out...

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