Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 214: Bright sword


Maybe it was because I felt that my expression changed suddenly, or I was afraid that Ning Yuan, Ning Guang and the two had not actually gone far. Observing secretly, Langwu snorted and Ninghuo quickly comforted, but in fact, they were Constantly communicate secretly.

Ning Huo shook his head insignificantly and said: "It is not easy to kill him now. It is too risky to start in Magnolia City. If my elder and second brothers find out, we are likely to be in disaster. And, yesterday I sent The man shot, the noble son is also there, beside that Xiao Lang, there is probably also an Era Realm Venerable, and my demon puppet died instantly."

When Wolf Wu heard this, his pupils shrank.

Another era?

It is indeed irrational to make a rash move. If it is discovered, it is difficult to get out with two enemies and three, and once his identity is exposed, the end is even more difficult!

As for the identities of him and Ninghuo, the answer naturally doesn’t need to be said.

Magic repair!

They are all demons at the Era Realm level!

They have been hiding in the Ning Family and the Wolf Family, secretly not knowing how long they have eroded the two big families, this time they finally took action.

With a flash of blood in Langwu's eyes, he continued to ask, "Ning Yuan's old man, what kind of martial arts is he doing now?"

For the Wolf Family and the Ning Family, the other six epoch-level veterans besides them, the one that Langwu fears most is Ning Yuan. Ning Yuan was the first person in the entire Ning family to set foot in the Venerable Realm, even tens of thousands of years before the appearance of the first Era Realm of the Wolf Family, and his background was profound and unfathomable.

Even more because, as early as two thousand years ago, Ning Yuan had already achieved the third rank, reaching the pinnacle and extreme of the low rank. Two hundred years ago, he chose to retreat. This retreat was a full two hundred years. Ning Yuan did not go out of the retreat. No one knows how much he gained from this retreat.

Has Ning Yuan been promoted to become a Four-Rank Venerable?

There is a big difference between the middle-rank and the low-rank. It can be said unceremoniously that a middle-rank venerable, even if he has just been promoted, can beat three third-rank venerables in battle, or even kill!

Ninghuo frowned, his face solemn, and shook his head again: "I don't know. Then he came out of retreat and didn't tell us anything. It looks more like two hundred years ago. It shows that the reality is too low-key. This matter , I'm not sure."

Wolf E was obviously dissatisfied with Ning Huo's answer, and hurriedly said: "I can't make a move in advance, and I am afraid of the old man of Ning Yuan, what do you want me to do, and watch Ning Fuer fall into the hands of others!"

Suddenly, Langwu thought of a crucial question, and hurriedly asked: "By the way, Ning Yuan, the old man, is not the secret of Ning Fu'er?"

Ning Huo frowned, thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No."

"Her talent is special, and she won't show it until she reaches the level of World Realm Small Perfection. If I didn't observe carefully, and happened to have seen this special physique in ancient books, I would never recognize it. Ning Yuan is even more. It's impossible."

"As for this matter, if you want to complete it perfectly, I suggest three things go together!"

Three things go together?

Langwu was shocked when he heard the words, his eyes flashed sharply, and he asked: "How do you say?"

Langwu knows that in terms of wisdom, he is inferior to Ninghuo. But he is not envious, because they are grasshoppers on a rope, at least now. Ninghuo's wisdom is their wisdom together.

Ninghuo's low voice came:

"The first step is in Ningyuan! This old man is scheming and powerful, and will cause great resistance to both the current situation and our future plans. This time it would be better to rely on this. Just do him!"

Wolf E was shocked when he heard this.

Ninghuo wants to kill Ning Yuan?

"It is very likely that he has reached the Fourth Stage Era. Neither of us is necessarily his opponent. Don't you want to sneak attack?"

Ning Huobai glanced at Wolf Wu and said: "Of course I am not that stupid! But in this world, there are more than one way to kill people. Recently, I have been successful in potions, and I have refined a few Phantom Pills, and I will find a chance to take it for him. , Even if he has the fourth-rank combat power of the Era Realm, don't even want to show it!"

Phantom scattered?

Langwu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

good stuff!

No wonder Ning Huo dared to make a move. It turns out that he actually refined such a potion, and immediately nodded and said: "Okay, Ning Yuan will give it to you! What about the second step?"

Ninghuo didn’t sell the gate, and said directly: “The second step is naturally the two brothers Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli. Brother Lang must guarantee that they can get the magnolia flower in the battle for the Magnolia Tower! This is a guarantee. If they get the magnolia flower, maybe we don't need to be so anxious to shoot Ning Yuan, the danger is too great."

Hearing this, Wolf Wu nodded and said, "I will give them some support. But, isn't the battle image in the Magnolia Tower visible from the outside world? In case it is exposed..."

Ning Huo immediately interrupted when he heard this: "Don't worry, it won't."

"This is the third step. I will secretly adjust the magic circle under the Magnolia Tower so that people can’t see everything in it. But remember, I can only maintain a quarter of an hour. Yun Li can't fight for the magnolia flower, can't kill Xiao Lang, then there really is nothing I can do!

