Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 212: Set up

Is it fair?

Xiao Lang's voice still floated slowly in the air, and everyone in the Ning family fell silent one after another. Some looked sad and fell into the past, and some sighed and regretted the past.

This is of course unfair.

For the family, contributing one's life's happiness seems to be a return to the family, but is it not a pathological condition?

Especially the woman among them, her face flushed, and some of them almost couldn't help the emotions in their hearts, and made a loud noise. This anger has been buried in my heart for a long time and never broke out.

It's just that when they started to speak, they were stopped by the only little reason in their hearts.

can not say!

I dare not say!

This is in Magnolia City, in front of the Ning Family Mansion. The two brothers Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli clash with Xiao Lang, and the three ancestors of the Ning family must have known it, and maybe they are still paying attention to it now.

If I say it, isn't this hitting the gun!

Everyone in the Ning family closed their mouths tightly, not daring to breathe. Xiao Lang felt a little regretful when he saw this scene.

Of course he knew why everyone in the Ning family seemed like hesitant to talk.

After all, Venerable Age Realm!

After all, they are their ancestors.

"Even if I have laid so much ground, they still dare not say. No way, for them, the three ancestors of the Ning family already exist like the sky."

Xiao Lang could understand and was not discouraged. This was within his scope of consideration. After all, he doesn't need these people to do anything. Some people agree that their aura is naturally stronger, but no one comes forward to second it, and it doesn't hurt.

His goal has been achieved.

The ancestor of the Ning family did not appear to refute himself, that was his purpose!

Failure to refute means that they are not tough on their engagement in Nymph's marriage contract! If they can grab it, that is their own ability, and they will not interfere.

Because if they wanted to interfere, they would have found excuses as early as when Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli were talking about Venerable Era Realm. There was no need to give themselves so many opportunities and say so many things.


Xiao Lang's previous actions seemed to be aimed at the brothers Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli, but in fact, he was testing the attitude of the ancestors of the Ning family!

Now that he was tentatively coming out, he felt more at ease, smiled lightly at Ning Fu'er who was full of worry on his face to soothe him, then turned his head to look at Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yun Li, his expression gradually getting colder.

When talking about Xiao Lang's style, Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng's faces were quite ugly. Fortunately, the Ning family didn't stand up to agree with Xiao Lang, otherwise they would really be angry.

Even so, they didn’t feel well, it was equivalent to being directly photographed on the opposite of morality by Xiao Lang’s words, the meaning could not be more clear-

"Twisted melons are not sweet, so if you know you just divorce!"

Of course Lang Yunfeng did not want to divorce.

I don't know if his brain suddenly changed from grief and anger, or was secretly pointed out. When Xiao Lang's eyes moved, his pupils suddenly brightened, and he stood up and said loudly, "How about you like Nymph? Who said there is no feeling between us? As early as many years ago, when I first met Fuer, I fell in love with her deeply. Even if she has been delaying the marriage contract over the years, I have been waiting. !"

Lang Yunfeng suddenly confessed that he seemed to have finally found a foothold, staring at Xiao Lang angrily.

"Over the years, I have been trying to impress Fuer with practical actions. You are the third party to intervene!"

Is there such an operation?

Everyone around the Ning family was taken aback, and immediately remembered that what Lang Yunfeng said seemed to be true. The marriage contract between Lang Yunfeng and Ning Fu'er was indeed proposed by Lang Yunfeng many years ago, and he invited Venerable Lang Family to come to propose marriage.

Xiao Lang remained calm and wrote lightly:

"So what? Does Fuer like you?"

"No, she likes me."

The girl lowered her head shyly, and the blush on her face went all over her neck. Seeing this scene, everyone around couldn't help but sighed.

Heartbroken, brother!

This sentence is a dead hole!

Lang Yunfeng's face turned pale in an instant, and the imposing momentum that he finally swelled up was only because of Xiao Lang's words.

The so-called Zhu Xin, but so!


Lang Yunfeng was furious, his chest was violently ups and downs, his face flushed, and he felt like he fell to the ground without breathing, and roared in anger:

"Xiao Lang, I want to fight you!"


As soon as this statement came out, Lang Yunfeng realized it was broken.

Wrong words!

He is only a disciple of Tianfu Palace Silver Armor, and his current realm is only the latter stage of the world realm. How can he beat Xiao Lang?

What's more, duels are quite serious in the practice world, symbolizing the face of a warrior! Since he proposed a duel, Xiao Lang would definitely agree!

Sure enough, Xiao Lang raised his eyes, his eyes were already serious, he looked over, and said coldly: "Are you sure you want to fight me? Ok! This duel, I will take..."

Something happened!

Everyone around was shocked, but they didn't expect the situation to suddenly evolve to such a situation.

Lang Yunfeng wants to fight Xiao Lang, isn't that a court death!

The situation changes too fast, and the life and death of Lang Yunfeng will be decided in an instant! If Lang Yunfeng was killed by Xiao Lang on the ring, no one would be able to save him. Even if Venerable Lang Family Era Realm forcibly intervened, Lang Yunfeng would never want to raise his head in front of Xiao Lang in this life.

