Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 223: escape

The teleportation array from Magnolia City to Outland was broken!

Seeing this scene, it was not only Xiao Lang who wanted to be cut off in his heart?

There was a sudden outbreak of a battle at the level of Era Realm Venerables. Not only the Magnolia City Martial Arts Arena, the entire Magnolia City was blown up instantly. I don’t know how many people flocked to the teleportation formation in the center of Magnolia City, because that was the entire Magnolia City and the outside world. The only interconnected teleportation array.

The magic door is coming, and you can't escape by simply running.

This is the lesson that the righteous martial artist has fought against the magic repair for thousands of years, in exchange for the lives of not knowing how many people.

When people are weak.

But the demon puppets don't. As long as they have enough energy and blood, they can move forever. Who can beat their speed?

What's more, there is also the Era Realm Demon Cultivator who appears in Magnolia City at this time, and the situation is even worse.

Slaughter City is not due to the character of Demon Xiu, there is a reason for it——

They are afraid of being discovered by the people of Tianfu Palace!

And only by killing all insiders can we hide the truth and hide the truth. In this sudden battle, if Moxiu wins, the entire Magnolia City will be destroyed, and none of them will survive.

Therefore, the Teleportation Array is their only hope and way of life. But what I never expected was--

"Wolf E!"

"He was actually prepared!"

Xiao Lang looked fiercely at the empty battlefield above his head, his face pale.

The plan failed!

But it was more than that which shocked his heart.

Obviously, it was Wolf E who manipulated those magic puppets to chase Ning Fuer. Xiao Lang never expected that he would still have two hearts to do this kind of thing, you know, the one who was entangled with him, but Ning Yuan, the strongest of the Ning family, touched the existence of the peak level in the middle of the Era Realm!

Wolf E's combat power is definitely not as weak as the rumors!

Ning Yuan might die in this battle!

The teleportation array was blown up, and Magnolia City had at most killed a group of people, but if even Ning Yuan lost to Wolf E, then the entire Magnolia City would be over!

more importantly--

"The teleportation array is destroyed, then my back hand..."

Xiao Lang's expression was extremely ugly. He planned a lot, just like what he did. Since he dared to find out the identities of Lang Yunfeng and Langwu, Xiao Lang’s actions were not unbelievable, but he was not without his brains. He dared to do these things. Emboldened. But he never expected that Langwu would be so decisive, and directly destroyed the teleportation formation of Magnolia City, and even his own back road was cut off!

His heart is terrifying!

Xiao Lang took a deep breath to stabilize his throbbing heart.

"Perhaps everything is not as bad as I thought. Since that person can occupy a high position in the Tianfu Palace, he must have good means, and he has been fighting against the magic door for years and has enough experience. Maybe he can expect this scene today. "

"Not in a hurry."

"The biggest question now is, how do we survive!"

Xiao Lang had already seen that someone had come down in the void battlefield.

It's Lang Yunfeng!

He was in the very center of the battlefield of Ning Yuan and others, and he was not dead, not even a trace of injuries on his body! Obviously, he was protected by Wolf E.

Around him, there are four demon puppets, coming volleyed at an extremely fast speed. Lang Yunfeng's face is even more arrogant and laughs, like a goshawk that sees its prey, soaring.

"Hahahaha, Xiao Lang, you also have today!"

"I want to see how you escape!"

Lang Yunfeng was arrogant and excited, but Xiao Lang didn't care at all. He swept forward, his mind heavy.


Bringing the four demon puppets around Lang Yunfeng, Lang Yunfeng actually mastered as many as twelve demon puppets. And the eight demon puppets that he had stopped before had also recovered their strength, did not follow behind Lang Yunfeng, but directly swept toward the teleportation array that had not yet extinguished the explosion!

"Their target is locked on Fuer?"

Xiao Lang's heart jumped when he saw this, and he was puzzled, but his movements wouldn't be the slightest sluggishness. At the moment when the eight demon puppets moved together, Xiao Lang had already urged the divine power in his body to rush toward the teleportation formation. .

Nymph can't die!

Otherwise, what's the point of what he did?


When Xiao Lang moved, the wind shook fast. The accompanying gust of wind didn't know how many people were blown away for a while, but Xiao Lang couldn't care about it. He swept tens of miles in an instant and came to the sky above the teleportation formation.

The Magnolia City Teleportation Array is full of dead people, all torn apart by the force of the space triggered by the explosion. Fortunately, Nymph is not inside. She and her parents are still on the outer streets, surrounded by strong Ning family members. Guardian, but the highest martial artist, but the peak of the late world stage.

All the world realm Dzogchen pinnacles of the Ning family have rushed to the fighting arena to fight against the devil!

When they saw Xiao Lang attractor and a group of demons attacking, they immediately fought the souls, and subconsciously wanted to stop them. But at this moment suddenly--


A middle-aged man with a thin body but full of breath stood up, waved to stop everyone, looked at Xiao Lang, and decisively pulled out a young girl from behind and sent it into Xiao Lang's hands.

"Take Fu'er away, I believe in your strength! These devil cubs, how long we can block, hide, don't let Wolf E find!"

