Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 217: Little action


Seeing Xiao Lang in the Magnolia Tower waved his fists and feet, a fierce beast in the world that seemed extremely terrifying to them could not even die tragically when resisting, and it was shockingly shocking. All the words merged into this sentence.

Too rigid!

Kill directly, never evade!

If Xiao Lang's performance at the beginning made them feel scalp numb, the next two hours, Xiao Lang's thunderous slaughter made them more frightened, and no one doubted his fierce combat power anymore.

In their opinion, Xiao Lang is the most terrifying terrifying beast compared to the fierce beasts in the Magnolia Tower. After beheading the frost great ape with the momentum of thunder, Xiao Lang smashed into the Magnolia Tower. In the depths of, the fierce beasts encountered were stronger than the other, both in realm and combat power, far surpassing the Frost Great Ape, but they could cause enough trouble for Xiao Lang, very few!

Even, no one could stop him from a cup of tea a little bit, at most ten breaths, all the fierce beasts that blocked Xiao Lang's path were dead.

As an adult, the clouded golden-thread leopard, who is comparable to the world's perfection, was chopped on the waist by Xiao Lang with a hand knife. While his skin was broken and his muscles and bones shattered, Xiao Lang did not have any heartfelt feelings, as if he had no emotional color. The killing machine, with five fingers and claws, was deeply inserted into the latter's back. Amidst the miserable roar of the Yunmo Golden Thread Leopard, it simply pulled out its spine.


Accompanied by the dazzling and dazzling brilliance, the Yunmo Golden Thread Leopard, whose combat power has absolutely reached the pinnacle of the World Realm, was killed by Xiao Lang.

It's another magnolia flower!

At this time, Xiao Lang's forward footsteps stopped a little, and backhanded the magnolia flower into his storage ring, his body speed skyrocketed again, and he continued to march toward the depths of the magnolia tower!

"This is already the one hundred and thirteenth flower!"

Someone exclaimed in the spectator seats in the Magnolia City Martial Arts Arena.

What kept them shocked was the number of magnolia flowers Xiao Lang had obtained, not his combat power. This was of course not because the combat power he showed was not astonishing enough, but because they had been watching the battle for more than two hours, and they were almost numb to Xiao Lang's performance.

The combat power displayed by Xiao Lang was certainly terrifying, but his methods were too direct.

dash forward.


Then...then there is no more. The fierce beast in front of him will die in all likelihood.

The death of a clouded golden-threaded leopard has completely unable to make their hearts too touched. After all, the Yunmo Golden Thread Leopard is only at the level of the world realm Xiao Lang, this way forward, Xiao Lang has killed even the fierce beasts at the world realm Dzogchen level!

"Really domineering!"

"Warrior should be like this!"

Of course, there are still many people watching in many spectator seats, but most of them are rational. After watching for so long, they also discovered that although the fierce beasts in the Magnolia Tower have a high level, their combat power is limited. The most important reason is--


"They have no intelligence, only the instinct to kill. After all, they are not their real body, but just the evolution of the magic circle. They certainly don't have the cunning nature of some fierce beasts. Their actual combat power should be at least weaker than the real ones. A small state."

Someone tells the truth.

But this cannot change the impression of Xiao Lang in his heart.

There is no other reason.

There is no harm without comparison.

It has been more than two hours since the opening of the Magnolia Tower. Xiao Lang has won a total of more than 100 magnolia flowers, while the two brothers, Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli, have only obtained more than 70 in total.

It's more than forty!

You know, Lang Yunli is the pinnacle of the real world Dzogchen! And like Xiao Lang, he faced similar opponents. The number of magnolia flowers naturally proved Xiao Lang's toughness!

Of course, this did not prove that Xiao Lang was definitely better than Lang Yun.

Everyone in the spectator seats can also see that Lang Yunli was in a disadvantaged position--

Drag the oil bottle!

This oil bottle is not someone else, it is Lang Yunfeng!

Lang Yunfeng is too weak, even if the actual combat power of the fierce beasts in the Magnolia Tower is weaker than their true combat power by a small level, it is far from what Lang Yunfeng can contend. Don't talk about bringing enough help to Lang Yunli, he is already quite good without dragging his feet.

As for Lang Yunli did not fall by Xiao Lang too much, it was also because in the following battle, Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng separated, separated by a hundred feet. In this case, even if you encounter a fierce beast, the first goal is Lang Yun. Li, Lang Yunfeng no longer has any worries.

But this kind of efficiency can't be compared with Xiao Lang, the gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

"Xiao Lang is really strong!"

Of course, everyone in the spectator seats attributed the reason to Xiao Lang being very strong, but some of them had not even reached the world level in their martial arts cultivation. They could only feel that Xiao Lang was very strong, but if they were asked to tell the specific reason. , They can't tell.

The four Era Realm Venerables on the main ring are different from some Ning Clan elders who are at the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm. They can see the specific reasons.

