Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 218: Confirm

Here, Lang Yunfeng glanced down at the light curtain on his wrist, and immediately crushed the second **** spiritual orb in his hand without hesitation.

Blood Spirit Orb!

Immediately, a blood shadow flashed away from Lang Yunfeng's body, and without the slightest hesitation, it swept toward the depths of the Magnolia Tower.

After doing all this, Lang Yunfeng subconsciously glanced at Lang Yunli in front of him, but saw that the latter was still scanning forward, looking for the trace of the beast. He had no awareness of what happened behind him. After a sigh of relief, the cold expression on his face quietly manifested.

"With the help of Shadow Demon Puppets, let me see how you compare with me, Xiao Lang!"

"What's the use of thirty extra flowers? See how I surpassed you in this quarter of an hour!"

"It's a pity that Grandpa Four has an order that he cannot kill you as a last resort, so as not to leave special marks in the Magnolia Tower, otherwise...huh!"

With a cold snort, Lang Yunfeng's killing thoughts towards Xiao Lang are all contained in it.

There is another reason why he hasn't finished speaking--


Silently, with just three or five breaths of effort, the shadow demon puppet that turned into a blood shadow returned, and a magnolia flower was wrapped in it and sent to Lang Yunfeng's hands!

Shadow demon puppets are extremely fast!

As for all this, Lang Yunli, who was still looking for the trace of the beast in front of him, had no idea.


There was a problem with the light curtain outside, Xiao Lang knew it for the first time, and he also learned from the light curtain on his wrist that someone was calling. Xiao Lang looked at the small light curtain on his wrist, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

With this light curtain, he did a lot better this time.

In fact, Xiao Lang was not surprised at all when there was a problem with the outside light curtain. Everything was in his judgment, and even, what Xiao Lang cared more about than he was able to win in this gambling battle was the occurrence of this scene.

Because this can prove that his guess is correct!

"The wolf family, indeed there are magic repairs. Even the Ning family has it!"

Xiao Lang is not a fool.

As early as when he was attacked by Demon Xiu Night in Fengyu City, he had guessed that the Demon Xiu that appeared in Fengyu City was probably related to the Ning Family and the Wolf Family!

Therefore, he immediately changed his strategy.

Originally, he came with Nymph with a clear mind and purpose, just to help Nymph avoid this persecution from the wolf family. As for the method, Xiao Lang only thought of one——

Drag words!

Can only drag.

I am not strong enough.

Perhaps only by advancing to the Era Realm and achieving the position of venerable can the Ning family's attention be drawn and the marriage contract between Ning Fuer and Lang Yunfeng can be dissolved.

At present, I can't reach it, so I can only delay it as much as I can, until I have enough strength to solve Nymph's troubles in one fell swoop.

But when Fengyu City's magic repair appeared, Xiao Lang's plan changed.

If it can be proved that this magic repair is related to Lang Yunfeng, then this problem can be solved directly! Not only is Nymph's marriage date cancelled, but the entire wolf family will be destroyed!

You know, Tianfu Palace has zero tolerance for magic repairs. If the wolf family really has magic repairs lurking, none of them will be able to survive!

Therefore, Xiao Lang has been thinking about how to prove this incident these days, so he thought of the Magnolia Festival. The Magnolia Festival is indeed a hole he left for Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng. Xiao Lang knew that if he wanted to prove that the wolf family was related to the demon gate, it would definitely be unrealistic to start with Wolf E. He still couldn't fight against a true Era Realm Venerable. However, he can start with Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli!


Forcing you to show your feet!

"If I win on the Magnolia Day, Nymph's marriage contract can naturally continue to be delayed unless the wolf family decides to be shameless. But it is almost impossible for me to lose unless you have other preparations and actions!"

This is the reason why Xiao Lang displayed peak combat power in addition to the body of the Dao as soon as he entered the Magnolia Tower.

He wanted to force Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli to do something.

And now, his goal has been achieved!

"One step away, the last step!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, staring at the small light curtain on his wrist.

He is waiting.

He knew that if Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli wanted to make a comeback, there were only two things they could choose—

One, directly use the magic way to kill yourself!

Second, relying on the magic way to capture more magnolia flowers, and win yourself "righteously"!

Which one would Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli choose?

Xiao Lang was waiting, and at the same time, he was even more worried about the ability of this small light screen on his wrist. This small light curtain was accidentally obtained by Xiao Lang, and suddenly appeared outside Nymph's door with a note:

"Take it, it works."

Xiao Lang also hesitated whether this was a conspiracy between Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng, but in the end, he chose to give it a try. Sure enough, it worked, allowing oneself to detect the number of magnolia flowers obtained by Lang Yunfeng at any time.

Someone outside is helping him!

However, Xiao Lang didn't know who this person was.

Especially now, he learned from the small light curtain that the outside light curtain had been shattered and it was pitch black, so he knew that Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli had finally taken action, but this also caused another problem. ——

Can people who help themselves outside continue to bring useful information to themselves?

After all, the light curtain outside has been shattered, and to everyone outside, it looks like a blind man.

Xiao Lang's suspicion did not last long. Suddenly, a handwriting appeared on the light curtain--


Xiao Lang was taken aback, and instantly understood that within a short span of time, Lang Yunfeng got another magnolia flower, and immediately after—


Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

"They chose the second one! Use the magic way to compete for magnolia flowers!"