But someone reacted.

"and many more!"

Lang Yunli stared at him, stopped Xiao Lang, and quickly interrupted: "Xiao Lang, you have misunderstood. Of course, my brother is not going to fight you in the arena."

Denied it!

Lang Yunfeng almost frightened his courage. Fortunately, Lang Yun rescued the field in time and looked at him as if he was asking for help. Xiao Lang has always been reluctant and unforgiving, and said coldly, "Could it be that the wolf family are all slanderous people? Lang Yunli, you said that your brother is not going to duel with me in the ring. Where is that? Is this duel two? Words, can you just talk about it?"

The always rigorous Lang Yunli complained in his heart when he heard the words, and stared at Lang Yunfeng fiercely, but his brain was running fast, thinking about countermeasures, suddenly his eyes lit up.


Lang Yunli hurriedly said: "My brother and you have a grudge because of Ning Fu'er, a fair lady, a gentleman, and competition is a matter of course, but it is not wise to have life and death in this matter. Since we are all now In Magnolia City, then follow the rules of Magnolia City!"

"The Magnolia Festival is coming, so let's follow the rules of the Magnolia Festival and have a bloodless duel!"

Magnolia Festival!

After hearing this, everyone around suddenly realized that they admired Lang Yunli's wisdom. It was not easy for Lang Yunli to think of a reasonable explanation in this moment.

Xiao Lang frowned slightly when he heard this, as if he was very dissatisfied with Lang Yunli's proposal. Upon seeing this, Lang Yunli could not help his pupils shrink.

"Xiao Lang, you have to be forgiving and forgiving, there are some things, don't go too far! Don't you think that you are really in the ring, you killed my brother, can you leave Magnolia City alive?"

Lang Yunli's voice exploded in Xiao Lang's ears, and no one heard it, because he used Divine Soul Voice Transmission.

Xiao Lang seemed to be shaken, his body trembled slightly, and he took a deep look at Lang Yunli, put away his eyes, nodded gently and said: "Okay, then let's follow the rules of the Magnolia Festival!"

"Three days later, Magnolia's martial arts field will be there!"


After Xiao Lang finished speaking, he never looked at Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng again, and walked directly to Ning Fu'er who was surprised.

"Let's go, let's go home."

Xiao Lang took Ning Fu'er's small hand. The latter wanted to say something, but seeing the look in Xiao Lang's eyes, he immediately swallowed what he wanted to say, nodded obediently, and led the way.

The third person in the Ning family went home. Watching Xiao Lang's upright figure disappear from the corner of the street, Lang Yunfeng finally recovered from awe. His eyes flashed with resentment and he spit on the ground.

"Damn mud legs!"

Upon seeing this, Lang Yunli frowned slightly, but didn't say anything. He just stared at the direction Xiao Lang was leaving, his eyes flashing in confusion.

"Strange, he just gave in?"

"Listening to his previous words, he shouldn't be the kind of person who is afraid of power. How come I put pressure on him a little and he gave in?"

Lang Yunli was surprised that Xiao Lang had spared Lang Yunfeng so quickly. Of course, the brainless Lang Yunfeng couldn't see anything, and asked Lang Yunli eagerly:

"Brother, what's the tradition of the Magnolia Festival, why don't I know? I'm not really going to be in the ring with this clay leg?"

"I...I can't beat him."

Lang Yunli looked back at Lang Yunli, shook his head to clear away distracting thoughts, his expression became a little serious, and shook his head:

"Don't be afraid, it's not going to the ring, just competing for the magnolia flower. It's in a special space. You don't need to be afraid at all. I will help you when the time comes."

"But you must be fully prepared for the magnolia flower competition three days later. The Ning family is very important to the Magnolia Festival, otherwise they will not change the main family city to this name. If you lose, maybe Ningfu I really missed you."

so serious? !

Lang Yunfeng was immediately taken aback. He seldom saw such a solemn expression on his elder brother's face, and continued to ask in a panic: "What's the matter?"

Lang Yunli did not rush to explain. He glanced around and saw that more and more people were watching the excitement. He frowned slightly, "Go, I'll explain to you when I go back."

Naturally, Lang Yunfeng didn't dare to urge any more, but he was in awe of Lang Yunli and quickly followed. It's just that he hadn't noticed that he was devoted to the tradition of Magnolia Festival. When Lang Yunli turned and left, he glanced at the direction where Xiao Lang's back disappeared. The confusion was still there.

"How do you feel like setting up a bureau? Could it be that all of this is his setting?"


Here, Lang Yunli doubted Xiao Lang’s performance at the end of his sudden release. On the other hand, Xiao Lang had already entered the Ningfuer’s courtyard, a large house belonging to the third line of the Ningfuer. Knowing what Lang Yunli is thinking at this time, he can definitely give the most certain answer——


This is what Xiao Lang set up!

It's not because Xiao Lang once told her that nothing is acting today. Just because, on the way here, Xiao Lang asked her about all the information about the Ning family, including the Magnolia Festival, and asked her in more detail than anything!

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