Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 205: Demon Proof

Misty fog, weird.

Xiao Lang condensed the power of the Great Dao Body in his eyes, and suddenly discovered that the entire world in front of him had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Colorful world.

Most of them are black and white.

Under the divine soul, wherever creatures are located, no matter how high or low in martial arts cultivation, regardless of age, they have brilliance, deep and heavy, or subtle and shallow, but obviously, as long as they are living under this world, The body is more or less blessed by luck.

Some of the dead have some but some do not.

In an instant, Xiao Lang's spirit swept across the entire Fengyu City. The entire Ning Family has only three Era Realms, all of which are located in Magnolia City. Although Fengyu City is a hub for communication between the Ning Family and the outside world, there is no Era Realm to sit in. The highest level of martial arts cultivation, but also the Great Perfection in the world.

That's why Xiao Lang was so unscrupulous.

No one can find him at all. What is he afraid of?

Divine Sense swept the entire Fengyu City, and Xiao Lang discovered that there were only three dead objects in this city that exuded the unique brilliance and color of the power of luck.

All three are weapons.

It is the weapon of three of the few World Realm Dzogchen warriors in Fengyu City.

"The divine soldiers of the Dzogchen World Realm can already cause the cohesion of the force of luck?" Xiao Lang frowned in confusion as the facts before him were different from those previously seen in ancient books.

After observing for a while, Xiao Lang realized that he had made a mistake.

There are a total of five World Realm Dzogchens in Fengyu City. For one city, this number is already quite astonishing. It can be seen that although there are no Era Realm powerhouses in Fengyu City, this city is also for the Ning family. Quite important.

Not that the five soldiers have traces of luck, and two of them don't.

After observation, Xiao Lang discovered the truth:

"It's not about the gods, but the treasures and materials used to make them! Which strange things also contain the power of luck!"

Realizing this, Xiao Lang's heart moved.

For myself, this is good news.

If you discover something in the future, you will not be able to recognize its identity and rarity, and you don't even need to ask others. You can roughly determine its value by investigating whether it has the power of luck.

"The power of luck is really amazing."

Putting aside his distracting thoughts, Xiao Lang continued to watch the entire Fengyu City, comparing everything he saw with Ning Fuer's recounting these days. It was discovered that although Ning Fuer was not in the Era Realm and did not seem to have a special bloodline, most of her descriptions of the power of Qi Yun were correct, which was obviously told to her by her parents.

Everyone is different, and the strength of Qi Luck in the body is naturally different. Since there are many strengths of air transport, of course there are also levels.

"Red orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, the world's air luck is nothing more than these levels. Among them, the red light is the weakest, most of which are ordinary people. The purple is the strongest. It is rumored that if you can raise your own air luck to the purple level, You will be able to achieve natural luck and set foot on the Era Realm. It’s a pity that you can’t see it now. The strongest force of luck in Fengyu City is nothing but green.

Xiao Lang's gaze flicked over the five great world realm Dzogchen experts in Fengyu City, three light green and two dark green. There are no young people among them, they are all old monsters who don't know how many years they have lived, and they have accumulated the power of luck to this level.

And myself...

Xiao Lang looked at himself with the power of his eyes--


Seeing the color of the power of luck on his body, Xiao Lang was obviously taken aback.

It turned out to be yellow, only a short distance from green.

"That's so high? Is this a bonus to my Dao Spirit Body?"

Xiao Lang didn't expect that his strength of Qi Luck would be so much. First, because he had just arrived in this world, he did nothing other than work hard to improve his cultivation level. According to the truth, the strength of Qi Luck should be It's not too high, but he didn't expect it to be yellow, which really went beyond his expectation.

Dao spirit body was the only reason Xiao Lang could think of.

However, after struggling with this issue for a while, Xiao Lang's mind was put on another key issue, frowning and thinking:

"It's just that, how can this power of luck be improved in a short time?"

Xiao Lang was very eager to achieve the Era Realm, and couldn't help but fall into contemplation. Of course, even if he was lost in thought, Xiao Lang's spirit still shrouded the entire Fengyu City.

"Focus on one. Earlier, I entered the Tao with the love word to prove myself. But now it seems that the love word is a small way, and it is okay to trap the enemy. As for killing the enemy, it is really powerless. Perhaps, I should try to change the direction of cultivation. "

"But, which one is better?"

Xiao Lang recalled the exchanges with Ning Fuer these days. They have also discussed this issue several times. As long as it is a world realm, it is all aimed at promoting the era realm, and Nymph is no exception. In addition, she has already been guided by the family elders, and she has already chosen her own way.

The way of the bow!

Therefore, most of Nymph's combat power and magic skills are on her long bow.

At this point, Nymph has the same choice as everyone else. Whatever she is best at, then choose which path. But when Ning Fuer asked Xiao Lang what he was best at, a wry smile appeared on Xiao Lang's face.

Good at?

I have a great spirit body and I am good at everything.