"This Xiao Lang is worthy of coming out from the edge of darkness, the real murderer! Sure enough, as long as the warriors who came out of the edge of darkness, as long as they are personal things, they have extremely rich combat experience. If they don't come out of the **** sea, they cannot break through. Edge of darkness."

The parents of You Ning couldn't help but marvel, and someone immediately took over:

"This Xiao Lang should have a special physique. You see, even if he has been fighting for more than two hours in a row, his stamina can still be so abundant. It is not possible to cultivate a special body-refining method alone to achieve this level."

Special physique?

The Ning family glanced at the speaker, and their faces were surprised.

They didn't see this, but what they said just now was the elder of their Ning family who is best at refining the body. Although they are only the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm, they have profound knowledge in the refining. Of course, everyone. Believe.

But after all, he was not in the Era Realm, nor was he a Venerable Personless. With limited experience, he could not see that Xiao Lang's physique was a great spirit body.

"If he has a special physique, it is not too strange that he can be promoted to the pinnacle of the World Realm in just 20 years. I just don't know what his special physique is. Is it true that he can be promoted to the Era Realm? There is enough help."

Many elders of the Ning family talked.

For their huge family, the world realm is nothing, even if it is the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm, the Ning Family is only a little more solemn. For them, the most important thing is Venerable Age Realm! This is the mainstay of a big family and the biggest weapon to deter the Quartet!

Naturally, their discussions were fruitless.

However, for the outcome of this Magnolia Festival, they basically have a certain number in their hearts.

Xiao Lang will win out of ten.

There is only half an hour left. Even if Xiao Lang does not kill a beast during this period, he will not get a magnolia flower. The gap of forty magnolia flowers is probably not by Lang Yunfeng alone. Power can make up.

This Magnolia Festival, this grand event, can indeed end early.

Only in their hearts that this competition is also the result of a gambling fight, they did not realize that the wolf Wu and Ninghuo on the main ring exchanged a glance, their spirits shone, but no one noticed.

It's time to start planning.

If this continues, I will really lose!


At the same time, someone saw Lang Yunfeng, Lang Yunli, and Xiao Lang in the light curtain rushing into the depths of the Magnolia Tower at the same time, but Xiao Lang and Lang Yunfeng almost simultaneously lowered their heads to cover up. Glancing across his rather rigorous arm, his expression changed.

There is also a small light curtain between Xiao Lang’s wrists with a number on it——

Seventy eight!

The same is true for Lang Yunfeng, but the numbers are different——

one hundred and thirteen!

The numbers on the light curtain of the two wrists are the number of magnolia flowers that the other party got!

The magnolia flower is not spiritual, even if it is obtained by others, no one else knows whether it has fallen into the hands of others. Of course, there is only one reason why Xiao Lang and Lang Yunfeng can see such timely numbers from the light screen——

Someone is telling them!

It's the person outside the Magnolia Tower!

"Such a gap?"

Lang Yunfeng knew how many magnolia flowers he had obtained, because all the magnolia flowers that were born from the beasts killed by Lang Yunli were in his hands.

That's a full thirty!

Lang Yunfeng's face was quite ugly, and he realized again that before he knew it, Xiao Lang was already an opponent he could not confront directly!

"There is no way! The soldiers must be in danger!"

It seems that the facts in front of him finally made Lang Yunfeng's final decision. Everyone outside focused on Lang Yunli, because although Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli entered together, now Lang Yunfeng It is the only combat power. Therefore, no one saw that the storage ring between Lang Yunfeng's fingers lit up slightly, and two finger-sized spirit beads appeared in the palm of his hand.

One is as white as snow, and the other is as red as blood!

Immediately afterwards, Lang Yunfeng crushed the first one without hesitation, and immediately——


The two large light curtains standing on the martial arts battlefield of Magnolia City suddenly dimmed, and it was pitch black, which caused the people who were watching the competition to subconsciously exclaimed.

The magic circle in the Magnolia Tower has a problem at this knot?

Is it just a light curtain, or is the inner circle broken?


Ning Huo stood up instantly, and the dull voice resounded through the audience——

"Don't worry, everyone! It's just that there is a problem with the light curtain. Elder Thirteen, fix it immediately and solve it as soon as possible!"

As his words didn't stop, Mr. Ning immediately rushed out of the crowd, skimmed under the light curtain, and started repairing. For a while, the attention of everyone present fell on the elder, waiting very anxiously.

But no one saw it. After Ninghuo sat down, a bloodthirsty prey flashed across the narrow triangle eyes——


However, after the light curtain went out, no one could see what happened in the Magnolia Tower, nor could he see. In the normal void of the Magnolia Tower, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly lit up, the corners of his mouth were raised, and the evil spirit was awe-inspiring:

"Little master, I tried so hard to persecute, have you finally decided to do it?"

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