Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 222: Chase

Nymph was panicked all over.

Like everyone in the turmoil in the Magnolia City Martial Arts Arena, they were confused and didn't know what had happened. They only knew that it must have been a powerful person at the level of Venerable Age Realm, and not one.

Magic repair!

Who is magic repair?

Was it the demonic cultivator who invaded suddenly, or was there a demonic cultivator in the Ning family? Or... Wolf E?

Ning Fuer did not care to recognize that she could become a disciple of the Tianfu Palace. Even though her martial arts cultivation level is not high, she still has a firm will in martial arts, and her movements are reasonably sensible. She took her parents' hand and plundered outside the martial arts arena. go with.

Regardless of the reason for this war, it is not appropriate to stay here for long.

When gods fight, mortals suffer.

In front of Venerable Era Realm, they are mortals, and they will die if they stay!

Of course, with her martial arts cultivation, she couldn't do much even if she stayed, and even the two sides of the battle in the void could not see clearly. Not to mention her, the surrounding space is turbulent, even the world's Dzogchen peak martial arts can't see clearly, can't identify who is fighting with whom, and who has the upper hand, who is about to lose.

Only Xiao Lang, with the Great Dao Spirit Body, could barely see the reality through the shock of space.

But he didn't care about it anymore.

Ning Fuer and the others were being watched by the puppet, how could he just ignore it?


Xiao Lang ignored his internal injuries, the Saint Thunder body filled his whole body, the angry dragon revolved, and he stepped out, like nine days of thunder and lightning. He didn't know how many warriors who fled indiscriminately along the way. Compared with Fuer, the life and death of these people is not worth mentioning at all!


Xiao Lang danced with his fists, his fists were as heavy as a mountain, and the dragon elephant seal surrounded his body, exuding a magnificent atmosphere of righteousness, solemn and solemn, and even the roar of the dragon elephant could be heard.

With a punch, a demon puppet is blasted out!

Xiao Lang with full combat power is extremely terrifying, of course, this is also because he did not intend to kill the enemy, and almost sacrificed all means.

Ning Fuer must not be hurt at all!

To be honest, the current Xiao Lang is not sensible. If it weren’t for Nymph’s sake, Xiao Lang would have chosen the principle of breaking through so many puppets one by one, but now, how could he still think about so much, where there are so many? time?

The consumption is huge and it has brought a lot of results-


On the way where they passed, the puppets flew upside down one by one. It was only then that Nymph felt the emergence of the crisis, and suddenly raised her head, her beautiful eyes filled with tension. With her combat power, if she is targeted by the Golem, let alone protecting her parents in this chaotic situation, it will be difficult to protect herself!

As soon as she raised her head, she saw Xiao Lang, who was covered in thunder, descending from the sky like a thunder god, thunder raging while waving his hands, repelling several demon puppets and arriving in front of her, Ning Fu'er's heart trembled:

"Big Brother Xiao!"

Xiao Lang didn't have time to talk to Nymph at all. He was facing from his back, still staring at the demon puppets who had slowed down and were obviously going to continue to rush up. His expression was solemn and his voice was low and serious:

"I will protect you and go!"

Ning Fuer, who cared about her lover, heard the solemnity in Xiao Lang's words, and then suddenly realized the seriousness of the current situation, and stopped saying anything. She nodded, took her parents' hand and squeezed out of the crowd.

Xiao Lang was also backing away, but a pair of eyes kept staring at the demon puppet in front of him and refused to relax, especially when he saw the scarlet eyes and the demon puppet with endless will to kill in his eyes, allowing the martial artist to leave, still facing him. When he refused to relax here, Xiao Lang's heart immediately twitched.

Be targeted!

Not yourself, but... Nymph!

Although he didn't know why, Xiao Lang believed in his judgment at this moment. Demon puppets have no consciousness of their own. It can be said that they kill when they see a living thing. They are extremely cruel by drawing blood and bones, but they even let the warriors around them leave and stare behind them. It can only explain that someone gave them. The order was given, and it was an absolute dead order!


Xiao Lang gasped, his heart tightened.

The situation is bad!

Before forcibly breaking through the blockade of these demon puppets, and rushing to Nymph's side, it seemed to be fierce. In fact, this was the result of Xiao Lang's desperate outbreak. It could not be maintained for too long, and it required a great price! Just like Xiao Lang at this time, the divine power in his body is already less than 30% of the heyday!

When Ning Yuan, Langwu and others suddenly took action, in order to resist the aftermath of the tsunami-like surge, Xiao Lang had already consumed 40% of his strength, and the explosion at that moment had consumed at least 30%!

Can't beat it!

Playing head-on, he is definitely not their opponent. After all, each of these demon puppets is at the pinnacle level of the World Realm Dzogchen, and the flesh is immortal, even more immortal, even more difficult than the ordinary World Realm Dzogchen martial artist!

However, how could Xiao Lang choose to escape?

If he was alone, Xiao Lang would have no harm in choosing this way, but the point was that Nymph and her family were still behind. If she escapes, Nymph will definitely be caught or even killed!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's eyes became very firm, his waist arched, his eyes were like stars in the dark night, and his eyes were so bright that he suddenly waved his hands, his fingers flew, and his dull and firm voice sounded like a thunder. :

"Give me... stop!"


The thunder roared and the divine power was violent. The people running around were shocked to see that the void behind Xiao Lang suddenly turned into a mist, like a cloud, but it only existed for a moment before it was broken, a blue giant elephant and a golden dragon Walking out side by side from the clouds and mist, the giant elephant camel mountain, the long dragon turned into a stele, merged in an instant, forming a magnificent mountain before Xiao Lang.