"Fur has a secret, don't fall into the hands of the magic door!"

Xiao Lang was shocked when he saw this. He had planned to attack the Ning family who was blocking him, but he didn't expect the middle-aged man to stand up suddenly.

This middle-aged man is no one else but Ning Fu'er's father, Ning Zheping!

To be honest, Xiao Lang didn’t have much impression of Ning Zheping. Even if he was Ning Fu’er’s father and the third lineage of the Ning family, his martial arts cultivation was only the pinnacle of the latter stage of the world. People don’t have much contact.

Xiao Lang never expected that Ning Zheping would make such a move at this time.

Are you dying?

Xiao Lang immediately dispelled the unhappy thoughts in his heart, but immediately took Ning Fu'er's hand and nodded his head vigorously.

Ning Zheping's last words were divinely transmitted, and he alone could hear them. Xiao Lang finally understood why Lang Wu wanted so many demon puppets to keep chasing Ning Fu'er, and why Lang Yunfeng was preaching that he would marry Ning Fu'er everywhere.

It turns out that Nymph has a secret!

As for what the secret is...Zhe Ping nodded his head heavily, and immediately grabbed the panicked Ning Fuer's hand and swept further away, only to hear Ning Zheping's loud voice behind him shocked the audience:

"Little boy of the wolf family, Xiao Lang didn't bother to ask questions, and didn't have time to think about it. Dui Ning wanted to chase my daughter? Go past the old man first!"


Xiao Lang heard the tremors of the divine power behind him, heard the toothache sound of sharp weapons piercing the flesh, and even heard the wailing of someone dying. However, he did not turn around, did not look back, and did not slow down a bit. Covering Nymph's ears with your hands, holding her in your arms, and not letting her look back, she ran swiftly!

Can't stop!

Xiao Lang knew that this was the time that Ning Fu'er's father had bought for him. It was fleeting, maybe they had bought it with their lives. How could it be wasted?

The best reward is to live with Nymph!

Ning Fu'er was petite, she was curled up in Xiao Lang's arms, letting Xiao Lang cover her ears without resisting, she was as cute as a cat, but her eyes were filled with Tears, silently choked. She could clearly sense that the aura of the two people closest to her in this world was rapidly diminishing and was about to disappear...

But she just cried, not making trouble.

Silent catharsis is the most suffering.

Xiao Lang felt the strangeness of the beauty in his arms, but couldn't comfort him for a while. He was full of thoughts about how to escape. He kept walking through the streets and lanes, specifically looking for a crowded direction to drill. While running, he used secret techniques to cover himself and Ning. Fu'er's breath, trying to hide the trace.

Xiao Lang didn't dare to fly in the sky anymore.

The goal is too big!

What's more, his condition is not good, and he is still carrying Nymph, and flying by will definitely be caught up. The enemy is strong and we are weak. The only possibility now is to hide and wait for his back hand to arrive before reappearing.

It is the best choice for many people.

But just as Xiao Lang was taking Ning Fu'er back and forth, and even he himself was a little dizzy, suddenly he heard a wild laugh from behind him:

"Hahaha, Xiao Lang, don't bother you. Ning Fu'er has the imprint of chasing my heart on her body, and you can't escape. Unless you are willing to hand over the Nymph, and kneel down for me. Ten thousand heads, I might be merciful to spare your life, and let you be my pawn."

It was Lang Yunfeng, he caught up!

Xiao Lang's face suddenly changed upon hearing this.

Chasing the heart!

He had heard of this seal. It was not a magical skill, but a secret technique of the pill, it was a medicine seal!

When was Nymph recruited?

Xiao Lang had no time to think about it, even if he wanted to find the heart-chasing mark from Ning Fu'er now and it was too late to remove it. Xiao Lang could perceive that Lang Yunfeng was carried by a demon puppet and ransacked, at this time he was less than 100% away. Inside!

Compare the speed between the two...

Xiao Lang's face was gloomy.

In a quarter of an hour, at most a quarter of an hour, I will be caught up!

"But the divine power in my body..."

Xiao Lang regarded himself internally, his expression gloomy again. Even if he kept urging the spirit body of the Dao on the road, madly devouring the spiritual power between heaven and earth, until now, he has only recovered 40%.

Even if another quarter of an hour, when Lang Yunfeng catches up, he can only recover to 60% at most!

In a 60% state, if facing the three demon puppets, Xiao Lang would also have the confidence to win the battle by relying on the dragon elephant seal and the holy thunder body, because both the dragon elephant seal and the holy thunder body have innate suppression of the demon puppets.

But you must know that Lang Yunfeng is surrounded by twelve demon puppets!

The combat power comparison is simply a crushing level!


Xiao Lang calculated in his heart, smashing a high wall in front of him with a punch, breaking into another alley. Time is pressing, Xiao Lang can no longer toss and move, only by running in a straight line, can he stay away with Lang Yunfeng and the others for a long time.

At the same time, Xiao Lang's gaze finally dropped, falling on his arm surrounded by purple light, his eyes condensed.

Could it be that the hope of turning against the wind can only lie in the spirit body of the Dao?

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