"With their combat power and speed, it is absolutely impossible to kill two fierce beasts in such a short period of time!"

Xiao Lang understood, and immediately without hesitation, he swept toward the depths of the Magnolia Tower. During this trip, he certainly did not want to contend against the magnolia with Lang Yunfeng, but to find Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli to prove his guess!

At the same time, a distracting thought flashed away from the bottom of Xiao Lang's heart——

"It seems that the person who gave me this small light curtain is very strong, and his status in the Ning family is even more extraordinary. He may not be able to know what is happening in the Magnolia Tower, but he can definitely perceive where the magnolia flower belongs."

"Who would it be? Which ancestor of the Ning family is helping me?"

Distracted thoughts passed away in a flash, Xiao Lang converged his mind and focused on the present. There was no light curtain inspection outside, and Xiao Lang directly roared and drew the Dao spirit body. In an instant, his martial arts cultivation reached the pinnacle of Dzogchen World Realm, and his speed skyrocketed!

But this is not all, nor is it the main support for Xiao Lang to hope to find Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli.


Xiao Lang exerted his force again, surrounded by purple awns, and gathered them as soon as they came out. All of them were gathered in his eyes. In an instant, both of his eyes had turned purple, surrounded by purple rhyme.

Cave world, check luck!

This is Xiao Lang's real trump card!


"found it!"

Xiao Lang looked to the front right. Although the surrounding space was misty and it was too vast to see with the naked eye, what Xiao Lang had insight was the power of luck. He didn't need to see the existence of people at all. He could sense that he was tens of thousands of miles ahead of the right In the place, there are three distinct auras, such as the burning of candles, and three colors are in sight.

"Lang Yunli's strength of luck has also reached deep yellow?"

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and he recognized Lang Yunli's fire of luck. Lang Yunfeng was weaker, and the flames on his body condensed by the strength of Qi Yun were only orange, the orange that had just changed.

As for the third color, it attracted all Xiao Lang's attention.

Red light like blood!

It exudes an unspeakable evil!


Until this moment, Xiao Lang finally confirmed his guess.


Whether it is Lang Yunli or Lang Yunfeng, or the wolf family behind them, it must be involved with the Demon Sect!

"Finally relieved."

After several days of conspiracy, Xiao Lang also felt relieved, but he was still awe-inspiring and angry. Confirmation is only the first step, only oneself confirms, and no one believes it. Who can believe that the wolf family, which is the first family of the Yanlang Star, has been eroded by the magic door?

Only by putting the facts in front of everyone can they believe it.


Xiao Lang recognized the direction and rushed away. The distance of tens of thousands of miles is not a problem at all for him at the pinnacle of Xiao Perfection in the world. It is just a few dozen breaths of effort that Xiao Lang has already bullied him, and he is only a thousand miles away from Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli.

Xiao Lang did not approach rashly.

Although he aroused the spirit body of Dao Dao at this time, and the breath of his body was infinitely compatible with the void, Xiao Lang was not too big. At this time, you should be more careful. If Lang Yunli finds out in advance and fails, then it really shouldn't.

Xiao Lang's gaze was locked on Lang Yunfeng's body.

Because he found that the looming magical shadow that could not even be detected by his spiritual thoughts has been floating back and forth between Lang Yunfeng and the depths of the void. Every time he turns back, the smile on Lang Yunfeng’s face will be deeper. And Xiao Lang also discovered that the number on the small light curtain on his wrist would also increase by one or two.

"One hundred and thirty-seven!"

In less than a quarter of an hour, the number of magnolia flowers on Lang Yunfeng's body unexpectedly exceeded one hundred and three, twenty more than Xiao Lang!

"This demon has extraordinary methods!"

"It's just that, why doesn't he even have a breath of life? Is it just a puppet?"

Xiao Lang suddenly thought of Demon Puppet Sect. The demon puppet school is best at making all kinds of strange demon puppets, which is quite troublesome and also caused great losses to the Tianfu Palace. It is the most annoying thing in the world.

Xiao Lang looked at it for a while, and was quite sure that Lang Yunfeng should be the demon puppet!

Found the master!

It stands to reason that it should be shot now, but Xiao Lang was not impulsive.


"Lang Yunli is still searching for the fierce beast, half of his heart falls on Lang Yunfeng's body. It is really unwise to make a move now. Wait!"

Xiao Lang had some patience, and waited a long time before finally--


Lang Yunli found another fierce beast and immediately slaughtered it. At the same time, he finally separated from Lang Yunfeng, reaching a thousand feet!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

The opportunity is here!

Because he saw Lang Yunfeng's wrist flip, and then Lang Yunli did not pay attention to his kung fu, a blood-colored bead appeared in the palm of his hand, and he waved at the Shadow Demon Puppet in the distance, and the latter immediately rushed over.

"Lang Yunfeng is ready to stop?"

"Is the light curtain outside to be repaired, or does he have absolute confidence to surpass me?"

Distracted thoughts flashed through Xiao Lang's heart, but he didn't hesitate in his actions. He stepped out of the void and appeared from the void. The whole body was thunderous, and the purple light was rippling, just like the Thunder God descending.

Now that you have exposed your feet, how can you take it back again!

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