Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 215: Start

Magnolia Tower has been booked!

And the person who rents out is the real master of Magnolia City-Ning Family!

This kind of thing is rare, even the first time since the establishment of the Magnolia Tower. The reason for this has naturally attracted the attention of countless people. After all, this kind of special festival, I don’t know how many young talents are waiting in the Magnolia Tower. Show yourself in here, and win the affection of beautiful ladies.

Magnolia City is very lively and everyone is inquiring about it.

Paper cannot contain a fire, and there is no impermeable wall in the world. What's more, the Ning family had no intention of blocking this news.

"Have you heard that it's the little princess of the Ning family, and the Ninth Miss, the most beloved lady of the Ning family, is going to pick a horseman!"

The Ning family is the earth emperor of Magnolia City, and Ning Fuer, as the little princess of the Ning family, is naturally qualified to be called a prince.

"Miss Nine, Ning Fu'er? Didn't she have a marriage contract with Lang Yunfeng, the second son of the wolf family? What is going on?"

There was a marriage contract between Ning Fu'er and Lang Yunfeng. The people in Magnolia City had already known about this. When Lang Yunfeng came to propose marriage in the company of Venerable Wolf Family, there was a lot of rumors in Magnolia City. In the end, how much of it was that Lang Yunfeng secretly preached it, and only he knew it.

"Huh! How could Miss Jiu like Lang Yunfeng? The wolf family, all insidious and cunning, must be the Ning family regretting it. But I heard that Miss Jiu found a Taoist companion in Tianfu Palace? And it is still Tianfu The Golden Armor disciple of the palace?"

"Yes, yes, indeed! I saw it with my own eyes! Even Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng didn't dare to do anything directly on him! His name was Xiao Lang, and on the first day he arrived, he was still in full view of him. Miss Nymph has proposed marriage, and Miss Nymph seems to be interested in him. It seems that this time the ban on the Magnolia Tower is for them!"

Xiao Lang!

After everyone’s mouth, Xiao Lang’s name began to spread in Magnolia City for the first time, and it was only a small half-day's effort. Everyone knew that Xiao Lang had a confrontation with Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng. Do not let the wind fall, even occupy an absolute advantage!

In terms of combat power, he also crushed Lang Yunfeng. Like Lang Yunli, he was a golden armor disciple of Tianfu Palace!

"What a great show!"

Inside and outside Magnolia City are full of expectations for the Magnolia Festival three days later. After all, Magnolia City has been stable for decades. In addition to the occasional wolf family threat theory, Nymph’s marriage should be the biggest event in Magnolia City in recent years, and it is more than the wolf family threat theory. It is suitable as a post-dinner talk, and the scope of influence is naturally large.

The most helpless are the young people who are ready to show off when the Magnolia Tower opens, but they can do nothing. In Magnolia City, the Ning family is heaven, who dares to disobey the Ning family?

So, driven by various factors, the influence and atmosphere brought about by the battle between Xiao Lang and Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli brothers began to grow at a terrifying rate, and finally on the day of Magnolia Festival. , Reached the peak never seen before in the Magnolia Festival in the past!


The fourth day, Magnolia Festival!

The sky was dark, and the entire Magnolia City was already agitated. For this day, the Ning family also made a lot of preparations, and the Magnolia Tower, which had been transformed for a few days, was finally reopened.

Before noon, Xiao Lang accompanied all the Ning family members of the third line of the Ning family to the Magnolia City Martial Arts Field, accompanied by Ning Fu'er all the way, and immediately attracted the attention of all onlookers.

"That's Xiao Lang?"

"Although he is not too handsome, he is also a talent, much better than that Lang Yunfeng!"

There were endless discussions along the way, but Xiao Lang didn't care, his expression was indifferent and he was not stage fright at all. He was obviously more concerned about the towering Magnolia Tower in the distance than the constant voices.

Inside the Magnolia Tower is a special space.

It is like the secret realm opened during the assessment of the disciples of the Eastern Tianfu Temple, it is dangerous and has many assessment methods. It's just that the Tianfu Temple evaluates disciples relying on points, and in the Magnolia Tower, it relies on magnolia flowers.

The magnolia flower is not a single flower, there are hundreds of them hidden in it, some are hidden in the body of a beast, and some are hidden behind some ingenious tricks, which is extremely elusive.

Everyone has a limited time to enter the Magnolia Tower, at most three hours at a time. Who can bring out the most magnolia flowers from it is of course the most dazzling one.

This time Lang Yunfeng and Xiao Lang also followed this rule.

The Magnolia Tower was very tall, weighing dozens of weights, and Xiao Lang looked back after seeing it for a while.

It's just a secret, little Doyle.

Today, the martial arts arena in Magnolia City was also specially cleaned. The area was divided into separate areas. Xiao Lang followed the Ning family’s third protagonist team to find his place to sit down, but not long after, everyone stood up suddenly:

"The ancestors are here!"


Everyone stood up and looked respectfully towards the entrance of the fighting arena, only to see four middle-aged men entering almost side by side, with extraordinary bearing. Only after entering, one of them walked to the VIP seat, and only three of them boarded the main arena in the center of the fighting arena.

Behind the middle-aged man, Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli followed.

