Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 213: Wolf five

After half a day.

The Ningjia West Wing Courtyard that had been busy for half a day finally gradually recovered its calm.

This half day is really so lively.

This is Ning Fu'er's home. Of course, the people who live here are their own people. Without the crooked heart outside, they don't want Ning Fu'er to marry Lang Yunfeng.

As a result, they were naturally happier about what happened today. They praised Xiao Lang again and again, congratulated countless ones, and talked about the appearance of Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli who were deflated, and they were even more interested in them, and they showed them to those who had never seen it. People said it many times and laughed continuously.

In the end, Ning Fu'er's parents suggested that Ning Fu'er and Xiao Lang should have a good rest in preparation for the Magnolia Festival three days later, when everyone retreated.

Watching her parents walk out of the hospital door and close the door intimately for herself, Nymph finally breathed a sigh of relief. Even as the most favored little princess of the Ning family, she has never dealt with so many people in a single time.

Xiao Lang also retracted his farewell gaze and smiled softly: "Your parents seem to like me very much."

Ning Fu's face turned red all of a sudden, just like the red clouds in the sky. He didn't dare to look directly at Xiao Lang's eyes and lowered his head. After a long time, he heard soft whispers like mosquitoes and flies:

"Big Brother Xiao, are you lying to me?"

Nymph was really worried.

Of course, she hopes that all this is true, and what Xiao Lang said today is true. But sometimes people will be like this. When the dreams finally come true, they often feel unreal.

Just like the Nymph at this time, the little deer in heart bumps into each other, for fear that the dream will be broken until--


Her little hands felt warm again, and she was firmly grasped by a pair of big hands. Ning Fu'er was startled and raised her head in a panic, but saw a pair of bright eyes staring at him, with endless tenderness.

Xiao Lang said affectionately: "Of course it's true. Who doesn't like such a beautiful woman? It's ridiculous that although I am a lover, I didn't expect to hesitate because of love today."

"Don't worry, what I said today is true."

The words of love were soft, like a trickling stream, instantly clearing all the doubts in Nymph's heart, and all that was left was joy and excitement.

it is true!

He really likes me!

The person I like also likes me!

Nymph is very strong, at least in the eyes of outsiders, most people think that Nymph has been such a character since childhood. But how do outsiders know the softness of Nymph?

Being strong is for outsiders!

Since childhood, Ningfuer was loved by the ancestors of the Ning family, and was jealous of many cousins. In their hearts, Ningfuer was like a greenhouse flower that was cared for. But how did they know that the more they were pampered, the longer they stayed with those high-ranking ancestors of the Ning family, the more Ning Fuer knew.

Is this a good thing?

Yes, it is a good thing for a boy. But for a delicate girl, this is not a good thing.

The cruelty of the world was shown to Ning Fuer in the earlier world, especially she knew that the marriages of her cousins ​​and cousins ​​were often the ancestors of the Ning family, the **** of the Ning family, when chatting, casually decided Next, it seems that what they are talking about is just a trivial matter.

From then on, Nymph began to think of herself.

Will I be like them in the future?

Because of the promise of a word, a half-life is happy.

Do not. Is that really happiness?

Before getting in touch with Lang Yunfeng, Ning Fu'er learned that someone proposed to her ancestor and the object was herself, and Ning Fu'er was relieved.

At least I still have the qualifications to be chosen, at least someone wants to pursue myself.

The person I love, also loves me, seems to exist only in dreams.

But when she had actually met Lang Yunfeng, the joy in her heart immediately disappeared. She didn't like Lang Yunfeng at all, even when she first saw him, she felt disgust from the bottom of her heart.

The look in Lang Yunfeng's eyes always gave her an extreme sense of insecurity. It seemed that the former had something in mind, and he didn't approach him because he liked it.


Today, the dream has finally come into reality.

"Brother Xiao, you..."

Love is as thick as honey, and all kinds of love words rush to my heart, but in the end it turns into a sentence——

"You must be careful! Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli were mocked by you today. They will definitely not give up. They will definitely find a way to deal with you on the Magnolia Day three days later."

Xiao Lang smiled lightly, and said indifferently: "Don't worry, everything is in my plan."

"If I can, I really want to kill Lang Yunfeng directly in the ring. But that cost too much, maybe even your Ning family will be implicated. The Magnolia Festival tradition is a good thing."

Good thing?

Ning Fu'er blinked and said curiously: "Big Brother Xiao, you already have a plan?"

Xiao Lang nodded without hiding.

"There is indeed a plan. However, whether this plan can be implemented smoothly depends on whether the brothers Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng will give a chance."

Xiao Lang glanced at Ning Fu'er who was slightly worried, and smiled: "But don't worry, my woman will never be taken away by others. Even if my plan is unsuccessful, I will definitely win the magnolia flower. At that time, if Lang Yunfeng has the face to talk about the marriage contract, even if he is shameless, the wolf family still wants it, and he will definitely not force you."

Xiao Lang was relieved. Ning Fu'er heard that the tension on her face was slightly relieved. She breathed a sigh of relief, her face flushed suddenly, and she said, "Who is your woman, shameless!"


Xiao Lang laughed, looking at the beautiful woman with a red face, his ape arms stretched out, and regardless of Ning Fu'er's weak resistance, he hugged the girl into his arms. The deep affection is between the sizes. For a while, it seems that Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli are no longer a threat.


When Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er were enjoying the world of the two after the relationship was established, the back pavilion of the main courtyard of the Ning family was also forbidden by the Ning family, where the three ancestors of the Ning family lived. Normally, even if the Patriarch of the Ning family wants to enter, he needs to report first, but today, there is one more person.

Four middle-aged men sat under the pavilion, each holding each other, but it was obvious that, except for the one sitting on the south side, the other three had some similarities. Obviously, they belonged to the Ning family. Three ancestors.

Being able to sit together by the three of them is definitely also the great power of the Venerable Age Realm.

Not bad.

The gray-robed man sitting on the south seat is one of the five sages of the wolf family——

Venerable Wolf E!

Few people knew that Lang Wu came with Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli. They had lived here for many days. They had also sensed everything that happened outside the Magnolia City Teleportation Array.

At this moment, Lang E's expression was a bit ugly.

His own disciple was frustrated, and he was still the two eldest masters, Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng, it would be strange if his face looked good.

The three ancestors of the Ning family also looked different.

Ning Jiatai Shang Ning Yuan looked indifferent, as if he hadn't seen Wolf Wu's ugly expression, he wandered freely and drank himself. Of course, he drank tea, and the fragrance of tea wandered the entire courtyard.

Ning Guanghe, the second ancestor of the Ning family, with a wry smile, glanced at his elder brother Ning Yuan, and then at Lang E, somewhat helpless, but did not avert the topic.

Ninghuo, the fourth ancestor of the Ning family, frowned, as if dissatisfied. The light kept sweeping towards his eldest brother Ning Yuan. The triangular eyes were slightly cloudy, and there was a flickering cold light. After a long time, it seemed that he finally couldn't help it, saying:

"Big Brother, you really decided to let the kid named Xiao Lang, Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli enter the Magnolia Tower? Isn't this too disrespectful of the marriage contract?"

Ning Yuan played with the tea cup in his hand and did not respond at the first time. When Ninghuo was obviously more impatient, he swallowed the tea in one gulp, looked at Ninghuo coldly, and said:

"Marriage contract? I haven't asked you about this, but you have brought it up by yourself. Who made you profess Fuer's marriage contract?!"

Ninghuo Wan never expected that in front of outsiders, Ning Yuan would suddenly question himself like this, his complexion instantly stiff.


Outsiders, even the Ning family only knew that the marriage contract between Ning Fu'er and Lang Yunfeng was made by the ancestors, but they didn't know that Ning Yuan, who had preferred Ning Fu'er since childhood, didn't know it at all, and it was Ning Huo who made the proposition. Ning Yuan finally learned about it until the closing day a while ago, and at that time, Lang E had already boarded the door.

Ning Huo bit his scalp and said, "Isn't he just a junior, let's talk about..."

Ning Huo wanted to find a reason. Suddenly Wolf E interrupted and stared at Ning Yuan: "Does Brother Ning think that the second young master of my wolf family is not qualified to marry Ning Fu'er girl?"

When Ning Yuan heard the words, his brows were clearly furrowed, and the corners of his mouth raised a sneer. Although he disappeared immediately, who didn't know that this was what Ning Yuan wanted to show Lang E on purpose?

"Is there any qualification? I'll know in three days."

"This is Xiao Lang's boy, I think it's good. If he wins in three days, then the marriage contract between Fu'er and Lang Yunfeng will be over."

forget it!

Ning Yuan's tone was casual, as if he was not facing a warrior of the same rank as him at this time, but like a younger generation, putting the tea cup down, Ning Yuan got up directly.

"The old man is tired, go to rest first, you guys are talking."

After that, Ning Yuan really left!

Watching this scene, Langwu was stunned for a long time, but he didn't recover for a long time.

Ning Yuan really just left?

What does he think of himself!

"This... Brother Ninghuo, is this how your Ning family treats guests!"

Wolf E was furious.

Since he was promoted to the Era Realm, when has he been so wronged?

Ning Huo was also taken aback by Ning Yuan's bluntness, but he didn't expect the latter to say to leave. If you say it nicely, it's called rashness, or if it doesn't sound good, it's slaps.

Who do you think you are? I need to tell you when I leave?

Ning Guanghe saw this scene, looked at Langwu's desperate appearance, almost couldn't hold back a smile, and quickly got up to make a consummation: "Brother Lang, don't worry, I'll go take a look. Hey, after leaving the customs this time, the eldest brother is indeed too casual. Up."

Lang E nodded, his anger a little loose. It's just that before he waited for him to say anything, but after seeing Ning Guanghe leave his seat, he went straight to the west. Which direction was Ning away from?

Ning Guanghe, also left!


Langwu was so angry that he almost vomited blood, his eyes were red.


This is a stark insult!

However, when he got up and was about to furious, he saw that a pair of yin-like eyes did not know when they came before them. The gleams of them flickered, and they were uncertain, and a looming voice sounded in his ears:

"Brother Wolf, don't be disturbed by these trivial things. Three days later, it is very important. We need to think about it long-term!"

Langwu's heart twitched, his anger suddenly dissipated, his face became serious, where is the previous anger and corruption?

"Xiao Lang, must die!"

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