Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 204: Half day tour

When Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er arrived at Fengyu City, it was twilight, and the western flames were burning and the clouds were flourishing, and the magnificent brilliance enveloped the sky above Fengyu City.

Fengyu City is a city controlled by Yanlang Star, which belongs to the Ning family. This also means that after another teleportation, they can enter Magnolia City where the Ning Family Mansion is located.

Xiao Lang thought that Nymph would immediately rush to the next teleportation point without stopping, so that he could get home late at night. But what he didn't expect was that he didn't know if it was the cowardice or something else. At this moment, Ning Fuer was not in a hurry. She looked up at the burning clouds over Fengyu City, her little face was also reflected in the colors. , Suddenly turned to Xiao Lang and said: "Brother Xiao, walk with me here."

Walk around?

Xiao Lang noticed the strange expression of Ning Fu'er. He was a little surprised, but he nodded without hesitation:

"it is good!"

Ning Fuer smiled, very beautiful, like a colorful butterfly floating forward, shouting to Xiao Lang: "Go, Brother Xiao, I will take you to see this favorite city when I was a child, you I don’t know, there are a lot of my secret strongholds here!"

Xiao Lang smiled and quickly caught up.

The breeze was blowing, and the two of them flashed by. They appeared at the end of a street. Looking up, the whole street was full of snacks. It was a snack street with green smoke. At dusk, business was booming and there were endless tourists. , Nymph's eyes widened, and Xiao Lang seemed to see her swallowing.

Ning Fuer pointed to a few of them and said, "This, this and that one, everything is really delicious! Especially this rose hibiscus cake, I eat every time I came when I was a kid! It’s just that I was too It’s a shame that I’m not allowed to eat more when I’m young. I can only eat one piece at a time."

Ning Fu'er shook her head and sighed with emotion. Xiao Lang looked at her like this, and could fully imagine how innocent and eager her big eyes were after Ning Fu'er swallowed the last mouthful of rose hibiscus cake as a child. Laughed.

"Unexpectedly, you are still a foodie."

Ning Fu'er glared at Xiao Lang upon hearing the words: "Humph! Food, **** too! What do you know!"

Having said that, Xiao Lang could not refute, Nymph had already stepped towards the shops she had pointed out just now. There were many ordinary people on this street, but Nymph had not squeezed in relying on her world-level cultivation. Instead, they waited in line honestly, bought them one by one, and ate them while waiting. Finally, it was the Rose Hibiscus Cake shop.

Ning Fu'er stood in front of the counter and hesitated for a while, and there was even someone behind her who had an opinion before she finally spoke, but she only bought one, gently held it in her hand, returned to Xiao Lang's side, and ate carefully. After staring at this street for a long time, he smiled at Xiao Lang: "Go, Brother Xiao, let's go elsewhere."

Immediately afterwards, Nymph took Xiao Lang to many places in Fengyu City.

The reason why Windy Whisper City is named as the valley of the wind whisper, the breeze blew through, the sound was crisp, like a person whispering in her ears, Ning Fuer said that she often slept here when she was a child, and dreamed of hearing people’s words, like It's the same as storytelling.

Going to the hillside full of flowers, colorful, the little girl's heart is fully revealed.

When I went to the gate of Fengyu City, I was condescending, watching the endless stream of tourists below, and the strange clothes from all over the place. The little girl I saw was very obsessed.

Along the way, they said a lot more, even more than the sum of the previous few days. Most of the time, Nymph was talking, Xiao Lang was listening, and occasionally echoed.

Finally, Nymph took Xiao Lang to the outside of a courtyard.

The courtyard is very large, built in the center of Fengyu City. Not far away is the City Lord’s Mansion. In such a golden place, it must be an inch of land. In order to make money, more houses must be built, but unexpectedly, here There is only one house, and the door is locked, no one has moved in.

Ning Fuer stood in front of the gate for a long time, looking at the weedy lawn inside through the crack of the door, her beautiful eyes were filled with confusion and nostalgia. It took a long time before she said: "This is my favorite place to stay when I was young. ."

Xiao Lang stood aside and nodded without speaking, just staying with him.

That month, the stars were scarce, and it was late at night. Ning Fuer seemed to wake up from the recollection, and smiled at Xiao Lang: "Thank you, Brother Xiao, for staying with me. Let's go back to rest and go to Magnolia City tomorrow morning.

Xiao Lang nodded again, found a hotel with Nymph, opened two rooms and stayed separately.

"See you tomorrow, Brother Xiao."

Nymph bid farewell and went back to the room first. Xiao Lang watched her leave standing in front of the door for a long time, sighed secretly, and returned to his room.

But I never saw that even though Ning Fuer closed the door, she didn't immediately rest. She stood behind the door for a long time, not knowing what she was thinking, her face grew redder, and she suddenly covered her face and smiled, muttering to herself. Repeat the previous words again:

"Thank you, Brother Xiao."

"This may be the happiest time in my life, although only for half a day."


Bright red.