Xiao Lang understood that what trapped him was choice. Until now, he hadn't thought about this problem. Now it was a good time to think about life alone, and the night was quiet. Xiao Lang immediately fell into contemplation again.

"Although the body of the Dao is very powerful, there are almost no weaknesses. As long as I am given enough time, I can even understand every Dao and achieve the ultimate. It is a pity that what I lack most now is time. So, I only If you can start from the present, as for the understanding of other great roads, let's wait for the Achievement Realm.

Xiao Lang sighed helplessly, but in the next moment he put aside these noisy thoughts and carefully calculated:

"Emotion is one of the ways, although it was the focus of my previous practice, but since I was promoted to the world, it has not only helped me protect myself, and it has little meaning for existence. Unless I can go further on the essence of the soul, can it have extraordinary effects. ."

"Fighting with the same rank, I am good at limited magical skills. The split **** Prajna palm, true dragon power, and angry dragon power all belong to the palm of the hand. Killing the enemy at close quarters is still decisive, but close combat is inevitably too dangerous, although I have a holy thunder body, so I can't avoid getting hurt. Dragon Elephant Town Magic Peak is a trump card, after all, it is a supernatural skill, but my realm is too low now, I can only rely on it to control the enemy, cannot kill the enemy, and deal with the magic repair. Well, if it is to deal with other same ranks, it is still necessary to rely on Dao Spirit Body."

Xiao Lang counted his own strength and shook his head, somewhat dissatisfied.

Of course, Xiao Lang is already very strong for the other world realms of Dzogchen, but compared with Venerable Era Realm, the gap is still huge!

"Do I want to focus on the inheritance of the Dragon Elephant Venerable, and achieve Era Realm?"

Xiao Lang hesitated and shook his head again.


Taking the path of the Dragon Elephant Venerable, although you can shorten the time to a minimum, this is the old path of others after all, which means that Xiao Lang will give up many things, such as true dragon strength, angry dragon strength, and holy thunder body. Xiao Lang was really reluctant.

"But if you don't give up, how can you stick to it?"

Xiao Lang was a little confused, but at this moment, he thought of a person, a person who made him feel the opportunity of Venerable for the first time--

Lord of White Wind City!

In him, Xiao Lang had seen an opportunity to be like a venerable one.

Is he sticking to one?

Maybe so. However, he had never seen the White Wind City Master make a move, Xiao Lang couldn't make it clear.

"Probably not. Although he was born in the Tianfu Palace, he has already graduated. If he sticks to his heart, it means that he has already started on the road of Era Realm. He will definitely not choose to graduate and become the lord of one party. Who doesn't know. , Can you get the most opportunities in Tianfu Palace?"

"It is very possible that he doesn't even know that he already has some of the aura and resonance of the venerable. But if he does not stick to one, how does his body show the venerable aura?"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

There is only one possibility-

Promoting to the Era Realm is more than just sticking to this path. In other words, I have misunderstood the four words "stick to one".

It probably means not about martial arts, but...

"Dao Xin!"

A flash of light flashed in Xiao Lang's mind, and his whole body suddenly stood up from the ground. He realized it!

"Abide by the original heart, adhere to one, not martial arts, but Taoism! The City Lord Baifeng insists on self for a city, even if he die, this is his Taoism, so he will vaguely show the venerable temperament! "

"Then what about me? Although I don't want to be trapped in a corner and guard a common people, it is impossible to follow his old ways, but the world demons, I want to kill them, it is better to kill the demons to prove the way!"

Xiao Lang's pupils shrank, and Li Mang appeared, clenching his fists, confident.

"I am very good at this. Whether it is the Holy Lightning Body or the many inheritances of the Dragon Elephant Venerable, they are innately restrained against the demons and demons. This path may really be able to pass!"

Xiao Lang's heart became excited, and his pupils were bright in the moonlight, as if he saw the mighty continent ahead, there was no barrier.

Kill the devil.


Become a Venerable!

Xiao Lang smiled.

After a few days of confusion and an epiphany, this feeling is really relaxing and refreshing.

"Boys, let me wait for the little master!"

The corner of Xiao Lang's mouth bends into a mysterious arc, suddenly full of evil, like a ghost in the night, which makes people tremble and tremble, like a sword buried deep underground for more than a thousand years!

However, just as Xiao Lang was broad-minded, straight-out, and full of vigor, suddenly, the power of the Great Dao Spirit Body was sweeping the entire Fengyu City's eyes.

Xiao Lang saw that at the gate of Fengyu City, a red shadow of brilliance quietly floated, like a floating cloud. In his colorful vision, this red light looked really ordinary from the surface. The luck of some ordinary people is precisely red.

However, when Xiao Lang saw this ordinary red light and shadow, he suddenly raised his brows, and the evil smile on the corners of his mouth became even stronger.

"Someone will bring pillows when you are dozing?"

"How come there are magic repairs in Fengyu City?"

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