Magic Mountain in Longxiang Town!

At the moment of crisis, Xiao Lang raised his trump card again, and the magic mountain of Dragon Elephant Town was condensed with his remaining 30% of his supernatural power. It was extremely solid, and apparently reached the limit that Xiao Lang himself could bear. His legs trembled. , The sweat on his forehead was bursting, and he was even dizzy, but even so, Xiao Lang's eyes were still firm, like a rock in the turbulent river, solidly blocking the bodies of several demon puppets.


The sky is mighty, awe-inspiring!

The magic peak of Dragon Elephant Town was originally the fame and skill of the Dragon Elephant Venerable. It was a magical skill he had learned for many years. It is not terrible, even if Xiao Lang is only the pinnacle of the Great Perfection of the World Realm, he is still far from the Era Realm. But now that he exerted all his strength to display it, he was still unparalleled.


The power descended from the sky, all pressing on the bodies of the demon puppets in front of them. Suddenly, the bodies of the demon puppets trembled suddenly, and the blood mist on their bodies went crazily. The red light under his eyes was shaken, and there were faint signs of collapse.

After all, it is a magical skill at the Era Realm level, even if Xiao Lang has not fully comprehended it, it is a weapon!


Xiao Lang was overjoyed when he saw that, despite his dizziness, he bit his tongue violently, irritating the cerebral cortex with severe pain, so that he could still maintain his sense of reason.

But Xiao Lang knew that even if he put out all his hole cards, it was not enough!

The magic peak of Dragon Elephant Town alone could not stop them. Sure enough, before Xiao Lang's thoughts fell--


The demon puppets looked up to the sky and screamed. The violent roars that did not resemble human voices stunned the world. The breath of several demon puppets instantly joined together, pressing toward the dragon elephant town magic peak, overwhelming the mountains and overwhelming, and Xiao Lang immediately changed his face and only felt himself. It was like being hit by a heavy hammer in his chest, his breath suddenly stagnated, and a sweeter smell came to his throat.


The demon puppet was fierce, and Xiao Lang was hit hard in an instant! Originally, he was injured, and it was even more miserable at this time, but even so, Xiao Lang did not back down.

"not enough!"

Xiao Lang's spiritual thoughts spread behind him, swept across a beautiful shadow, his eyes condensed, he suddenly raised one foot and stomped **** the ground. Suddenly, his entire calf was inserted into the ground, followed by another one. only.

Would rather die than retreat!

This is Xiao Lang's determination!


No matter how many demon puppets were, they made crazy moves, trying to defeat the demon peak of Dragon Elephant Town, which was suppressing everything in front of them, and the impact was fierce one after another, but Xiao Lang blocked them all!

Even if his face changed from white to red, and then from red to white, during the period, he didn't know how many times he changed, how much blood he vomited, Xiao Lang remained unrelenting until--


The magic peak of Longxiang Town is cracked!


Inside came the roar of the dragon elephant, which seemed unwilling to his own destiny.

The magic peak of Longxiang Town is about to be torn apart!

Xiao Lang saw this scene, but his face didn't fluctuate at all. His divine thoughts kept sweeping behind him. Finally, when the Demon Peak of Longxiang Town was mostly destroyed, several bloodthirsty monsters would rush to his eyes. , Xiao Lang's face finally showed a touch of joy.

"Finally enough!"


This time, when several demon puppets rushed together again, Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, not retreating but advancing, and the holy thunder body around his body turned to the extreme, and the two sides caught the dragon elephant town magic peak and hit hard. ——


Xiao Lang was knocked into the air!

Facing the demon puppets of several martial arts that did not lag behind him, Xiao Lang of course couldn't stop him. The magic peak of Longxiang Town collapsed instantly, and he himself was more like a kite with a broken line floating backwards.

Xiao Lang, dead?

of course not.

Just as everyone around was shocked when they saw this scene, they saw Xiao Lang who was in mid-air suddenly a harrier turned over and stood out of the air, shooting towards the outside of the fighting arena, even if he coughed up blood crazily. , There was a crazy laugh on his face.

He is still alive!

Not only that--

"It's done!"

Xiao Lang was in the air, watching Ning Fuer had already taken her parents to the location of the Magnolia City Teleportation Array, surrounded by Ning family powerhouses guarding him, and he could leave this place soon, his face finally floated with relief. Smile.

It's worth it.

The reason why he didn't retreat was for this moment.

Even if she died, she had to give Nymph a hope of being born again. And now, he did it!

As for himself--

Xiao Lang coldly glanced at the Magnolia City, which had long been messed up into a pot of porridge, and the several demon puppets who had just stabilized and blocked the aftermath of the explosion of the magic peak of Longxiang Town. The killing intent in his eyes was full, and the spirit body of Dao Dao began to recover frantically.

"If you have the courage, you will catch up!"

However, it seemed that the movement he had just displayed the magic peak of Dragon Elephant Town was too great, or he had already regarded him as a thorn in his eyes. When Xiao Lang's heart was cruel, a voice he least wanted to hear suddenly sounded:

"Huh? Want to escape?"

"Feng'er, take my soldier talisman and kill him!"

"Nymph, you can't escape!"

Before he finished his words, Xiao Lang was immediately shocked. He turned his head to look at the center of Magnolia Chen, and saw that the teleportation formation that Ning Fuer had not stepped into suddenly burst open, the white light reflected in the sky, gorgeous, but A sharp blade smashed all the hope in his heart abruptly!

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