Ning Fu'er's expression kept changing, and she couldn't help rushing out of the room several times to see Xiao Lang, but she still held back. In the end he sat down on the bed with a grim expression: "Forget it, from tomorrow, maybe I am not me, so why bother with Brother Xiao?"

Come back home.

For others, these two words are sweet. But for Nymph, that was not the case. Because she knows what she will face when she returns home this time.

The face is peace.

Facing the elders of the wolf family who wanted her to marry the wolf family!

Today, Fengyu City half-day tour, what she enjoys, is not only Xiao Lang's company? There is also the yearning for the childhood. She doesn't care about anything, so everything is beautiful, but unfortunately, she has grown up now, but she no longer belongs to herself.

At this moment, Nymph could not help but think of the square courtyard and the wooden door. It seemed to see a little girl in a floral skirt on the neatly repaired and dry grass, laughing and making noises.

"It's a pity, Brother Xiao doesn't understand."

A long sigh, it seems that everything is ruined.

What Ning Fu'er, who was alone and melancholy, didn't know was that Xiao Lang didn't fall asleep next to her room, and stood at the door for a long time.

He understands.

Xiao Lang's thoughts are exquisite, and Ning Fuer's behavior today is so weird, how can he not understand?

There was only one rose hibiscus cake, Fengyu Valley, and the quiet courtyard that was my favorite when I was a child. Ning Fu'er walked all the way, and the traces of reminiscing about her youth were too obvious. Xiao Lang could clearly see that she was confused about tomorrow.

Xiao Lang even noticed that when the two said goodbye, Nymph was talking about going to Magnolia City tomorrow instead of going home.

Because to her, Magnolia City may no longer be called home, in her heart, it is not even as important as Fengyu City. During a half-day tour, Nymph was confused.

Xiao Lang could see that he was even ready. When Ning Fuer asked him for help, what would he do. But to his surprise, Nymph hadn't said anything along the way.

This is a strong girl!

She is willing to face everything herself, and she is not willing to trouble others.

Even if, to devote a lifetime of happiness to the family!

From this point, Nymph almost resigned. Although she didn't say it today, I'm afraid she will say it tomorrow to let herself go because she doesn't want to involve herself.

However, how can Xiao Lang be a person who retreats despite difficulties?

Especially after experiencing this half a day and knowing Nymph better.

"I will definitely not let you fall into the wolf family tiger's mouth! Nor will I let you end up in a situation where you are humiliated by the family!"

Standing behind the door, Xiao Lang's brain was running fast, thinking about the situation that he might encounter tomorrow and the way to break it. In fact, Xiao Lang was thinking along the way, because he couldn't just watch Ning Fu'er fall into the claws of Lang Yunfeng!

But no matter how many methods are used, the Five Era Realms of the Wolf Family are like five great mountains, pressing on his heart, making his chest dull and almost breathless.

Era Realm is really powerful!

Unless you have the strength of the Era Realm, or have the Era Realm as a backing, you are qualified to get involved in the spoiler.

Contact the Venerable Wuxiang?

No way.

Although Venerable Wuxiang has already expressed his desire to accept himself as a disciple, he is not his disciple after all, and this relationship is not justified.

What's more, I can't reach him either.

Xiao Lang was helpless, even if he knew it, as long as Venerable Wuxiang showed up and revealed his identity as Venerable Tianfu Palace, let alone a wolves family, there were ten wolves, and he would not dare to fight Ning Fuer again. , And can only forcefully suppress this idea.

The second method does not work.

There is only the first one-

Promote to Era by yourself!

Xiao Lang understood that such a goal could not be achieved in a short period of time only with his own passion. but--

"I don't need to do it right away, as long as I can find an opportunity to reveal the potential to be promoted to the Era Realm!"

Xiao Lang's pupils lit up, but then dimmed again.

There is a key-

The power of luck!

This is also the key point of achieving the Venerable Era Realm!

"Special physique and gifted talents can gain insight into the luck of heaven and earth. Do I have such qualifications?"

Xiao Lang remembered what Ning Fu'er had said some time ago, and immediately moved his heart, turning around and pushing the door out.

Give it a try!

A few days ago, because they had been with Ning Fu'er and the two had never separated, Xiao Lang didn't even have a chance to make a try. Today finally has a chance, how can Xiao Lang give up?


Quietly, the next moment, Xiao Lang has come to the roof of this inn, looking at the exceptionally quiet Fengyu City under the night, activated the body of the avenue, and immediately climbed to the Great Perfection of the World!

Just like instinct, Xiao Lang immediately mobilized the purple rhyme power in his body and poured into his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he suddenly realized that everything in front of him had undergone tremendous changes.


In front of us, the clouds above Windyus City are filled with different colors. They seem to have different meanings and contain different meanings. They are transformed from the body of the only creature in the clouds and connected into one piece, forming a beautiful and magnificent picture Beautiful picture scroll, shocking!

Of course, it wasn't just the appearance of this sea of ​​clouds that shocked Xiao Lang, he had also seen a sea of ​​clouds that were more powerful than this. The most important thing is the meaning of this sea of ​​clouds——

The sea of ​​luck!

He really found the luck of heaven and earth!

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