A quarter of an hour?

Langwu's eyes lit up.


For a world-level Wu Xiu, it is a bit difficult to kill the same rank in a quarter of an hour. Because this is a beheading, not a victory. However, if one party has the means of the venerable era, the battle will end soon. A quarter of an hour is quite enough.

Ninghuo's plan is perfect!

Even, Langwu smelled another taste.

Langwu said solemnly: "Brother Ning, have you decided to do it?"

Ninghuo also had a solemn expression, because he could understand that what Langwu said was not only for Xiao Lang, but for the entire Ning Family and Lang Family!

Ninghuo pondered for a long time, and finally answered: "Be prepared and adapt accordingly. I think this is a good opportunity. If this opportunity is not grasped, we may have to wait for a long time, and it will be more difficult in the future. If Ning Yuan breaks through again, Even the Phantom Spirit can't punish him. What's more, the strength of the wolf family has also grown rapidly in these years? Brother wolf, do you think, in some time, if there is another Era Realm Venerable in the wolf family, our chance of winning is still How much can it score?"

Hearing this, Wolf Wu didn't respond immediately, just nodded slightly. I have to admit that what Ninghuo said is true. According to this rhythm, perhaps within a few years, the wolf family will give birth to a new age veteran. If you can win it, it’s okay. If you can’t win it, you will become yourself and Ninghuo to dominate the Flame Wolf Strong resistance!

"Then try!"

Wolf E glanced at it and finalized the overall situation!

After all these years of hiding, it is finally time to brighten the sword!


The conspiracy between Langwu and Ninghuo is naturally unknown to the outside world. They are very careful. They use the spirit to transmit their voices throughout the entire process, and the changes on their faces are pretty good. Let alone others, even Ning Yuan and others, who are also Era Realm Venerables, may not find their exchanges around them. .

It is naturally impossible for others to know.

Xiao Lang did the same.

No one knows the prophet in advance, maybe in a few days soon, the Yanlang Star will usher in a huge shock. But this does not prevent the entire Magnolia City from becoming more and more enthusiastic in these few days.

There are two reasons-

The Magnolia Festival is coming soon!

The Magnolia Festival is a traditional festival in Magnolia City. Even Magnolia City was renamed because of this festival, with a long history and a wide spread.

It originated from a beautiful legend, a legend about love.

It is rumored that a long, long time ago, a Venerable Era Realm appeared in the Ning family, who was also a female nun, whose name was Ning Yulan. At that time, the Ning family had not grown, and Ning Yulan had not yet been promoted to the Era Realm. During the experience of Magnolia City, which was not yet Magnolia City, he met his blue confidant. Fell in love.

It's a pity that her blue-faced confidant really has a bad life. It coincided with the battle between the right and the demons. He returned with serious injuries and died soon. It was precisely under this stimulus that Ning Yulan was promoted to the Era Realm, became a noble person, traveled all over the world for her husband, seeking life-saving medicine, encountering demons and killing demons, with fierce methods, and her reputation even spread throughout the Eastern Region!

However, after a hundred years, she still did not find the elixir she needed, but her husband was thinning day by day, and his life was not long. Finally one day, Ning Yulan came back again, but with a plan to die.

She did not find the magic medicine, but found a secret technique——


Venerable Era Realm can already be said to be immortal. As long as they don't want to die and don't fight with the victim, they probably won't die for hundreds of millions of years. Naturally, there is no life span.

The so-called transfer of life is actually forced to continue life!

Ning Yulan exhausted all the gains of a hundred years, activated the secret technique, and successfully dragged her husband back from the brink of death, but the price was that she had only ten years of life left!

Ten years later, Ning Yulan and her husband died together. But her life, especially the last words before her death, has been heard today--

"I do not regret."

Such a poignant legend, whenever this sentence is said, it will cause countless people to cry, imagine that when Ning Yulan was lying on the bed and said this sentence as usual, her heart trembled.

After Ning Yulan's death, she was buried in Houshan by the Ning family who had begun to grow at that time. She was buried with her husband. A year later, a kind of flowers that no one had ever seen grew on the grave, beautifully beautiful. , Is called the magnolia flower.

And the magnolia flower has naturally become the ultimate yearning for love in the hearts of everyone who has heard this legend——

Hold your hand, grow old with you!

This is how the Magnolia Festival comes.

Of course, as time changes, the Magnolia Festival becomes more grand every year. I don't know how many young talents will confess to their favorite **** this day, or even bravely rush to the Magnolia Tower, looking for magnolia flowers, and inserting them in the hair for their sweetheart.

Magnolia is the purest symbol of love in Magnolia City!

Every year at this time, it is a big event!

Of course, this time, they had no chance to break into the Magnolia Tower. Because just in the afternoon after Xiao Lang came, there was an order from the Ning family--

Magnolia Tower, has been booked!

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