Perceiving Xiao Lang's gaze, the middle-aged man seemed to glance towards this side unintentionally, but then withdrew his gaze. His speed was very fast, just for a moment, but at this moment, Xiao Lang still felt a great sense of crisis coming from his heart.

As if noticed Xiao Lang's sight, Ning Fuer whispered:

"He is Wolf E, the youngest Era Realm Venerable in the Wolf Family. It's just that he, like Grandpa Fourth, used pills to break through."

Venerable Wolf Family Era Realm!

Xiao Lang nodded unchecked when he heard the words, his gaze shifted from Langwu to Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng, his gaze intertwined, and he burst into sharp and sharp brilliance.

Today is the day of their duel!

As for the battlefield, the tradition of Magnolia Festival continues.

The Magnolia Festival is related to the ancestors of the Ning family. Of course, it is more than just a festival. It is customary to worship the ancestors every day. It's just that this has little to do with outsiders such as Xiao Lang, Lang Yunfeng, Lang Yunli, etc. When the Ning family is busy burning incense and offering ancestors, it is almost noon.

The streets outside the fighting arena faintly boiled.

Because as usual, the Magnolia Tower is about to open.

as expected.

When Ning Yuan inserted the last incense on behalf of the entire Ning family and turned his head, his eyes seemed to swept across Xiao Lang, Lang Yunfeng, and Lang Yunli inadvertently, saying:

"Open the Magnolia Tower."

"This matter will eventually have a result, I will wait and see."

After finishing speaking, Ning Yuan didn't wait for Xiao Lang, Lang Yunli, and Lang Yunfeng to respond, he had already sat down on the chair again, and Xiao Lang was taken aback.

So casual!

However, Ning Yuan was right, there was really nothing to say. The agreement has been made, just continue, why need to explain too much? For Magnolia City, the Ning family is heaven! For the Ning family, Ning Yuan is the kingly way!

Ning Yuan spoke, who would dare to interrupt?

Immediately someone got up and opened the Magnolia Tower. In an instant, there was a little light around the pagoda, and two light curtains floated out of thin air. Although there was nothing inside, everyone knew what the two light curtains did.

Watch the battle!

When Xiao Lang, Lang Yunfeng, and Lang Yunli entered the Magnolia Tower and began to compete for the magnolia flower, the two light curtains would follow their whereabouts and move with insight into each of their movements.

This is to prevent cheating and to let the outside know what the situation is inside. In case of danger, it is convenient for the strong outside to take rescue.

The middle-aged man who opened the Magnolia Tower did not immediately return to his seat, but rubbed his fingers and burned the incense. The moment the incense candle was inserted in the incense burner, a loud voice spread throughout the audience:


"Time is limited, three hours!"

It finally started!


Before the middle-aged man's voice fell, everyone saw three rays of light swiftly out from the guest seat, and disappeared after entering the magnolia tower opened gate. Everyone was shocked, and immediately looked at the two light curtains, and saw that they came into sight. Who are Xiao Lang, Lang Yunfeng, and Lang Yunli?

They have gone in!

There was no collision of words before the competition?

Seeing that the two brothers Xiao Lang and Lang Yunfeng entered the tower directly, without saying a word, the many spectators around who heard of their exchange of words three days ago certainly felt a bit regretful, but the next moment, they had already discarded these distracting thoughts in their minds. Lock your eyes firmly on the two light curtains, and keep your eyes intent for fear of missing a moment of excitement.

The rhetoric is good-looking, but the strong attack is more exciting!

The Magnolia Festival is held every year. Similarly, the Magnolia Tower is also opened every year. Although there have been many changes in the Magnolia Tower this time for the brothers Xiao Lang and Lang Yunfeng, it is all about the strength of the opponent. After all, Xiao Lang and Lang Yunli are both Golden Armored disciples of Tianfu Palace, and their methods are far from comparable to ordinary warriors. The enemies in the Magnolia Tower before and them are not at the same level of strength, and they must be strengthened.

But the rest of the Magnolia Tower has not changed.

As a result, many spectators who were already familiar with the Magnolia Tower immediately saw it. When Xiao Lang, Lang Yunfeng, and Lang Yunli broke into the tower almost at the same time, they rushed directly in two directions and directly parted ways. .

The imagined direct battle did not break out, and many spectators were inevitably disappointed, but they did not immerse themselves in this emotion for too long, because when the two brothers Xiao Lang and Lang Yunfeng entered the tower, they immediately met their opponents!


The war has not yet begun, and discussions have been faintly discussed inside and outside the martial arts venue of Magnolia City.

"Who do you think can get the first magnolia flower?"

"Although in my heart I prefer Xiao Lang to take the lead. After all, he is the one Miss Nine really likes, but things are a bit bad. How could Xiao Lang be so impulsive, he agreed with Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli. Fight against him, and he didn’t even look for a helper? He is very disadvantaged like this. Although he is the pinnacle of World Realm Xiao Perfection, but Lang Yun Li is stronger, but he is the pinnacle of World Realm Dzogchen! I think this time, it should be Lang Yun Li. Be the first."

Some people analyzed it, it was justified and convincing. Especially when everyone saw the fierce beasts Xiao Lang and Lang Yunli had encountered from the light curtain, they were even more impressed.

I saw a snow-white giant ape floating in the void in front of Xiao Lang, and on the side of Lang Yunli, there was a golden giant python with the waist of an adult!

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